DI: 37

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10 days later..
Ezekiel sat calmly with his hands crossed while his attorney argued with the state. He rocked side to side in his chair occasionally sucking his teeth he was irritated and ready to be locked up they were taking too long. It seemed as if they were getting no where.

He looked behind him and glanced at everyone who was there his mom, dad, siblings and of course Jerrell, Dwight, Tai'Sani and Mariah. He didn't care that Dwight was there he was his least of worries right now but, he wondered why he didn't see Amora considering the fact that she did fuck his home and car up the least she could've did was show up.

"May I add that there's no evidence to prove that my client killed these two victims it's been said that there was no DNA and the gun that they found wasn't the same gun that killed the two victims there were no witnesses, matter of fact that gun is licensed" my ears perked up at the sound of that. These mothersfuckers didn't have shit on me but some paper that any one could've pinned on me for all they know. Visibly smiling I rubbed my hand through my hair and sat up I was interested in this shit now.

"All you guys have on my client is a paper that anyone could have pinned on him" my attorney shrugged his shoulders. Chuckling under my breath I looked at Lisa's dad and winked at him he looked like he wanted to rip my damn head off. "A paper with a couple of words that anyone could've typed up" After he said all that they did the normal shit they always do in trials. This shit went from me being threatened with ten years to me probably not even going to jail. After waiting a couple minutes they jury came back.

"Will the foreperson of the jury please stand?" Someone stood up. "Have you reached a verdict"

"Yes, your honor"

"You may read the verdict"

"We the jury, find the defendant not guilty" I blew a breath and dapped up my attorney these bitches couldn't lock up a real nigga. And for that officer to be talking all that shit just for me not to get locked up tickled me.

"You can't set him free he killed my daughter!!" The man stood up and pointed at me, heading my way making me laugh. I should beat his ass for getting me worked up to a point where I stared to cry but I wasn't trying to push my luck.

"Wait till Amora hear about this shit" Jerrell laughed before dapping me up I didn't know how she would take it but all I knew was I was about to get on my money trail everything else wasn't on my mind.
Walking out of the bathroom I grabbed my phone and looked at it I had heard from Amora ass since I got out. No cap I was feeling some type of way but I did break up with her so what the fuck did I expect. Clicking on her contact I clicked the message icon and texted her.

Grabbing my car keys I unlocked my door and sat in the drivers seat, cranking up the car

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Grabbing my car keys I unlocked my door and sat in the drivers seat, cranking up the car. I didn't even bother getting the Bentley fixed that shit was fucked up so I just bought a whole new car and it was better for me since I had my own car dealership. Sitting back in my seat I continued to go back and forth with her.

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