DI: 7

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loading my silverballer pistol I watched the cameras that I set up in the apartment complex a week ago, looking for my target, Maylean Cortez. I didn't know the specifics on why Cedric wanted her dead nor did I care I just do my job. Seeing her walk into her home with a few bags I pulled the blunt from out of my mouth then screwed the silencer onto it.

Walking out of the car still looking at my phone, checking the cameras I walked into the elevator and pressed the 5th button. 1..2..3..4..5

Exiting the elevator I turned the corner keeping my head down. Knocking on the door with the gun I looked inside the peep hole seeing her walking towards the door. Kissing the cross that laid around my neck I asked God to forgive me. The door opened and I pointed my gun at her emptying the clip. Taking off on two feet I jetted to the back door that led to the stairway.

Minutes later. Walking into my apartment I took my shoes off by the door and patted my back pockets looking for my lighter. When I found it I threw it on the table piece that was in the living room and plopped down on my black couch. Pulling out my phone I scrolled through my unread messages, seeing if there was anything worth responding to. Before I could click on one of my messages Jerrell facetimed me.

"Nigga you always smoking" he said already about to bug me out. Blowing the smoke from out of my mouth I sucked my teeth. Jerrell acted like he wasn't a smoker his dumb ass would smoke all day if Tai'Sani let him.

"What you called me for bruh?"

"Tai wanted me to go over her homegirl house with her, you wanna come" furrowing my eyebrows I took a pull from my blunt and chuckled.

"No" I said bluntly.

"I knew his bum ass was gonna say that I can't stand him since you don't wanna come you can watch Kylie while we gone?" Tai asked. Immediately adjusting my body on the seat I shook my head frantically. I love Kylie but that baby was hell if she wasn't playing with her toys or eating, she was mugging.

"Send me the address " hanging up I finished my blunt feeling good as ever like I didn't have shit to worry about. Deciding to take a shower I picked out a nautica shirt with some Jean's that would look good with these shoes I just bought. No matter where I was going I had to dress up it's only right.


Pulling up to the address that Jerrell gave me I got out the car and locked the doors. Walking to the door I knocked and Tai opened it. Mushing her out the way I looked around and her homegirl had a nice spot. It was cozy and it smelled good.

"Imma beat this nigga ass one day" chuckling I became alert when I heard a door creak open. Looking where I heard the noise come from the same girl from the club I seen was here. This must be her place. Catching my glance she sent me a warm smile. Looking away from her I dapped up Jerrell as he held Kylie in his arms. That baby always mugging.

"Where's Dwight?" The girl asked.

"You always asking for him you wanna get right?" Jerrell asked causing her to look at him sideways.

"Boy please, Dwight would be the last one I talk to an plus he gotta girl" she shrugged her shoulders and looked at her phone when she got a text. From the corner of my eyes I could see her nose flaring and her texting fingers were moving fast. Her nigga. From experience i knew right off the back who someone might be texting just from they way they reacted. Whether it being body language or facial expressions.

"I just don't understand, how can you be in another relationship with someone else while in a relationship with me for three years and then get mad when I want to move on" she huffed. "I mean I'm not fully over him you know it's going to take time, I want to get over him and I want to be in love again but how can I do that when I literally have a toxic ass boy hanging over my shoulder?" Listening to her every word I thought about what she was saying. Lil mama had a lot to learn about people..

"That's how us niggas think we can do whatever we want with who ever but once yall do it I swear its war"

"That doesn't make any sense what's the difference"

'What you mean? Men can't handle they girl being with somebody else that shit will break him especially if he knows what your capable of and what you got to offer, yeah aight" shaking his head Jerrell looked at Kylie. "I swear if somebody try KyKy how Kai tried you I'll break ah nigga jaw" chuckling I knew he wasn't playing either Jerrell had a bad temper that was hard to control.

"Well how do you feel about that?"

"I mean he gonna do him regardless if he really loved you than he woulda never hurted you cause that shit woulda hurted him you can't let him determine the chances another man would most likely have with you" I guess my words spoke wisdom to her because she never stopped looking at me like she was stuck. Returning her gaze I licked my lips and turned back to Jerrell to see him giving me a suspicious look.

I know he was probably surprised at how I talked to ol'girl shit I surprised myself. Usually I'm not so forward and talkative but something so badly inside of me wanted to make her feel better. She was way too beautiful for all that she was going through. Pulling myself up out of the couch I tapped her arm for her to follow me outside. Saying goodbye to the rest of them we made our way outside.

"Wassup wit' all dat shit on yo face" it looked like somebody had stomped her ass out. Lil mama had a black eye and busted lip. There was a little knot on her head but it looked like it was trying to go down.

"Had an altercation" nodding my head I pulled out my ringing phone. Seeing who it was I declined the call, he could wait.

"Imma give you my number if you wanna talk I'm here" looking down at her I watched as she programmed my number in her phone. Even with all them bruises on her face she was still beautiful as fuck. After a few more conversation I watched her walk into the house before pulling off, heading home.

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