DI: 13

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Looking down at my phone I replied to my brother Ced about this lick he needed me to hit. Pressing on the gas I looked In my rear view trying to see who honked at me. Amora's name popped up on my phone and I answered it.

"Ice, come get me please"

"come outside" I was already heading her way to talk about something anyways so I was down the street. Pulling into her neighborhood I seen her standing outside wiping her face with her phone up to her ear. When she seen my car she walked over to it and got in.

"I don't care I'm tired I didn't do shit to her fuck ass Aaliyah wanna go out with her friends, get drunk and then when I catch an attitude I'm a grown ass bitch" her leg shook as I pulled off occasionally looking her way. "She went to work and I'm not forgiving shit it's the same thing all the time why do I have to put up with it bruh it's not fair" her voice cracked as I pulled up to the corner store, shutting the car off.

After a few more tears being spilled and shouting she finally ended the call and looked out the window.

"What happened" I leaned back in my seat and shook my legs patiently waiting for her to tell me. Picking her head up I turned her face towards mine. "Don't play with me" I wiped her tear with my thumb.

"Remember the date I told you about" I nodded my head. "I ignored her when she came home because I was upset so we ended up in the kitchen at the same time and she asked me why I had an attitude" she let out a bitter chuckle.

"It's like she doesn't know what she did wrong and that pisses me the fuck off! I went on to say there wasn't a problem and I walked away next thing you know she talking bout some oh 'you so fucking ungrateful, you need to go stay with your sorry ass daddy, and I can't deal with you anymore'." She had a scrunched up face and I sighed. Ian know how to deal with what she was saying and I didn't want to say the wrong thing but at the same time I want to be real with her.

"With all due respect Amora yo momma got a few issues that she has to work on within herself before she even tries to be a mother to you and I know it's been eighteen years already but you haven't been around no good shit from either of yo parents" she sniffed and looked at me as I talked. "They was fighting round you and ya momma got into a bad habit now your suffering for it ion know if there's anything you can do to get away but if you need help, you know who you can come to" she smiled and I grabbed her hand kissing the back of it.

"You got me turning soft" I admitted. Amora had a way of getting me to open up and be a different me- a better me. She made me want to stop hitting licks, settle down, and get into something legal just so I could be safe and she'll have me forever. In this small amount of time of me knowing her she really had me thinking bout so much.

"I'm sorry" she said below a whisper. Leaning up I looked at her and smiled when she swallowed hard.

"You straight mamas" chuckling I pulled my card out of my wallet and handed it over to her. "Go get you something out the sto'." She thanked me and got out the car watching her walk Into the store I scrolled on my phone when I seen her go inside safely.

"What the fu...." opening my car door I pulled up my pants seeing amora arguing with some girl as a boy held another girl back.

"You dirty ass bitch go suck a mean dick" she yelled as the girl tried to get out the boys hold. The other girl that was loose charged after her but I quickly got in front of her.

"Touch her if you want to" I looked down at her and she sucked her teeth.

"You better get the fuck out his face Ezekiel please move I got time today cause all this wack ass shit these hoes got going on ion be on all that"

"I will stomp yo ass out again" sucking my teeth I held back Amora as she tried getting from behind me. "Kai let me the fuck go"

"So you the boy that be texting her phone at night" chuckling I watched his face expression change into an angry one. He started walking over to me and I put both hands in front of me stacking one on the other.

"And you the reason she ignoring me" he rubbed his nose, looking her up and down. "You can have that hoe" I started to walk over to him but she stepped in front of me.

"Watch out mora"

"let's just go" Keeping my eyes on the boy I smirked and reminded myself of the things I could really do to him if I wanted to the real question was: Is he worth it? Nah.

"Ice, let's go" looking down at her I seen the plea in her eyes so I rubbed my tongue over my teeth and nodded my head. We walked off to the car and got in. My nerves was bad so I pulled an already rolled up blunt from my cup holder and lit it up.

"Take me home" shaking my head I busted a u-turn, heading to my place. I could see her giving me a crazed look as I sped to my house.

"Get on my nerves" chuckling under my breath I took a pull and leaned up in my seat speeding up some more. "Can you slow down?" Ignoring her I passed the yellow light just in time before it turned red. I pulled into my yard and put the car in park. She opened the door but I leaned over and closed it shut. Grabbing her face I made her look me in the eye.

"Keep talking to me like I'm that lame ass nigga and imma show you sum" letting go of her face I turned the car off and got out.

Dear, IceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang