DI: 69

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I woke up to Skylar crying and rubbed my eyes for a bit before shaking ice so he could wake up. Skylar was beginning to be a handful being that ice would literally hold her so much she would sometimes wake up and cry just to be held. Other times she was either wet or hungry but most of the time Skylar wanted to be held. Ice turned on the light and got out the bed, leaving the room to get her as I fixed her a quick bottle.

She was now a month old and we decided against warming up her baby formula. The crying stopped, which let me know he had picked her up and that was conformed when he walked back into the room. I stretched my hands out and grabbed her from him, quickly stuffing the nipple into her mouth. Looking down at her I licked my lips and watched her eat.

"What time it is" I asked. Ice picked up his phone and squinted his eyes once the brightness touched his face.

"Six-thirty I'm bout to get my ass up" he picked up the remote and turned the channel to cartoons, gaining Skylar's attention. She would watch tv like she knew what was going on. "So nosey" he chuckled.

"She was hungry" I took the bottle from out of her mouth and seen that she ate it all. When she started to cry again he passed me her baby bag. "Okay mommy, okay" I said in my baby voice, sticking the pacifier in her mouth. Un-buttoning her onesie I started to change her and yawned, feeling tired as hell. I knew I wouldn't be going back to sleep any time soon so I set her on the bed and started picking out an outfit for the day. I was waiting until ice got out the shower to pick out her clothes.

Joining her back on the bed I picked her back up and laid comfortably on the bed, laying her on my chest. Rubbing up and down her back I could feel myself dozing off, soon falling asleep. Ice stepped out of the shower and dried off he handled the rest of his hygiene before exiting the bathroom, stopping when he seen them asleep on the bed. He took in what he was seeing and decided to grab her from Amora so she could sleep how she wanted.

"Daddy baby sleeping" he kissed her on the cheek slowly walking to her room trying not to wake her up. Even though she was a heavy sleeper he didn't want to risk it. He laid her on the changing table as he picked out a nice outfit for her to wear. He was going to take her to his mothers house so he and Amora could have time to get ready for later. He had a surprise for her, one that she would love.


"Thank you, ma" I said, racing out of the house before my mother could say anything back. We had just dropped Skylar off so ice could show me my surprise. He was supposed to do it earlier but things didn't go as planned. I wanted to spend more time with my baby. I had really bad separation anxiety when it came down to my child. Ice wasn't complaining though he totally understood.

"Bae what is it" I asked him for the millionth time, causing him to laugh at how anxious I was to know. He was beyond excited to show her what he had did it was something he wanted to do a long time ago but never had the right time. Now that there daughter was here and nothing was stopping him he did what he said he would do.

"Put your head down" she did what he said and grinned widely, feeling the butterflies swarm through her stomach. Ice parked the car and got out walking over to my side to help me out. With my hand still over my face I stepped out of the car and let him guide me. "Stop right here" I stopped.

"Alright open ya eyes" with quickness I put my hand down and looked at the door that was right in front of my face. A confused expression crossed my face as I looked over the door. My eyes became wide once I finally realized what was in front of me.

Amora's beauty and co.

Backing up I put my hand over my mouth and ran into ices arms. He got my salon. I didn't forget about it but it was definitely the last thing on my mind. I was so focused on Skylar I had forgotten I wanted to open up a salon.

"Here the keys to ya business, beautiful" he handed me the keys and I brought my shaking hand up to unlock the door. When I walked in and flicked on the light my knees grew weak. It was beautiful, exactly how I imagined it to be. I scanned every detail about this place and my man really listens to me. Everything was how I wanted it to be from the floor plan to the colors.. just amazing. Looking back at him I turned around and walked towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I appreciate you and I want you to know that your a great man I wouldn't trade you for nothing in the world if I could do everything over again I wouldn't change any of it" I told him truthfully. I felt like he needed to hear that. "You listen to me, you love me and I realize how grateful I am to have someone like you and yes, we've made mistakes but that's life, your worth every tear" I pecked him on the lips. He looked down at me with a smile on his face.

"You know you the only woman in my life besides my mother who actually lifts me up and it might not seem like a lot to other niggas but to me that shit mean the world" he shook his head. "Coming up it was hard you got a weight you gotta carry everyday just by being a black man so you telling me that I'm worth it that shit make me feel good" I could tell he was getting emotional.

"I try to be the best man I can be for the both of us and now that I got kids I want to be the best for them to in order for me to do that I need you by my side" his eyes were becoming watery but he didn't care because being emotionally never made him feel like less of a man. "From here on out I'm going to do everything In my power to keep you happy and I swear Amora one of these days I'm getting on one knee and I'm making you my wife" I let my tears drop. There were no words that could describe what I feel for this man. My heart beats for him.

"I love you, Ezekiel"

"I love you too" we kissed and this was only the beginning to a happy ending. We went through a lot, did a lot to each other, hurt each other in ways we shouldn't have but we learned from it and now we were raising a family. Who would've thought we would come this far? God is on our side and as long as we got him we can beat anything.

Well you guys, it's a wrap. I appreciate the love and support from this book and I'm really grateful for everything. This is only the beginning. I'm not done with them, at all. So, there will be a sequel. Be on the look out for updates. Thank you 💕.

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