Chapter 59 | On the Hunt Part 2

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Something behind the door prevents it from opening wide enough to walk through. Beth looks at Phoenix.

"Do you mind?" She asks.

Phoenix nods and uses his strength to force the door open. The smell wafting from inside is overpowering. I swallow repeatedly to keep from giving Beth yet another mess to clean up.

Even though it's midday, with the sun at the highest point in the sky, Nixon's room is dark as it gets.

If I hadn't already been outside today, I'd swear it was midnight right now.

The curtains are drawn and worse, he's placed sheets over the curtains to block out any remaining light.

"It's a dungeon in here." I almost trip over a pile of dirty clothes as I walk in.

"Nixon!" Phoenix calls out. "Hey, man. Uh. Stopped by to check on you." Phoenix picks up an old food box and wrappings from a fast-food meal. He wades his way through trash, clothes, dishes and old food to the kitchen and sits it on the counter. The garbage bin is full and overflowing. Phoenix shakes old crumbs of his hands. He shakes his head. "This is a goddamn shame." He goes to the sink and washes his hands.

Not wanting to move, I stay right where I stand. "Was it like this the last time you were here? Wait, when was the last time you were here, Phoenix?"

"That night at the Pool Hall. That was the last time I saw him face to face..." Phoenix looks around the living room, sighs and shakes his head again. "And no, the place looked nice. I ended up sleeping on the couch over there, that night. I was too drunk, and it was late. But it looked nothing like this..."

Beth struggles, walking over the uncharted terrain of what looks to be first steps on the road to hoardersville. "Eww! What is this?" Beth shakes her hand aggressively. "Think I've sunk my hand in old vomit." As if she's walking through mud, Beth climb-runs to the sink as fast as she can manage, which isn't that fast.

Not wanting to laugh, I turn my back on her struggle. "So...this is a recent descent? Something sent him into a tail dive."

"Sheila. She's decimation and destruction packaged in a harmless looking woman."

Beth returns, rigorously drying her hand with a tiny corner of an already-soaked paper towel. "Mr. Nixon Reed?" she calls out. "It's Beth Vargas, manager of the hotel. Your friends and I are here for a wellness check?" She waits for an answer. On not receiving one, she continues forward towards the bedroom. The door is closed.

We all look at one another with one question in mind. It's on the tip of everyone's tongue, but not a single one of us dares to break the silence with the utterance of those words. Instead of speaking, we collectively take a deep breath.

Phoenix knocks first. "Nixon? Hey man, I'm out here with Ari and—"

"—Beth Vargas," the manager whispers.

"—Beth Vargas, the manager of the hotel." Phoenix continues. "We're here to check on you, man. I just want to know you're alright. This is not like you, Bruh. Whatever you're going through, we'll get through it."

No response.

Phoenix puts his ear to the door. "Think I heard a gurgling noise?" Phoenix turns the knob. "It's locked! Give me some room." Phoenix backs off and charges for the door. It caves a little. He backs up and charges again, this time it flies open.

Nixon is laying on his back in nothing but plaid boxers, on a bed mattress with no sheets.

"Phoenix, he's choking!" I point.

Phoenix runs and turns Nixon over to his side and pats his back. Nixon gets his bearing and sucks in air as if he was on his last breath.

"The pills on his nightstand!" I point to an open pill bottle, lying on its side with a few pills left. Next to it is a half-empty bottle of vodka.

Without thinking Phoenix sticks his finger down Nixon's throat. Nixon vomits a handful of undigested pills and swirling colors of liquid all over the mattress.

Beth stands there, her jaw dropped. "Why. I'll call someone."

Nixon lifts his hand, begging for a pause as he gasps for air. Once he's able to breathe with some ease, he shakes his head. "No! Please. Please don't." He begs, catching his breath. The sorrow emanating from him brings tears to my eyes.

I cover my mouth to keep from crying for him. I see him. Maybe for the first time in my life. He's not just some hateful guy who has it out for me. He's a person with thoughts and dreams and feelings and he's hurting right now.

Going to his bathroom, I get and towel and run cool water on it. "Here you go, Nixon. I'm glad we got here in time."

Nixon looks up at me with friendly eyes for the first time since I've met him. "Thanks, Aria." He wipes his forehead and face and sits up.

"OK," Beth says from the doorway. "What can I do for you, Mr. Reed?l

"Can you get some Gatorade? He's probably dehydrated after all this." I rifle through his dresser for some clean clothes.

"Sure, whatever you need," Beth replies.

"Think we should get housekeeping up here?" I ask.

"I agree." Beth nods and leaves.

I start a shower and set up towels, soap and his clothes in the bathroom. Phoenix places Nixon's arm over his shoulder and helps him to the bathroom. He almost looks emaciated.

He didn't look this thin at the Pool Hall.

Did he starve himself out?

We leave him to take a shower.

I go through the suite, pulling down all the sheets that were placed over windows and open all the windows to let in fresh air.

Phoenix sits on the arm of the couch and stares into space. He wipes his face with his hands. He looks worn. "I'm just happy we got here when we did."

"Me too." I stand near Phoenix rubbing his back.

"He'll be OK, he's got you."

Phoenix doesn't agree. "He needs help. Therapy and rehab." Phoenix strolls through his contacts. "Leon, my man. You won't believe what happened. Give you all the details later. Right now, I need you to find a good rehab for Nixon. Yep. Pills and vodka. Uh-huh. Got here just in time, man. It's a mess. Yeah. Oh, and he'll need a therapist too. Look for one that specializes in breakups and big life disasters. Yeah. You know. OK. Talk later."

"Hey, what's this?" On the end table near Phoenix is a diary with a floral print hardcover. I pick it up. "It's Sheila's!"

"Let me see that." Phoenix takes it and reads the bookmarked page. He looks at me with knowing eyes. "You asked what caused his recent descent?"


Do you know any Sheila's? This can be a man or woman. What have they done to qualify the title?

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