Chapter 1 | Prescott Realty Party/Love or Nah?

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Present Day

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Present Day

February (6 Months Pregnant)

How did we get here? Him here with her?

Something inside is broken. Pieces of me have detached and dispersed. They're just . . . floating around inside, no longer with a purpose.

What's this right ventricle used for? What about this artery? Is my heart even a thing, anymore? I wish I could go back. Change all this.

I bite back the bitter taste rising in my mouth.

Side eyeing the unbelievably long weave she's wearing like an old lady clutching a raccoon fur, I wonder what she looks like without it. I'd love to snatch it off her head just to see which parts of her are real. She's a floating bobble head, glancing back at me as she flips her black wavy weave. That strain in her neck, as if she's trying to be snobby but doesn't quite know how to pull it off, reads uncomfortable.

Bitch trying too hard.

Shaking my head, I lift my champagne flute as the speaker tells the room to raise a glass.

"To many more billions in the near future, Prescott Realty! Adam Wehr, CFO of Prescott Realty looks around the room with a huge smile on his face.

Glasses clank in celebration.

Envy never looked good on you . . .

"How about that!?" He jokes, holding out his arms, champagne in one hand and nods his head with a deep sense of self-satisfaction before taking a sip.

If you weren't so concerned with what everybody else thinks about you, it'd be you on his arm instead of this . . . uhm . . .girl woman weave or whatever.

The room breaks into laughter first, then roaring congratulations roll through the crowd.

Well, she's NOT on his arm. She's JUST standing next to him.

Right. Keep telling yourself that.


I sip on my sparkling apple cider and smile on the outside.

All I wanted was a comfortable workplace. I don't want people thinking I got a free ride 'cause I slept the boss. Even if it is partly true.

Hell, you know it's true. He's the boss and you fucked him. Good! And the ride part is true too. Cause every time you two would get together, you got a free ride! Hahaha. Got him so good, now you're having his baby. Own it. It's about time.

There's nothing wrong with compartmentalizing things. Messy is not sexy.

Neither is hiding and denying yourself or your man. Better make it right.

Don't know how. Somehow, this is a wall I built.

Surrounded by excited executives chatting, Phoenix looks my way and locks eyes with me.

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