Chapter 12 | Unexpected

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Something startles me awake. Drowsy and a little disoriented, I walk in search of the ringing phone. It stops and starts again, then again and again.

Who's calling back-to-back like that?

I yawn, frowning as I pick up the phone.

This better be important.

Saturday is my sleep-in day.

Who's calling from the Chateau Luxury Hotel?


"Ari! You up? Get dressed you need to come to the Chateau. Phoenix is here, girl!"

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "What do you mean? Phoenix is there?"

Mia whispers. "I saw him driving, some woman in his passenger seat. From the way you describe Nora, I think it's her. You need to get here. Fast!"

Blood pumps through my veins at a feverish pace. "Where are they now?"

"Listen, get dressed. Make sure you look presentable. You know it's the Chateau. Don't come here looking bama. But get here. Don't rush. I'll keep an eye on them. I followed them to a room. Call me when you get here."

Rubbing my forehead, I contemplate what to wear. "OK. I'm on the way."

"Ari, breathe. Take a deep breath, get dressed. I got this. Love you, bye." Mia hangs up the phone.

I stare at the phone for a minute and slam it down. "Feel it Still" by Portugal echoes in my mind. It's a race against time sort of moment right now.

What thee fuck?

Is Phoenix cheating on me?

There has to be some sort of explanation.

And why was Mia telling me to make sure I'm well dressed?

Because it's the Chateau and she doesn't want you up there looking a fool. Like you were last time!

Yeah. OK.

I roll my eyes as I go to my closet to pick out something comfortable and cute. Some grey joggers and a fitted athletic tee. I slip on a pair of white tennis shoes, brush my teeth, wash my face and let my curlies down. I make sure to slick my edges in little cherub like scallop designs near my hairline. I put on a little face moisturizer, eye liner and lip gloss.

There, you look cute. Now let's go bust this boy out!

I grab my keys and handbag and head out the door, heart racing. Pulling up to the Chateau, I valet my Range Rover and call Mia once I'm out the truck.

"Hey, so I'm here?"

"Yes, sis. Meet me in the lobby."

I walk through the automated doors. "I'm in the lobby," I tell her looking around. She's nowhere to be found. "Mia?"

"Yeah, one sec." Mia seems to cover the phone as muffled talking comes through.

"What's going on, Mia?"

Mia comes walking out of a ball room? I hang up.

She hugs me and puts her arm around my shoulder as she guides me back to the ball room she just left.

"Mia, what's up? Where's Phoenix? I ask.

"This way." Mia opens the ball room door.

"Surprise!" A huge crowd of people scream and jump up and down laughing.

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