Chapter 53 | Webs We Weave Part 2

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We find a parking spot close to the front and jump out

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We find a parking spot close to the front and jump out. I glance at Leon as we make our way to the automatic glass double doors. "He's here?"

Leon nods and presses the key fob to lock the truck. "That's what I've been told. Room 320."

Once inside, I press the elevator call button repeatedly. Leon gives me a stern look.

I shrug. "What?"

He stands stoic looking ahead. As soon as the doors ding open, I jump on. Leon calmly follows.

How he can be so calm right now is beyond me...

We arrive at 320. I hesitate before opening the door. My breath hitches.

What if he's worst off than we thought?

What if he's hooked up to bunch of machines?

What if...

Leon looks at me, quietly nods to himself. "Whatever it is, Aria. It will be OK."

His confidence is almost convincing. I can hear my heartbeat, the blood rushing through my temples.

"Take deep breaths," Leon instructs.

I try to do as he tells me, but I'm shaky all over, as if I've downed a gallon of coffee in under thirty seconds.

Looking into Leon's eyes, for the first time, I fully understand why he's so vital to Phoenix. He's there when you need him. Like really there. He nods, opens the door and waits for me walk in first.

On seeing Phoenix lying there, it all comes tumbling down around me. The gravity of how far we've strayed from one another. Here he is, lying in a hospital bed of all beds. He should be in bed with me right now. But here he is, wearing that ugly white and blue trimmed hospital gown, with an IV in his arm and his vitals being tracked on a machine, like a man with a serious condition.

How the fuck did we get here?

Tears fall onto his wrist as I stand next to his bed, holding his hand tighter than I should.

My love. My one true love.

The steady beeping of a strong, fierce heartbeat that won't quit is my only reassurance. I turn to Leon.

"What the fuck did that bitch give him?"

"Calm down, Aria," Leon replies.

"Stop! I'm fucking calm. OK?" I sniffle, but bodily functions find a way. Tears and snot refuse to be contained.

Leon's expression is one of compassion and understanding. He gives me a napkin. "She roofied him. Repeatedly from what I've heard." Leon wipes his mouth and looks away. "My guy told me the medics that got him here, feared they might lose him..." Leon bites down, looks out the window.


Like an old historic building with a wrecking ball fast approaching, I break down. Holding my mouth, I try with all my might not to cry so loud. But I can't hold all this grief inside. It's swell to a size a beyond my control.

Leon stands there watching me, unable to say anything that will bring true comfort.

A nurse knocks at the door. "Is everything OK?"

Leon approaches her. "We're Phoenix Prescott's family. We just got here, can we get an update? What's going on with him?

The nurse looks cautiously. "And your name is?"

"I'm Leon Prescott," Leon gestures towards me, "this is Aria Davenport."

The nurse checks her notes. "OK. I see you both listed as emergency contacts. So, here's the deal. After running a few tests, we were able to determine that Mr. Prescott suffered a rohypnol overdose, which was made worse with the addition alcohol. Since we believe this was ingested within the last hour, we pumped his stomach to rapidly eliminate the drug from his system."

"And the IV?" I ask.

The nurse looks at her chart. "Flumazenil."

I frown.

She nods. "It's an effective way to treat any drug left in his system. We've also run blood work to check serum pH, electrolyte levels, and to rule out damage to the kidneys or any underlying conditions."

"Is he gonna be OK?" I inquire.

The nurse nods. "He got here just in time. Mr. Prescott is very lucky." She looks at both of us. "He's resting now, which is one of the body's best defenses." She takes a deep breath. "Look, I know this is a trying time, but please keep the noise to a minimum. I'm Margot." She points to her name tag. "Let me know if you need anything. Anything at all." She nods and leaves.

I suck in all the air the room has to offer and release. Sorrow's heavy weight seems to have lifted, if only a little. I pull a chair next to Phoenix's bed, anchoring myself to his side when I clasp his right hand. "Oh my God." I wipe my eyes, grateful for the news.

Leon pulls a chair towards the bottom of Phoenix's bed. "My only question is Brooke."

"Brooke? What about her?" The thought of her face brings all the bad back to the forefront.

"Who is she? Why did she drug him? What was she doing there? What could she get out of all this? How did she get the job there? I know they ran a background check. No one gets a job at Prescott Realty without a background check." Leon shakes his head, contemplating.

My mind starts going a mile a minute. "Right! Who is she? Can you find out?"

Leon nods. "Let me see what I can dig up." He gets on his phone and starts making calls.

"Leon, I'm feeling lightheaded. I think I need to eat or something. I'm gonna go find a place to get something. You want anything?"

Leon shakes his head, "no," and continues on his hunt.

I kiss Phoenix's hand, his forehead, his face, his lips. "I'll be rightback," I whisper. 


Now that Aria is coming back down to earth, what new revelations do you think she'll discover once Leon comes back with intell?

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