Chapter 28 | Cat's Out the Bag Part II

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"I want you to sit right there

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"I want you to sit right there. I'll plate you up. We'll eat in the living room for a change. How does that sound?" Phoenix asks rubbing my shoulders as I sit on the couch.

"Ahh. That feels phenomenal." I lean my head back, enjoying the impromptu massage. "Today was such a shit show. Can you believe Sebastian? That bastard is actually blocking Windsor Court. What a fucking asshole!"

Phoenix sighs. "I got my people on it." He snickers. "The little shit actually clutched his pearls!"

"Got his family involved! He's out for us. For you. I'm so sorry."

"Babe, it's not your fault. You had no idea when you showed up to that meeting to vet him. It's my fault. I asked you to come and never put two and two together that he was your ex. I never would've let his candidacy get that far if I had realized. You did the only thing you could do, tell me the truth about him. And you were right. He's a spoiled little, entitled shit."

"I just hate that he's brought the Duvall's into this. They're a powerful family—"

"—Well, I'm more powerful, more connected. I'll crash their little party."

A sigh of relief escapes my throat. "I'd hate for them to kill your pet project. I know how much it means to you, to me, to the whole community. You're changing people's lives, Phoenix. Windsor Court deserves to come to fruition."

Phoenix pats my shoulders. "Let me check on the stir fry."

"There's nothing like a man that can cook!" I yell after him.

He waves me away.

Phoenix returns with a glass of red wine and a glass of cranberry juice for me. He smiles as he sits the glasses on the coffee table. "My apologies."

I shake my head. "It's alright. Drinking is not on the menu for me. Have at it."

He takes his phone out and plays Praiz's "Me and You" and does a quick two step.


"Atlanta." He goes away and returns with two bowls of stir fry and chop sticks.

"You spoil me." I reach for my bowl. "Thanks babe." One bite and my mouth waters. "This is so good!"

"Authentic Asian cuisine. My mom's recipe. From the old country."

"Now where are your people from?" I ask between bites.

"Mom's from mainland China. A little sugarcane plantation in Guangdong. America is her saving grace, let her tell it. I swear when you hear the stories from when she was a kid, you'd understand."

"I can't even imagine."

"My grandfather came here in the fifties, I think." He squints.

"And your dad? Where's he from?"

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