Chapter 19 | Prescott Realty Party Part III

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Present Day

February (6 Months Pregnant)

My eardrums thud with each beat of my heart. It's deafening.

Ba bump, ba bump, ba bump, ba bump . . .

Where is he?

I've given up on finding him in this ballroom or on the fifty-second floor for that matter. He's simply not here. I pull out my iPhone and call him.


His voicemail greets me. Maybe he's busy. Tied up. Maybe he's using the restroom? I'll give him a few minutes. I wait around trying to look busy, smiling at wandering eyes. Making a stop at the bar, I hurriedly request a white soda to help settle my stomach. Playing the role of sane person at work party is taking its toll. Inside? It's a tornado, filled with panic, sparkling apple juice and appetizers. The crisp thud of my fingertips repeatedly tapping the back of my phone is somewhat soothing.

Somewhat is the key word.

I give in to the urge to call him again.

This is not good. Voicemail again.

OK. What can I do?

You can head home now. Should've tore down that fucking wall, hiding and pretending like you two aren't together. Who cares what these people think when it comes to you and your man? They couldn't care less about you. Is anyone asking how you're doing? Does anyone look the least bit concerned?

I rub my forehead.

Someone taps my shoulder.

"Aria? You alright?"

I look back. "Oh. Hi, Ally. Yes. Just ya know pregnancy." I point at my belly. "Feeling a little full!" I joke.

She laughs. "Right. Well, we got a table over there." She looks to the left. "Come join us?"

"Sure." I reluctantly follow.

I know! Check her socials. She could be the type. Document her whole life on social media. Attention whore.

I find a seat at the table.

"What happened to you?" asks Rory.

"Got lost." I kid.

He snickers. "This party is big enough to get lost in. Who knew all these people worked here? Some of these people I've never seen before tonight."

"Yeah. Crazy right?" I shrug my shoulders as I begin a deep dive on my iPhone. "Um. Excuse me for a minute? Got to check something."

Rory turns and joins the conversation at the table as I sit back.

Go to the company website and look up profiles. Start there.

It's good to do something. Anything to keep those horrible thoughts of him with her, away.

OK. Here she is.

Scanning her bio, I find a social handle at the bottom. I click it. Sure enough, she's been posting pictures, bragging about her night and the fact that she gets to schmooze with the big wigs. Almost every picture posted is of her and Phoenix.

That little bitch.

The comments are outrageous. Enough to send me into a mini-rage, right here in my seat. I cover my mouth and take a long, deep breath. Her followers are shipping them!

They think they're dating?

This has gone too far. She's gone unchecked for far too long. Why are there so many pictures of them together? Here, they're with the other executives. Here, they're alone, together. A fresh drink, huh? She's working hard to keep the liquor flowing. Phoenix's smile is very telling. He's on his way to high town. That goofy, silly, empty grin he gets when he's having a good time. What's this picture? I tap it to zoom in. Why is she kissing him on the cheek? Sure, It's cutesy and playful, sort of tongue and cheek, but very unprofessional. Phoenix looks even more drunk here, like he barely has control of himself. She, however, looks very much in control.

This is not good.

What's this?

I cover my mouth. Are they in the elevator? The private executive one? It's the only way to get on the executive floor. You've got to have a special key to even get on it.

Are they going to his office? Maybe he's walking her to her car to get home.

She posted a video. I click it.

"Hey, guys! It's me. Your girl is on the ride of her life tonight. Right, hon!" She excitedly winks and places her finger over her lips, gesturing to everyone watching to keep a secret. The camera goes to the floor counter.

That elevator is going up, not down.

They're going back to his office? For what?

Not for business. He's way to drunk. Look at him.

Phoenix stands in the corner looking numb or stunned or both.

"We're taking a little trip! Having a night cap. You know, doing what grown folks do!" She boasts. The clip ends.

Night cap? I don't think so!

He gave you an elevator key, remember?

I search my little black purse and find my badge, but no keys. I'm drawing a blank.

Where did I put that key?

Pregnant brain is a real thing. Or is it baby brain?

You can't remember anything these days.

Where's the fucking key?

Panic makes my heart dance erratically. I look up to the ceiling.

What if they're kissing by now? Or in his office, taking off their clothes?

Rory looks concerned. "Aria, you alright?"

I shake it off. "Yeah. Of course. I'm fine."

He nods, still looking worried.

Where is that goddamn key?

"Excuse me. I think I left something . . . "

Rory stares at me puzzled, as if he's waiting for me to finish my sentence.

Blinking to clear my mind, I steady myself before standing up. "Uh. . . something important at my desk."


Any ideas on who this mystery woman is? Leave it in the comments. Pour your heart out to me! Love you, guys! Remember to tap that STAR!!!

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