Chapter 15 | Love Over Brunch 2/Lost in Love

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"Back to being a cave man?" Laughing to myself, I roll my eyes as I plate his brunch. French toast with strawberry toppings, scrambled eggs with cheddar, spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms and a side of turkey bacon. I pour orange juice for him and coffee for me. After setting everything perfectly on the breakfast tray, I bring him brunch in bed.

"Voila!" Lifting the lid off his plate, I sit facing him on the bed, waiting for his approval.

Phoenix snags a piece of turkey bacon and takes a bite. "Mmm. I see you. All domesticated and stuff." He smiles impishly. "Look at my baby, trying to cook for me."

I purse my lips at him and sit the lid down. "Enjoy," I tell him as I snatch a piece of bacon and grab the cup of steaming caramel oat milk coffee. "I know I'm a good cook. You don't have to validate my skills." I cut my eyes at him.

"You know something?" Phoenix glances at me as he cuts into the French toast. "My girls would love this." He looks serious.

"Seriously? I can make it when I meet them."

He takes a bite of the French toast and nods and smiles. "That's good. They say the way to man's heart is food. But I'd update that to say the way to my girls is this strawberry French toast. They'll love you for it." Phoenix takes another huge forkful.

"Good to know. Hey, I wonder what they'll think of their little brother?"

Phoenix's expression changes. "Honestly, I don't know about that one. It's been just them two for the longest. But they will have to learn accept it." Phoenix caresses my cheek.

I lean into his hand and gently rub it.

"Depending on how they take it, boarding school can be a blessing or curse. If all goes well, I'd love to take them out and let go to the private high school by the house. We can be a family, all of us." Phoenix takes a deep breath. "But I have to do this right. It's not a rush job. Got to ease into these waters. You know?"

"I get that. Can't have them hating me or our baby. That would be disastrous. But we have to move on it, Phoenix. I'm only going to get bigger and in five short months, the baby will be here. Can't tell them after he's born. It's only fair they become a part of the process before he's here. To help welcome our new light into the world, you know?"

Phoenix takes a sip of orange juice. "Yeah." Suddenly, Phoenix looks panicked. "What time is it?" He grabs his phone of the nightstand.

"What? What is it?"

"Damn it! Gotta meet a new candidate for the Executive Assistant Intern position, today." He glances at the phone. "In thirty minutes."

"Today? On a Sunday, babe?"

"Today's Sunday?" He shakes his head and inhales. "I'm good then. We meet on Monday." He sits his phone down on the bed and grabs the fork.

"What's this position?" I ask.

"Just an intern for the office." He feeds me a forkful of scrambled eggs.

"They still got you interviewing interns?" I ask in between bites.

Phoenix laughs. "That's a standard I set for myself, babe. I've met every person that works at Prescott Realty, intern or not. I like to know who's entering my building." He laughs again. "They!"

"OK. So, you're hands on. I get it." I lean back against a pillow. "You must've had plenty to drink at the baby shower, huh? Thought you slept right into the day after next?" I chuckle. "Calm down. Relax. Enjoy this expertly prepared brunch by the very capable executive chef on site." I get up, take a bow and kiss him before taking off to get into the shower.

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