Chapter 7 | DNA Sequence

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"Sunflower" by Post Malone and Swae Lee has me snapping my fingers, dancing around my kitchen like nobody's business

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"Sunflower" by Post Malone and Swae Lee has me snapping my fingers, dancing around my kitchen like nobody's business. Dab to the left. Dab to the right. The doorbell rings and who is it?

None other than Troy Lockhart, my one and only guy bestie and side hustle business partner. Been tight since we were freshmen in college, where we started our thriving tee shirt business, Sassy Savvy Tees. I dance-rock-walk to the door.

Opening the door, I'm slightly out of breath. "Hey you! Been a while." I rest my hand on my hip.

Troy's green eyes and olive skin seem to pop, even in the late afternoon December sun. The light and shadow on his face highlight his impeccable bone structure. His breath leaves rings of fog as he stands on my porch, hovering before coming in on for a hug.

"You're freezing!" I exclaim before jumping back. "Uh-uh, Gimme your coat." I quickly shut the front door.

He unzips his coat and hands it over. I take it and hang it in the front closet.

Troy blows his fingers to quickly warm himself. "Been a few weeks," he says, reaching for my belly. "How's she coming along?" he asks kneeling to get a better view.

"Baby is great!" I look down and brace for his cold hands as he lightly rubs my belly.

"She's bigger than last time." He stands up and looks around. "So, this is your new place, huh? It's nice. Like real, real nice!"

"Yea, this is the new pad."

"Last time I saw you was a cluster fuck." Troy runs his hand along the back of his low-cut sandy blonde fade and laughs to himself. "You and your guy had that big blowout, and he popped over out the blue, remember?" He snickers. "Awkward."

I half smile. "Definitely awkward. Yeah, I hate how that went down but you were so cool about it. I appreciate that," I tell him giving him a fake punch to the chin. "You were a champ about it."

"Anything for my girl, right?" He smiles and grabs me. "I'm warm, can't turn me away now." He holds me a bear hug.

"You're warmer. Not necessarily warm." I complain. "Still too cold!" But instead of pushing him away, I acquiesce. He's earned his place in my heart.

"Loving this place, man."

"Yeah, Phoenix thought it was time for an upgrade."

"And upgrade he did. What's a place like this run?" he asks.

I shrug. "It's paid for. No mortgage or rent. And it's all mine."

His eyes get wide. "Wow! Homeowner? Already? Look at you!" Troy pretends to spar with me. "Doing big things!"

I roll my eyes playfully. "Still the same old Ari."

"I know, I know." Troy walks around, giving himself an impromptu tour. "You were always about your space. Tall ceilings, I see," he points up. "Fancy art on canvas. No more movie posters." He nods. "Modern leather furniture."

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