Chapter 45 | Good Friends

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"Where do you want 'em?" I ask, sitting a box of printed tees on the curb near Troy's open trunk.

"Why are you carrying anything? Give me that." He picks the box up and places it into the back of his parents' grey Ford Expedition. "I'm gonna grab the rest of the boxes for delivery." He unlocks the doors with his key fob. "You grab a seat." He laughs and walks off shaking his head.

Troy finishes packing the boxes, jumps in the driver's seat and off we go. "Business has been booming since we last touched base, Ari. Chicago has been good to SassySavvy tees." Troy smiles, advertising those beautiful teeth and his full, to-die-for, kissable lips.

Stop that!

"For the past few months, I've been signing on major players in the streetwear game, all local so far, but I plan to take it nationwide. We're no longer just available online, Ari! I got us into Iridium 77 Lab, Leader 1354 and RSVP Gallery. All boutiques with the streetwear game on lock."

I turn to glance at the back seat. "They ordered all these tees?" A laugh escapes me. "Damn, you're good! You're really good."

Troy smacks my thigh. "Told you I'd take us to new heights." He casually rests his hand on my thigh as he drives with his left hand. Before I know it, he's slid his hand up and inward towards my upper inner thigh. He's hooked his claws into me as if to say I'm ain't going nowhere.

Tiny shockwaves travel up my leg and land in my honey pot. It's undeniable, Troy has crossed over, from friend zone to fair game. We're playing in dangerous territory. My panties are getting wet.

Oh my.

Tension rises between us. I unzip my coat.

"Is it hot in here?" I let the window down.

Troy reaches for the knob to turn down the heat, leaving a cool space that was once hot, on my thigh. He pulls up to a curb. "Here we are, first stop. Want to come in?"

"Sure." Unbuckling my seatbelt, I open my door.

Troy gets out and stacks two boxes on top of each other on the curb. He picks up the boxes and walks up to a small boutique, backing into the door to open it. I walk past.


"Troy!" A girl with killer tattoos and a nose ring, runs from behind the register. "Whatcha got for me?"

"Oh, here's my business partner, Aria. She actually designed this line. These are the tees from our food over dudes line."


We shake hands.

"I'm Mischa. I love your eye," she tells me.

"Thank you!"

Troy takes the boxes to the clear glass countertop. Mischa grabs a box opener and slices the box open, eagerly lifting a tee out the box to admire it. "Just what we needed. I got just the place for these. Right near the front. They'll burn through these in no time. Let me place a reup order now."

Troy takes out his phone. "What you want?"

I walk away and wander around, perusing the selections in the boutique. If you're a girl and you're into streetwear, this place is it. Everything they offer is curated by someone who knows their stuff. I could see myself sporting a few outfits out of this place.

Once you drop this load!

My lips purse.

I could swing it right now, if wanted...

"OK. Soon as they come in, I'll deliver 'em." Troy gives Mischa a hug.

"Nice to meet the artist!" She waves at me.

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