Chapter 11 | Baby Brain

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"Peanut butter is past the baby aisle," the store clerk informs me.

"Thanks. New neighborhood, new grocery store. Gotta get used to it, right?"

"Right. Let me know if you need anything else." The young girl turns back to stocking the shelf with canned soup.

I get to the baby aisle and instead of ignoring it and passing by as I normally would, I go down it. Never went down this aisle before or maybe just never paid attention to it. A tall thin brunette reaches for baby formula. Her little girl, no older than eight months maybe, reaches for her hair.

"Oh my goodness, she so adorable." I compliment the mom.

The woman looks down at her baby smiling. "She's a handful. But so worth the trouble!" She coos the baby. The baby babbles back.

"She's beautiful."

"Thank you," she replies with a smile.

I walk past baby bottles, teething rings, baby cookies, baby wipes, jars of baby food and so many other things I have no idea what they're for.

So much stuff. They need so much!

How am I supposed to know when to use what?

What is she gonna be like? Will she be fun and bubbly like that baby?

Ohh, I hope she's not fussy.

At least you're not going it alone. You have Phoenix and Mama and Mia and Penelope.

I step away from my cart to pick up one of many brightly colored rubber paddles? BabyBum? The directions say to use this with diaper cream.

See what I'm talking about?

Taking my iPhone out, I look it up and watch the ad for it on YouTube.

Oh, I get it now.

Tucking my iPhone in my handbag, I walk out of the grocery store and get in my car.

You'll get the hang of it.

Will I though? Will I?

Before I know it, my journal and gel pen are in hand.

Journal Entry 640:

Baby Brain or Baby on the Brain?

I wonder about you, incessantly

You are a universe, so much unknown to me

Yet you take up space within my body and mind

I'm filled with worry, but also expectation of the divine

What are your thoughts, right now?

What awareness have you reached?

Where is the line drawn, separating you from me?

The mystery and awe of life comes in your wake

As we hold our breath and anticipate

The hurricane of change that will surely come

Not sure if I'm enough or even strong

To hold you down as you'll no doubt need

To lift you up in your esteem

To push you to dare, to inspire you to dream

To fulfill your potential, my little growing seed

What will you be like? My curiosity is peaked.

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