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It's so dark in here, I can barely see anything. And it's very cold too. The last I came here, I was in my informal clothes. A baby pink cotton shirt and loose cream coloured pants. Both cotton. So that means I'll be frozen by the sunrise.

I haven't had any dinner as they said, yet I'm feeling so sick. As if I've food poisoned myself.

I sit with my back against the cold wall and I watch the tiny window framing metal rods. The strips of moon awaits behind it and that's the only thing I can see.

I hug my knees and rest my cheek on them, letting my hair droop sideways.

Is this the end? I'll never see Edward again? I'll never get his warm hugs and kisses? I'll never see his handsome smile again?

I can't see other people who loved me. Sam. Carter and Aeron. Kiera and Asher. Not even Thea and Hazel. Everyone. They'd be wondering why I haven't contacted them or met them. They'll try finding me asking about my whereabouts. The police might be searching for me.

Things can't end so soon. We had so many plans for the future. I don't want it to end. Not like this. I don't want to die now.

Not now.

I survey my hands laid loose. They're all pink and dry, perhaps because of the loose exposure to the coldness. I know it. I've studied about Hypothermia. Edward told me that it happens when your body temperature reduces and all our stored energy is gone because of it. I've also heard so many people died due to this.

I can't...

As the tears roll down, I realize I can't let this happen. I have to live. There must be a way out. I have to find a way out. I can do this.


I stand up to find if there's something I can do with the window. It's of no use...

I look around and there's just this large-very large metallic box which I don't want to have a look at. That crap.

A few things only. A rummer, a water goblet, a few slices of glass which looks greenish as they're stacked together, placed against the corner. I know what to do.

I pull the slice from the stack and move towards the wall. My hands pull backwards and with a loud and high grunt, it slam it against the wall when it shatters into pieces. Half of the rectangular slice is broken and the shards remain instead of a straight edge. The rest of the pieces and powder is on the floor. I then swing my hands aside and hit it hard against the floor, for those shards to be splashed with a shatter and crack and tinkle.

I do the same with the other slice.

Same with the third one.

"What the hell?!" A manly voice shouts.

Yeah, Luca. Brows pulled upwards making it hard to figure out if he's angry or feared.

I rub my hands together and then on the back of my shirt while stepping ahead "I want to go home. My husband is waiting for me"

"You're not going until you adhere-"

"To hell with that. I'm not saying anything to the police"

He shrugs "Alright then, forget about it" he steps closer with a smirk "It's still OK for me. Because Nick wouldn't let you go until you do it. And you're not doing it, so I have the whole you for myself" he almost puts forward his hand.

"If you touch me, then I'll kill you" I warn firmly.

He chuckles and thrust both hands in his pockets "You think you can? Oh my- I'm scared!"

"What if I never say it to the police?" I fold my arms "What if, I never lie to them that Nick's father is innocent, and I die right here. What'd you do? The only witness is gone"

His orbs focus into mine blankly, or I guess he's just processing his hollow brain to find an answer to that "We'll sculpt the situation in such a way, that I'll be proved one of your friends or families killed you"

"You can't" I scoff "Even if you do, you think you'll be living a normal life after that? No! You'll be a walking dead"

He pokes his cheek with his tongue and examines his shoes "My life isn't normal anyway"

I unfold my arms.

Not normal?

"What do you mean by that?"

"I meant I'm not normal"

I blink which bobbing my head sideways doubting if he noticed it, how confused I am.

"Who are you?"

"A socio..." he breaths shakily "Path"

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