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She nods and the chrome lamp on the desk lights up revealing her face which ahs a dark expression etched "Tadaa!"

I hate it. I hate this feeling. I hate the whole her.

"How are you bestie?" she asks cheerfully which boils up my blood.

"Shut up" I say in quite rage glaring straight into her dark eyes. Those dark eyes which were once pretty "Why did you do this? What do you want?"

She glances at Luca for a second "Alright, I just want to make some things clear my bestie. It's just that..." she clears her throat "Me and Edward...were dating exactly a year before he proposed you"

I gulp "Don't lie. I was the first person he ever loved-"

"Oh" she goes apologetically pitying me "That's really sad he never considered it important to let you know...but what really happened is, we were dating. And almost decided to marry only if I hadn't known about how his past has affected him. He was still in trauma and I'm sure he never shared it with you because he did with me and he saw the consequences. I left him. He was afraid he might lose you as well"

I watch her speaking shit.

"He said that he was suffering from mental trauma and depression. Of course I had nothing to do with such a person. If he himself couldn't keep himself stable, he wasn't my type. I didn't want to spend life with someone obsessed with medicines and..." she makes a disgusted face as her shoulders shuddered. As disgusting as herself.

"That's really the dark side of you" I comment curtly "How could I expect you'd console him after you knew about his depression"

"Absolutely...so I decided to dump him and then moved on. But, I felt like it wasn't it. Edward had those looks. That jawline. That silky hair. That amazing personality. How could I even think of rejecting a cool person like him? So I decided to get him back for myself only to find out that he got married to you. And because I wanted him to be mine and only mine, I got him kidnapped last time remember?"

I think. Oh yes! Edward disappeared. He was being used as an experiment if I wouldn't have rescued him.

"Okay okay" she says showing her hands "Ill tell you. See,

Edward with those raged flames in him stormed out of the house after having a breakdown in his room. It was in his mind like forever. That slap. That scolding from his father. And again a slap. He kicked the bedside table and dropped on the bed and clamped his ears with his hands o avoid that large roar which could emerge from him any moment.

He again stormed out of the room and found her sleeping on the sofa. She was lying on it and her hand was laid freely out of the sofa absentmindedly. He didn't care. And walked.

He used his car and stopped near the same lavender field where he'd come when he felt upset. When his dad mad him upset When he had a fight with Kiera over the jelly beans. When he was angry that his mom loved the baby Julia and forgot about him. When he slapped baby Julia because she cried too much and then Dad scolded at him. And finally, when he felt that Sasha left him. He stepped on the empty field.

He wanted to scream. Scream as much as he could. Double over and burst his throat. Scream out that rage and let everything that was just traumatizing him. He wanted it to get out of him. He couldn't stand it anymore.

Winds rushed past him that touched his skin. First, his face and neck, then shoulders and legs. He swallowed that lump and instead of roaring it out, he spoke quietly "Why Sasha? I've always loved you and tried to make it better. Why'd you worsen it? Why you lied? WHY?!" The last one was just loud. His breaths were heavy when he sucked in air through his teeth to breath. His shoulders raised as lowered every time he took one.

Was that all he wanted to do? No. He wanted to calm himself down. This places was his comfort zone. It was like a machine to him that always washed away his distress.

He want more. He couldn't get rid of it. He couldn't feel the distress peeling off himself. It was just expanding more and even more. He decided to leave then.

In the dark, he almost turned. But something cupped his mouth. Something soft and he could view it from the corner of his vision. Something white and cotton-ish. He made voices from the back of his throat just to be absorbed by that obnoxious thing. He struggled with that unpleasant thing he was inhaling unwillingly. He tried his best but then he drowsily disappeared into darkness.

I feel like she hadn't just spoke to be about Edward, but just drilled a hole in my heart. Edward was kidnapped the same day? And faced such a not-normal thing? And when he returned, he was normal. So normal as if nothing ever happened.

"How did you take him to the island?" I ask.

"There are plenty of ways" she replied lifting her shoulders as it was an obvious thing "A submarine. A private one Nick's Dad owned. His uncle was ready for the test of chemicals on human body. Perhaps, we were ready with a human body, since he was of no use to me anymore, I asked Nick's uncle to do whatever he wants with Ed's body...so he decided to make use of it. But then, it was bad of me that I chose to help you out"

I'm surprised. "Why would she help me?

"Yeah yeah. Let me tell you" she moves, turns the study chair towards me and sits with a leg forded on the other. Then places her elbow on the hand rest while examining her nails. Before a sigh, she says "Last time, your health worsened because of the stress you were having for yourself"

I remember. Yeah. In the island. She was there too.

When I pull my eye to her she nods as if she's reading my mind.

"I saw you in pain. I thought it give up then, because sometimes I feel sympathy. Freaking sympathy. I hate it" she winces over the last sentence.

This girl is a complete maze. I will never understand her. I don't know if she's trying to mess up with me or help me. At times she proves to be good towards me. The other times, she acts like Voldemort.

She laughs stupidly then "Alright, alright. Let me explain...she's confused" she mutters the last words to herself with a chuckle "So, I want him back that's it"

I frown "You're mad? He's married!"

"So? He doesn't love you anymore"

I turn and look at Luca with that puzzlement who shrugs like an idiot. I swear my brain will blast any moment "The hell what's wrong with you guys? Is that why he locked me here?"

"Ah, no!" Luca says ambling ahead towards me leisurely "It's just..." his hand moves through my hair and he snakes my hair strands among his finger. I move away. And he throws his hands in the air in surrender "Its just that, I'll have you in my house. We'll let him know. And done!"

I roll my eyes "You think that's gonna work? He'll be with you again Nola? Not at all"

Her eyes converge with mine.

"You left him. And my involvement was not there. Of course this is all senseless if you try" I fold my arms.

"I know what to do. You don't have to explain" she comments monotonously as if that was my tone "You'll start hating him too when you'll knows what he has been hiding from you"

My insides spring violently exactly when my head snaps at her "W-what is it? He's not hiding anything. He told me everything about himself"

She and Luca smirk at each other in triumph. Another shit I watched.

"Look at this" he says. When I turn, I find him holding the graduation photo. He hands it to me and I observe every single person. I don't remember some of them. Maybe I forgot them...I look back at him and then at the picture again.

There's everyone in the graduation robes and hats and rolled up certificates, tied up with red silky ribbons. We have our mouths open wide in laughter as if we're shouting something. Some showing peace sign with fingers. Some showing finger hearts. Some hugging their friends sideways. I find him. I find Edward. He also has his mouth open wide and he is knelt to the ground. A friend of his, I think Avon...or Theodore...I don't remember, has his arm around Ed's neck and his peace sign meets the picture.

"Don't try finding Adam" he laughs "You'll never find him until you don't know who he is"

"Who is he?"

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