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I have not yet renewed my library card. It's been a month since it is expired. It makes me feel weird that my interests for books have been decreased. I never wanted that to happen, it just did.

The last month, Edward found my cancer results and he was afraid if I was not fine. Before that, I have been on sleepless nights searching for treatments. I couldn't find much than surgeries. I'm afraid to undergo surgeries of what ifs that it would be unsuccessful and...

Since that day, Edward doesn't talking to me. He just leaves for office without saying me goodbye and returns at irregular times of his office. It hurts when he purposely does that to hurt me even more.

This morning, he did he same thing. He didn't even have breakfast I always make for him. He can see how much it hurts, yet he does that. Why is he so rude...

I'm still waiting for him to return. It's been half an hour and he should've been home by now. I've just been trying to cope up with this. Honestly, it's just stressing me out. I've had had headaches and at times I felt like my bones were out of energy. I had blood coughs twice this afternoon and a lot of chest pain.

But my focus is a bit far from this.

I hear the door key twist sound and the opening of the door. I quickly walk to the entrance and find him closing the door behind him. When he looks at me, I give a short quick smile "Hi...How was your-"

He stepped to walk past me but I grab his arm. He tries to get rid of my grasp but I'm holding onto it very tight "What the hell is wrong with you?" he says coldly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yell back leaving his arm.

He pokes his inner cheek with his tongue "You're seriously saying that to me?"

"Yes!" I shout "You have no idea how much it hurts Edward! Everyday, you just behave as if my existence is useless in front of you! Does it even matters to you?!"

He rolls his eyes "Stop this drama..."

My tears fill up my eyes and I sniff.

He leaves out an exasperated breath "Now don't start crying again"

"Its all because of you..."

He steps and walks past me. I turn and look. My balance becomes insecure and I feel my legs refuse to support me. I can't take a step forward and eventually drop on the ground when I try to do so and gasp.

Edward turns and runs to me "What happened?"

I shake my head and try standing with the support of the wall but I drop. My chest tightens and breath shortens. I look at him in panic "I...can't stand"

His blue eyes creep across my face for a few seconds as if he were processing what I said and wished it not to be what he's about to assume "Just...Just try standing...lemme help you" he grabs my elbows gently and supports me in standing. I do stand but I feel like it's not possible if he wouldn't support "Now is it fine?"

I look at him "I just can't...when you aren't holding"

He seems worried "Maybe you're tired"

I shake my head "or something is wrong" I say in wonder with arched down brows. 

"Don't stress yourself too much Sasha"

"Because of you..." I mutter again unwillingly.

"Sorry" he says and my head snaps towards him "I was just upset that you weren't secure enough sharing your feeling with me, but trust me, I didn't want to hurt you. At least not till this extent that you worsen your health"

I wet my lips and try walking on my own. I have trouble walking and can't have a full or a perfect balance on the floor but I still carefully step ahead.

I can sense that he's concerned but I don't need his concern now. He could've shown his care long ago when he realized I had cancer, rather than waiting for my health to worsen up. 


I wait impatiently as I don't show it on my face though. Of course, because doctor is sitting right in front of me. Edward is right beside me cracking his knucklebones since the last few minutes, and he's still cracking the cracked ones as well. When I sit on the chair, he looks and gives me an assuring smile even when he knows something is wrong with me. He rubs a hand on my knee to calm me down as my hands were trembling.

Dr. Nidaria scans through the sonograms of my lungs which I was taken through a CT scan. As she was examining it, she gave out an exhale which increased my heartbeat.

She sits on the chair and placed the print on the table thinning her lips "I'm sorry to inform...You've reached the third stage of lung cancer"  

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