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She breathes out as she shakes her head twice as if that sentence was a mistake and then her head snaps to me and I just look down with no words to say. Or I'm just frozen. Or most probably-which I'm trying to camouflage over my other feelings, I don't want to give her any answer. 

Chris and the other doctors watch sorrowfully before leaving. 

My eyes slowly inch to hers but then I snap my glance away. I have no instinct to look into her eyes. There's a dreadful sensation in my chest that is more like a torment than irritation. I can't help with the chunk in my throat, neither with the trembling hands or even worse, myself with the fact that the innocent, cute, funny, little champion kid and the most favorite member of the family has left without any warning. It's as painful as hell. For that reason, there's a compulsion rising within me that I want him to come back. 

All the moments with him flash in my mind once again. The amusement park, him first time holding Nia, us fighting for the games we played, him catching me cheating during football. I just want them to be back. 

She just steps back in dejection and her chin trembles. She cups her mouth with a hand and sobs. She drops on the floor and I watch the worst condition of her. She's sobbing horribly. Asher and Julia stoop to calm her down but she shakes her head with that crying face pleading them mentally to let go off her.

I just step back even as these heavy inhales and exhales make me feel like I'll lose by breath any moment. I take a step back. One more. Just one more and then I turn and runs away from there. A bit far and stop finally when I'm standing near the balustrade of stairs. 

Nobody could relate with the unequivocal pain she was going through. That extremely excruciating commotion was only within her and Asher. It's me who's hurt so much already, I can't even imagine their pain when this hurts badly. 


I walk into the hall and drop on the sofa, leaning forward and plant my ached forehead into my palms. That moment, I shut me eyes until I hear Sasha.

"Thank goodness you're back!" she exhales in relief "I've been waiting for the cab but seems like it was busy" she comes and sits beside me looking at me exactly the way I don't want her to "How is Ray now? Fine?" 

I pull my head and purse my lips. Slowly, I look at her "Sasha..." and then I shake my head "He's no more" 

Her eyes widen "Gosh...How's that-what even happened?!" 

"I don't know about that..." I go rubbing my face "It's just a horrible feeling..." I let my hands rest on my face for a while. I wish I could just skip this moment of the day. Of my life.

I've just returned after seeing the once ever jolly bubbly kid turn into a lifeless body. More than that, I couldn't back my heart shatter into pieces when I saw Kiera's condition. It was all a time of great affliction we headed across. 

I sniff.

"Edward?" she places her cold hand on my shoulder. I feel her thumb rubbing back and forth against my shoulder, which is not longer proving relief "Please keep yourself strong for your sister" 

I spring up "Get up! We have to go!" 

She looks up with her furrowed brows "Where?" 

"To Kiera's place!" I answer "I have to be with my sister. Come on!" 

"Okay-Okay fine" she says showing assuring hands "I'll get my purse okay?" 



I step into the room and find Kiera. Her folded hands and she's staring at the window as if she's waiting for someone to be back. As I step closer I find a bunch of family photos and toys and handmade cards spread on the bed. I place a hand on her arm, but she doesn't turn towards me. 

"Kiera?" I call slowly. 

She slowly lowers her head and sniffs. A hand goes to her face and she wipes off those tears. 

I exhale and pull her head into my chest rubbing her back. She sobs a bit heavily and I don't speak a word. It's better for her to cry as much as she wills. 

She pulls herself back a and speaks up "He was all fine before he left to play in the garden. Trust me!" 

I nod "I know Kiera. It's not easy to overcome this pain, but see, you have to be strong. It's not easy I know, but you have your daughter. At least for her?"

She cups her face and continues crying. I wish I could do something for her. She's out of words. Only what's coming out of her throat is sob. 

Edward steps in and tells her to sit on the chair aside of us. She wipes her soaked pink face and does as he says. He then squats grabbing a hand of hers and rubbing her knuckles. He looks up at her "Its painful for all of us Kiera" 

She sniffs. 

"You know it but he was a jolly kid. If I were to meet his soul at this time, he'd be really upset to see you like this. To see Asher like this"

Her swollen eyes lift at him. 

"Its really not easy but that's all we're left with. We have to move on. If not for ourselves then for the others who badly need us. Even for those who are gone. You're just torturing yourself, your daughter and your husband like this" 

He chokes on her sob and says "I can't...it's hard..."

"As I said. But see, we're always with you. You're not alone. You have me, you have mom and dad, Julia and Aira, and also Asher...you see, people go but they leave their memories behind. You don't have Ray and what you're left with are just his memories. Not exactly but at least they're enough to remind you of him and keep you going" now tears pool up his eyes as well. He breaths shakily and then completes "Just...Just hold yourself together...Don't let it shatter you" 

She swallows and nods.

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