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We swiftly walk to the reception desk with Ray's little hand in mine. He's been really impatient to meet his little sibling. Now, he's constantly asking "Where're Mama and Dada?"

And my answer is the same all the time "They'll be around us in a minute or two"

"Excuse me...can you tell me the room number of the patient Kiera Abner?" I ask to the receptionist.

He moves his eyes around the screen for a few seconds and clicks the mouse twice "Room number four six zero two"

"Thanks" I then stride to the lift and off we go to the fourth floor.

While I find the room 4602, I head across a bunch of rooms which are not Kiera's. I still keep finding it. 4599, 4600, 4601...Ah! Found it! I see Edward and Asher. Edward strolls in circles punching his palm lightly and Asher is leaning against the wall behind the door of the room.

Edward notices and walks to me while I run, but when I tried applying brakes on my shoes which are slippery against the floor, I almost tumble. Edward quickly grabs my elbows.

"Dada!" jumps Ray excitedly "Where's Mama?"

"Inside" Edward tosses a thumb behind his shoulder towards the room.

He seems a bit worried "Can I see Mama?"

"Not yet Ray" says Asher while brushing a hand across his son's hair which were sort of messed up.

"Any news?" I ask Edward in low tones in worry.

He places a hand on his waist and thins his lips "Sasha...they said there a bit of complications. I haven't told Asher about it yet"

I gape "Edward!" I whisper yell "You should have!"

"Hey, Luna has taken special permission to be with Kiera, and she said that she'll try her best to handle it all"

"But still!" I then get alarmed "Wait-Luna?"

He nods "Yes your cousin, Luna Beckette"

I incline "That's fine. But I'm still afraid..."

"Everything will be fine. Don't worry, I've called mom and dad. They' be here in a few minutes"

We wait for a few hours. Mom and Dad are here as well. They were a bit worried like Asher. And that's why Edward didn't tell them about the complications. I see the doorknob turning down, and that's when my heart jumps with mixed feelings of excitement and nervousness.

The doctors walk out of the room in their scrubs "Congratulations! It's a girl"

I sigh in so much of relieve with a hand on my chest. I've never felt this kind of relief before today. Everyone else are so happy with these wide smile across their lips. We exchange hugs one by one. And then when the doctors allows us to meet her and the baby, Ray thunders inside the room.

We see the tiny head under the pink cap fast asleep. She is wrapped in a white cloth like a burrito on the glass bed. Luna still stands by the baby and smiles at us as we enter "There's your little one" she says to Asher in low tones "All fine and healthy"

I look at Kiera who looks at her daughter with that little weak smile on her face. She seems to almost cry when she holds her daughter in her hands and kisses her head.

 Asher walks and she hands him the baby. He grabs her and plants his lips on his wife's temple almost in tears.

I'm also about to cry now...

"I want to see her!" complains Ray while jumping "I came first!"

"Come here Ray" calls Kiera softly as she taps the space in the front. He climbs up the bed and looks at his sister. The very next second, he lifts his head in surprise "She looks like a doll!"

Kiera then gently places the baby in her son's arms and he grins in admire. It's such a cute scene...

"So? What are you guys naming her?" asks Edward with his hands thrust in his pockets.

She looks up "I haven't decided yet...Me and Asher argued a lot for the name though"

"We'll keep her name Natasha and call her Nia" says Ray. After that, one by one, we get chances to hold the baby but she doesn't wake up each time. We just see her pink cheek and closed eyes. For this moment, she yawned and opened her eyes when Edward holds her. Her eyes are honey brown like Kiera's. The baby keeps moving her eyes around Edward's face. Then dad holds her "She looks so much like Kiera"

"Natasha is a very good name though..." Mom smiles warmly.

"What about the middle name?" asks Dad.

"Again. We haven't decided" shrugs Asher sitting beside Kiera "Arguments...Edward, can you suggest one?"

"Alice" he snaps the very next second "I love this name"

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