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Hey guys! This is the author!

My friend wanted me to publish at least 2 chapters of this story and since I was free for now, I decided to publish. The next chapter will be out soon. Enjoy reading and do comment and vote.

"Just tell me what I shall do?!" Carter yells over the phone which makes me annoy the billionth time again. Honestly, since the day I've babysit  my distant cousin-Carter, who's my bestie(Also a distant cousin) Luna's one of the little brother who is more annoying than the others- when I was five and he was one, I've been praying that a kid stubborn and a spoiled brat like him shall never be born in any house. 

"I gave you ideas and now, I'm out of them!!" I answer back in frustration, almost like yelling while bursting a part of my throat. I can't believe I have the option to cut the call right on his face and I'm not doing this. 

"Your ideas are stupid!" he speaks in boredom. I can imagine his expression from his tone of speaking shit. 

"Go ahead and ask someone else then"

"No..." he hesitates, finally his stubbornness diminishing which makes me feel triumphant. Yay! "Yours are better..." I can see how his ego is preventing him from saying it  yet he fought over it.

"Carter...my head is spinning right now, I'll deal with your rocket making project later" I grit. 

"You just have to say how it looks!" he argues. 

"No thanks" I cut the call and sigh placing a hand on my waist and then rubbing the back of my neck. My stress is leveling up day by day, sleepless nights have contributed to it as well. I doubt if I should go visit the psychiatrist. Fierce, muscular arms engulf me and I take no time to realize who it is, as all of my stress gets gushed away. Even though, I'm not in the mood of hugging, I smile "Edward..."

He gives my cheek a cheerful kiss. 

I turn and grab his face "Love you too babe"

"That's what I call you. And you shall call me something else" he says in his manly attitude while he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and whispers "babe.." 

I roll my eyes "You're such a cringe dude. I'm pretty sure there are better things to argue over rather than the names with what you can call your partners"

"Whatever" he says. he pulls the oven door and glances over the cake he was baking after a few errors. 

"You won't get a good softness and sponginess if you keep opening the door after every five minutes" 

"It's been a while..." he is examining the baking tray like a kid. 

I sigh "Move. Lemme check" I put on the glove and pull it out of the oven. After, placing it on the table, I remove it "I smells good" 

He smiles admiringly at the cake in the black baking tray. And nods while saying "Better than yours honestly" 

"We didn't taste it yet, don't celebrate before you win. You might lose" I say.

"Ooooh!" he goes which annoys me "That's actually hare saying it to the turtle you see"

I squint. What is he trying to say?

When I realize, I jerk up my brows and leave out a short exhale "Let's taste it? it must've cooled down by now"

"You should taste it first" he suggests.

I raise a brow "So you agree, that it doesn't taste good?"

"Ladies first" 

I smile "Gentlemen first as per me" my politeness is obviously fake but he doesn't seem to care. 

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