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Chris called me to forward him the request letter for the saline bottles as he was busy in some stuff. I forward him the letter I prepared. He was in London as he had some incomplete task back there. 

"Hey Edward" says Max upon pushing open the door and walking in. He has a grey file under his arm.

It annoys me again that he didn't knock the door.

I half shut my eyes "Couldn't you knock?"

He looks around "Is Sasha around?"

I roll my eyes "You always enter without knocking"

"So if Sasha was here the you should have informed. I would've knocked. Don't get that simple logic?"

"I'll kick your a$$ if you say that again"

He chuckles "Okay fine-Hey, hand these files to Dilsha"

I glance simply "What are they?"

"Names of the surgeries and patients..." he goes randomly as he drops the file on my desk "Keep it with you until I ask again-and-what're you doing during the lunch time?"

I rub my forehead "Chris was busy so he asked me to prepare a request email for saline bottles"

"Oh for the new patient?"

I look at him, confused "Which patient?"

"There's a new patient in the hospital he said. Unfortunately, the kid met with an accident" he then let's out a deep sigh puffing her cheeks "Its so unfortunate for the parents. He's in a critical condition Chris was saying"

"That's really sad" I say both in shock and disappointment. I can't help but understand how it'd feel seeing the own kid injured. And that too, when he has met with an accident. I hope Sasha's doing well. She's been under lots of stress. I've told her already not to stress herself out and keep busy with some activity when she's free from work, but that doesn't help much.

I grab the file and decide to randomly go through the names. I flip to the last page and-

Reynolds Abner

What in the world?!

I look at Max in puzzle "What is this?"

"What is what?"

"Max, Why is Ray's name in this?" I dreadfully ask pointing the name on the file with my shaky hands.

He glances at it and then at me "Because this is the kid who was injured. I talked about him just-"

"Can you book for me the nearest flight straight to London? Please?" I ask frantically. 

The next day the aircraft lands while screeching.

I park the car in the parking area, shut it off, get rid of my seatbelt and walk out of it. I slam the door and take steps across the bunch of people. A few patients, nurses, cleaners, doctors and finally reach the lift. It refuses to close quicker than it does obviously so I constantly press the close button until the metal doors meet. I asked Kiera and Asher about it on the phone call yesterday, they said that they had taken him to the OT and the procedure is still going on. I didn't talk to Sasha about it because I was afraid of letting her know keeping in mind the potential harm of stress to her. 

My heart beats twice a second and chest widens. As the doors pull away, I rush out of the lift and search for Ray. My bangs meet my eyes and when I flip my head towards the hallway, they part from my vision but curtain my forehead. There're way too many rooms to find, and then I see Chris instructing a nurse something. I run to him as the nurse turns to leave and so does he.

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