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I place the piece of paper aside the desk and walk to him frantically with that frown sculpted on my face "What do you mean? Open the door!" I reach for it but he grabs my wrist and tightens his grip, while his eyes reach down to my face.

I try to get rid of it. He sees my worry and let's go off me "Listen Sasha, there's a few things you need to know. So let's make it quick okay?"

I pause and blink which I'm swallowed by worry.

He lets out a mouthful of air from his mouth and then gulps "First of all let me clear out. Your cousin Luna, I was never interested in her. I was always interested in you"

I moisten my dry lips as my hands quiver and I feel sweaty already.

"Second of all, I know that Edward is upset with you because he thinks you're cheating on him. And I also know that this Edward is none other than my school friend. He's my school. Friend"

"What do you mean by that?"

He closes his lips. They slowly-very slowly curve slightly upwards.

"Seven point nine five one billion" he reads out darkly.

My lips curl "What?"

"These many people are in this world. And four billion are men. You know"


"I'm one of those men to whom miraculously you were fated with"

"What the hell are you trying to say?" he's such a cringey dude.

His lips press to a line while lift from the corners revealing a cheerful smile "You were married to Edward and nothing worked out the way you both wanted to. Did it?"

He lost his mind. He clearly LOST HIS MIND.

"I just want to say that it's Okay if he doesn't trust you"


"It's still okay because I'm there for you"

I drop my shoulders "OK, that's it? Shall I leave now?"

He shakes his head "Edward doesn't want you anymore"

I sigh "OK, and?"

"He kept it hidden. Someone. And somethings. About him. About you. About everything"

My palms sweat and curiosity rises within me. I don't understand what and why he's trying to say.

"First of all, let me introduce you to a person. A person you really pity and adore and..." he shrugs "Maybe treat her like a sister"

That's it. When he said sister, I could make out what he was trying to say.

He walks past me and switches off the lights. I flinch and gasp "It's alright. Just wait for a sec"

I hear blinds rolling down. That drrrr sound. And then footsteps of somebody. Some tickling fragrance of a perfume. It smells like lavender-ish...I don't know. It's not a perfume I've smelled often.

It's so dark I can't even see a thing. But then, the window blind rolls up and a figure reveals. It's dark and I can only see an outline. All I can really say, is that it's a she, she has medium length hair and her arms are folded in front of blueness. She must be facing me.

I squint at the figure. It pains when it gets clearer. It pains even more when I resist myself to realize that this person actually is...

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