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"Did you pack the airpods?" he asks.

I zip my backpack and snap my head towards him arching down my brows "Airpods...?"

He nods "After the surgery, you'll need them for watching netflix with me right? We both just can't listen to the same phone without them..."

My heart aches on the negative side of the surgery at the same time, it's relieved on this positivity of him.

 "I'll pack them"

He pulls open the car door for me and I sit in before he slams it. When we drive down the road, I notice his silence lasting unusually longer "Edward"


"Shall we go for a movie after we return form the hospital?"

I see his dimples. That means he's smiling "I have booked a flight for Paris. We'll go for a movie there. Fine?"

My smile widens "Paris? Wow! I love you!"

"What all places would you like to visit?"

"Um..." I squint trying to hide that anxiety scattered all over me, which is indeed hard to hide "How about...Malaysia...Dubai...and South Korea?"

"Sure!" he chuckles "As you wish"


"You'll be perfectly fine Sasha" Assures Luna with my cold hand covered in both of warm ones "You don't have to worry"

Right now, both of us are sitting on the chrome seat against the wall. Edward has been standing and biting his nails since we reached here.

"I wish I could perform the surgery" she grits "Only if I wasn't a neurosurgeon...Anyways, all you have to do is just relax. I know it sounds annoying since this you've never underwent a surgery before, but trust me, everything will be fine"

I give a short quick smile which seems fake of course.

"I'll be with you the whole time!" she says.

That's the only thing which has prevented me from panicking like shit.

She then looks up at Edward and then at me "Looks like someone else is way more scared than the one who's undergoing a surgery"

Edward stops biting his nails and half shuts his eyes "You should be in my shoes"

"Our sizes are different"

"Mrs. Sasha Blaine" calls the staff with a large notepad and a pen in her hand.

I spring up from my seat and glance at Edward who was standing with his folded hands the whole time and unfolds it preparing himself before me "Yes?" I ask. Luna stands after a second and then whispers to my ear "I'll be present in the operation theatre" then walks away.

"You can come inside. You're requested to keep your belongings here if you're carrying any"

I nod and walk after her since I didn't have anything to carry in my hand. I wasn't wearing any ornaments. I knew I'll be asked to remove them before the surgery. She keeps the door open for me and on my second step, I turn my head at him and find him staring back at me. Half hopeful, half hopeless. I smile "Don't just do something to yourself okay? You deserve much better" I know it seems dramatic but I don't know why I said it.

He rolls his eyes "Shut up and come back after the surgery. I'll leave for Paris all alone otherwise"

I chuckle with tears in my eyes and find him biting his lower lips with a smile. He's biting it to prevent the tears in his eyes which enlarges my throat's lump even more.

I turn and in a while, discover myself in the operation theatre. It's cold in here. After the anaesthesia, I feel foggy and confused and drowsy. My eyelids feel heavy and after that, all my senses go numb.

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