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Date night - Part 5

Lily wasn't sure how long she had been out and she couldn't really recall anything about getting there, but as she opened her eyes, she realized everything hurt. Her back, her head, her stomach, her legs... Everything hurt and she was sure her temple was bleeding, but her arm hurt too much for her to even bother try to touch her wound. Instead, she looked around.

Everything was dark and the space she was in was small. She could feel it moving, though, and she realized then what was happening: she was in the trunk of a car. But... How? She closed her eyes for a second, trying not to panic, trying to focus.

What was the last thing you remember? She thought. Where were you? What were you doing?

And then it hit her. Ellie's kidnapping. Cat Adams. Spencer's date. Alec's kidnapping. Emily and Luke had found them. But why... Why couldn't she remember hugging her sister? Why couldn't she remember holding her son? Why?

Lily didn't even have time to try and figure that out, however, because, before she could even start thinking about it, the trunk was opened and Lily whined quietly.

"Ah, good, you're awake." A voice called from above her as a hand grabbed her arm and yanked her up harshly. "I thought I was going to have to wait to show you this place."

Lily didn't speak. She didn't know what she could say, at all. She didn't know where she was. She didn't know who this man was. She didn't even know how long it had been. Instead, she just let herself be handled before grunting loudly when she hit the floor.

"Look." The man demanded and Lily felt her head spinning a little. She struggled to keep her eyes open and that must have triggered something in the unsub because he landed a hard kick against Lily's stomach as she groaned. "I said look."

He kicked her again and Lily whimpered, crawling a little backwards and away from the man before finally lifting her head up from the floor to take a look around. She frowned, trying to find anything familiar that could tell her where she was. But it was dark still and she was sure one of her eyes was very swollen so seeing anything at all was hard at the moment.

"Do you recognize this place, Scottley?" The man asked, as Lily groaned as she shook her head. "No? Do you recognize me? Huh? Take a look at me, Scottley. Tell me if you know who I am."

The man crouched down in front of Lily, grabbing her face with one of his hands to force her to look at him. Lily did take a moment to look. The man was big, at least twice her size. White, bald, he should have around 50 or 55, but not more than that. He had an angry face but an amused smile, almost as if he enjoyed having Lily laying so helplessly there for him. And he probably did, Lily realized, when he landed a punch across her face.

"Speak!" He demanded. "Do you know who I am?"

Spitting out the blood in her mouth, Lily turned her face to glare at the man in front of her.

"Should I?" She raised an eyebrow, earning herself another punch on her cheek.

"Of course you don't." The man scoffed as he stood up, spinning a little as he took a look at the place around him, smiling, almost proudly, before looking back at Lily. "You never even saw me. And honestly, I never saw you either. But, oh, how much I've heard about you..."

"Who are you?" Lily asked, her mind still spinning, but trying with all her might to stay alive. A little longer, she thought. She had to wait a little longer and her team would find. "Where are we?"

"Oh, that's an interesting question, Agent." The man smirked a little, standing over Lily as he looked down at her with a condescending smile. "You see, you were never meant to cross my path. I was never even meant to know who you were. I actually didn't. For years while in prison, I was absolutely unaware of your mere existence. Sure, I was angry with your team, but I never knew who you were. Just that damned Agent Morgan."

SSA Scottley - A collection - S.R.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ