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Episode: 5x03

As Penelope helped Spencer into her office, she flinched as she saw him flinching.

"Does it hurt?" She asked, sitting in front of him.

"It only hurts when I think about it." He said. "Which is pretty much all the time."

He reached over to open a big can he knew contained Penelope's delicious cookies, only for the Tech Analytic to stop him.

"No, no, no. Away you. These are for Hotch." She smirked, as Spencer gasped.

"I get shot in the leg and I don't get any cookies?" He asked, as Garcia place a bow with little lollipops on top of the can. "You know he's gonna hate the attention."

"It's cookies. Not cake." Garcia protested.

"He's going to pretend it never happened, anyway." He shrugged, as he pried open the lollipop.

"Doesn't mean we have to."

"Maybe we should."

"I don't roll that way." Garcia shook her head.

"I've been thinking about it. The entirety of time I've known Hotch, I don't think I've ever seen him blink." Spencer said, as Garcia nodded.

"I know. It's weird."

"Classic alpha male behavior."

"Do you think he stared down at Foyet?" She asked, causing Spencer to frown.

"Maybe." He shrugged. "Maybe it saved his life."

"Do you think he stared the whole time, like... With each stab?"

"I've no idea."

"Is he okay?"

"I wouldn't be, but... I'm a blinker."

Garcia giggled, and as she was about to say something, Lily entered the room.

"Put on the news." She said, nodding toward the TV in Penelope's office.

The blonde woman nodded, wheeling her chair forward to grab the remote.

"Which one?" She asked.

"Doesn't matter." Lily responded. "JJ said is all over the media."

And it was. In the first news Penelope found, there was the case. Lily sighed, before turning to Garcia and Spencer.

"Well... I guess we're heading to New York." She smiled, before turning to leave. "Have fun, you two."

"Be safe, pup." Penelope called out as Lily left the room.

"Always am, queen."

Penelope smiled at her best friend's response, before her lips started forming a smirk, as she watched Spencer's eyes on Lily's retreating form.

"Can't keep your eyes off her, can you?" She asked, as Spencer turned to her.

"What do you mean?" He asked, as Penelope rolled her eyes.

"You know pretty well what I mean." She said. "Come on, Genius... Give me some details."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said, defensively. "And we need to get ready, because any minute now the team will call us from the jet to..."

"We have about fifteen minutes." Garcia smirked. "Now, tell me... You like her, don't you?"

Spencer racked his brain, trying to find a way to avoid the question, but knowing Penelope, he didn't stand a chance. She would bug him until he admitted to her what he had never even admitted out loud yet. With a sigh, he leaned back against his chair.

"Yeah." He blushed. "I like her."

Garcia squealed as Spencer blushed harder.

"Since when?" She pressed.

"I guess... Since that case in Atlanta, when she went undercover with Jordan to a club and I went with Morgan to talk to anyone who could've seen our unsub. Morgan insisted in helping me get a girl, and I actually managed to find a cute one, but when I looked over at Lily as she talked to Viper, I just... I don't know... I guess I just figured I wanted to get her."

"Oh, Spencer!" Garcia threw her hands up in the air, as she spun her chair around. "That's so sweet. I mean... I saw a picture of Lily in her dress that day. It's hard not to fall for the girl. She's gorgeous."

"Yeah." Spencer nodded. "And she's smart, and funny, and caring... And my best friend and co-worker. So, whatever... It could never work anyway."


"No, it's against the FBI rules to... Be involved with someone you work with. And even if it wasn't... She's with Oliver now and he clearly makes her happy, so, I guess I'll just... Wait for this to pass."

"Do you think it'll pass?" Penelope frowned.

She had seen the way the young Genius looked at her best friend when they were sat across from each other at the bullpen. And she wasn't the only one who had noticed. Both, JJ and Morgan, had asked Penelope whether or not Spencer was into Lily. It was easy to see he was quite smitten for the girl, but he was right. She did have a boyfriend, who so happened to be quite nice, as well. So Penelope was thorn.

"Look." Spencer said, thanking his lucky stars for that timing. "The team is calling us."

"Come on, then, Boy Wonder." Garcia placed a smile on her face as she wheeled her chair toward the web cam in her computer. "Let's fight some bad guys."

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