Hanley Waters

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Episode: 6x20

"Hey, Lily." Morgan called, causing the girl to look up from his papers toward him as he stood with Spencer, Ashley and Penelope by the door. "We're going to the movies. Wanna join us?"

"I have work to do, but thank you." She smiled. "What are you watching?"

"Slice 6." Spencer answered. "You sure you don't want to come?"

"I really rather not watch that." She shook her head, with a giggle as Derek stared at her, astonished.

"Doll... With all we deal daily, you can't possibly be scared of that movie." He said, as Lily frowned.

"I'm not scared." She said. "It's just cliché. Horror movies in general are very predictable. And with the things we deal with daily, as you kindly remembered, handsome, I rather watch comedies and cartoons to distract me."

"See!" Penelope yelled, pointing at Lily, as she stared at Morgan. "Someone agrees with me. That's why you're my best friend, Lily."

The red haired girl laughed, as she saw her phone ring again. With a sigh, she picked up, weaving them off with a hand.

"But you go, have fun." She smiled, before spinning her chair forward and accepting the call. "Agent Scottley."

Knowing there was nothing they could do to convince Lily otherwise, the four agents of the BAU left. Spencer was a bit more upset than he cared to admit, even if it was clear to Penelope and Morgan, but he got distracted by Ashley's voice.

"I actually like horror movies." She said, as he nodded.

"Me too." He said, as they all entered the elevator. "Did you know that the first depictions of supernatural events appear in several of the silent shorts created by the film pioneer Georges Méliès in the late 1890s, the best known being Le Manoir du Diable, which is sometimes credited as being the first horror film?"

Morgan and Penelope laughed as Ashley rolled her eyes slightly at Spencer's excitement. If he just wasn't so focused on the useless facts he was spilling at the moment, he would have seen, all the way across the office, the longing, yet somehow angry look Lily was throwing his direction.

"Have you seen this?" Penelope whispered as Morgan nodded. She laughed. "She's so jealous."


"Good morning." Spencer greeted, as he sat on his desk, placing his coffee down.

"Good morning." Lily responded, without looking up from her files. "How was the movie last night?"

"Predictable, as you said." He shrugged, confused as to why she hadn't looked up yet. Normally, in conversations, she was the one who always insisted in keeping eye contact. "Lily, are you..."

"At least you were with friends, huh? Helped the time pass?" She interrupted him, already knowing what he was going to ask. And the answer was no, she wasn't okay.

"Yeah, I guess..." Spencer frowned.

Lily looked around, but still avoided look at Spencer. When she saw both Morgan and Seaver had arrived, she picked up the six folders she needed to give to the team, before walking up the stairs toward the meeting room.

"We have a case." She said, as knocked on Hotch's, Rossi's and Penelope's door as she passed them. "Let's go."


During the case in Tampa, Lily managed to keep professional. During the times she and Spencer were alone in the station as they worked the geographical profile, she was normal. Smiling and laughing with him. It was only when Seaver was present that the whole demeanor changed. She became closed off and somewhat annoyed.

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