The big wheel

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Episode: 4x22

"Garcia?" Lily asked, as soon as she felt the phone in her pocket buzz.

"My young beautiful lady of flaming locks of auburn hair, I have an address for you." The always so cheerful technical analyst said. Lily giggled.

"Hit me." She said, as she put the phone on speaker.

"So... Stanley Wolcott. Current living in Cantwell Street, 6518."

"Got that?" Lily asked to Rossi, who was driving the car.

"Yep." He answered, before taking a sharp turn.

"And Stanley..." Lily trailed off, wanting to know why they were looking for Wolcott.

"Hum... He was present when his mother got killed by the unsub a few years ago." Spencer's voice came from the phone.

"A living witness?" Morgan asked, from his seat in the front. "And he didn't see anything?"

"He's blind." Emily answered. "His birthday is today. The 29th."

"We think he might be the stresser." JJ said.

"Right." Rossi said. "We're on our way. We'll call when we're done."

With that Lily finished the call and slumped back in her seat, as she waited for the car to pull over. After about 15 minutes, it did, and she left the car, only to see Stanley sitting by the door, a Braille book in his hands. He lifted his head, as he heard them approaching.

"How you're doing there, kid?" Morgan kindly asked. "We're looking for Stanley Wolcott."

"Who wants to know?" The boy asked.

"My name's Derek Morgan. I'm with the FBI." He answered, taking off his glasses.

"FBI? Cool."

"Today's your birthday, isn't it?" Lily asked, as the boy smiled and nodded. "Congratulations, then. I'm Lily."

"You're also with the FBI?" He asked.


"You sound young."

"Believe me, Stanley..." Lily laughed. "I get that a lot."

In that moment, Stanley's adoptive mother came out, looking confused.

"Can I help you?" She asked, protectively stopping beside Stanley.

"FBI." Rossi said, taking out his credentials. "We're sorry about being doing this today of all days, but we need to talk to Stanley. It's urgent."

"Right." His mother sighed, taking Stanley's hand as he got up. "Why don't we take this inside then?"

They all walked into the house, and as soon as he was free, Stanley ran into another room.

"Stanley's been with me for nine months now." The woman started to explain, as the three agents and herself stood alone on her almost empty living room. "The adoption papers came through last week. So, we're moving to California." She said. Lily turned around to see Stanley walking around with some heavy boxes not even hesitating. Just a sound of his mouth and he knew where to go. "Hum... Stanley's been blind since birth. His mother didn't want him to use a cane, so... He, hum..."

"My way around life." The boy announced as Lily smiled.

"It's called echolocation. It's how the sound bounces off of the objects. Kind of like how a bat uses a sonar."

"I'm the batman." Stanley said proudly.

Morgan nodded at Lily as she walked toward the boy.

"Hey, there, Batman." She said, as she crouched down in front of him. "Hum... My colleagues, Dave, Derek and I need to ask you a few questions. Would that be alright?"

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