First day

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"Excuse me? Agent Hotchner?" She called as she knocked on his door.

The man looked up from his file and nodded, acknowledging her presence. Lily took it as sign that she should come in, so she did, placing the box with her things in the chair in front of his desk.

"Nice to see you again, Doctor Scottley."

"Hum... You can call me Lily if you want. Sir." She mumbled, making a face. She didn't really enjoy being called a Doctor.

"No need to be so polite, then, Lily." He smiled gently, getting up from his chair. "And you can call me Hotch."

She nodded as they, once again, shook hands.

"Okay, come on, then. Let me introduce you to the rest of the team." He said, walking toward the door and opening it for her. "You can grab your things too. I'll show you your desk."

"Thank you, Sir." She said, grabbing her box and exiting Hotch's office. He shook his head behind her. She was nervous, he could tell. She was almost shaking.

"Over there, Lily." He said, pointing to an empty table. "That's your desk. Put your things there and follow me to the conference room. The team is waiting for us."

Lily walked toward the bullpen and placed the box down, before walking back at where Hotch was waiting for her. He walked toward a quite big room at the end of the corridor and when he opened the door, Lily's breath got caught in her throat. Five heads turned to face her and she gulped.

"Very well, guys. I want to introduce you Doctor Lillian Scottley. She's the new addition to the team." Hotch announced, nodding toward the girl.

"Hum... Hi, it's... Hum... Very nice to meet you all." She mumbled, placing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. The only two woman in the room exchanged a glance before cooing slightly.

"Doctor?" A very handsome, dark-skinned man asked.

"She's much like Reid." Hotch said, causing the men to nod. "Skipped four years of education, am I correct?"

"Five, actually." She corrected, hoping not to sound conceited.

"And what's your specialty, doll?" The same man asked.

"Morgan!" A blonde woman with colorful clothing reprehended. "Don't scare the girl off, already."

Lily giggled slightly smiling at the woman before turning to the man. A small smirk playing on her lips.

"Well, handsome..." She said, forcing a laugh from the Morgan-guy. "I graduated in Psychology, have a Master's in Psychology and Linguistics and a PhD in Behavior Psychology."

"Impressive." The oldest man in the room spoke up. "But what exactly makes her different from any other contest we had, Hotch?"

"She was supposed to be hired as a translator, but since she has such an interesting background, I figured we could give her a chance."

"Translator?" The man asked, running a finger over his lips. He should be doing that for very long, because even with her studies on human behavior, Lily couldn't, for the life of her, figure out what was going on inside his mind.

"Hum... I speak 50 different languages."

"50? I didn't even know there were 50 languages out there." The younger woman said, clearly surprised. "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

"I'm 23." She responded with a smile. She was used to that question by now.

"23?" Morgan-guy spoke up. "Well, she's younger than you, Reid."

"You're Doctor Reid?" She asked, turning to the young guy beside Morgan-guy. "Heard a lot about you. People were comparing us, I mean. I take it you have a high I.Q.?"


"Impressive." She nodded. "And you have three PhD's?"

"Hum... Actually, I have B.A.s in Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy, a Ph.D. in Chemistry and Engineering as well as a Ph.D. in Mathematics." He said, quite shyly. He didn't like to brag about it either.

"Nice." She smiled gently. He did the same.

"Well, now you know Doctor Reid, let me introduce you to the others." Hotch said, after a second of silence. "Over there we have Agent Jennifer Jareau, our liaison with police and media officials. Beside her, Penelope Garcia, our Technical Analyst. Over there, Doctor Spencer Reid and Agent Derek Morgan, specialties: obsessional crimes and explosives.And finally, Special Agent Jason Gideon, specialist in criminal profiling."

The older man nodded, as the others smiled at Lily.

"Well, with now, all the introductions done..."Agent Gideon sighed, getting up from his place. "Paper work day today.AndDoctor Scottley?" He called as he made his way out of the room. "Welcome to theteam."

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