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Episode: 4x23

Lily groaned as her phone rang. She rolled in her bed to reach for it and frowned when she saw Penelope's and hers picture on the screen.

"Penny?" She asked.

"Hey, beautiful, how are you?" Garcia's usual cheerful voice was strange, and it made Lily's stomach hurt. What if something had happened to the team? She wouldn't be able to handle it.

"I'm good." She lied. Penelope sighed from the other side of the line.

"Oh, come on, Lily... I know you... You sound like you just stopped crying." She accused, as Lily huffed and rolled her eyes.

"I didn't." She said. "It's just... I was sleeping."

"It's three in the afternoon."

"Well... What do you want me to do? I'm not over my mom just yet, okay?" She spat. All the way back in D.C., Penelope flinched. "Sorry... I'm quite moody."

"It's fine, Lily, really." She assured, with a small smile.

"Not to sound rude or anything..." Lily said, after a few seconds of silence. "But why exactly did you call me? I think Hotch didn't want me involved in the case. Is everyone alright?"

"Oh, no, honey... They're all great, honest." She said, making Lily's chest feel at least twenty pounds lighter. "It's just... I need your advice."

"My advice?" Lily frowned. "Why do you want my advice?"

"See... So, here's the thing..." Penelope started.

Lily smiled. She sat straighter in the bed to listen to her best friend, leaning against the headboard. She hummed, just to make sure Penelope knew she was listening.

"You remember Kevin, right?"

"Oh, yes, I remember Kevin."

"He... Said he got an interview to work with the NSA."

"That's... Good, right?" Lily frowned.

"I thought so too, but then he said it was overseas. And that he couldn't tell me where it was. And that he wanted me to go with him." She spurted it all at once.


"Yeah, but... You know... I like him. A lot. But I also... I love you guys, and I love my job here at the BAU. I don't want to go. But I don't know how to tell him."

"Oh, cutie..." Lily giggled. "First of all, we love you too. I love you. Second of all, I... I know that's a shitty advice and you were expecting something more... I don't know... Helpful, or whatever, but, listen... I think you should be honest with him."

"But... I mean... What if was Oliver?"


"Like... What if when he finishes his studies, he gets a big job offer in like... China, or something?"


"I don't know where he's going to, Lily! And it's killing me."

"Okay, breathe, yeah? Easy..." Lily smiled, before taking a deep breathe. "Olly and I talked about this. I'm not here to hold him back. When he finishes his studies, he does whatever he feels like doing, but I'm staying in D.C. I love you all too. And I love my job. And as much as I love Oliver... It took me a lot to be where I am, and I'm not giving it all up like that. It'd be hard, I know, but there's nothing much we can do, Penny. And something else. It's an offer, for now, right? So just... Give it time. Don't worry too much."

"Oh, Lily..." Penelope sighed. "Thank you so much. I'm sorry I interrupted your time with your family with such stupid problems, but it's just..."

"It was not stupid." Lily shook her head, with a kind smile. "Whenever you need me, I'm right here, you know that, right?"

SSA Scottley - A collection - S.R.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon