The performer

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Episode: 5x07

"Three things can no longer be hidden: the Sun, the moon, the truth." - Buddha

When JJ called the whole team into the conference room that day, Lily had no idea how that case would turn out.

"So... Three women have been found dead in Los Angeles over the past four months." The liaison said as she displayed the pictures in the television they had. "They were found all around the city, but they were all killed with a stab through the heart."

"Wow... That's personal." Emily said.

"It says in the EM's report that the first victim had more hesitation shown." Rossi added. "A few more superficial wounds before the killing stab."

"Maybe it was a practice." Lily offered. "Maybe the unsub didn't know how to kill, so he experimented in the first victim."

"Makes sense." Spencer nodded. "And the three of them are quite small woman. Not hard to dominate."

"Yeah. But although they are quite similar, they don't fit a specific type." Morgan said.

"Well, Lydia McDonald was a brunette, 5'6" and 23 years old. Brianna Coleman was blonde, 5'4" and 35. The latest victim was not identified just yet, but she was also blonde with 5'7"." JJ explained.

"Any signs of sexual assault?" He asked.

"No. And no way of identifying the killer either." Hotch answered, closing up his case file. "Wheels up in thirty."


Once the team was settled in the room Detective Kim had set up for them, Emily and Morgan went out to check the crime scenes, Hotch and Rossi decided to talk to the victims' family which left Spencer, Lily and JJ to work victimology.

"There's no apparent connection between them." Lily sighed, as she sat cross-legged over the table staring straight at the board in front of her. "Coleman was a Hairdresser as McDonald was studying Political Science on the University of California. They may have crossed paths, but it's unlikely."

"Couldn't McDonald have had an appointment with Coleman?" JJ asked.

"Maybe if it was an emergency." Lily frowned. "According to her own family Brianna owned a small establishment. Lydia McDonald came from a very wealthy family. She wouldn't have gone to Coleman's beauty salon."

"Besides..." Spencer added, as he marked with red ink the circle Lily assumed was the unsub's comfort zone. "They lived in different parts of the city, almost opposites, actually."

JJ nodded and excused herself when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, leaving the two young geniuses to think alone. No words were exchanged until the blonde woman reentered the room.

"So... The EM identified our latest victim." She announced. "Her name was Brenda Gilles, 27."

"Let's call Penelope." Lily said, as she jumped off the table to reach for the phone on it. "Maybe now we can find a connection."

She dialed the number she already knew by heart and waited for no more than three calls for her best friend to pick up.

"You've reached the source of all knowledge, please, ask away."

Her always cheerful greeting caused Lily to smile.

"Hey, Pen."

"Lily, my dear! What can I do for you?"

"Okay, so we have three names. Find us a connection, will you?"

"Give me the names and a connection shall be found."

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