First date

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The man lifted up his gaze and smiled as he saw the beautiful young woman standing beside him at the café. He got up from his seat and took her hand gently in his, placing a kiss to the back of it. She giggled, as he pointed the chair in front of him so she could take a seat.

"Lily." He smiled, as she sat down. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." She smiled shyly, placing a strand of her vibrant red hair behind her ear. "You don't look too bad yourself."

And she wasn't lying. His blonde hair was done to perfection, just the right amount of fringe framing his face and contrasting with his warm brown eyes. He was wearing a pale blue button up shirt, jeans and some sneakers. Nice, but not too formal. Lily was thankful for that. She had spent almost her whole morning on the phone with Garcia, trying to figure out what to wear. They decided on a summer flowery dress, a green cardigan and a purple heel. Her hair was half up and half down, allowing her face to be shown, but not too much. The makeup was discreet, except for the bright red lipstick she chose to wear, since it was one of the only ones that made her feel pretty.

"You want to order something?" He asked her, snapping her right back into reality.

"Sure. What do you suggest?" She asked, as she travelled her eyes down the menu. "You work here. You must know the best plates around."

"I do." He chuckled. "What do you like?"

"Surprise me." She shrugged, placing the menu down. "Just try and keep the nuts away from me. I'm allergic to those."

He nodded, before raising his hand and calling for a waiter, who smiled upon seeing him and greeted him with a hand shake.

"It's your day off, Oliver. What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, with a smile, as Oliver laughed.

"On a date." He answered, nodding slightly toward Lily, who smiled up at the unknown waiter.

"That beautiful woman agreed on going on a date with you?" The man joked, before pressing a kiss to the back of her hand as well. "Come on, man... What did you put in her drink?"

"Shut up." Oliver rolled his eyes, blushing slightly, before turning to Lily. When he saw her giggle, he relaxed, turning to his friend, once again. "Get me the usual and a piece of Donna's chocolate cake and a chamomile tea for her."

"Yes, sir." He nodded, before turning to smile at the woman. "It was a pleasure to meet you..."

"Lily." She finished the sentence as he turned to leave and grab their order.

"Lily. I'm Matthew." He said. "Enjoy your time."

"Sorry about him." Oliver whispered, as soon as he was out of ear shot.

"Don't worry. I have some intrusive friends as well." Lily smiled.

"So... Do you work?" He asked, as he leaned forward, leaning both his arms in the table before him. Lily nodded.

"I work at the FBI." She answered. His eyes went wide.

"No way."

"Yes way." She giggled already used to that sort of reaction. "BAU. I do profile."

"What's that?" He asked.

"Hum... I study the crime scenes, the victims, the way the criminals behave and stuff so I can help the police catch them."

"That's so cool." He smiled at her. "It must be hard."

"It's human behavior." She shrugged.

"No, I mean... The cases you take. The BAU only goes for serial killers, right?"

"Serial killers, a hostage situation, abductions, those sorts of things... We need to be invited by the local officers so we can actually be part of a case."

"Wow." He smirked, as Matthew placed their orders down.

"Thanks, Matthew." Lily smiled, before taking a sip of her tea.

"You're welcome, Lily." He winked, before leaving once more.

"Do you get to carry a gun?" Oliver asked, as Lily laughed.

"Yeah, I do."


"But enough talking about me. Tell me about you. You're studying?"


"I really enjoyed spending time with you, Lily." Oliver said, as the both of them stood outside the café. "Could we maybe have a second date?"

"Sure. Give me a call." She bit her lip. "I'm quite busy, but I'll text you when I can, alright?"

"Alright. You're walking home?" He asked, but she shook her head.

"No. My car is just there." She nodded toward the blue car parked by the end of the street.

"Okay." Oliver nodded, before placing a kiss to her cheek. "See you soon, then?"

"Yeah. See you soon."

With a bright smile and an almost as bright blush, she turned around and walked toward her car. Oliver stood there, waiting to see if she got to her car safely. Lily looked back over her shoulder just to see him smiling at her. She blushed again and kept walking. When she got to her car, she waved before she entered. He then turned to walk to his home. She waited until she was out of sight before calling Penelope.

"Lily!" She squealed. "How was it?"

Lily sighed, turning on the ignition.

"Oh, Penny... It was great."

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