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"Honestly, JJ..." Lily shook her head at the blonde woman as they waited for the elevator doors to open so they both could start yet another day of work at the BAU. "That's not how it works."

"But just think about it, Lil..." JJ insisted, a smile on her lips as she tried, once more, to outsmart the youngest member of the team. Both of them walked out of the elevator and through the glass doors. "If you just put a bit of..."

"JJ. Lily." Hotch called from the reunion room's door. "Come on, you're the only ones left."

"Do we have a case, Jay?" Lily frowned at JJ, as they both walked toward the room. JJ just shook her head, but shrugged anyway.

"This is Agent Jennifer Jareau. She's our Communications Liaison." Hotch announced as soon as they walked into the room. "And beside her is Agent Lillian Scottley. Behavior Specialist and Official Translator. JJ, Lily... This is..."

"Emily." Lily interrupted her boss. Hotch frowned at her slightly. "Sorry, Hotch."

The man just shook his head. Emily looked Lily up and down before she stopped in her eyes and gasped. Those eyes were the same as Eleanor's.

"Lily." She smiled. "Long time no see."

Lily giggled and walked around the table were her team was sat and went to hug the black haired woman, who returned the gesture.

"How's your sister?" Emily asked.

"Ellie? Oh, she's good. She opened her restaurant in New York like she always wanted to."

"Really? Well, that's great!"

Before Lily could say anything else though, Gideon chirped in.

"How do you two know each other?"

"My dad's her Godfather. And her parents are my sister's Godparents." Lily explained. "My dad knew her mom from work. They were Ambassadors together."

"I see." He nodded. "Well, welcome to the team, then, Agent Prentiss. No case today, right, JJ?"

The blonde woman shook her head. Gideon got up from his seat.

"Very well.... It's paper work day, today, then. Lily, you can show Agent Prentiss her desk. And no chit chat the both of you, I'll be watching."

"Yes, Sir." Emily promptly agreed and Lily giggled.

"Come on, Emily." She said, nodding toward the door. "I'll show you around, then."


After a tour through the BAU floor, Lily finally took Prentiss to her desk. The black haired woman placed the box with her stuff over the table and Lily sat on her desk, that so happened to be beside Emily's.

"So... Doctor, huh?" Emily asked, as she took the notebooks and pens out of the box.

"Yeah, well." Lily shrugged, and looked down at the file JJ had left in her table. "I finished my Doctorate last year."

"Last year?" Emily frowned. "How old are you again?"

"I'm 24." She smiled. "I skipped four years of school and one of College."


Lily lifted her eyes from the file and looked at Emily. She smiled before nodding.

"What are you specialized in, then?" The older woman asked.

"Behavior Psychology and Linguistics. You?"

"Linguistics, Child Advocacy and Terrorism."

"Quite an impressive curriculum."

"I've been working in the FBI for almost ten years now."


"Yeah. Graduated in Yale and started as a trainee, but the dream has always been the BAU."

"Well, now you've got it." Lily smiled. She looked down at her file and giggled when Spencer placed a cup of tea in her desk as he down on his, in front of hers. "Thanks, Spence."

He just smiled and picked up his own file case to analyze. Emily smiled, before Derek Morgan sat down in his desk across from her. When she finished fixing her desk, the blonde woman – Agent Jareau she thought she was called – walked up to her and gave her a file.

"Emily, right?" She asked with a kind smile. Emily nodded. "I'm JJ. Welcome to the team. You'll love it here."

Emily was about to say something when she heard a groan. She and JJ turned just in time to see Spencer rolling his eyes as Derek aimed yet another paper ball at his co-worker and Lily laughed. That was when Penelope Garcia came out of her office.

"What's happening here?" The blonde woman in colored outfits asked, barely containing a smile.

"I'm teaching Pretty Boy over there how to have fun."

"Leave me alone, Morgan." Spencer mumbled. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to get rid of any paper on it before looking at JJ. "Do you have another file? I'm done with this one."

The blonde woman scoffed playfully.

"Of course you are." She mumbled, before turning to leave.

"Here, Spence." Lily said, reaching across her desk to grab a piece of paper from the boy's head. "Let me help you."

"Thank you, Lil."

"No problem." She laughed, before falling back in her chair and placing her legs over her table to rest her file on her thighs. "Now, you, Handsome... Go back to work."

"You've got it, Doll." He winked at her, before turning to his file.

"Here, Spence." JJ sighed, placing at least 20 files on his desk. "Have fun with these."

Spencer smiled as he watched JJ and Garcia walking away from him. Emily giggled. She could get used to this alright.

SSA Scottley - A collection - S.R.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora