Transformers Prime: Shrouded...

By Mac-reader2004

12.7K 390 263

Lora is healing. The world she was pulled into only months ago fell apart, and only now is she starting to re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 15

265 7 0
By Mac-reader2004

"This is crazy," I said, looking my space suit. Scorn, Grimlock, and I were waiting for Ultra Magnus to get his ship ready, and for Ratchet to get everything he needed.

"It's crazier when you get out there," Jack said.

"You've been to space?"

"It's a long story, I'll tell you about it when you get back."

"I'm holding you to that," I said. I leaned closer to him, whispering as I said, "What's it like?"

"Indescribable, amazing, beautiful, stunning, incredible." A smiled played on Jack's lips as he remembered back.

"Not going to lie, I'm a little excited," I said. Although, the suit was getting uncomfortably warm.

"I wish I could go," Miko pouted.

"One human is enough risk," Ratchet grumbled as he walked over to our group. "We're ready to go."

"We'll see you off," Agent Fowler said. Together, us humans walked with Grimlock, Scorn, and Ratchet, heading to the other hanger that housed Wheeljack's and Ultra Magnus' spaceships

For some reason, the Iron Will seemed so much more daunting. Pulling in a breath, I turned and faced everyone.

"Safe travels," Wheeljack said, looking at the four of us about to leave.

Miko pulled me into a hug. "Have fun, enough for all us down here."

"I wouldn't call it fun, but sure," I grinned.

"Bring them home," Swoop said. His eyes were fierce, and as he nodded.

"Count on it," Grimlock said. He gave no more words as he turned, stepping onto the Iron Will. Ultra Magnus stepped up beside him, followed by Ratchet, then Scorn. I passed one last look around at the gathered people. Wheeljack gave me a grin, and Arcee gave me a firm nod. I pulled in a breath, stepping onto the platform. With a jolt, it rose.

Ultra Magnus wasted no time in heading to the driver's seat and starting the ship. The engines roared to life, and sounded much better than last time. Beeping filled the air for a second, and lights blinked. I followed everyone else in going to a seat. Scorn grabbed me and placed me on his lap, his hand wrapped around me in a protective manor.

"Everyone good?" Ultra Magnus scanned us all, seated and ready. He needed no response before he gunned the engines.

I was forced backwards into Scorn's chest as we took off. The ground quickly dropped away with everyone below turning into small dots then vanishing a second later. The base vanished next, then Jasper, Nevada. Slowly, Earth dropped away. The whole time, it felt like the world wasn't ready to let me go, desperately trying to pull me back down. Shaking over took the ship, but Ultra Magnus didn't stop, urging his ship higher and higher into the sky.

The blue sky faded before my eyes, turning darker. Below there was just white, clouds coating my home like a blanket. And then, just like that, everything stopped. The silence was the first thing that hit me. The engines stopped, and the shaking followed. No longer was there any sky ahead, but a dark void. My breath was taken by the sight.

Stars filled the sky, more beautiful than any that could be seen on Earth. They took over the sky, brighter than ever. Below us, Earth gleamed. The oceans were visible, and I could make out the different continents on the surface so far below.

"Wow," I breathed. My eyes were wide. Even if I had wanted to, I couldn't describe any of this to anyone back home, it was too beautiful for words to do it any justice. A picture would never capture these sights. "It''s stunning."

Scorn smiled above me. "This is what lays beyond your home."

"I never imagined this," I said, my voice barely a whisper.

"The first time I saw it, neither did I."

The engines fluttered to life again. I felt as Ultra Magnus turned the ship, positioning it to face the moon. It looked so much different from this angle, the craters more prominent. It too was breathtaking.

"Lora, put your helmet on," Ratchet said, pivoting in his seat to look towards Scorn and I. "I don't know how much oxygen we have left in here for you."

I had forgotten about the spacesuit helmet that I clutched to my chest. I pulled it over my head, running through the instructions Agent Fowler had forced me to repeat until I made no mistakes. It hissed on, sealing onto the suit. Then my oxygen tanks kicked in, giving me all the air I would need and hours more.

No words were spoken as we flew closer to the moon. I was too busy observing the stars around us, looking at the black void that was too beautiful to seem true.

A jolt shook me from my thoughts.

"Ultra Magnus to base." The commander remained in his seat, checking in with the base as promised. We all waited. It was about half a minute delay before Optimus' voice came though.

"We hear you loud a clear Commander."

"We have landed safely on the moon. We are about to start our search."

"We will be waiting for your report." The line went dead.

Ultra Magnus rose from his seat, the three other transformers following his led. Scorn placed me on his shoulder.

"This is it. I landed us roughly where this Dinobot should be," Ultra Magnus said. "If we split up we can cover more ground. There is no time to lose."

The bottom section of the ship dropped down, slowly bringing our team closer to the surface of the moon. It was barren place, grey rock was the only thing that stretched as far as the eye could see. I could feel in my bones that the gravity was lighter, and it tripped me out, but I faced forward, ready for what was to come.

Scorn placed me on the ground.

Grimlock was to first to step off to the ship. "Let's go."

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