The Symbiote Prototype: A RWB...


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The story begins with you. The protagonist waking up in a lab. With absolutely no memory, not even being abl... More

Chapter 1. Awakening
Chapter 2. Escape
Chaptor 3. Breakout
Chapter 4. Meeting an Adorable Face
Chapter 5. Slap on the wrist
Chapter 6. Beacon.
Chapter 7. Meeting Friendly Faces
Chapter 8. Having bonds
Chapter 9. Something hUnGerS...
Chapter 10. Big Slumper Party!
Chapter 11. Massive Friend Making
Charter 12. There's More To You
Chapter 13. Finding pieces
Chapter 14. I'm The Resson Your Alive
Chapter 15. Classes
Chapter 16. Ready For Schneeing
Chapter 17. Kombat Schnee
Chaptor 18. (Y/N)'s Semblance...?
Chapter 19. Infected Parasite
Chaptor 20. Beyond My Control
Chapter 21. Forever Fall
Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger
Chapter 23. A Dream Too Real
Chapter 24. Truth or Dare with RWBY
Chapter 25. Sneaking out
Chapter 26. Inside Horrors
Chapter 27. It's What Your Ment For
Chaptor 28. (Y/N)'s Mental State
Chapter 29. Taste Of Blood
Chapter 30. Otherworldly Talk
Chapter 31. Credit.
Chapter 32. Another Night, Another mutilation
Chapter 33. The Stray
Chapter 34. Black and White
Chapter 35. Black and White Part 2
Chapter 36. Black and White Part 3
Chapter 37. Infected Parasitic 120 volts
Chapter 38. Panic Attack
Chapter 39. Warfare in the Lunchroom
Chapter 40. Dark Past
Chapter 41. Planning and Preparing
Chapter 42. First Step to Strike
Chapter 43. A Reunion With An Ally
Chapter 44. Im not normal
Chapter 45. Evolved Movement
Chapter 46. Plan In Motion
Chapter 47. First Major Fight
Chapter 48. Infiltration
Chapter 49. Gaining Evidence
Chapter 50. He's Alive....
Chapter 51. Conneting Little Dots
Chapter 52. Setting Topics to Rest
Chapter 53. A Cat's Worry
Chapter 54. Settling the Hissing
Chapter 55. Soon to be Dance
Chapter 56. Hang Out with the Fashion Queen
Chapter 57. Mall Terror
Chapter 58. Get. Me. Out.
Chapter 59. Some Actual Training
Chapter 60: Training with Ice
Chapter 61: Into the Shadows
Chapter 62: The Dragon's Furry
Chapter 63: A Deal with a Brute
Chapter 64: First Double Hunt
Chapter 65: Bio-vigilantism
Chapter 66. Dark Growing Reputation
Chapter 67: More Bloodshed, More Trauma, More Information
Chapter 68: Search and Destroy
Chapter 69: Brutal Questioning
Chapter 70: Something Peachy
Chapter 71: Mental Debates and Questions
Chapter 72: Kitchen Terror
Chapter 73: Nora Nuke Pancake
Chapter 74: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 75: Horrors of GenTek
Chapter 76: Aftermath
Chapter 77: Exploring One's Self
Chapter 78: Experimental Training
Chapter 80: The Dance Nears

Chapter 79: Suspicious Signs

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"Now when facing any sort of Grimm, big or small, always rememeber that every Grimm has a weakness." The teacher said. "Even if their heavily armored, or are super good a dodging. Always rememeber that every Grimm has a weakness. And ones you exploit it, the battle will be yours." Professor Port explained. As he paced around the green chalk bored. I'd normally make a comment internally about the chalk bored, saying how its weird this school is one of the best Hunter Huntresse schools in Vale, and the most high tech, and yet... Teachers stick to using chalk bords and not some tv or large tablet screen. But I didn't. Or even could.


Well Professor Port can tell you.

"Now tell me class" He says "What Grimm types have weaknesses in their stomachs or backs?" He looks around the class for a volunteer to answer. And a few hands came up. He debated on who to pick. But then a few more came up, thwn two more, and another two. "Huh. Glad to see you students understand what your being taught. And paying attention." Professor Port said. Then he notices something. Which made him sigh in disappointment. "But of course. There's always one that doesn't pay attention..." He says. As he stares at what is disappointing him. Though hilariously, everyone immediately turned their attention on Cardin. "Its NOT me idiots!" He exlciamed. "Sure..." A student said. "No students, its not Mr. Winchester surprisingly." Professor Port said. And Cardin glared at Port from the little insulting comment me made casually. "The unlistening culprit doee not sit in the back unseen." He says as he again focuses his attention on the one dubbed the "Culprit". All the students in the class follow Port's eyes and doon realize who it was. "It's someone who is wide in the open. Sitting in the front." He says. Some students made small laughs at the site, some looked surprised, and some weren't surprised. At said many times, this class is dirt boring. So sleeping in the class isnt surprising. But the one doing the sleeping was.

"Little early to be sleeping Mr. (L/N)." Mr Port said.

Yup. The one sleeping in class, laying on top of their writing books was the little amnesia case newbie to Beacon, also known as me.

Team RWBY who sat beside me, Blake and Yang sitting to my right, and Ruby and Weiss to my left also had different reactions to my sleeping condition. Ruby looked surprised at first, them covers her mouth as she stiffles a small laugh. Weiss gets embarrassed then had an annoyed face with her sligh flushed face. "Why... Why (Y/N)?" She mutters to herself. Blake just look at my sleeping form, confused. "Did he not get enough sleep?" He questions. Yang's reaction. Well... It was obvious. "Wow is Porfessor Port's class THAT boring. That the hard working (Y/N) finally couldn't take it?" She asks. But of course, not enough to let Port hear. Speaking of Professor Port, he walks over to where I and Team RWBY were at taps the table we were on. Manly where I was sitting at. Nothing. Not even a shuffle. I still slept. He tries again. Tapping again. "Mr. (L/N)." He says. Still nothing. I remainded sleeping soundly. Then RWBY tires their attempt at waking me. "(Y/N)." Ruby calls out. "(Y/N)!" Ruby tires again. Rising her voice a little while giving me small nudges and pushes to my arm.

Nothing. Still dead asleep.

Then Weiss tries her turn. Doing the same as Weiss. Giving me light shoves but she wasn't at blunt as Ruby, as she really pushed at my arm and shoulder. Weiss on the other hand, wasn't as forceful as Weiss. She shoved at my arms yes, but it was just to wake me up. Ruby did it to the point where my arm would slightly move from its position. Weiss didn't do that. It was just a shake to wake me. And like Ruby, Weiss raises her voice more to try and wake me. Blake also joined in on with Weiss. Giving light shoves too. And saying "(Y/N). Come on wake up." She says. Nothing. Anything the three did, would not wake me. They only managed to slightly shift me. As I rested my head and chin in my hand.

But finally, it was Yang's turn to try and wake me. Ruby, Weiss and Blake looked a bit worried as Yang stood up and walk around the desks and to stand in front of me. Even some students looked worried. Yang, after stopping and facing toward me as I slept, took a few steps forward. Then, ominously puts her fingers together, interlocking them, as she pushes on them. Creating a sicking crack as her joints popped. It more sounded like she broke all of her fingers, breaking them to the point they were nothing but small shards. But after she cracks her fingers, then circling her wrists, Yang steps closer to my sleeping form as I still slept. Yang then rises her hand.....

Then she SMACKS the arm that was supporting my head as I slept, and with that arm being smacked away, my fave gose crashing down on the desk! Creating a hard and loud thud. "AHHHHHH!!!" I yell as I covered my face. Which burned with pain. "AAAHHHHHH!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" I shouted. Still covering my face. Not my mouth. So I was clearly heard. "Your a heavy sleeper. That was probably the only way to wake you up." Yang jokes as she walks back to her chair. I was about to reply to her response, when Professor Port interrupted. "That wouldn't have had to happen if you weren't falling asleep (Y/N)." Professor Port said. I rolled my eyes before yawning. "Yeah, I know, I know... *YAWN* sorry..." I say softly. As I stretched. "I haven't been sleeping well..." "Yes. Clearly. Have you noticed your being to develop bags under your eyes?" Professor Port said. I rubbed at the area he mentioned. "No... Do I actually have bags?" I asked Ruby and her team. Weiss and Ruby looked first. "Ohhh..." Ruby mutters. "Uhhh.... Well..." Weiss says. I then turn to Blake and Yang. "Uhhh... No! No... No... You look fine!" Yang said. "Im going to be honest (Y/N)... You look like me when I was research obsessed." Blake says. I sighed an annoyance as I rubbed my eyes. "Make sure you get more shut eye Mr (L/N), you need to make sure your not missing any of your lessons. Especially my lessons. They will save your life out there." Professor Port says as ue walks back to his chalkboard. "Your teaching will save my life?" I mutter to myself. "Rephrase that, your teachings are doing nothing but killing me... Don't get me started on your stories..." I say to myself.
Through Team RWBY were able to hear my quiet complaint. Ruby and Yang laugh at me remark. Blake makes a playful scoff. Weiss rolls her eyes (as usual). But after that ordeal was over, I managed to keep myself awake to last this entire class period. And luckily this was my last class, as being this tired would be a death sentence to more strict teachers like Professor Glynda or Ms. Chitoge. So I counted my blessing.

But later, after the class was finally over, I and Team RWBY made our way to the dorm. And by that time, I was completely drained of energy and craved sleep... This was made clear as I was essentially walking limply and stumbling slightly to the door. And finally, ones I reached the dorm's door, I was hardly able to open the doorknob I was so drowsy. But when I finally opened it, as pushed the door open and after dropping my bag, and dropping my writing utensils (dropping those more gently) I did a slight jump and crash land onto Weiss' bed. "Uuuuuhhhh...." I groaned. "Why my bed?" Weiss asks. Annoyed I ruffled her bed sheets. "Sorry Weiss..." I said. "But this was the closest one... And I need to lie down..." I then shift around a bit to get more comfortable. "Ughhh!" Weiss groans. "Jeez (Y/N)." Yang starts. Walking over to the side of Weiss' bed. "You genuinely look like a zombie. Did you really not get any sleep?" Yang asks. "Nope..." I reply. "Hardly any." I rubbed at my eyes as I yawned. "Did you have a nightmare?" Ruby asks worried. "Especially a nightmare of.... You know..." Blake said softly. I knew what she ment. "GenTek nightmare..." I thought to myself. I still not used to them knowing I'm an expiermentmal victim of those people. But I don't think they know what I can be capable of... Maybe except Ruby and Penny. Who know I have the ability to glide through the air and have some Conduit powers. But again, they don't know of what capability I have. And they definitely don't know that the beast roaming the streets at night, named the Dark Beast or something, is living inside me. And I hope and pray I can keep it that way... Just keep this dark secret in the dark...

But back to the main topic at hand, Ruby walks up and sits by me, while asking "Then if it's no nightmares, why aren't you able to sleep?" She asks. "Ruby it's obvious what's causing it." Weiss says. "And its cleaely obvious." Ok... Now I felt my blood run cold, and my heart rate increase a bit. "Crap did she find out!? Dose she KNOW!?" I thought internally. "She KNOOOOOWS..." Venom hisses. "If she knows... We need to silence her..." "We are NOT DOING THAT VENOM!!" I screamed at him internally. Then Weiss says what was on her mind "It's clearly stress. He's overworking." Weiss says. "Mmm.... I don't know." Blake says. "He was fine all week. Its just today and yesterday thesw effects appeared." She said putting her hand on her chin. "Nothing like some good old faction training to fix him right up." Yang said. Cracking at her fingers again, but bending them backward this time. "Training is also the result of overtraining Yang..." Weiss said glaring at her. "You do push him sis..." Ruby said agreeing. "What!?" Yang exlcimed. "I do not push him! I give him breaks, and I never go hard on him." Yang says.

This triggers a seires of looks from the three toward Yang.

*The looks they gave Yang.*
Yang then made a nervous look. "Well.... I uhh..." Yang stammers. Stroking the back of her head, laughing nervously. They start to go back and forth with one a other, then finally turned my head to face them. "No it's not any workout causing me to lose sleep..." I say. "AH-HA! SEE!? IM RIGHT!!" Yang shouts with joy. Pointing at Ruby and Weiss. To which Weiss rolls her eyes and Ruby pouts. "It's not even overwork either, I've just.... Been having trouble sleeping... That's all." I say in a tired tone. "Are you sure it's not the overwhelming amount of work?" Blake asks. "And its not Yang's Brutish workouts?" Weiss adds. "Hey!" Yang exlcimed. I scoffed. "No it's not. So don't worry Yang... We can still train just a strong as ever... Just give me time to recover." I say. Yang crosses her arms and smiles proudly.

"But you need to chill sometime, you nearly kill me sometimes." I quickly add. Her smile falls and she makes a shocked straight face. "Anyways..." I start, sitting up. "How's school life treating you guys? Since we all know its been killing me." I say, crossing my arms over my stomach. "Its been great!" Ruby says with a pure smile. "Homework can be hard... And sometimes painful but other then that, I love it here!" She says. Still having that pure and adorable smile on her little face.  And the smile passed onto me too. "School is school." Weiss says. "Just school...?" I ask. Questioning. "You know. School is just school. STRESSFUL." Weiss says. "Doesn't help my team leader is childish..." She says. Yang gives her a slight annoyed look, and Ruby replies with "HEY!" sounding whine. I laughed again at that. "The school life here for me is... Ok." Blake said. "It can be good, it can be bad, it's just normal." She shrugs her shoulders at that. "Simple answer. I like." I said to her.  I then finally face Yang. "And You Yang? Hows life treating you here?" I ask. "As long as I can burn some energy, and kick so Grimm butt im good." Yang said with a cocky like smile. "Predictable." Weiss says. Yang gives another slight glare at her. "Maybe so, but it's simple. At least she has a way to feel happy. And its towards something that deserves her burning passion" Blake says. "True..." Weiss said. Agreeing. "Don't forget any creep in tge streets!" Ruby jokes with a smile. "Ugh... A pervet definitely deserves a punch from Yang." Weiss comments. We all laugh at that. "You don't guys have no idea how many times I've had to deal with uncultured men." Weiss said. "Always wanting to get me attention just because im part of the Schnee famliy... Gold Diggers as they say...and my GOD this one creep tried to tug and look under my skirt." Weiss says crossing her arms. "Gross..." Blake says with a disgusted look on her. "Ewww! Bleh! Who dose that!?" Ruby exlcimed. "Perverts." Weiss answered monotone. "Weiss, if you ever have problems with someone like that, just call me and I'll teach them how to PROPERLY talk to an ice queen." Yang said. Putting one of her fist into her hand. Creating a loud smack as her fist collided with het palm. "I Don't appreciate that last comment..." Weiss says. "But... Thank you for the protection. I'll be sure to call you if I encounter said problem." Weiss said. And unexpectedly, after she said that, a very friendly looking smile grew on her face. Which we all adored. Which ALSO caused her to get embarrassed. "Stop judging my smile! Can I not be happy!?" Weiss exlcimed. "Haha! We're not judging your smile." Ruby said. "Were adoring you cute little smile. Smile more Weiss!" Ruby said happily. "Stoooop your embarrassing me!" Weiss exclaimed. "Your blushing is also cute." Yang teases. "STOP IT! OR I'M NEVER SMILING AGAIN!!" Weiss embarressingly shouts. "Haha that not possible Weiss." Blake laughs softly. "You GET MY POINT Blake!" Weiss retorts. I laugh some more and shake my head at the girl's shaninagins. They continue talking and chatting with one another, as I pulled away from the conversation for a bit to change into more comfortable clothing.
I started to work on removing my shirt first, of course I did it in an area where they don't see me, like this room's closet,  but from what I heard, around the time the team sorted out their belongs, someone (fingers point towards Ruby) ended up damaging the closest donor's hinges. So it dont close properly. So it doesn't hide much inside the closet. But all I can do is hope that don't see my changing in here.

But the feeling on the back of my neck of someone watching me, and the lack of talking in the room answered my question if they noticed me or not... "Your staring right?" I ask. Not even needing to face them. "Yup..." Ruby answers. Slight concern in her tone. Now I found myself in a tough and tight spot. What should I say to get out of this situation? They can CLEARLY see the recent scars and bruises I've been receiving from I and Venom's night patrols. Now I know what your thinking, why can't you or Venom heal those wounds? Well this is an awful news flash from Venom who I don't think the idiot mentioned before, but do to all the experiments Venom was put through (same as I) it effected his natural abilities. So some are weaker then usual or are just completely not working. Like if he never even had it. And why my Blacklight can't? I'd have to kill someone to do that.... And im not about to do that... So here I am now, in this dangerous situation, and I see no way to escape it! "(Y/N)..." Blake says. "Where did you get those wounds...?" Her tone had concern like Ruby's, but it was made a bit harder to tell do to Blake's calmer sounding voice. "... What scars...? I have so many dang scars.." I say. "Hope they didn't catch on to me playing dumb..." I thought to myself. "Oh what I'm I saying!? They ain't 5 year olds! They know im playing damn stupid! Poorly hiding the fact!" I yelled internally. Cruising myself. "(Y/N)." Yang starts. "She means the ones that look like you JUST got them." Yeah they clearly see them... Very clearly. "Ohhh Crap." I thought to myself. Really though, how am I suppost to get out of this situation? My heart rate was on a very unstable level, pounding like a drum being violently banged on. At least that's what I thought. It really did sound like I was about to have a heart attack. And my mind constantly screaming at me about the situation I'm in, which made my heart pound louder. And manly, this voice screaming at me was Venom... "Think of something! Hurry!" He yells. "You dont think im trying!? I KNOW!!" I yelled at him internally. "Then do it faster! Their suspicious!" Venom yells again. I growled at him in anger internally. Finally... I came up with something.

"I got jumped by some stray animals in some of my late night walks." I say.

I don't know if they believed the bluff... Espeially since in not facing them. But Venom did not like the lie I made... And if he was in front of me right now, he'd probably be face palming...

"You dumbass..." He utters. Needless to say.... I had a conversation that lasted almost an hour with the girls, them trying to make me tell the truth, but I managed to escape the situation.... By the some godly miracle... And after that long conversation... I was tired and drained, after which I passed out on the bed. Finally getting then sleep I needed...

To be Continued....

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