𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖. (𝕘𝕩𝕘)

بواسطة whoopsies13

1.3M 35.2K 43.8K

After a few minutes, both of their chests were heaving from the lack of oxygen, the two pulling away. Their f... المزيد

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53

chapter 32

22.2K 655 1.4K
بواسطة whoopsies13


Y/N sat at her desk, a groan leaving her lips as she looked at the golden egg once more. She glared at the object in front of her, quickly growing frustrated. She once more rose her hand to a certain spot, the egg shooting open as Y/N quickly stuck her hand inside. Her fingers rummaged around the glowing orb for a moment, her fingers brushing something. Her eyes lit up as she went to grab it, but the egg snapped back, shutting itself around her hand.

She quickly retracted her hand with a hiss, the egg coiling back up into its normal position. Y/N looked down at her hand, a small cut on her wrist bleeding from the force of the action from the egg. She huffed, looking back up to the egg with an irritated expression.

"I will get you open."

Y/N's eyes narrowed at the egg in front of her, the sound of her phone chiming next to her catching her attention. She turned to the left where her phone sat on her desk, her left hand shaking in the air to relieve some pain from the cut on her wrist as her right hand went to reach for her phone.

She picked up her phone, her eyes scanning her messages. With her eyebrows knit together in curiosity, she unlocked her phone, her eyes now looking at the home screen as she tapped on the message icon. She had quite a few messages, but nothing quite caught her attention until she got to Harry's texts.

Hermione is in the Hospital Wing, something about Malfoy. -Harry Potter

That was all it took for Y/N to completely forget about the egg, her chair pushing out from the desk with a screech as it rubbed against the floor. Y/N abruptly stood up, stuffing her wand and phone into her robe pocket before bolting out of the room, no other thoughts in her mind except her getting to the Hospital Wing.


Y/N pushed the doors of the Hospital Wing open, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Her eyes frantically searched the room, concern taking over her body. Within seconds, her eyes spotted a certain bushy-haired girl sitting on a cot in the far back, left corner of the room, Y/N immediately making her way over.


Hermione's head immediately shot up at her name, Y/N barreling towards her. She watched how Y/N almost tripped over her own feet as she tried to make her way over to her, the Gryffindor letting a giggle slip past her lips.

Y/N quickly made her way to the side of Hermione's cot, questions and words spitting out of her mouth.

"Are you okay, what happened? Harry's text said that it was Draco. Did he hurt you? I swear if he-"

Y/N stopped rambling as she saw Hermione smirk at her, a blush quickly rising to her cheeks as her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.


Hermione rolled her eyes with a small smile, an amused glint in her eyes. "Nothing, you're just rambling. Honestly, it's quite entertaining."

Y/N's blush darkened as she looked away from Hermione, her eyes focusing themselves elsewhere.

"Sorry," she mumbled, her eyes not daring to look back at Hermione. The two fell into a moment of silence before Y/N felt her fingers tangle themselves with someone else's, Hermione linking their hands together. Y/N slowly brought her eyes back to Hermione, the girl looking at her with a soft smile.

"Thank you for asking if I'm okay, though."

Y/N nodded as she sent Hermione a small smile, "Of course."

Another wave of silence washed over them, Y/N still standing by Hermione's side as her fingers played with hers, a fluttering being felt in both of the girls' stomach at the gesture.

"Mione, if you don't mind me asking what exactly happened?"

Y/N looked up to the Hermione, their eyes not connecting as Hermione bowed her head down feeling embarrassed.

"I, uhm," Hermione started, her cheeks starting to glow with a light pink color, "I was cursed."

Y/N immediately perked up, her body leaning closer to Hermione, "What?"

Hermione nodded as she shyly looked at Y/N, the Ravenclaw urging her to keep talking. Hermione sighed before quietly speaking up once more.

"It was Malfoy."

Y/N's face immediately fell into a scowl, her grip on Hermione's hand tightening.

"What did he do?"

"He cast a curse on me," Hermione said, "To make my teeth grow to the size of a rabbit. Madam Pomfrey has managed to shrink them, but it's still in the process."

Hermione flashed Y/N her teeth, the two front ones being a bit larger than the others, but it wasn't anything to major. Y/N softly laughed.

"It's barely noticeable. I'm still going to kill him, though."

Hermione narrowed her eyes at Y/N, "Stop it."

"Hermione, he cursed you," Y/N exclaimed, "You're telling me you wouldn't punch him square in the face right now if you could?"

"That's beside the point," Hermione said back, her tone coming off scolding. Y/N huffed as Madam Pomfrey walked towards the two.

"Alright Miss Granger, you're free to leave. It should fully be back to normal within the next hour."

Hermione shot the woman a smile as the nurse left, the two once more being left alone. Y/N's eyes trailed away from Hermione towards a book on the bedside table next to her, reading the title of the brown book.

Dancing for Beginners

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed for a moment before she felt Hermione disconnect their hands, the girl hoping off of the cot to grab her things. Hermione quickly snatched her things from the table, Y/N stuck in her thoughts for a moment until an idea came to her mind.

"Mione, you don't have anything to do right now, right?"

Hermione turned to Y/N curiously, "No, I'm free the rest of the day, why?"

Y/N's lips quickly turned upwards into a smile, "Perfect. Would you like to go somewhere with me?"

Hermione looked at her for a moment, her eyes holding uncertainty. She thought for a moment before slowly nodding her head.

"Alright, where to?"

Y/N only smirked in response, quickly grabbing Hermione's hand as she dragged her out of the Hospital Wing.

"You'll see."


"Y/N, honestly you're going to rip my arm out of its socket, stop pulling!"

"Then stop walking so slow," Y/N retorted back, Hermione rolling her eyes. The Ravenclaw dragged the girl around a corner, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the familiar room. Hermione recognized the room they were walking to as well, the ballroom where McGonagall had taken them to practice dancing.

"What're we doing?"

"Just give me a second," Y/N said, the two girls approaching the doors. Y/N pushed the wooden doors open, the familiar sight of the white room with high ceilings and arched windows making her smile. She dropped Hermione's hand and walked over to a few chairs that were laid out against the wall, taking her Ravenclaw house robe off. Hermione watched confused.

"Put your things down and take off your robe, I want to do something."

Hermione hesitantly made her way over to a chair, gently placing her things down as she took off her robe. Both girls were now in their uniforms. Y/N took out her phone, her fingers tapping away at the screen. She went to her music and quickly typed in a playlist. Her eyes lit up when she found one, quickly pressing play. Slow tempo music started to fill the empty room.

Y/N walked over to Hermione, the girl only looking at her confused.

"What're you doing?"

"Teaching you how to dance. That's why you're reading a book for beginners, no?"

Y/N nodded her head in the direction of the book lying on the chair, Hermione's cheeks heating up a bit. She was slightly embarrassed that Y/N knew she couldn't exactly dance. She turned around to face the Ravenclaw, Y/N's hand out in front of her. Hermione looked between the girl and her hand curiously.

Y/N only sighed and slightly pushed her hand closer to Hermione, urging her to take it. Hermione obliged, slowly reaching her hand out to Y/N's, Y/N gently grasping it in her hold. The Ravenclaw took Hermione to the middle of the room, the music echoing throughout the ballroom and bouncing off of the walls.

Y/N brought Hermione to the center, the two girls standing across from each other. Y/N slowly walked closer to her, the two only being less than a foot apart. Y/N reached down to grab Hermione's other hand, placing it on her shoulder as hers went to rest just above Hermione's hip.

Hermione's face flushed a bit, a light pink hue spreading itself over her cheeks, but Y/N didn't seem to notice. Y/N's hand gently gripped Hermione's hip, tingles shooting throughout the Gryffindor girl's body. The two girls stood still for a moment before they started to slowly sway back and forth, their feet moving on their own command.

Y/N looked down at her feet, making sure her and Hermione were dancing the right way, but Hermione only had her eyes trained on her face, a small smile sported on her lips. After a few minutes, they had gotten the hang of it, their feet mindlessly leading them around the room.

Y/N and Hermione smiled at each other as the music filled the atmosphere around them, the two now only half a foot away from each other.

"You know, you're actually quite good at this, Granger."

Hermione rolled her eyes with a small laugh, "Thanks."

Y/N nodded with a hum as they fell into silence once more, the music being the only thing heard.

"So, you and Cedric, hm?"

Y/N looked into Hermione's eyes, nodding her head, "Yeah, what about us?"

"Nothing," Hermione said quickly, "You two just seem to have gotten really close."

Y/N hummed in agreement, "You could say that, yeah. We're just friends though."

Hermione let out a small scoff, "I wouldn't be too sure about that."

"What do you mean?"

"It's just, you two have gotten rather close. I'm honestly quite sure he fancies you."

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Cedric likes Cho, not me."

Hermione gave Y/N a pointed look, "Y/N, he asked you out of all people to go to the Yule Ball."

"Cho didn't want to go with a date," Y/N challenged back, Hermione only huffing. The two fell back into silence, their feet still moving as they slow danced around the ballroom. The tension was somewhat thick, so Y/N decided to try to start some sort of conversation to cut it.

"So, you're going to the ball, right?"

Hermione nodded, Y/N speaking up once more, "With the boys I assume?"

Hermione's eyes averted from hers, her head shaking no shyly. Y/N looked at her surprised, curiosity getting to her.

"Someone else?"

Hermione shyly nodded.

"Who, if you don't mind me asking?"

Hermione looked at Y/N, her bottom lip between her teeth before she sighed.

"Um, Viktor Krum..."

Y/N's eyes widened as her mouth dropped slightly, "Really?"

Hermione nodded, her eyes trailing down to their feet for a moment.

"Yes, he asked me in the library a few days ago. I don't know what I was thinking really, I'm not even interested."

"Interested," Y/N asked, her interest peaking. Hermione nodded once more as their eyes connected.

"Yeah, I don't fancy him."

Y/N nodded, her thoughts racing as a question sat on the top of her tongue. She bit her tongue for a moment, trying to figure out if she should ask her or not.

"So, you do fancy someone?"

Hermione lightly blushed for a moment, her chocolate eyes peering into Y/N's. Her head shyly moved up and down.

"I think so, yes."

"Oh," Y/N said, her heart slightly dropping at the answer, "Well they're a lucky person."

Hermione sent her a shy smile at the compliment, the music behind them dying out as the song ended. The slow tempo of the music started to fade away, the two girls slowly stopping their movements. They stood alone, in the middle of the ballroom, silence filling the atmosphere.

Y/N's eyes looked into Hermione's, her pools of warm chocolate only drawing Y/N in more. The two girls dropped one of their hands, both of Y/N's now resting on Hermione's hips as hers gently laid on Y/N's shoulders. Their eyes scanned each other, both of them subconsciously getting closer.

Hermione inched her face closer to Y/N's, their foreheads only being an inch apart. Y/N licked her lips as she slowly inched her face closer, their foreheads now resting against each other.

Hermione's eyes flickered down to Y/N's lips, the Ravenclaw's breath hitching. Chocolate brown eyes flickered back up to hers, their noses brushing. They could both feel their breath mingling between them, both fanning their lips.

Y/N couldn't help but feel butterflies start to form in her stomach, tingles shooting all throughout her body. Every time Hermione's breath hit her lips, something sparked inside of her, almost like a sensation of hunger.

The two girls stood still, their foreheads pressed together with their noses brushing. Their eyes made no move to disconnect from each other, the two focused solely on each other.

Y/N watched how Hermione's eyes slowly started to flutter closed, the feeling of Hermione's lips brushing hers igniting a fire inside of her. Y/N's eyes shut at the feeling, Hermione's breath hitching. They continued to keep themselves in that position, their lips just barely inches apart.

Y/N's mind was racing, her heartbeat practically beating out of her chest. Her thoughts went everywhere, her brain trying to wrap itself around what was happening and what her feelings and body was doing.

Just as Hermione was going to press her lips to hers, Y/N's mind came to a conclusion.

The small glances at each other from across the room, the teasing conversations late at night in front of the Gryffindor common room fireplace while the two were cuddled up, and the study sessions alone with secret glances towards each other-she did, in fact, feel something for Hermione.

Y/N's eyes shot open, quickly separating herself from the confused Gryffindor. Y/N quickly made her way over to her phone, grasping it firmly in her hand as she snatched it. Hermione watched confused and somewhat hurt, hastily making her way over to a distraught Y/N.

Y/N picked up her robe just as Hermione grabbed her arm, the girl turning to see the hurt look in Hermione's eyes.


"I've got to go, sorry."

And with that, Y/N quickly made her way out of the ballroom, throwing her robe back on as her mind raced. She had left Hermione alone, unaware that the bushy-haired girl was, too, coming to a conclusion with her feelings.

Y/N pushed the wooden doors of the room open, making her way into the hallway. She walked down the hallways and corridors quickly, no exact location of where she should go in her mind.

Her heartbeat was racing as it dawned on her, the idea that she'd been pushing to the back of her head since the beginning of third year.

She fancied Hermione Jean Granger, and it didn't look like that feeling was going away anytime soon.


i promise this is the last time they'll almost kiss

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