𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖. (𝕘𝕩𝕘)

By whoopsies13

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After a few minutes, both of their chests were heaving from the lack of oxygen, the two pulling away. Their f... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53

chapter 20

24.1K 638 1K
By whoopsies13


The wind of the autumn morning blew against Y/N as she walked around the Hogwarts campus alone. She had just gotten back from helping a group of Beauxbaton girls find their way to the library.

Another gust of wind blew, the girl shoving her hands further into the pockets of her hoodie. She took out her phone as she looked over the screen.

October 31, 2020-11:43am.

Her eyes scanned over her alerts as she looked over her messages. A few of them were from different apps, mostly school related so she could keep track of all her assignments, but one or two stuck out to her. She pressed down on the alert from her friends' group chat as she read the texts.

She huffed and rolled her eyes as she looked at the messages, Corey and Brett wanting to hangout the one day she would be busy helping Beauxbaton girls find their way around school. She would love nothing more than to be around her friends, especially since they haven't hung out together in a while, but she had promised Dumbledore she'd take her role as Beauxbaton guide seriously.

Her fingers tapped away at the screen as she texted that she couldn't hang out until after 2pm, knowing that's when the Beauxbaton girls would all be going into Hogsmeade on a small trip. She pressed send on the phone as the delivered sound came from it, telling her the text had went through. She exited the group chat as she scrolled through her messages, her eyes slightly lighting up at the name underneath the group chat. She quickly pressed on it and read the message.

Hey, I know you're probably busy with helping the Beauxbaton students all day, but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come by my room and hang out...? Parvati and Lavender are heading into Hogsmeade today, and I don't feel like being all by myself, the boys are out with their friends. -Hermione Granger

Y/N stared at the screen for a moment, her fingers hovering over the keyboard. Maybe she could text her friends that she got caught up with the Beauxbaton girls and then come later so she could spend time with Hermione. She knew she couldn't ditch the students, she had promised Dumbledore she wouldn't.

Y/N continued to look at the screen as her brain started to think, the gears moving. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she thought, her bottom lip trapped in between her teeth. She sighed as she looked at the message before her fingers started to type away.

yeah, i can swing by as soon as i'm done helping the girls. i'll just text you when. -Y/N

She hit send as she took a breath, her nerves getting to her for some reason. Hermione and her had hung out alone before, so why was it making her seem different now? Y/N walked through the corridors and into the courtyard where some people were, all of them talking and hanging out.


The Ravenclaw turned to see Fleur making her way over to her with a bright smile, Y/N returning the gesture back. Y/N stood still as Fleur approached her, the French student bringing her in for a hug. Y/N hugged back before the two pulled away.

"Hey, what's up? Need help getting somewhere?"

Fleur shook her head with a smile as she linked her arm with Y/N's, the Ravenclaw shooting her a curious look.

"No," she said in her French accent, "Just wanted to talk, get to know you more."

Y/N nodded her head as the two started to slowly walk around the courtyard with their arms linked.

"So, what do you want to know?"

Fleur shrugged as she turned to look at Y/N, "Anything you want me to, really. What's your favorite color?"

"Lavender, yours?"

"Blue. Favorite animal?"

Y/N shrugged as she thought for a moment, "I don't know, probably some type of bird or something, you?"

"Sphinx," Fleur answered as the two girls entered the corridor of the courtyard. They continued to walk through the hallways and corridors of Hogwarts, both of them enjoying each other's company.

"Can I ask you something," Fleur said softly, Y/N turning to the girl as she gave her a nod.

"What's it like being a prophecy, you know, everyone's expectations?"

Y/N let out a soft laugh as she thought for a moment, a sigh leaving her lips. "It's not as bad as it seems, honestly. There's definitely moments where you're pressured into doing things for the sake of others, but it usually pays off in the end. Why do you ask?"

"I just couldn't imagine it," Fleur said, her eyes trained on the floor as they walked. "I feel like it would just be too much for me, you know? Too much stress, too...frustrating."

Y/N hummed in agreement as the two walked down the West Wing corridor in silence, the halls empty seeing as though it was the weekend. The only sound that could be heard was their shoes meeting the floor, the occasional squeak of the soles of the shoes echoing throughout the halls.

"You know, half the of the girls are probably going to hate me for telling you this," Fleur said, her voice trailing off a bit, "but there's a good amount of girls from Beauxbaton that fancy you."

Y/N only snickered at Fleur's words, "Hm, interesting."

Fleur looked at Y/N skeptically, "Is something wrong?"

Y/N immediately shook her head as she looked at Fleur, "No no, it's just that I've kind of been used to it since the beginning of this year. I sort of matured over the summer so a lot more people have been noticing it, I've just chosen to ignore it."

"Oh," Fleur said, the two falling into silence error she spoke up once more, "Well is there anyone you fancy?"

Y/N thought for a second, her mind flashing to a certain Gryffindor before she shook her head slightly.

"I don't really know to be honest...you?"

Fleur let a soft laugh escape her lips as she looked back in front of her, "Yeah, there's this one boy from my neighborhood, we've known each other since we were little. It's gotten more...'affectionate' over the years, so I guess we'll just have to see where it goes."

Y/N nodded as she looked down at her phone quickly, the time only being 12:00pm.

Fleur noticed as she looked back up to Y/N, "You know, you don't have to help the Beauxbaton girls anymore today? We're all heading to Hogsmeade now, Madame Maxime moved it to an earlier time."

Y/N looked at the girl, "Really?"

Fleur nodded her head with a smile, "Yeah, I was actually going to head to the front of Hogwarts, that's where we're all meeting."

Y/N nodded as the two girls stopped in the middle of the hallway, Fleur bringing her into a quick hug before she pulled away saying a goodbye and turning around to make her way to the front lobby of Hogwarts. Y/N quickly took out her phone to text Hermione, her fingers flying away at the keyboard.

turns out the Beauxbaton girls are heading to Hogsmeade early, i can head over to your room now if you want?-Y/N (Y/L/N)

Within seconds she got a response, a smile rising to her lips.

Yeah, perfect. You know the password to the Gryffindor common room, I'll be in my room waiting. :) -Hermione Granger

Y/N quickly stuffed her phone back into the pocket of her hoodie as she quickly made her way to the Great Staircase. She turned down the corner of the corridor as she started to climb the stairs until she approached the Fat Lady painting.

"Caput Draconis."

The Fat Lady nodded from inside the panting as it started to swing off the wall, the passageway Y/N saw the night she spent in the common room with Hermione being seen. She walked towards it and into it as it went dark for a second before she saw the light of the fireplace. She walked into the common room, not seeing anyone there.

The Ravenclaw girl made her way over to the girl's dormitories staircase, climbing it until she stood in the hallway. She walked down the hall until she stopped in front of Hermione's room door, slowly and softly knocking on the chestnut colored wood.

Within seconds the door swung open, a smiling Hermione on the other side.


"Hey," Y/N said, Hermione placing her hand on her arm and tugging her into her room. Y/N walked over to Hermione's bed and sat on it as Hermione sat next to her.

"You said the girls are going to Hosmeade? Are they the guides for that trip?"

Hermione nodded as she leaned back onto the bed, her back hitting the headboard.

"Yeah, they volunteered for it. They said they'd be gone for a few hours, and I didn't really want to be alone by myself all day so I texted you. I hope that's alright...?"

Y/N chuckled as she looked at Hermione, the bushy-haired girl looking at her.

"Yeah, it's fine. You know I'd always hang out with you if you needed me to."

Hermione's cheeks started to heat up at Y/N's words, the Ravenclaw not noticing as she looked down at her phone for a split second.

"Hey, so I told Corey and the group that I'd go hang out with them after dinner. It's only 12 right now so we still have a few hours, but I thought I should tell you."

Hermione nodded with a smile, "Of course, Lavender and Parvati should be back by then anyway."

The two girls fell into a period of silence, Hermione fiddling with her fingers as Y/N laid on her stomach next to her on the bed.

"Do you want to, I don't know, watch a movie?"

Y/N looked up at Hermione for a moment before she smiled with a nod, "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want."

Hermione smiled as she stood from the bed and walked over to her desk, grabbing the remote to the T.V. that was on the wall on the other side of the room. Y/N sat up as she leaned against the headboard, Hermione making her way back to the bed as she sat next to Y/N, flipping though the channels.

"Do you want anything specific?"

Y/N shook her head with a small smile, "Anything is fine, Mione."

Hermione nodded as she turned back to the T.V. before a settling on a channel that was playing some sort of animated movie. Y/N leaned back into the headboard as Hermione did next to her as well, both of the girls falling into silence as they watched.

After a few minutes, Hermione kept glancing between Y/N and the screen, her thoughts having an internal battle. She took a deep breath before she turned to Y/N.


Y/N hummed as she turned to Hermione, "Yeah?"

Hermione looked down at her fingers playing with each other before she looked back up towards Y/N, a small blush forming on her cheeks as she stuttered.

"I-um, is it alright if we c-cuddle...?"

Y/N's face started to heat up as her mouth and opened and closed, no words coming out. Hermione watched her with a dark blush.

"S-Sorry, we don't have to-"

"No," Y/N said, words finally coming out of her mouth, "It's fine, honestly. We can."

Hermione slightly smiled at Y/N's words before she scooted closer to the Ravenclaw, their shoulder brushing. Hermione hesitantly and slowly lifted her arms to wrap around Y/N's neck as she adjusted herself to be leaning into her side as Y/N rose her arm to wrap behind the back of Hermione's waist, her hand resting on her hip.

The two laid on the bed like this as they adjusted theirselves, trying to find the best comfortable position for each other.

At the end, Hermione was leaned into Y/N's side as Y/N's arm wrapped around the back of her waist with her hand gently laying on top of her hip, Hermione's head leaning against her shoulder as both of the girls smiled at each other before they turned to look back towards the screen.


nice short chapter with some hermione/ you stufff

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