𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖. (𝕘𝕩𝕘)

By whoopsies13

1.3M 35.2K 43.8K

After a few minutes, both of their chests were heaving from the lack of oxygen, the two pulling away. Their f... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53

chapter 9

28.5K 735 1.5K
By whoopsies13


"Y/N (Y/L/N)!"

Y/N's head quickly whipped around to find a red-haired woman quickly making her way over to her, smiles on both of their faces as Y/N quickly ran to the woman she considered a second mother.

"Mrs. Weasley!"

The older woman wrapped her arms around Y/N's back as Y/N gently, but tightly wrapped her arms around the shorter woman's shoulder. The two laughed in each other's hold for a moment before they pulled away, both of them displaying radiant smiles.

"It's so good to see you! I was worried, dear, I heard what happened last night and I just couldn't stop worrying about you."

Y/N sent Mrs. Weasley a smile as her face softened, "Thank you, but I promise I'm alright. It wasn't anything too bad, I handled it."

The older redhead in front of her sent a smile as she grabbed her hand in hers, "I'm happy you're safe, don't want my favorite person to be hurt."


"Be quiet Ronald, you give me a headache as it is."

Y/N snickered at the offended boy who grumbled, his mom throwing him a scolding glare. Mrs. Weasley quickly turned back towards her as she remembered something.

"Oh, that reminds me! The boys are inside, they wouldn't stop asking when you'd arriv-"


Y/N quickly looked over the red-haired woman's shoulder as she caught the sight of her two boy best friends bounding over to her. She sent Mrs. Weasley a shy smile before she pulled away from her, quickly sprinting to the boys as the three ran at full speed towards each other.

"Y/N- oof!"

Brett and Corey didn't have time to fully register what had happened before they were sent barreling to the floor with Y/N's arms wrapped around both of their necks. She squealed as she was sent tumbling down with the boys, landing on their stomachs with a grunt.

Ron and Harry watched amused from the side as they laughed at the girl, Hermione watching with a bright smile from next to them. Ron quickly glanced over to Hermione as a smug smirk took over his face, softly nudging Harry in the ribs to get his attention. Harry turned to Ron with a questioning look before Ron nodded his head towards Hermione, Harry slowly leaning over to look at the girl as a smirk rose to his lips at the sight of her watching his cousin.

Harry looked back to Ron as they both sent each other a knowing look accompanied with a small smirk before the two quietly laughed together, turning to look back at their three friends that laid on the ground in front of them.

Corey and Brett slowly sat up as Y/N kept her arms hooked around theirs neck with a beaming smile, her head pulling back from the crook of Brett's neck as she straddled both of their laps. When she pulled away, the boy's mouths dropped at the sight of her as her face fell into a confused expression.

"What? Is there dirt on my face?"

Brett scoffed as he shook his head, Corey quickly speaking up from next to him.

"This isn't my (Y/N/N), what the bloody hell happened to you over summer?"

Y/N felt her face start to heat up as she playfully rolled her eyes at her best friends before unhooking her arms from around their necks to playfully punch both of their shoulders.

"Shut up, I look exactly the same!"

Corey laughed as Brett scoffed, "Mhm, sure."

Y/N giggled as she stood up, holding her hands out to the boys as she pulled them up, their hands tightly held in her grasp as she helped them up off the ground. Sofia and Brianne quickly made their way over from Y/N's car to greet the two boys, wrapping them each in a hug.

As Sofia pulled away from Corey, he nudged her shoulder.

"What happened to Y/N? Is she an animagus now or something?"

Sofia and Brianne snorted as Y/N sent the boy a playful glare, Sofia speaking up.

"Oh, I know. She looks way different than last year, even Cedric Diggory was eyeing her at the Quidditch World Cup."

Y/N sent Sofia a glare as a blush rose to her cheeks, Ron, Harry, and Hermione all making their way over to greet the two boys.

"He was not Sof, we just talked that's all."

Brianne snorted at Y/N's words, "Mhm, sure. Let's pretend he wasn't totally flirting with you."

"Whatever," Y/N said, ducking her head down as her foot kicked at the grass, "he's not my type anyway."

"Oh really," Brett asked with a small smirk, "then what is?"

Y/N's eyes widened as she felt her friends' eyes on her. She could feel a light blush making its way to her cheeks as she looked between them.


Her eyes darted over in Hermione's direction for a moment, the two girls holding eye contact as Y/N's blush only became darker. She ducked her head once again trying to hide the darkening color of her face.

"You know, just people..."

Ron and Harry snorted at her answer as the group of friends erupted into laughter, Y/N shooting them all glares except for Hermione, who seemed to be looking at her with a small smile, only causing Y/N to become a bit more flustered. Y/N looked towards Corey and Brett as they approached her, both of them wrapping their arms around her as Corey's made his way to rest around her waist, Brett's arm wrapping snug around her shoulders.

"We missed you (Y/N/N)," Brett said, Corey quickly nodding his head in agreement. Y/N scoffed and playfully rolled her eye.

"You better have, who wouldn't miss me?"

Corey and Brett shared an amused look before they both leaned down to place a kiss on both of her cheeks, Y/N giggling at the two as they made their way into the Weasley household with Sofia and Brianne walking beside them.

Harry and Ron stayed behind with Hermione, helping her get the rest of her things from the trunk of Y/N's car. Ron and Harry picked up the last of her luggage as they turned to look at her only to find her subconsciously shooting daggers at the back of Corey and Brett's head as she watched their arms wrap around Y/N's body.

Harry smirked at Ron who was already looking at him with a knowing glance. Harry walked up to Hermione and stood beside her as he spoke up.

"Let's not get jealous now, Hermione."

Hermione quickly turned her head to the raven-haired boy, throwing him flustered glare. She huffed as she harshly snatched her suitcase from his grasp, Ron and Harry watching with an amused face as a dark red blush rose to her cheeks, the girl trying to hide it as she made her way towards the house, trying to get her face out of their line of sight so they wouldn't see the flustered state she was in.

"I'm not jealous."

Ron snickered, "Right, and I'm not a Weasley."


"Did any of you see the paper by Rita Skeeter?"

Everyone shook their heads no as George and Fred placed copies of the newspaper onto the dining room table as everyone leaned over to look at it.

Death Eaters Spotted at Quidditch World Cup Along with Dark Mark with Harry Potter and Y/N (Y/L/N) present. Was the attack because of them?

-Rita Skeeter

Y/N scoffed as her eyes scanned her and Harry's name printed in the headline. She leaned back in her chair rather annoyed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Of course she had to put our names in there, that's all we are; publicity."

Her friends threw her sympathetic looks as she quickly stood up from her seat, the chair scraping along the floorboards with a loud squeak.

She quickly made her way out of the dining room to the front door as her friends watched her storm away angrily to go outside, the front door slamming shut as her friends all glanced at each other with knowing looks.

"I'll go check on her," Brett said, quickly standing up from his seat to follow the distraught girl.

He quickly made his way from the dining room towards the front door as he opened the door, his eyes scanning the front yard as he spotted Y/N sitting on the ground next to her car, her knees pulled into her chest. He sighed as he made his way over to the girl, her eyes not making any move to look towards the boy.

Brett slowly and quietly sat next to the girl, their shoulders brushing as he settled himself a few centimeters beside her.

"Do you think things will ever be normal for me, or for Harry at the very least?"

Brett let out a small laugh, but Y/N could tell it wasn't genuine or reassuring.

"I don't know Y/N, I couldn't tell you to be honest."

Y/N sighed as she scooted herself closer to the boy, resting her head on his shoulder as his settled on top of hers. Y/N reached out to Brett's hand as she intertwined their fingers, her nerves starting to calm down. Brett was like her brother, he always knew how to help her. She was thankful to have friends like him, or else she feared she'd be losing it without them.

Her fingers started to play with Brett's as the two sat on the ground in silence, both of them enjoying the company and slight breeze that blew from the West.

"Thank you."

Brett looked down towards the girl on his shoulder as he shot her a questioning glance, "What for?"

Y/N let a half scoff, half laugh leave her lips as she kept her eyes trained on her fingers that were still playing with Brett's.

"For keeping me sane, keeping me alive. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

Brett smiled down at the girl, gently squeezing her hand in his in a reassuring manner.

"It's not a problem."

Y/N lifted her head to look at her best friend as she pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, Brett lightly chuckling. She pulled away with a smile as the two looked at each other with smiles as they heard the front door of the Weasley house open, their eyes darting away from each other to see their friends making their way over to the two.

"You alright," Ron asked, all of them coming to sit next to and around Brett and Y/N. She sent Ron a smile with a nod.

"I'm alright, thanks Ronnie."

Sofia and Brianne moved to sit to Y/N's left as Brett stayed seated to her right, Hermione going to sit next to him as Ginny, Ron, Corey, Harry, and the twins sat across from them. Y/N looked at everyone with a small smile, glancing from person to person before Fred spoke up.

"We're really sorry about the newspaper, Percy is heading over to the Ministry now to complain about it and go to Rita. She shouldn't have used you two for extra reads."

George quickly agreed with his brother, "Yeah, it wasn't right on her part."

Y/N shot the two gingers an appreciative smile.

"Thanks boys, tell Percy I said thank you."

The two nodded as Y/N went to rest her head back on Brett's shoulder as Sofia reached to grab Y/N's hand, intertwining her fingers in a comforting manner. The Ravenclaw picked her head up from Brett's shoulder as she looked at around at her friends with a small smile. She sighed as she turned to Sofia and Brianne.

"I wish Karan and Jenna were here, that way we could all be together."

The two girls sent their best friend a sympathetic smile as Sofia squeezed her hand gently.

"We'll see them tomorrow after we arrive at Diagon Alley, we can even FaceTime them tonight. Jenna and Karan said they weren't really doing anything but packing."

Y/N sent Sofia a small smile before she sent Brianne one as well, her head turning back to look at the rest of her friends, throwing them all a grateful smile.

"You guys are the best," she said, all of her friends shooting her wide smiles back.

"We know," Corey said sarcastically, the group quickly erupting into laughter as Y/N sent him a playful glare with a smile. At least she had one good memory before the new school year started.


"Wait, so you had another vision," Karan asked from over the screen of Y/N's computer.

The group of friends had all made their way to Ron's room, all of them wanting to catch up with each other. Harry had mentioned that he wrote to Sirius, but no one knew why so he explained it with Y/N's help.

"Yeah," Harry said nodding, "it was weird, Voldemort was in his old house, but it don't look like it happened in the past, more like the present."

"Did Sirius write back," Jenna asked from the FaceTime call of Y/N's phone. Karan and Jenna were both propped up on Ron's dresser facing the group as they conversed over the phone. Y/N shook her head at Jenna's question.

"Uncle Sirius hasn't reached out all summer, but I don't expect anything less. He's in hiding."

"It's still strange," Hermione said from her spot next to Y/N, "you got it before it even happened, usually you get them after or during. Maybe your visions are evolving."

Y/N looked at her cousin with a curious expression. It was rather weird he got a vision so early. They'd either come to him in dreams after they happened or during the exact moment.

"Actually, you're right Hermione. Your scar was hurting you way before the Dark Mark, and you told me you saw a similar symbol in the vision. I think the visions are growing," Y/N said as she looked at Harry. The boy sighed as he sat on Ron's bed next to Corey.

"The question is," Harry said, "did it really happen, or was it just a false warning?"

The room grew quiet as the friends looks around at each other. They all shared glances, worrisome expressions on their faces. The room remained quiet for a few more seconds before a knock sounded on the door, Ron calling for the person to come in. Bill Weasley walked into the room with a small smile as his eyes connected with Harry and Y/N.

"Hey, so Percy went down to the Ministry with dad, it turns out they're not doing so hot over there. Apparently there were riots at the stadium the night after the raid happened after we all left. The Ministry tried to stop it, but they couldn't and now they're being blamed for making no arrests of the Death Eaters that were there that night, no one is paying attention to your names, so no one really blames anyone but the Ministry."

Harry and Y/N shared a relived look before Y/N turned back towards the older Weasley sibling.

"Any word on Rita Skeeter?"

"Yeah, she's practically turning everyone against the Ministry. She's already blaming them for the disappearance of Bertha Jorkins, that head Ministry administrator of the Games and Sports Committee. You two have nothing to worry about, no one blames you."

Harry and Y/N shot Bill a smile as they both said thank you before the older boy made his way out of the room, leaving the group of friends in silence once more. George looked down at his phone before his eyes widened slightly.

"Hey, it's getting late and we all have to wake up early to get to the platform tomorrow before the train leaves. We should all probably go to sleep now."

Everyone nodded as Y/N made her way over to Karan and Jenna, both of them saying a goodbye and goodnight before they hung up, reassuring Y/N that they'd see her tomorrow after they arrived at Diagon Alley. Y/N picked up her phone and placed it in her sweatshirt pockets before she grabbed her computer as everyone filed out of Ron's room to theirs.

She said a goodnight to Ron, Harry, and the twins since they were all going to be sleeping in Ron's room for the night. Sofia, Brianne, Corey, and Brett would be sleeping in Ginny's room since it was probably one of the biggest in the house. Y/N would be rooming with Hermione for the night, just the two of them alone. Y/N's stomach slightly flipped at the idea of spending the night in a room with the bushy-haired girl.

Y/N made her way up the stairs as she hugged Sofia, Brianne, and the boys goodnight as they all filed into Ginny's room, Y/N shooting the youngest Weasley a smile. Ginny sent the girl a smile as she shut the door, Y/N and Hermione now standing alone in the hallway as the house grew quiet. Y/N sighed before she felt Hermione place her hand on her shoulder gently.

"You alright?"

Y/N sent the girl a small smile and nod.

"Yeah, just kind of tired."

"Well then let's get you to bed," Hermione said as she took Y/N's hand, gently tugging her towards the staircase, both of the girls making their way up to the next floor and to one of the guest bedrooms. Y/N looked down to their hands with a small smile, the feeling of Hermione's hand in hers erupting tingles throughout her body at the feeling.

Hermione swung the guest room door open as the two stepped in to see the twin beds on both sides of the room. Hermione made her way over to the left bed where her things were placed as Y/N made her way over to the right bed. They were both in their pajamas seeing as though they had gotten changed after dinner along with everyone else.

Y/N placed her phone on the desk across the room before setting an alarm for them to wake up to. As she finished, she set the phone back down onto the table as she turned around to see Hermione rummaging through a suitcase.

"What're you looking for?"

"A sweatshirt or hoodie," Hermione answered, still rummaging through the piles of clothes in one of her suitcases, "I'm cold and I'm not willing to freeze to death before fourth year starts."

Y/N snickered at the girls words before she walked over to her suitcases, quickly zipping them open as she rummaged through her own clothes. Y/N picked up a pile of sweatshirts and placed them on the bed as Hermione watched her with a curious expression.

"What're you doing?"

"Letting you pick out a sweatshirt or hoodie, duh."

Hermione looked at Y/N with a small smile as she made her way over to the pile.

"You don't need to, I have my own."

Y/N shrugged as she turned back to the pile, "It's fine, I have tons. One missing won't hurt."

Hermione sent her a smile as she started to go through the pile of hoodies and sweatshirts as Y/N watched her with a small smile as she sat on the edge of the bed. Hermione rummaged through the neatly folded sweatshirts for a few more seconds until she stopped, picking up one that immediately caught her eye.

"I think I'll take this one," she said with a goofy smile as Y/N looked at the hoodie she had picked out, a small smile spreading on her lips as she recognized it.

It was her Quidditch hoodie. It was navy with a small Ravenclaw emblem on the front in the top right corner, her last name and number on the back in bronze-the Ravenclaw house colors.

Y/N watched as Hermione threw it on, a smile tugging at her lips. Hermione pulled it down over her head and onto her body as she fixed and adjusted it.

Y/N couldn't help but stare at the girl in front of her with adoration in her eyes, the sight of Hermione wearing her sweatshirt with her name and number on it. She noticed how it was slightly big on her, baggy around the stomach area just like it was on her as the sleeves were a little long, covering her hands as her fingers just barely peaked out from them. The sleeves were scrunched up slightly as they covered her arms and hands.

Hermione noticed Y/N staring and started to grow shy, her hands falling in front of her as she started to play with the sleeves. She shyly ducked her head down as her eyes stayed trained on her hands that were covered by the navy hoodie.

"How does it look?"

Y/N didn't answer for a few seconds, only staring at the girl in front of her as small butterflies erupted in the pit of her stomach. She smiled after a few seconds as she slowly stood up, making her way over to Hermione.

When she stopped in front her, Hermione was still looking down at her hands so Y/N reached her hand out as she placed her fingers under her chin, gently tilting her head up to look at her once more. Y/N couldn't help but smile as warm chocolate eyes connected with hers.

"Perfect," she said softly, Hermione's lips quickly turning upwards into a wide smile.

She could see a small blush paint itself onto Hermione cheeks despite the only light in the room coming from the moon that hung from outside of the window. Hermione continued to smile at the girl as she felt tingles erupt where Y/N's fingers rested on her chin.

"Thank you," she said shyly. Y/N threw her a small smile as her fingers left her chin and fell back to her side. The Ravenclaw slowly backed away from Hermione, their eyes remaining connected until Y/N turned around once her legs hit the bed frame, slowly and carefully getting into the bed as she pulled the covers over her body. Hermione made her way back to her bed, throwing the covers over herself as well.

Both of the girls laid on their sides as they faced each other, smiles on both of their faces at they looked at each other under the dimly moon lit room. Hermione saw Y/N's eyelids start to droop, showing she was tired.

"Night, Mione."

Hermione watched as Y/N quickly fell asleep as her eyelids fluttered closed, the girl falling into sleep within seconds as Hermione watched with a small smile.

"Goodnight Y/N."


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