The Deeper The Hate The Deepe...

By myangelicstar

41.5K 1.6K 239

"How you !! I..I don't believe these bullshits. Parth ...Parth!!!,I know this this is... More

1- Mr. Red Shirt
2 - The person behind Krystle's heartbreak
3 -Parth deciding to help
4 - Project With Parth?
5 - A Silly Leaf
6 - Parth's favorite hobby
7 - Thoughts on Love
8 - Commotion in locker room
9 - Sneaking into his bedroom
10 - Slipped again
11 - Sad flashback
12 - Winning Akansha's support
13 - Parth's fear
14 - Akansha's wicked plan
15 - Partners?
16 - Surprise Visit At Green World
17 - Akansha's Panic Attack
18 - Unplanned night of being close
19 - Finding a beautiful spot
20 - Parth to apologize
21 - Caught Red-handed
22 -Truth or Dare
23 - I need you
24 - My savior
25 - Duty of Waking Parth
26 - Need For Money
27 - The Real Fun
29 - Enlighten Me
30 - A Walk Together
31 - A Tragic Accident
32 - To Dance?
33 - My Childhood
34 - I Love You
35 - Hated Nature
36 - Parth With Jacqueline?
37 - Dare Completed
38 - My Girlfriend
39 - The Prom
40 - Heartbroken
41 - Did I Make A Mistake?
42 - I Hate You
43 - I Am Sorry! I Can't!
44 - Surprise!!!
45 - I Feel Jealous
46 - Trip to U.A.E.
47- In Same Room
48 - The Exhibition
49 - Be Mine
50 - Just Like Those Old Days!!
51 - A Final Conclusion?!!
52 - To Explore
53 - Unexpected Surprise!!
54 - Sweet Revenge
55 - Shock For Whom?
56 - Unexpected Reunion
57 - Is she...??!!
Author's Note
New Book!

28 - Winston Diner

342 26 0
By myangelicstar


"What happened, Akansha? You look so dejected ",I heard Parth's voice beside me, intervening my thoughts.

"Nothing ",I said, staring at my hands.

"Do you regret it? ",he asked after a few moments of silence.

"No!!! ",I sighed. "I am not regretting it ",I whispered.

"Did you feel anything? ",I asked, looking at him. Girl!!! What are you asking him? This is not something you should ask him. "I am sorry. Just forget that I asked you ",I mumbled.

"Akansha ",he rasped. How does he manage to call me like that? I must admit that he has great seducing skills.

"I loved it. I just loved when you kissed me back. And I loved each moment of it. And I am anticipatedly waiting to do it again ",he whispered near my ears with his breath fanning my ears.

"Only if you like it ",he added.

"I ---I don't know ",I said the truth.

"That's better than a rejection ",Parth chuckled and winked at me.

"Did you forget to speak? I won't bite you, okay? Mmm.. maybe sometimes; but not all the time!! So chill. "

"Nice motivation ",I laughed hearing his poor words to make me feel normal.

"You are a duffer ",I said with a chuckle.

"But that's what made you laugh ",he said in a duh tone.

Uh! How did he manage to do that? He is really doing some black magic on me, making me do whatever he wishes.

"So, do you like the beach now? ",I asked him curiously, waiting for his reply.

"Like? No! I love beaches!!! ",he mimicked me in a high fake-pitch tone.

I hit him on his shoulders for teasing me.

"Okay. Okay. Stop ",he chuckled. "The beach is nice! But I love to see this breath-taking view more ",he said, staring at me.

He is talking about the beach scenario, right? But why do I feel like he was saying something else or in particular someone??

Not able to fight the attraction, I moved my face to look at the beautiful waves!

That's when I heard some loud bickering from behind. It was some students who were talking about their day quite too loudly.

Thank goodness they didn't come when we kissed. That would have been so embarrassing!

Students? What's the time? I looked at the time on my phone to see it's past 5 p.m.

Shit! I am late to my work! How did the time pass so soon? I then called Sophie.

"Hello Sophie!! ...... I am sorry! I won't be able to come today....... I am sorry for telling you so late!..... I am caught with my college work. I am sorry..... okay.... bye ",I smiled and cut the phone. I am a lucky person to get such a great boss for me.

"Do you like to say sorry often? "

"What? "

"I have seen you apologizing even for small things ", he said, staring at me.

I gaped at him, "I just apologize if I think that it's my fault! There is nothing wrong with apologizing. Sometimes you need to apologize for your small mistakes to make the one you love happy. There is nothing shameful in that."

"How are you seeing everything in a different light? ",he asked astonished.

I just shrugged my shoulders in return. "It's just that I am seeing it in every perspective ",I said in a duh tone.

"I can never be like you even if I wish but since I don't wish so, it's not a problem. "

"You will look funny!! ",I said, imagining him to be like me. Parth being clumsy all the time; Parth apologizing often; Parth speaking softly to others (not that I am soft to all the bitches); Parth smiling sweetly to others; Par---- no ... no... stop thinking!! I can't control my laugh!! Akansha!!

I clutched my stomach laughing hard. I side eyed to see Parth smiling at me. Smiling? I blinked my eyes to see him looking at me strangely and he too cracked up laughing.

I finally managed to stop laughing since my mind diverted to his laughing face. He looked so care-free, calm, relaxed, nonchalant and cool. A smile beamed on my face looking at him.

"This suits you well. You look so-carefree and relaxed ",I said to him which made him stare deep into my eyes.

Burp! A sound was heard breaking the dense atmosphere! O god!! That's my stomach asking me for food!! I forgot to eat lunch since I went straight to the bank. And I ate just an apple for breakfast; that too ate it while Kryz was driving and scolding me all the way to college for not eating the breakfast!

Now, it's making me suffer in front of Parth making noises!! I face-palmed myself!! Argh!!

"Did you have your lunch? ",he asked, looking at me daring me to lie.

I gulped down not answering him. "So, you haven't eaten anything. What did you eat in the morning? "

Oh no!! "Um.. Breakfast ",I said innocently.

"Don't whip-smart me with your words. Now tell me ",he demanded.

"Uh...Aa---Apple ",I whispered, not able to lie to him.

He looked dumbfounded. "Let's go ",Parth stood up and dragged me towards the car.

Once in the car, "Where are we going? "

"To the restaurant. "

"That's not a problem. You can just drop me home. I can cook for myself ",I said, trying to make him agree with me.

"I should have asked you first whether you had eaten since I took you straight from the bank. It's my fault. So, shut up! You will first eat and then I will drop you home ",he said sternly.

"Put the seat belt on,'' he added. I nodded my head and tightened the seatbelt around me.

He then started the car and drove to the restaurant. And don't ask me which restaurant I am going to because I have no idea!! Seeing his stern face, I am not wishing to experience his rage and wrath. I am happy waiting for him to stop at some restaurant so that I can eat fast and go home.


Out of all the restaurants, why did he take me here?? Ugh!! I hope no one familiar will be in this restaurant since this is just one of the branches of theirs and not the main.

'WINSTON DINER' stood proudly with it's majestic royal look. "We are not dressed properly ",I tried a lame excuse for him to change his mind about eating here.

"Just keep quiet Akansha. Here, the food will be healthy, tasty and delicious."

I know that very, very well! But the problem is that I should not be spotted by any familiar face. If that happened, all these efforts I had put in would be for nothing.

Ignoring my slight protests, he led me inside. The exquisite, majestic, royal, authentic look engulfed me. It looks the same as beautiful as before.

Parth acted as a perfect gentleman leading the way and pulled out a chair for me to sit. The attendant came with a catalogue and left it on the table with a pleasant smile leaving us alone, for us to select the food.

The typical attitude! A strict rule of Winston's is that every customer should be treated equally irrespective of their attire, status. I am glad everyone is following that.

"So, what do you like to have? ",he asked me. "You have most of the cuisine here for you to eat. "

I know each and every detail of it! The catalogue! It seems the catalogue is the same for all the branches of restaurants for Winston's.

It's been quite a long time since I ate Dosa so I decided to order from South Indian cuisine.

When the attendant reappeared, "One Ghee Roast ",I ordered.

"Make that order to two ",Parth said.

"Anything else sir? ",the attendant asked.

"That's it for now ",he said. And then the waiter walked off.

"So, you like Dosa? ",I asked him curiously.

"Well, I guess we have something in common now. "

"Yeah! I agree with that ",I chuckled. Since I didn't find any familiar faces, I am relaxed for now.

"So tell me something about yourself. "

"You ask me something. I shall think whether to answer it or not ",Parth said in a teasing tone.

"What's your favorite color? ...Um... let me guess...Is it black? "

"I like black but no it's not my most favorite. "

"I get it. It's grey, right? "

"Do you think that I only like dark colors? "

"Well, I just thought you loved those as I had seen your room ",I defended myself.

"Then I am going to disappoint you for sure ",Parth stated. "And my favorite color is Red. "

Red? Seriously? But I didn't even find a single thing about him with Red!! "If you don't remember, let me remind you that there was this crazy girl I met and she called me Mr. Red Shirt since she didn't know me. "

Ugh! How can he remember that? He should have forgotten about it now!

"You still remember it? "

"How can you forget such a girl when she irritated the hell out of you and then intrigued you with her character ",he said, staring at me with amused eyes.

"You are still a mystery to me ",he whispered, leaning forward with both hands on the table.

At that time, the attendant came with the food and placed it gently on either side of the table and left us alone.

"Your favorite must be blue. Am I right? ",he said.

"How did you find it out? ",I asked him, shocked.

"A girl lying on the sand admiring the sky and the beaches must be a blue girl, right? "

"Maybe ",I smiled at him. "I guess you're good at observing things ",I complimented him.

"I know. "

"You are great at cocky, arrogant attitudes too ", I mumbled to myself.

"Did you say something? ",he asked with his amused eyes.

"No. I said the food is delicious ",I smiled with my gritted teeth.

"It should be ",he said with a chuckle.

How did his friends manage with his cocky behavior? Only God knows!!!

The food was delicious and we had a light conversation throughout the dinner. We had orange juice too after the food.

If you ignore his little cocky attitude, he is a cool guy. And quite nice too. But I won't ever tell that to him.

And here comes the trouble. THE BILL!

"Let me pay for mine ",I said, taking my purse from my bag.

"And do you think that I will allow you? ",he smirked, taking the bill into his hands.

"Look!! I have enough money to feed myself. And I don't need pity ",I said, offended by his pity for me as I have no money in my bank account.

"Pity? For what? I am a man who doesn't make his company pay money when I take them to the restaurant with me. And for your kind notice, let me tell you that you are the first one irritating me the hell out of this simple issue ",he said frustrated.

When the attendant came, Parth extended his card to him before I could take the money from my purse. Argh!! This stupid!! Idiot!!! Can't he see that I hate it when someone pays for me?

"You are looking so cute with your anger ",Parth chuckled, staring at me.

"The next time, I won't allow you ",I said sternly.

"So, my partner wishes to have a date with me again? ",he asked with a smirk.

"Date? You consider this as a date? ", I asked, shocked.

"On dates, the man takes her to eat in a beautiful place, then talks, then at the end they kiss and then drop her at her house ",he stated. "I guess we did it in a reverse mode; first kiss, and the other things followed. Don't you think so? "

Is he out of his mind? "You are unbelievable ",I said, flabbergasted. And why the hell did he bring that kiss out of nowhere. I am trying my best to forget it but this loggerhead is bringing it out again.

'Don't you think it's a beautiful memory of your life? ', a voice in me said.

'Um... it maybe... but he doesn't need to know about it '

'But why do you feel happy that he still remembers it? '

'Sh... shut up... ', I shushed her; I mean myself.

"Back to earth Miss. Corey ",he said, snapping his fingers in front of me.

"Um... I was just lost. Shall we go? "

"Yeah, we can ",he said and stood up.

Thank goodness! He didn't bring about that kiss again! But deep down I was sad too. But why?


"Today was a special one to me ",Parth said huskily when he stopped the car near my home.

"Mine too ",I smiled. He leaned down closer, staring at my eyes, then my lips.

"I don't know what you are doing to me. But I like this feeling; with you ", he whispered, his breath fanning on my face.

"I too like it ",I whispered, inhaling his earthy, masculine scent.

Not wasting a second, his lips planted on mine, sucking it like a bee sucking the nectar from the flower. I too responded to him feverishly with passion. I don't care if my conscience is warning me but I can't ignore this feeling forever. I admit that I like him. His tongue invaded my mouth feverishly and my whole body was tingling with sensations with his hands roaming all over my body and mine on the nape of his neck fumbling and caressing his hair tendril.

But do you accept him being a playboy? Will you allow him to take what he wants? Will you then be able to see him with other girls ignoring you? Could you, Akansha?

No!! I can't!! Stop! "Stop ",I tried to say but he kept smooching my lips. That's when I came to sense that I was straddling him. Shit!! How did I do this? I tried to wriggle out of his grips. That's when he stopped and looked at me with confusion written all over his face.

"Stop this! I am sorry. I can't ",I whispered breathlessly and tried to move away from his lap. But Parth held my waist firmly gripping me.

"What happened? ",his voice was a little raspy and out of breath.

"I am not like the other girls. And I am not a person who kisses someone randomly. Sorry, I can't ",I whispered looking at him.

"There!! The same thing!! You are not like the other girls, Kanz! You are special to me. And I wish to know what I feel about this connection ", he whispered.

"Are you telling the truth? "

"Yes. I am. "

"You better be ",I said with a chuckle.

"Sure ma'am ", he chuckled.

"It's late. I need to go ",I whispered.

"Sure. You can ",he said, leaning down and softly pecking my lips.

"Your lips are so addictive ",he rasped.

I then stepped away from him and then got down from the car.

"Bye Parth. "

"See you tomorrow Kanz ", he said, staring at me with a cute smile on his face.

I turned and walked towards the door and opened it and that's when I heard the car moving.

I guess Kryz has not come home yet. Let me just message her.

'Where are you Miss. Krystle Spears? ', I typed and went to my room.

I stared at the mirror confirming that it was me. Oh gosh!! My face is so flushed and beaming!

I had my first kiss with him. It was so magical! So enchanting! He is bewitching me! But I like it!

He too felt the same feelings as me, right? I hope so.

But deep down, Parth being a playboy still disturbs me.

You have read stories like bad boys can fall in love, right? So, it is possible in real life too. But does that happen in real life? I don't wanna think about it. Let me see where this goes! Yeah!

"Is someone in a fantasy world? ", a voice chirped behind me.

Jesus!! I jumped out of my skin hearing a sudden voice.

"Hey! Relax it's me ",Kryz voiced out.

"How did you enter? ",I asked her, coming out from the little shock she gave me.

"Um... I have the door keys too ",she said looking at me.

"Yeah!! I was just lost. And you took me off-guard ",I said, taking a deep breath.

"That's okay. Now tell me why your face is beaming with some kind of emotion that I haven't seen before? "

"I---- I kissed ",I whispered the truth since I am not a person to hide something from Kryz.

"Wow!! Thank God! You have finally kissed someone! And who is the lucky man? ", Kryz asked eagerly.

Here comes the difficult part. "'s Pa--- Parth ", I whispered.

She looked dumbfounded for a moment. " Are you speaking about Parth Saxton or someone else? ", she asked desperately.

"It's Parth Saxton, Andy's friend. "

Silence! A dead silence followed! "How could you Kanz? Don't you know that he is a playboy? Out of all the men in the world, you kissed Parth? Why? You will end up being hurt, Kanz. I have seen him with many girls. He is not the one for you! ", she said in a dejected and concerned tone.

"I just felt some spark between us. Even Andy was a playboy too before he met you, right? "

"Yes ", she mumbled. "Just be careful Kanz ",she said, smiling at me.

"I will ",I replied.


The students were buzzing in the corridors speaking about their weekend while going to their respective classes. College life is known as one of the most memorable years of one's life. It is entirely different from school life.

College life exposes us to new experiences and things that we were not familiar with earlier. For some people, college life means enjoying life to the fullest and partying hard. While for others, it is time to get serious about their career and study thoroughly for a brighter future. And I am in the dilemma of both.

I walked towards my locker to get my books for the first class. That's when the scene in front of me shook my soul violently. How can this happen? I stood shocked witnessing the scene in front of me.


Hello my dear readers!! I hope you liked this chapter.

For those who wonder what Dosa is, it's a rice pancake, originating from South India, made from a fermented batter predominantly consisting of lentils and rice. Traditionally, dosas are served hot along with chutney (a mint dipping sauce or any other flavor) and sambar (a lentil- based vegetable stew).

A ghee roast is one type of dosa prepared with ghee.

What did she witness? Do you have any ideas?

Stay tuned :)

With love,

S.M. Skyler.

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