The Symbiote Prototype: A RWB...


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The story begins with you. The protagonist waking up in a lab. With absolutely no memory, not even being abl... More

Chapter 1. Awakening
Chapter 2. Escape
Chaptor 3. Breakout
Chapter 4. Meeting an Adorable Face
Chapter 5. Slap on the wrist
Chapter 6. Beacon.
Chapter 7. Meeting Friendly Faces
Chapter 8. Having bonds
Chapter 9. Something hUnGerS...
Chapter 10. Big Slumper Party!
Chapter 11. Massive Friend Making
Charter 12. There's More To You
Chapter 13. Finding pieces
Chapter 14. I'm The Resson Your Alive
Chapter 15. Classes
Chapter 16. Ready For Schneeing
Chapter 17. Kombat Schnee
Chaptor 18. (Y/N)'s Semblance...?
Chapter 19. Infected Parasite
Chaptor 20. Beyond My Control
Chapter 21. Forever Fall
Chapter 22. Satisfying Hunger
Chapter 23. A Dream Too Real
Chapter 24. Truth or Dare with RWBY
Chapter 25. Sneaking out
Chapter 26. Inside Horrors
Chapter 27. It's What Your Ment For
Chaptor 28. (Y/N)'s Mental State
Chapter 29. Taste Of Blood
Chapter 30. Otherworldly Talk
Chapter 31. Credit.
Chapter 32. Another Night, Another mutilation
Chapter 33. The Stray
Chapter 34. Black and White
Chapter 35. Black and White Part 2
Chapter 36. Black and White Part 3
Chapter 37. Infected Parasitic 120 volts
Chapter 38. Panic Attack
Chapter 39. Warfare in the Lunchroom
Chapter 40. Dark Past
Chapter 41. Planning and Preparing
Chapter 42. First Step to Strike
Chapter 43. A Reunion With An Ally
Chapter 44. Im not normal
Chapter 45. Evolved Movement
Chapter 46. Plan In Motion
Chapter 47. First Major Fight
Chapter 48. Infiltration
Chapter 49. Gaining Evidence
Chapter 50. He's Alive....
Chapter 51. Conneting Little Dots
Chapter 52. Setting Topics to Rest
Chapter 53. A Cat's Worry
Chapter 54. Settling the Hissing
Chapter 55. Soon to be Dance
Chapter 56. Hang Out with the Fashion Queen
Chapter 57. Mall Terror
Chapter 58. Get. Me. Out.
Chapter 59. Some Actual Training
Chapter 60: Training with Ice
Chapter 61: Into the Shadows
Chapter 62: The Dragon's Furry
Chapter 63: A Deal with a Brute
Chapter 64: First Double Hunt
Chapter 65: Bio-vigilantism
Chapter 66. Dark Growing Reputation
Chapter 67: More Bloodshed, More Trauma, More Information
Chapter 68: Search and Destroy
Chapter 69: Brutal Questioning
Chapter 70: Something Peachy
Chapter 71: Mental Debates and Questions
Chapter 72: Kitchen Terror
Chapter 73: Nora Nuke Pancake
Chapter 74: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 75: Horrors of GenTek
Chapter 76: Aftermath
Chapter 78: Experimental Training
Chapter 79: Suspicious Signs
Chapter 80: The Dance Nears

Chapter 77: Exploring One's Self

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The day of learning was finally coming to an end. And the sweet relief of relaxing into the night was almost apon us. Only have to wait a bit more longer, then we're free. But right now, the class I was in wasn't too bad. I quiet enjoy it actually. Especially since I ACTUALLY learning things I might need in the future. Sorry Mr. Port. But it's all made better with the teacher teaching the class, Ms. Yamada.

And no, I DON'T LOOK AT ANYTHING WEIRD OR LEWD ON HER OK? I respect her, and see her as only my teacher. And she only sees me as her student. Just like everyone else. Well... Except a few gross guys in the class. Who I catch staring at her in inappropriate ways... Such as today. One of the students were staring at her chest. And this said student was a team member of Cardin's team... "What a pleasant surprise..." I muttered to myself as I looked at him. An annoyed expression on my face. He kept staring at her, making this stupid smile. A smile that showed this guy was thinking of something dirty about her. And by that point, I wasn't having it. So as I had already finished my assisted work, I started to device a plan.

And it starts by using my Scroll. I pulled it out, and clicked on the Camera Application. And in a very low-key, and stealthy way, as stealthy as I possibly can, I aimmed the camrea shot so Ms. Yamada and Cardin's Team member could be in the shot. And only them. So it was obvious to what he was looking at. And after the shot was perfect, I clicked the button, and took the photo.

For a split second my heart raced. As I thought I still had flash or sound on. But by some miracle, and unknown reason I didn't have it on when I took the picture. But I didn't care. I'm just glad it happned. As ones I took the picture, I immediately put my Scroll back into hiding. And went back to looking like I didn't notice anything. In which I picked up my pencil again and started to sketch in my Journal. While also taking some notes. Manly in many different Grimm species and types. I'd draw out a sketch of the desired Grimm, then I'd add the details in, then add more like shading or details that are harder to spot without looking closer. Next, there was the coloring. Ones all the sketching and detailing was done, that's when the coloring comes in. And finally, comes all the information on the Grimm. And honestly, I actually like learning about Grimm. How they work, and what makes them tick, how negative emotions can attach them, and my most favorite part about learning about them, what their weak points are.

And the Grimm I had finished sketching was this beast.

Giaivetail is what it's called. Or the Hell's Bardiche for others. Its a very dangerous Grimm type, and is also pretty rare to encounter. But that doesn't mean you won't maybe encounter one in your Hunter or Huntress life time. But for one, I hope i dont encounter one. As these are one of these more difficult armored types which take ages to kill to do their armor. After finishing that page, I turned to the next journal page. And started doing the same with the next. Drawing out a sketch of the Grimm in question, then adding their abilities, type, size, etc. And finally adding the facts and info beside the sketch. Just writing it in a more simpler way, and less of the way Mr. Port dose it and explains it. As again... He explains it in a way to where its unbearable. Like, SUPER. Unbearable. So that's what I have been doing to pass the class time. The next Grimm I drew and filed was this one.

This Grimm was named the Byakko Khan. This is a more smaller version to the Chimera. Which is a fusion of many different other animals put into one. Or something worse. For this Grimm Chimera, the Tiger dose all the body movement. The Byakko was also smaller then the other Grimm Chimera which I haven't had time to add to learn or add to my journal. And to put it shortly, it's a Grimm I don't wanna meet. And I very much don't wanna be on the wrong side of this beast. I can only imagine...

But after a while of working in my journal, time finally passed and the bell rings. Everyone begins to pack their stuff. Everyone, except me. I waited back a little bit, every student begins to walk out, as I still sat in my seat. Just adding a few more touches to me journal page. Ones everyone left, that's when Ms. Yamada noticed me. "Hmm?" I hear her question wordlessly. "(Y/N)? Did you not hear the bell?" She asks. "Class is over." She says. I looked up at her. "Oh... I know." I reply. "Then, how come your not going to your next class? Your gonna be late if you don't hurry." She says. "Well..." I start. "I... I wanted to tell you something." I say. "In private. That's why I waited behind until everyone left." I explained. "Oh?" She says. Ms. Yamada sits up from her desk chair, closes the door, and walks over to me. "What did you need to say (Y/N)?" She asks. In a polite tone. Not to be mean or anything, but the way Ms. Yamada speaks is so much more calming and relaxing then from how Ms. Glynda speaks. Shes always got this stern, serious and strict sounding tone to her. Which makes it difficult to ever want to speak with her. Heck its hard to even ask her to use the restroom. That's how scary she is. But you dont get that with Ms. Yamada. Its a complete opposite feeling, you feel calm, relaxed, and well... Happy to be in her presence. While Ms. Gylnda just feels Imtimatating, made worse by her height.

So as this conversation continues, Ms. Yamada takes a seat beside me, using one of the many, now empty chairs. I continued to explain. I explained how after I finished my assigned work, I noticed one of Cardin's team members was staring at her. Now at first, she chalked this up as normal, she was teaching and that's what happens in the texbing business. But no, it wasn't normal staring. And he FOR SURE not staring at her for learning. I then told her how he was not staring at her in a normal way... No. He was staring at her chest... And after I told her that, I pulled out my scroll and showed her the evidence. And it was at this point, she believed me. If the dark red blush on her cheeks was any indicator. "Uhh...." She stammers. Her cheeks grow more red and she tries to play off her ever growing embarrassment. Espesailly with exactly how that dirtybag was staring at her. Then I noticed something. Ms. Yamada had tears in her eyes, along side her dark red blush. "Ms. Yamada...?" I asked. "Um...! Uhhh...." She stammered again. "T-Th-Thank you for being this to me attention (Y/N)..." She says. "I-I'll make sure this situation is dealt with..."  She explains. I nodded. "Ok." I say. "I-I'll write you a pass for your next class." She says before getting up and writing in a small sheet of paper. After which she hands it to me. "Again... Thank you for bringing this to my attention." She says. "Of course. I don't mean to be a snitch or something but... That is just something I can't let go." I say. "No, no! Ita not snitching. You did the right thing. Please dont let what you did be seen as bad. What you did today is good." Ms. Yamada explains. I couldn't help up smile at that. "Thanks. Please have a good day Ms. Yamada." I say. "You too (Y/N), have an amazing day." She says back as I left. I felt good for the rest of the day, and not only that, I had a big smile in my face. Bot just Becuase of Ms. Yamada's kind words. But becuase I just got one of Cardin's team memebers in trouble, and most likely, they all will get that punishment. And that is what made me smile the most. And that smile and good mood lasted until I finished school for the day, and headed back to the dorm.

After finally settling down, my happy mood then switched to one of Serious Thinking. As that's what I was doing now. Thinking. And what was I thinking about? I was thinking about what aftermath effects could have been made after the destruction of the GenTek Building. Manly things that will effect GenTek and whoever else is working for or with them for some unkown deal or bargain. But I know who this will most definitely effect, and that someone is Alex Mercer. He clearly has connections to GenTek, even through when I first met him, he made it out he was the hero and GenTek was the villains. When in reality, they both were in on this deal of sorts, or partnership. Same gose to the White Fang surprisingly. I never would have expected those people to be under Alex's control. Espeially the leader. Who is named Adam. And already I hate the red haired basterd. After what Blake told me what he did to her, he deserve every amount of abuse Alex gives him. And I'd love to give him some ass whooping of my own, but even I know that's suicide. I'm not skilled enough, and for him to be the leader ofnthe White Fang, he's gotta be skilled and strong. Heck I don't think Venom could take him. He'd probably pull something to help him win, some dirty move or something. He just seems like the type to pull all the dirty tricks. I sighed, and soon sat back up from the bed. Weiss' bed to be specific. And I had another inspiration. "Are we gonna work on your equipment again? Is that what your inspiration is?" Venom asks. Killing the silence that was in the room a second before. "Well this inspiration will help us if my gauntlet blades ever break off." I reply walking over to my bag. Venom groans. "Now im gonna get more splinters..." Venom complains. "Ok... First off..." I start. "Your made of legit slime, HOW!? Can you get splinters?" I ask. "Second, what we're about to do, doesn't even involve wood.
So stop complaining and help me!" I exclaimed. Venom's snake like head appears beside me, and just from his expression, I knew he would be rolling his eyes in annoyance if his white eyes would have pupils. "Lets just get this over with." He says. Deep annoyance in his beastly deep tone. "You decided to live inside me, so now you gotta pay the rent." I said as I took out the supplies, and the items we were gonna work on. "Just dont smash the hammer on my tendril." Venom says. "Don't cut me with anything." I say. "Deal." Venom replies. The weapons we were gonna upgrade and modify was my combat knife, and the large bowie knife I stole from many White Fang hidden bases.

I and Venom continue working on the two weapons as the room was echoing the sounds of clanks, and clatters. And the occasional sound of I and Venom's muttered. Either to ourselves or to each other. Which kinda involved us having small disagrements with one another. "Venom it gose here." I say. "Yeah, yeah I know." Venom replies. And some like "Wait doesn't this part go here?" Venom asks. "What? No! I'd cut myself if it wad there ya dummy." "Well do I look like a human weapon builder? I don't know this!" And stuff like that. It was a kinda a long... And difficult process. But eventually, the arguing and bickering paid off, as the final product, came out amazing.

And honestly, I've never seen a weapon look so imtimading, yet so cool looking at the same time. Not to toot my own horn. And this is coming from the guy who has a Scythe Machine Gun. These knifes came out amazing. And I and Venom were proud of it. "Not bad..." Venom said. "Not bad at all." I nodded in agreement. "Not bad? These things LOOK AWSOME!" I exclaim. "You really helped this time Venom. And I thank you for that." I say. But I suddenly lowered my tone to almost no sound, when I muttered "Even though a part of me regrets doing so..." I mutter. But of course Venom hears it. "I'll still take that as a compliment. " Venom said. I scoff as I roll my eyes as I picked up my Combat Knife. The one Ruby of course bought me, but was now suped up a bit to which I hope, would be to my likening and my benifit. I started to analyse the knife more, turning it from side to side. And feeling and holding the modifyed handle and grip in my hand. No weight. And it was light for a large jagged knife. "Yeah." I thought. "This is perfect." I then got up from my seat and started to do more advanced ways of testing if the knife was positively upgraded. I started doing at first, slow slashing motions. Like a slash to the left, then a slash to the right. I do this two more times. After which, I stop while lightly panting. "Yeah..." I say. "This knife works perfectly." A smile grew on my face as I stared at my new knife. The blade slightly reflecting me. I then put down the knife, and put it inside it's sheath. Which made a satisfying sound as it slid inside. Same gose to when you pull it out.

I then set my Combat Knife down, and swap my attention to the Bowie Knife. "Ok... Lets hope I don't cut myself." I said to myself. "Then don't be stupid with the knife." Venom comments. I made an annoyed glare. "I'm careful shut up."  I reply to him as I picked up the knife. Already I noticed a difference from the Combat Knife. There was the slightest bit of difference in the weight of the two knifes. Of course, the bowie knife being a little bit heavier then the smaller Combat Knife. And of course, being a lot more straight with the blade shape. As the Combat Knife had a bended curve along the top, while the Bowie Knife had jagged spikes along the top. I then get a better grip and firm grip on the knife. "Ok... Let's see if this knife grip works." I say. As I start to test it out. The Same testing as with tue Combat Knife. A slash swipe to the left, then the right. I continued doing this more, while getting processing faster. I hear the swishing of the knife butting through the air grow faster as I continue cutting at the air, and from what ive seen, this knife is perfectly made. As with the Combat Knife as I went back to it to test it out more.

And as I said before, both were perfect. The upgrade was a perfect success.

As I was putting my knives back into my sling bag, the dorm door opens, and out steps in Weiss and Ruby. "Hey guys." I say. I stand back up to face them. "How's-" I then pause. When I saw the expression and looks of Weiss and Ruby... They looked completely drain, and exhausted. Like if they haven't slept at all. My expression changed to concern and worry. "You guys good?" I ask. "NO." Weiss replies sternly. "WE'RE NOT OK. NOT AT ALL..." She says as she rubbed her eyes. Ruby just yawns then let's out a cute sounding whine as she drops all her papers and face plants on the bed. "Mmmm...." Ruby groans. Her voice muffled by the bed. Weiss sits down on her bed, before slumping back on the bed herself. But she slight pushed Ruby a bit to the side to make herself more room. In which she fell onto her back again. "Guys, what happned to you two?" I ask. "Did you guys forget to sleep? Because you looked like you had enough sleep from what I saw." I said. Ruby, though muffled, answers. "It's not sleep..." She says. "Its work..." I made a puzzled face. "Work?" I asked. "Work... She means school work..." Weiss answers. Then I realized what they ment. "School work stress?" I question. The two nod and say "Yes..." It all clicked now. "Professor Port?" I ask. The mention of his name seem to annoy them more "YES..." They answered with annoyance in their tone. Even when Ruby was still muffling herself, I can tell she was irritated. They lay there for a bit, not making noise, as I can tell they were trying to clam themselves down from their frustration. But an idea hatched in my brain. "Want me to help?" I ask. They perk up. "Do you really want to help us?" Weiss asks. "Its a lot of work (Y/N)..." Ruby says. "Yes im sure. I wanna help you guys. And help you out with your work stress." I said. Now this gave them confidence. And with that confidence, the three of us worked on the assiments. Granted, I also struggled on some of the work Ruby and Weiss were assigned to, but soon, we managed to finished them, and get it done. Which felt very rewarding when it was all finished. And it also ped to Ruby and Weiss finally having a free schedule now. Which was amazing timing, as Blake and Yang soon came back right around the time we finished their work. Which resulted in us just hanging in the dorm. Talking about life, our assigned work, and how Professor Port can be annoying with his rambling stories and pointless assignments...

Sorry Port but its true. Your class is a boring hell.

Anyways, after my and Team RWBY's hang out and recovery from stressful work, the nighttime was soon apon us. And it was time for bed. But two of team members in the team litterly knocked themselves from how fast they fell asleep. And those two were Weiss and Ruby. They fell asleep almost instently. Like as Me, Blake and Yang looked away for a bit, talking to one another, the second we turn back, Weiss and Ruby were out like a shot light. What makes it funny is that the two were sleeping together, amd Ruby was holding Weiss like Teddy bear. As was Weiss. The two were just down and asleep. The three of us were suprised and shocked. Yang then laughs at the sight of that. And suddenly she pulled out her Scroll and took a picture of the two. "Ohh I can't wait to see how they react when they see this..." Yang said mischievously. "Your gonna get your butt whooped from them. You know that right?" I ask. "Hey, a girl's gotta find some entrainment, even if they have to make it." Yang said. I roll my eyes. I look at Blake. "You know thays gonna end in destruction right?" I ask her. "Very much. Yes." Blake said. "You'll help me protect my books right?" Blake asks. I laugh softly. "Yeah I'll help don't worry." I reply. After the three of us changed into our night wear (I had to leave the room when Blake and Yang changed) we all got into our beds, and after a while, fell into deep sleep.

Except one. And of course, it was me.

And it was foe two reasons. Resson One, I actually couldn't get any sleep. No matter how hard I tired. I tossed and turned, switching from sleeping to my side, my left side, my back, my stomach, I just COULDN'T sleep. Not to mention I was for some resson thinking about another question that's been plaguing my mind for the longest time. Way back when I made my escape from GenTek. And my parasitic slime partner caught on to this. "Your really dwelling on this question." Venom says. "Of course you'd take notice on this Venom..." I say internally. "But how can I not? I mean... I really don't know what I can be capable of. I'm pretty sure ive only seen glimpses of what I can do. And just from accidently activating it. Or... something like that." I say. "Like the time in that store, the robbery. What did I do there?" I ask. "You really wanna know?" Venom asks. "Yes! Why would I not want to know? What have I been doing all this time?" I say. "Hmm. Your right." Venom agrees. "Now about the question, manly what you did in that store, that is your Conduit powers." Venom answers. "Conduit?" I ask. "Yes Conduit. GenTek made us part Conduit." Venom explains. "I remember Yang talking about that when Blake dissappared. Do you know more about them?" I ask. And luckily Venom knows more then I thought he did.  "If You remember you history lessons with Blake..." Venom starts. "Conduits were a sub species of humans that had super powers, as were the humans infected with the Blacklight or Mercer Virus that didn't turn into a mindless beast. They were named Evolved. Now the resson how their able to do these unique abilities is because of a gene in their DNA and genetics known as the Conduit Gene." Venom explains. "Every Conduit is granted the ability to manipulate a certain form of energy. The most inFAMOUS being the man Cole McGrath." I nod my head as he explains this. Who know this slime alien would be giving me a history lesson on rather dark time in history about Super Humans. Ome born of a deadly virus, and one born of a unique gene. Like a semblance. But Venom says its insanely rare to be born with a Conduit Gene. There's no evidence or sign that you have it. Venom explains that when the second Blacklight outbreak took place, Cole activated his Conduit powers from this strange device that was in a package he was mailing. But the device was from GenTek origin. So of course, when things went wrong, it exploded. And Cole was in the blast. Which actived his Conduit Gene. And soon, hes firing lighting from his hands, and the resson how he survived the giant explosion. And it also managed to do some other... Weird things... Like it may have did something weird to the time, and it was able to open a wormhole for a split second, and it led to Cole fighting a Future version of himself- I don't know. Its all conspiracy theorizes. And GenTek, of course. Won't tell. And they for sure won't tell or talk now. Especially after we bombed their building. They'll do whatever it takes to hide their secrets in the shadows. Until something, or someone... Damages them enough.

Now back to Conduits and what I might be able to do. Venom explains that Cole's conduit ability was electricity. Not just from electronics, but from the weather as well. Yeah, Cole had the ability to summon lighting and even charge up his power from lighting as well. Now if that doesn't sound cool I don't know what is. "But as I said, Cole wasn't the only Conduit. There were many others amongs the second Blacklight Outbreak. As well different and unique Evolved." He says. "And at that time, survivors and soldiers said the two would fight each other amongs the already destroyed land and cities. James Heller and Cole McGrath weren't the only ones having brutal conflicts amongs the outbreak. Survivors had to deal with Infected humans and animals, Evolved and Conduits, Blackwatch's corruption, all that soon boiled to a point when Alex Mercer was preparing to spread the virus farther to completely infect the city and many more. But James Heller killed him in time, which severely halted the virus' spread." Venom explains. I sat in silence the whole time as he explained. "James cut the head from the snake..." I say. "And from where Cole was in the world, he used a machine that a rouge GenTek doctor created to official out an end to the virus. James halted the virus in Vale, Cole finished it. The two unentnally helped one another and saved the world from a Blacklight Apocalypse. Venom says. Yeah I remember reading up on this. Some parts of this I already know, but Venom filled in pieces that I didn't know existed or couldn't find. Again, Venom seemed to be more informed then I thought. "What other type of Conduits are there in the world?" I ask him. "Even I don't know that." Venom answers. "But there were never many, not even close to millions. More to thousand or less. But I can guess and answer two we might have." Venom says. Now I was eager to know this. "Which is?" I ask. "The obvious is Electricity." Venom says, and that, I can clearly remember doing. Again, that store robbery incident. "And the other, was on the same night. And that would be Neon Energy." Venom explains. Now I was confused. "Neon...? Energy?" I question. "Yes Neon." Venom said. "You remember don't you? Those bright colors that flew into your hand, and how we were dashing around leaving color trails?" Venom says. Then it clicked. "Ohhh. That..." I say. "Now I rememeber. That was... A weird experience." I said. But at the same time, I really wanna know more about my Conduit half. And maybe my Blacklight half... But after this long conversation with Venom, I want to learn.... No.... I NEED, to learn more about what I can do, and what im capable to do. And of course, know what my amnesia is hiding. And why is learning and knowing what I can do a need? If I wanna know more about what GenTek or Alex Mercer is planning, then im gonna need more then guns and blades. I need to take advantage of these special traits and abilities, which will most likely not make the task easier, but it will make it more manageable. Which is enough. And of course, Venom was listening in to this mental debate I was being. "So are you saying we train and discover what we can do?" He asks. I roll my eyes. " *SIGH* I guess so." I admit. I could just feel the smile grow on Venom. Even through he wasn't facing me. I was talking to him internally. "But first get me out of here." I said. As I was on the top bunk. And couldn't get down without making noise. So Venom had to tendril me down, meaning he used his tendrils to guide me down.

Ones I touches the ground again, I immediately went to rhe closet to change, and after a quick silent change, I packed up my gear and equipment, and again, like many nights before, open the window, and with Venom's help again, guides me down with his tendrils and we touch the ground again. And from that, we went out in search of a good and secluded spot to train and learn about our powers...

To be continued....

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