Persphyni : I am Dangerous

By sup_rudy_

69.3K 2.1K 174

"The sun, the warmth, it was like a blanket. A beautiful, bright, blanket that burned. Burned, my demons away... More



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By sup_rudy_

We all took a deep breath, and together we pulled the lever. Monty watching from the other side of Clarke as we slowly pulled down. The alarms began to blare, and I knew it was done. Mount Weather was no more.

I watched as Emerson and Cage fled from camera view and moved from my spot inbetween Clarke and Bellamy towards the door. The three still shell-shocked at what we had done as they saw the effect of radiation in real time. Slipping out, I left them as I went down to level five. Running with a speed my bullet wound couldn't take, but I didn't care.

When I got down there, I ran to the corridor and dropped to my knees when I saw the small family hugging one another. And in the middle of them all was Melissa. A smile on her face, her eyes open with the ghost of her last view. My heart dropping as I struggled to breath.

I barely knew her, but I knew she was kind even if you messed up her knitting. The silence of the corridor was filled with my small watery laugh as I remembered the pain I had felt that day.

I began to move the family out of the middle of the corridor even as my side protested. I wanted to make sure they could lie peacefully and not be disturbed during evacuation. When I got to the last little boy, I spotted a toy train that was oddly familiar a few feet away. I picked it up and read the name on the bottom then stared at the young blonde.

His name was Reece, he was four years old, and loved the story about the little train who climbed up the steep mountain. A story I read to him nearly ten times in one day. He had it memorized by heart, every time I would reach the point he would say it for me, "I think I can, I think I can."

He would always smile and become happier, as if he was that little train and by saying he thought he could, he would. The small action giving him confidence and hope to go on.

I felt the tear slip from my eye and I let it. Blinking back anything else as I pulled the boy over to his family and set the train in his hands before grabbing my backpack and pulling it on. Watching as Bellamy, Monty, and Clarke stood at the entrance to the cafeteria, staring at the wreckage. But before they could turn to look at me, I was already gone.

I had a President to find.


"Who's there?" I smirked as I jumped into the tree across from me. Cage's voice scared as he shined the light in front of him. I leaned against the tree crossing my arms as I stared down at the man.

"Show yourself." He asked again. And I was just about to jump down when a war cry was emitted from my right. And when I turned to look, I saw a grounder running straight for Cage. Only to fall when the President pulled out one of the beacons.

"I got something for ya." I took that as my chance to climb down the tree, not wanting to jump as my side was already bleeding from the excessive exercise.

"This is for you." I stepped closer and nearly cheered when the grounder took his sword and swung, taking Cage's hand clean off. Right into my hand.

"Hey Cage," I drawled over his screams as I stepped closer, "I think you're missing something."

"You." I threw his hand down as he stared up at me, the grounder backing up slightly to get a better look at me.

"I promised didn't I?" I gave Lincoln a nod after I got over the coincidence to which he replied with one of his own.

I picked up the small metal that held red liquid and handed it to Lincoln.

"No. You don't have to do this." I knelt down in front of Cage and brought my dagger in front of him as Lincoln injected him with whatever the red liquid was. Cage soon falling to the side and shaking, gasping for breath.

"The first dose is the worst." Cage continued gasping as I brought my dagger to his chest.

"Welcome to the ground." I smirked as I plunged my dagger into his chest. The blood pouring as I pierced his heart then spraying as I yanked my dagger free. Wiping the blade off and slipping it back into my left sheath.

Using my hands I pushed myself off the ground and slowly stood, blood rushing to my head and making me see spots as I wavered right into Lincoln's arms.

"You're bleeding." He pointed out as he brought my shirt up to see the red bandages.

"It's just a scratch." I suddenly was more out of breath than before. My adrenaline had worn off and the bullet wound felt like more than just a scratch.

"Sure. Come on, let's get you back to camp." Lincoln wrapped my left arm around him and held me up while applying pressure to the wound with his right. The two of us began to walk back in the direction of where I'm assuming the Ark landed. Wherever we were headed, I let Lincoln lead the way as my feet began to feel heavy.


"Hold on just a little longer. We are almost there." He promised as the sun was now almost at its highest point in the sky.

"That's what you said last time." I grumbled as I kept walking.

"Yeah, well, I have to hold a little hope." I rolled my eyes as we began to step out of the forest.

"The only hope I have is that Bellamy doesn't kill me for down playing this." Lincoln let out a sharp bark of laughter before adjusting his hold as I winced when he tightened up on my wound.

"I'd say you'd have a slim chance of that." I looked up at him pausing for a moment.

"Why do you say that?" This time Lincoln shot me the confused look.

"Well he obviously cares for you. And I know if it was Octavia I'd help her then lecture her about why she didn't inform me it was this bad."

"Nope. Still not getting it." I started to walk again. Ignoring Lincoln's sigh and undoubtedly his roll of the eyes.

"You will someday." This time I was the one to roll my eyes.

"Just get me to camp, please. I'd rather not die from infection today."

"I'd rather you not die at all."

"Awe, how sweet. You do care."

"Well obviously, or else I would have left your ass with Cage." I gasped but laughed. Lincoln was talking to me like we were life long friends and I've never felt so relieved.

"True. Thank you for the dagger by the way. I realized I never really thanked you with everything going on."

"Sure. You needed something from the ground that was better than anything you guys could make." I laughed again.

"Fair point." This time he laughed, and I felt the middle of a wonderful friendship forming.


"Lincoln," I whispered as he set me against the trunk, my bag in front of him as he dug through it. "I've changed my mind." He rose a brow worried as he looked to me then back down to the bag.

"I don't want to die anymore." My eyes closed as I breathed out the sentence. The world falling silent and cold as images of Bellamy, Clarke, Octavia, Jasper, Monty, Raven, Murphy, Finn, Wells, Charlotte, the rest of the hundred at our camp, and Lincoln flashed through my mind. Just before everything went black, and I was floating in space, something I should have done a long time ago.

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