Persphyni : I am Dangerous

By sup_rudy_

69.4K 2.1K 174

"The sun, the warmth, it was like a blanket. A beautiful, bright, blanket that burned. Burned, my demons away... More



1.3K 44 2
By sup_rudy_

"Retrofit zone... more like tightfit zone." I grumbled under my breath as Bellamy was once again in front of me in a tight area. And once again, I had a view of his ass, only now he has an Acetylene torch, which if I remember anything from Raven's brief mechanic lesson, it's great for wielding but do not go near oxygen with it.

"Quit grumbling, you were the one who decided to come." I stuck my tongue out childishly at him.

"Only cause you have absolutely no idea what you're doing." I spat back. It was true, and from the small bark of noise through Bellamy's earpiece, Raven thought it was too.

"You could have gone to release the grounders to get us one step closer." He spit back. He was mad that he was older yet I was going to end up being smarter than him, even though I already am and have been.

"And I said before, we have to get the acid fog down," fun fact, Mount Weather is the source of the acid fog that killed Atom, another reason to the list, "if we want to get our outside army in. As soon as we get the fog down, I'm booking it to the Harvest room and I'm setting our inner army loose. The smarter play." This time he was the one who grumbled under his breath, a small smirk growing as I lightly slapped his calf.

"Don't worry, age before brains. You have me in at least one aspect."

"I thought it was age before beauty." I pulled a fake sad face and sighed.

"Well, you have me there, Beast." Bellamy stopped in the vent and gave me a glare over his shoulder though it soon turned to a roll of his eye as he saw me bite my lip to keep from laughing. Though Raven had no problem laughing loudly for Bellamy to hear.

"No, I'm not going to give her a high-five for you." I heard Bellamy huff but then stop once more, except this time he was pulling out the torch.

"Bellamy, you should probably le-" I didn't get to finish talking as Bellamy turned towards me, his eyes brows raised the torch in his hand. "On second thought, go ahead. I'd rather not get singed today." My daggers wouldn't have stood a chance had he pulled the trigger, and it was already too hot and crowded in here.

"Hey, Beast." He stopped working on the vent and turned to me with narrowed eyes, making me sigh. I could see how tense he was. "Bellamy, we are going to get our family out. And then you'll be right behind them. Octavia will see her big brother again." His look turned to confusions though I could still see the stress on his shoulders. "Quit stressing, I'm Atlys. Not you. The world is my weight to hold. My punishment." The last word was whispered so quietly under my breath that the only reason he would think I had talked was the fact my mouth moved slightly.

"No, '," I put a hand up into his face, looking undoubtedly stupid as I was now balancing on my knees and right hand.

"Blake, get this damn vent open before I explode. It's too hot for us to be having a normal chat. Talk to me when we're out." That's what he promised me just a few hours earlier. And it gave him something to hold onto, me as well. Even though inside I already knew I'd do whatever I had to to get my people out alive.

"Okay. Raven, I'm almost inside. I'll let you know when we are good." He paused, I could hear a slight muffling as she talked. "Yes, if I can't figure it out, I'll give the ear piece to Persphyni. Now be quiet so I can concentrate."


The first thing I noticed when we entered the room was the mass amounts of oxygen tanks filling the room. My mind sending warning signals as I eyed the torch Bellamy had. Which he just set down. And went for the axe in the fire safety box.

"Bell-" I was shushed as he climbed up to the door and popped the key reader off, shoving the axe in between the door to keep it locked. "Never mind."

"Come in Raven, I made it." I rolled my eyes as I walked over to join him. "I hope you have a plan." Blowing it wasn't an option, and I have slight doubt they knew the gas consistency, which meant no way to malfunction the actual property of the gas itself.

"A huge steel vat, looks like a submarine." I face-palmed looking up at Bellamy who continued to scan the room. "Some other tanks," he jumped back down to be on my level and started to walk again, "with chemical formulas." This boy was really lost. I had to hold back my laugh, if Raven couldn't figure this out we were screwed. I have some knowledge but technically, I never went to school. Nor was I the best Zero-G Mechanic on the Ark.

"Warning labels. A bunch of pipes, going into the wall." My confidence in this plan decreased by the minute. As I walked passed him and towards the small monitor I had found as the second thing I noticed when first walking in the room.

"A monitor." I said loud enough for Bellamy to hear and repeat to Raven.

"Hello to you too." I didn't bother asking who he was talking to as he walked over to me and the monitor. "Fine, yeah." I stepped to where we could both stare down at the monitor, our sides pressing against each other as I scanned the blueish screen. "But I don't know for how long."

"Right well, it uh, has a scale." I rose my eyebrows and a hand in the direction of Bellamy who looked confused as ever. "But the rest, uh. S3, V2, O5, H2, S2, O7." Bellamy sighed. "Look, can I just blow this thing?"

"No, it would alert them that they are coming." I looked up at Bellamy who seemed frustrated. "Give me the ear piece. I'll turn the volume up so we can both hear and talk into it, just like a walkie." Bellamy reluctantly passed it to me and I did just what I said, holding the piece up as both of us leaned in.

"Hey, Raven. It's Per-"

"Oh my God." I heard her whisper. "Persphyni, it's good to hear your voice." I laughed a bit at how excited she sounded. And at the fact she had heard me earlier.

"Yours too, now tell me how I get rid of this fog. I'd rather not take the Bellamy way out." Noticing but ignoring the sharp glare from said person.

"Yeah, okay. Here we go."

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