Until We Meet (GxG)

By JoBlackheart

59.5K 1.9K 447

This is a Girl loves Girl stories Don't read my books if you're allergic to grammar issues. Peace out. Serie... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Until We Meet ... Her

Chapter Eighteen

1.4K 48 11
By JoBlackheart

Ophelia's POV

If you wondered what would I do on Sunday? Sleeping. It was splendid that Keira was holding me in her arms, and caressing my hair in our bed. I was still wondering what should I get for our breakfast. I giggled when Keira inhaled the side of my neck because it was ticklish. She loved to do that.

"Wake up, my blonde sleeping beauty," Keira said softly near my ear as she kissed my cheek. "I made breakfast for us."

"Yikes! The shitty mud again?" I gagged when I thought about the breakfast she served. A shiver sent down my spine when her soothing chuckle voice near my ear along with her minty breath passed through my face.

"It's healthy food, Lia. We need to eat clean since we have eaten many junk food and pizza lately. You got me stuff and I put on many pounds too," Keira explained patiently as she gently caressed my face with a hand.

"Oh, come on. It's Sunday, baby," I whined with pursed lips and I pointed out, "Cheese and mac are not too bad for a diet, right?" I yelped when Keira slapped my butt in response.

"That is junk food too, Lia," she said as I felt her try to turn me to face her. I pouted at her as she was giving me her attractive smirk that I knew very well. "Oat is great and high in fiber," she said and seemed to stifle a grin when she saw my unimpressed face. She pecked my nose and said, "It is not that bad, isn't it?" I shook my head trying to change her mind, but her grin was freaking pretty.

"I added yogurt and banana for you," Keira chuckled when I squealed excitedly. "Okay, only for today which is special for you." Keira said as I pecked her lips and grinned, "Thanks! You're so sweet."

"Okay, let's eat. I'll go to a gym after this," Keira said.

"No exercise day, baby. It is a rest day!" I whined but Keira had left the bed and she stretched a hand for me. I slapped her hand away lightly before claiming her hand. She shook her head at me with a chuckle and pinched my cheek.

The time was moving splendidly fast, it seemed in a blink that we had been dating for 6 months. I appreciated Keira had practically shared everything about her with me as she told me she had nothing need to hide since I had seen her everything which I would love to explore more and more.

Unfortunately, I had a limitation in sharing mine with her. I was grateful she would never pressure me and gave me so much consideration, but I felt bad I couldn't be ready anytime for her for that.

I sighed as I keep switching the tv channel since I was getting bored with the same silly cooking shows and cartoons. One hour of waiting was killing me, I couldn't wait for Keira to come back from the gym, so I could hoop in the shower with her.

"I'm home!"

Finally! I whipped my head in the door direction as I squealed. I raised my arms high and wiggled at her aggressively, "Welcome back! It takes me forever to wait!"

Keira laughed as she unzipped the jacket and took it off. She folded it to put it on her arm, leaving her sports bra and spandex with her. I shamelessly roamed her nice abs with bit my lips, and Keira used a towel to wipe the sweat from her neck, arms, and her abdomen once again. She blew a kiss at me before walking into the bathroom and ready for her shower.

Would I just let her shower alone without me? Never. Wink.

I quickly dash to the front door of the bathroom stripped from my head to toe as I opened the door. The nice view of her back revealed at the glass door covered with the steam of the warm water got me swallowed greedily. I couldn't wait to be her little sponge to caress her nice skin.

She was washing her hair and rinsing the shampoo away from it. I hooped in the shower as I press the shower gel in my hands, I rubbed my hands until it foamed up and pressed it on her abdomen before running my hands up to her breasts.

"What took you so long?" Keira teased as she hummed comfortably by my touch. I didn't reply but kissed her shoulder with my hands massage her breasts with my fingers played her nipples.

"I'm sorry for the late, taking off my clothes alone needed a little time for that, baby," I quipped as I heard her laugh softly with a soft sigh.

Keira held my hands and turned to face me, pulled me closer with her sloppy body pressed against mine, and pinned me to the wall. Her darkened gray eyes were gazing at mine as I felt her right hand reaching downward of my body. I eagerly leaned in and capture her lips.

Another week passed, and Keira and I got swamped with our work. Especially, Keira's lack of sleep since she always stayed up late to work at home. I pretty much admired her patience and that she could handle a handful like me since she was overloaded with her work which took over her sleeping time.

Keira was good at controlling her emotion when she work. She never raise her voice at me or anyone at our workplace even though everyone was afraid of her and that she was intimidating. Instead, I could always see a beautiful smile from her whenever we were alone from the others or at home.

When I was entering the bathroom, Keira almost got me a heart attack. It was lucky I found her fall asleep in the bathtub before she became a prune. I knelt next to her as I cupped her face and called softly, "Hey, wake up, baby."

She had no response and I had to gently pat her face, "Wakey! Wakey!"

Keira eventually stirred with her eyes fluttered open and muttered, "Fuck, I fall asleep." Keira used a hand to cover her eyes and sighed, "I'm so sorry, Lia. We were supposed to watch a movie."

I leaned in pecked her lips and said, "Hey, that's fine. You're tired and you should get some sleep."

Keira put her hand down as I slowly stood on my feet and tapped her shoulder, "Come on, let's go to sleep." I helped her to get up and dried up her body before putting on her favorite Elmo pajamas.


"Hello, yes speaking," I replied through the phone as I looked at Keira with a shrug. "Oh, a parcel for me? Yes, I will go there later. Thank you, goodbye." I ended the call.

"Did they mention who the sender is?" Keira asked curiously at me as she leaned her back against her chair.

I shook my head at her, "No, they didn't. But, I'll go and have a look."

"I'll go with you if you don't mind waiting after I finished a meeting," Keira suggested with a soft smile.

"Nah, don't worry about it," I checked the time and grinned, "It's still early, I could get us tacos and get coffee after I get the parcel. That would be perfect for us to get an hour's break before the meeting."

"I like the sound of that," Keira smiled as she stood up and walked toward me as I hoop into her embrace cause she chuckled softly. She cupped my face for me to look at her as she gently caresses my face, "Be careful. Don't take it so long, Okay?" Keira pecked my lips and smiled, "Because I will miss you."

I grinned in return as I used a hand to tap her nose, "Yes ma'am!"

Keira rolled her eyes at me and I pecked her lips before leaving the room as Keira returned to her seat and resume her work.


"What the hell! It is just a letter?" I blurted in disbelief. I was so pissed after I had spent about an hour of heavy traffic to the postal service.

"Yes, ma'am," said the staff at the counter with nodded his head at me. I thanked the staff as I took the letter from him and walked to aside. I tear the envelop as I scoffed at the postcard that I could get from any convenience shop. I flipped it back as I frowned at the content had written but without any contact nor address.

'Hi, how are you doing?

It seemed like you're doing great, but we will see.

I believe good things will come to the end soon. Good luck!'

"Bitch!" I muttered as I shoved it into my handbag instead of fed the trash bin and left. I had to keep this as evident for myself if someone tempted to blackmail me.

"Watch your step," I snapped at the guy who bumped me when I was leaving from the cashier counter of the restaurant after I got Keira's favourite hot coffee and tacos for us. Maybe he was just clumsy but he should have known I was right in front of him when he was lining up for the food. The guy quickly apologized as he stood aside for me to walk past him instead I lash out my anger again.

"Fuck!" I groaned when I saw there was a fine clipped at the viper of my car. It was such a fucking Good Day! I snatched the fine as I got into my car, carefully put the drinks and the food on the passenger seat. I heard a few gentle knock of my car side window as I shut my eyes and groaned in my throat.

A fake smile plastered on my face after I calmed down a bit as I turned to the window. But, I changed my mind when I saw the person was the same guy who bumped into me just now. I scrolled down the window a little as I arched an eyebrow of mine and looked at him.

"May I ask about the direction to Starbucks?" He asked politely at me.

Seriously, the tacos place had a decent coffee but he choose an overpriced coffee at Starbucks instead? What a shame.

I resume a fake smile at him in returned, "You know what, fuck off." With that, I scrolled back the car window as I ignited my car engine and sped off my car. I wanted to get rid of this place which might not for me to stay around.

I finally came back to the hotel, I marched all the way to our office and couldn't wait to vent it all to Keira my best listener, and her comfort embrace was to best to calm me down too. I didn't bother to smile at anyone and I could see they got intimidated by me as a lion came out from the cage in the corner of my eyes.

I rapidly tapped the panel button for letting the elevator door close as I exhaled exhaustedly after I had so much tense just now. When I reached our office level, my mood was better since I would see Keira, my remedy soon.

However, I furrowed my brows in confusion when I saw the door had opened ajar. Normally, Keira would always keep the door shut. Unless, if there had someone came for cleaning the room. But, I was pretty sure they had cleaned it an hour before. I shrugged it off as I walked further and I finally reached the door.

Meanwhile, I couldn't believe what was happening right in my eyes when I looked at the direction of Keira behind the desk. It was deja vu, I couldn't believe she would betray me like whatsoever who hurt me.

The summer weather couldn't calm down the nerve of my cold body, I gripped the plastic bag of the food and coffee with my hands which were trembling furiously. There was a lady straddled on Keira's lap and they were busy making out, and Keira's hands were on the lady's bum.

I wished I could unseen whatever I had seen, but the scene got my heart crumbled and my eyes sore. The vision were getting blurry as the tears were pricking my eyes painfully. I turned away, let go of the things from my hands, and briskly walked to the elevator.

It was too suffocating for me to stay, watch, and yelled at them. I needed to leave and fucking get rid of this filthy room and people.

The tears eventually leaked down to my face after I got into my car. I started my car engine as I drove away from the Hotel carpark. I tuned up the volume of the music in the car as I practically yelled along with the lyrics of the song. "Ugh! Idiot!" I cried out when I saw the policeman in a motorcycle from the side mirror of my car who indicate I pulled over my car to the roadside.

I stopped my car as I scrolled down the side window and asked, "What is it now, sir? Did I violate the traffic if I was singing out loud in the car?"

"No, ma'am, I just want to check your driving license," the policeman said in his typical officer tone.

I took out the purse from my hand bag as I fished out my driving license to him. He recorded something in his note and returned the card for me. "You're free to go now. Safe drive."

I thanked him as I drove off the car. I couldn't stop crying when I was driving back to Keira's home along our favourite songs were playing in the car. I had no idea how many tissues I had been using, the tears as leaking pipe and I was totally a pathetic weeping blonde who was driving a grandpa's car alone.

Once I stepped into the apartment, the tears came back from my eyes again. Hold your fucking tears, Ophelia Kendrick!

I walked into the room and smiled bitterly at the closet that I had filled my clothes into it on the first day I shifted into this house. I dropped myself on the queen size bed and I bury my face in my hands as I sobbed again.


"This little closet could be a boutique for us." Keira chuckled as she looked at me amusedly.

"Stop teasing at me, baby," I pouted my lips at Keira as I gently slapped her upper arm and said, "I'm great in sense of fashion though." I looked at Keira with a smirk and quipped, "I wonder are you Cruella de Vil's? Since everything is black and white for you."

Keira made a thoughtful face and said, "Oh, I think I would look good with my hair black and white like hers too."

"Eww!" I scrunched my face.

"I would grow white too when I'm getting older. So, I don't that's a problem to make it cool?" Keira said in a matter of fact tone.

I shook my head, "Nuh-uh, bad idea for your style, granny."

"Hmmm... I thought you'll like anything about me," she said with a smirk as she started ticklish my waist and got me to shriek in laughter, "Stop it!"

She swiftly hold my waist with her arms to hoist me up, but she failed and got us fall into the bed. We both burst into hearty laughter as I snuggled closer into her embrace.

"I'm thinking I will make a room for you to keep your clothes, shoes, and bags. I don't think this little closet would be enough for you," she said while looking at the closet as I smiled at her thoughtful face whenever she was thinking to do something for me.

I happily threw my arms around her neck to kiss her cheek, "Aw! That's so sweet of you. I love you!"  I pursed my lips at her and waited for a return, but, she used a hand to play a peck of my lips instead and grinned, "I love you too, Lia."

"Kiss me with your lips, silly!" I whined.

"Oh well, I don't want to kiss a stinky breath as a corpse," Keira mocked what I always said whenever I deny a kiss from her in the morning since I always care about not sharing my morning breath with her.

"How dare you!" I playfully scolded her as I cupped her face and claimed her lips. She gradually gave in with her hands cupped my face with her fingers tangled my hair and ran the scalp of my head.

We pulled away as she looked into my eyes longingly, "I'm so happy to meet you in my life, Lia." She slipped her hands from my face as she held my hands on her face and said softly, "I know you're not ready to share everything with me, but could you promise that you would stick together with me whenever anything happened between us?"

"Of course, we would fight together too!" I nodded my head eagerly at her.

"Thank you, Lia. That's all I want," Keira as she rested her head on my shoulder her arms wrapped around my waist to hold me and murmured, "I love you. I really love you so much, Lia."

I heard a soft sniffle from her as I quickly asked, "Hey, are you okay, baby?"

Keira pulled away from me as she smiled with her teary eyes and shook her head at me. "I'm okay. I was just overwhelmed. I had never been so happy after I met you, Lia. You are my happiness and I want you in my life."

"Stop, baby." It was my turn to get overwhelmed and pulled her into a hug, "You're still bad at this, silly!"

"You got to teach me to learn better then," Keira said as I giggled and gently slapped her chest, "You're a dorky, but also my favorite dorky!"

Keira chuckled softly as she turned my face for her to kiss my lips. "I'd would happy to be your forever dorky."


That was it, the story we had been through was a beautiful lie. I looked at the packed luggage standing in front of me while I was sitting at the edge of the bed. I checked the time on the phone had passed evening five. I sent her a brief text as I used a hand to clean the streak of tears on my face.

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