Persphyni : I am Dangerous

By sup_rudy_

69.3K 2.1K 174

"The sun, the warmth, it was like a blanket. A beautiful, bright, blanket that burned. Burned, my demons away... More



1.4K 50 6
By sup_rudy_

"Monty!" I wrapped him in a hug as Jasper continued to tell me what went down after he and I separated ways from Dante's office. Funny enough, I had just left his office to go find Cage when Jasper was going in to find Dante. Both of our goals were getting our friends back and safe.

"Harper?" I spun looking around for the girl I had helped build the wall around my first home with.

"Resting." Monty pointed to the small ball on an upper bunk. The poor girl's face battered and bruised and I could only imagine what the rest of her body looked like.

"I'm going to kill them." My voice a low growl as I stepped away from Monty and Jasper. My anger growing as I looked around the room at my family.

"Listen up, you all need to pack your things. We are doing something we should have done the moment you were all knocked out and dragged here. We are leaving back to the Ark, it isn't safe here. And it never has." I looked over to Jasper who nodded when he saw the rage in my eyes. "Jasper make sure everyone is packed and ready to leave by the time I get back, I've got someone to pay a visit to."

I strode out of the bunk room and towards my own where I changed into all black and abandoned the stupid camo vest for my black leather jacket. I stared in the mirror as I finished my third and last braid into my high ponytail, giving myself a proud smirk as I let my true colors shine. I grabbed my bag that held the pajamas I had promised to bring as well as some other clothes and supplies I'm stealing from this wretched mountain.

By the time I was walking out of my door, I had run out of time to spare and needed to get back to my family before Dante changed his mind. I also needed to get to Bellamy, wherever he is now. First I'd get our people out then I'd come back for him. I'd want him to do the same thing, except leave with them.

I took off in a light jog as I left the elevator and passed the small preschool hallway, smiling at the thought of the little kids who I had played games with only a few days before. They would be safe, but the next in line for presidency would not.

I continued to the bunk room and slowed to a walk when I reached the beginning of the corridor, a large smile on my face as I saw everyone moving around rapidly for their items. After all this time, I'd be finally getting them out.

Then the alarms went off. And I felt my smile crack into a million pieces. My darkness poking the back of my head laughing and making fun of the small ounce of hope I had.

The doors of the bunk room were quickly shutting, and I was at the very other end of the hallway. I took off in a sprint and was getting ready to slide in through the doors when someone's body collided with my own and slammed us both into the wall.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Saving your ungrateful ass." I pushed her off of me as I straightened up.

"And why would you help me? I messed up your yarn remember?" I watched her roll her eyes before taking my wrist in her old but strong grasp and leading me back the way I came.

"Because you remind me off my daughter. A courageous and stupid thing she was, but she had a good heart." I let a small laugh escape me as we reached the elevator.

"Melissa, I am far from having a good heart. I'm simply a wolf in sheep's clothing." She shook her head and tutted as we stepped onto the elevator together.

"You can think your heart is bad all you want, but I've seen your soul. It is kind and reckless and strong and so much more. You are so much more. That is why I didn't let you go into that room, because those people in there need so much more. They need you out here doing everything you can to break them out." I looked down at the older woman who was staring up at me with a smile.

"Now go get back into your uniform and stop being an idiot."

"Hey!" I rubbed the back of my head where she had slapped me.

"Is for horses, now lay low for a while. And don't come to any meals. I'll get someone to bring them to you."

"Maya Vie, Maya needs to bring them to me. She's the only one I will open my door for." Melissa nodded at our agreement before shoving me out of the elevator, once again surprising me with her strength.

"Go take a nap, scheme later." The doors closed on her old lady smirk and I nearly sighed in relief.

Now you know what I had to deal with during knitting, every single day. Constant abuse.


"Atlys?" I heard Maya's muffled voice come through the door as she knocked lightly. "Lunch." She kept it brief and to the point, but I still cautiously made my way over to her.

"Melissa sent me, alone." I heard her whisper into the door as I slowly opened it a crack to confirm she was, in fact, alone.

"Good." I opened the door a little wider for her to step inside the room but remained out of sight until the door was shut. "What's going on?" I drilled, taking the tray of food from her hands and setting it down on the desk.

"Nothing yet. They've been trapped and are guarded in the bunk room still. I've walked passed occasionally but I haven't seen signs of conflict." I breathed a sigh of relief before pacing the room.

"Okay, that means I still have time to get them all out." I looked over to Maya as I stopped and leaned my back against the wall. "And, and uh, Bellamy?"

"He's good, I left him to go get you food. But the last time we were together was in the art room. There is a walkie set up behind one of the paintings." I felt the smirk grow on my face.

"Monty, you little genius. So we are able to contact the Ark now. That's what he must have been doing on level seven." I mused the last sentence as I remembered him faking decon in surveillance.

"Atlys," I snapped out of it and looked in her direction, "I don't know how long it'll be until things go south. We need to get you all out, now."

I already had a plan forming, but I knew Maya wouldn't be for it. Too much blood would have to be spilt for my people to get out safe. Not to mention instead of a few people with guns or a hoard of blades, I would be facing a hoard of guns. Making my survival rate just a smidge smaller than average.

"I'm working on it. Maya, thank you. For all that you've done for us and Jasper. I see a spark in him I haven't seen before, and I know it's all because of you." I watched Maya bashfully smile at the thought of Jasper, turning her head slightly to the door.

"Quit smiling, get out of here so I can eat my food in peace." She let out a laugh as I rolled my eyes. Waiting for the door to shut before running to the food and eating the cake first.

I guess chocolate cake turned into being captured and drilled for our bone marrow.

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