Why Don't We Imagines and Pre...

By amberjazmyn

15.6K 217 93

So basically, all I am gonna say is that I have fallen in love with these five idiots who are called 'Why Don... More

Why Don't We
Zach Herron
You Find Out Your Pregnant
Daniel Seavey
Telling Him Your Pregnant
Corbyn Besson
Telling the Parents You're Pregnant
Jonah Marais
Telling the Boys and their Siblings You're Pregnant
Zach Herron
Announcing your Pregnancy on Instagram
Jack Avery
Request List
45 & 60 ♡ Jack Avery
5, 6 & 2 ♡ Corbyn Besson
2, 6 & 127 ♡ Corbyn Besson
26, 42 & 175 ♡ Jonah Marais
13, 53, 81 & 41 ♡ Zach Herron
92, 115 & 155 ♡ Jack Avery
He Sees You Cry For The First Time
117, 118, 121 & 122 ♡ Daniel Seavey
24, 25, 26 & 30 ♡ Zach Herron
He Proposes
Why Don't We
Request List Two
Jonah Marais
203, 202, 193 & 194 ♡ Corbyn Besson
Pregnancy Cravings
Why Don't We
You Announce the Godparents
Jonah Marais
Gender Reveal
Daniel Seavey
Zach Herron
Cute Moments Caught on Camera
Jonah Marais
Giving Birth + Announcing Baby Name
Daniel Seavey
Jack Avery
Announcing your Engagement
Daniel Seavey
You Defend Him
Why Don't We
Bridal Party
Corbyn Besson
Zach Herron
First Look
13, 15, 57, 86 & 67 ♡ Zach Herron
The Letters You Write Before The Wedding
Daniel Seavey
Jack Avery
Moments of Grief
Jonah Marais
Sad Movies
Jonah Marais
Your Eldest Thinks You Don't Love Them Anymore
Daniel Seavey
Cute Family Moments Caught on Camera
Why Don't We
How Your Family Feel About Him
Jonah Marais

You Break Up

490 7 0
By amberjazmyn



You had been going through some hard times and you felt as if by distancing yourself from everyone, including Daniel, your boyfriend, that everything was going to get better. You decided to break up with Daniel. Not because you didn't love him, you loved him so much that you would do anything and everything for him to make sure he stayed happy. If one of those things meant to break up with him then, that's what it meant. 

You were finally going to do it. You were going to finally tell the boy who you loved to infinity and beyond that, maybe it was the right thing to break up and to never see each other again. 

"Hey, Danny, where are you?" You called out, a shaky breath following after as he calls back, you smile sadly, knowing that after this, you'll never hear his voice again 

"In the kitchen with Jonah and Corbyn about to make cupcakes, why?" Daniel called back, making you softly smirk, he was always in the kitchen with Jonah and Corbyn, making something but, it was going to be the last time you'd see it or hear about it, now that you were leaving 

"I just need to speak to you," You could feel your heart race, you never wanted to do this to him but, you needed to, for his own good 

"Okay, just a sec," Daniel called back out as you walked over to the couch and tried to calm yourself down 

'What's going on with Y/N?'  Jonah asked Daniel as you heard him respond back 

'I don't know but, whatever it is, she can tell me. I won't get mad'  That broke her heart, especially considering the fact that she was going to break his heart 

Then, you heard Daniel's footsteps become closer to where you were seated as you took a deep breath in. 

"Hey babe, what did you want to speak to me about?" Daniel smiled, pulling you in for a hug - ultimately you thought about pulling away but, due to it possibly being your last one forever, you decided to savor this hug and keep it for the rest of your life 

"Umm, I have been thinking a lot lately about us and about how I haven't been connecting recently to you and that I've been pushing everyone away due to certain things and, I think, the best way to deal with it is to go on a break for a little bit," You said as you watched at the way Daniel's face changed as he looked confused, you hated this but, you knew that it was the right thing to do 

"What do you mean Y/N? I'm confused," Daniel responded as you couldn't help but feel terrible for doing this 

"Daniel, I-I'm breaking up with you, it's for the best, for your own good," You said, your lip quivering as you then stood up from the couch and walked out of the house, picking up the bag that Daniel was obviously way to oblivious to find

"Wha..." Daniel couldn't help but let tears stream down his face as he stands up from the couch, his eyes glued to the door, the door that his girlfriend, now his ex, just ran out of, never to be seen again 


"...Please, Y/N, what did I do? Just tell me! Whatever it is that I did, I'll work on it and we'll be perfect, just like we were, please!" Jonah's voice broke as he tried to figure out in his head what he did so wrong as to the reason why he just lost the absolute love and light of his life 

"No, Jonah, you don't get it do you?" Y/N screamed back, Jonah lets a couple tears fall down his cheeks as his hands find their way into his hair, making it messy as he gets stressed out 

"Of course I don't get it! Because you're not telling me what I did wrong?! You're not telling me how I ruined our relationship so I can make it better again for us!" Jonah raises his voice to match Y/N when his face gets red, due to the crying and the anger he was screaming out 

"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG JONAH!" Y/N screamed louder than she had ever screamed before, she calmed down and sat next to the now distraught, unconsolable Jonah 

"Jonah, my sweet you didn't do anything wrong *She reaches her hand up to wipe a tear from Jonah's cheek away*. If anything, you were absolutely perfect in it. You made sure I had everything I needed, whether I actually needed it or whether it was just an impulsive need or something I wanted but never actually needed. You made sure that I felt loved and that I was unforgettable, rather than forgettable, something that I made you feel. I made you feel like you were invisible whilst you kept on giving me everything and, I am so sorry that I did that to you. You out of everyone doesn't deserve to be treated the way I treated you and, it's time that I take accountability for it and that's what I'm doing. By breaking up with you so I no longer break your heart and make things worse for you. I love you so fucking much Jonah but, if you love me just as much, you have to let me go, although it'll be hard and painful, and with that I'm terribly sorry but, it's the only way I'll be able to better myself, change myself so when I see you again, whenever that may be, in a week, month or a year, I've changed and learnt from my mistakes and become the person that doesn't do horrible things to people. Goodbye Jonah, I love you and, I'll see you again, I promise..." Y/N smiled, pushing herself up from the couch, removing her grip from Jonah's hand and walks out to her car where she had all her stuff packed to move back in with her brother and sister so she could better herself, for Jonah 

"...I-I love you too Y/N," Jonah whispered as he started to cry, the engine of his true love's car starting and driving off, away from him

Corbyn; {Your POV}

Corbyn hadn't been himself lately and, I could sense that I may have done something wrong so, I asked him about it. Only because I was truly concerned for Corbyn. I knew that he had been receiving some hardcore hate recently but, usually it wouldn't get to him as much as it used to. 

"...Hey, Corbs, you okay?" I questioned, sitting down next to him as he jumped, looking over at me 

"O-oh, hey umm, not really," Corbyn jumped slightly, responding with a nervous voice as I grab his hand to comfort him 

"What's up hun, you can always tell me," I smiled softly, however, I felt something twist inside my stomach, like something wasn't right 

"I-I Y/N, I'm so sorry to say this because, I love you so much, I really do but, I think we need to take a break. I just need to clear my head and make sure I made the right decisions in our relationship. However, I want you to know that, we are still the best of friends and I love you to infinity and back but, I just need to get my shit back together and then, we can come back and, we'll be perfect," Corbyn stuttered as I smiled, I had a feeling this was going to happen and, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would - I wasn't going to cry as, thinking about it, I was thinking the same thing 

"It's okay Corbs, I think I need to clear my head as well. Everything that's been said about us just needs to be erased from our brains and, we just need to work on ourselves for a little bit, whether it's a couple weeks or a month and then, we regroup and, we'll be back to perfect again," I smiled as Corbyn sighed heavily, falling into my lap, relieved almost that I thought the same 

"That's good to hear but, I'm so sorry that I had to be the one to spring it on you like this." Corbyn said as I rolled my eyes, this boy needs to calm down I swear 

"No, Corbyn, it's okay! Trust me, I'm not mad, upset or disappointed in you. I think it's heathly for people to take breaks in their relationships to better themselves so it stays healthy. I promise, I'm not mad, I feel the exact same way, you don't need to panic about this," I smiled, playing with Corbyn's fluffy hair as he nodded his head 

"Okay, thanks Y/N. I swear, you literally keep me from going insane!" Corbyn said as I giggled as I rolled my eyes 

Who would've thought that a break could be accompanied by laughter?! 

Jack; {His POV

I'm the absolute worst person in the entire world! I literally just broke up with my girlfriend because I didn't give her the time of day to explain about who she was photographed with. Jonah, Daniel, Zach and Corbyn were trying to tell me that I wasn't the worst person in the world but, how would they know? They weren't there when they saw her sobbing and heard her trying to scream over my voice, trying to let me hear her side of the story, which I completely refused to let her do. And, I hate myself for it! They weren't there when I slapped her on the cheek because I was so overcome with anger that was uncontrollable. They didn't hear me when I told her that she was a good for nothing slut. They didn't hear her crying and watch her collapse to the floor in tears as I just left her there, storming off to get space and clear my head. So, how can they say that I'm not the worst person in the world to ever exist? Exactly, they can't, because I am and they know it's true! 

"...Jack, I swear to God! Stop telling yourself that you are an awful person! You are not!" Zach whined, his head hitting the wall as a form of trying to get me to shut up as Jonah walked in 

"I swear to Jesus Jack, what have we said about this?!" Jonah said sternly as Zach stopped hitting his head on the wall to walk over to the couch, where Jonah, Daniel and Corbyn were sitting as I stayed standing, my arms crossed over as I roll my eyes 

"To not talk about it again!" I rolled my eyes, replying with attitude, only because I was so pissed at myself at how I handled the situation, handling it like a petty high-schooler and not like a responsible adult - like I'm supposed to yet, I did not and, I cannot hate myself any more than I already do 

"Exactly yet, that is not what you are doing Jack! It's been nearly 5 weeks since this happened! You need to forgive yourself because, guess who just forgave you..." Jonah said, handing me my phone with a raised eyebrow as I look at him in confusion, Y/N messaged me, something she hasn't done since it happened 

'Jack, I know you think that I hate you. That I haven't forgiven you or that I'll never forgive you but, that would be the biggest lie I've ever told in our relationship and friendship as, I have forgiven you. Although it's taken me five weeks to comprehend and realise this, if it was reversed and I caught you taking a photo with another girl, who I mistook as a fling that you were having behind my back and not a family member of whom you hadn't seen in ages, I would have totally reacted the same way and I would have totally refused to hear you say anything to defend yourself. I never stopped thinking about you Jack and, I heavily regret leaving the house. I'm coming back today and, you better have stopped being so bitchy and sad as, the boys have been telling me everything. You need to forgive yourself because, I have and, you need to stop thinking so negatively of yourself. I love you, see you soon,' 

"Oh, shit, thanks Jonah. I guess, I am not as shitty like I think I am," I thought as Jonah clipped the back of my head 

"We've only been telling you that for five fucking weeks! Finally, you understand!" Jonah laughs, clipping the back of my head as I bring my hand up and rub it to stop the pain 

"Ow, Jonah, that was so unnecessary!" I pouted as he rolled his eyes as we laughed

Zach; {Your POV}

Zach and I had been constantly fighting lately and, I just couldn't deal with it. Especially when it always ended with one of us in tears, usually Zach. However, this time, it reduced both of us to tears. Thing being, I didn't understand as to why I was crying because, this fight and now break up was entirely my fault and, I feel so awful about it. Zach doesn't deserve this, I keep on forgetting at how young we really are and that, we're still practically kids yet, we fight like we're Jonah and his girlfriend's age, or, our parents age. It's awful and unhealthy at such a young age to be so angry with each other, yet, here we are. And, I have got no other way of stopping it. 

"...THAT'S IT! I'M OVER THIS Y/N! IF ACCORDING TO YOU, I'M USELESS AND JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU THEN, LET'S JUST END THIS RELATIONSHIP RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW! COME ON! SAY IT! SAY I'M USELESS AND NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I KNOW YOU WANT TO!" Zach screamed out from the top of his lungs, the tears streaming down his cheeks potentially able to turn into a river if it continued 

"ZACH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! I DON'T THINK OF YOU AS USELESS OR NOT GOOD ENOUGH! WHERE DID YOU HEAR THIS FROM? IT CERTAINLY WASN'T OUT OF MY MOUTH, THAT'S FOR CERTAIN!" I screamed back, obviously the memory still dull or, that I was completely ignoring it as Zach covered his mouth, attempting to prevent a sob from leaving loudly, the sob coming out muffled as I could feel my heart break 

"YOU MUST BE FORGETTING YOUR MEMORY THEN Y/N BECAUSE I HEARD YOU AND YOUR SISTER LAUGHING TO EACH OTHER, SAYING SOME REALLY AWFUL AND HURTFUL THINGS ABOUT ME. YOUR SISTER SAYING THE ABSOLUTE WORST THINGS WHILST YOU JUST STAND THERE WITH HER AND LAUGH, INSTEAD OF DEFENDING ME LIKE A SWEET, CARING, LOYAL GIRLFRIEND USUALLY WOULD IF SHE HEARD PEOPLE TALKING SHIT ABOUT THEIR BOYFRIEND. BUT, BECAUSE IT WAS YOUR SISTER, YOU FOUND IT FUNNY AND BRUSHED IT OFF AS IF IT WAS NOTHING! THAT'S THE SECOND FUCKING TIME I'VE HEARD THIS HAPPENING AND, THE FIRST TIME, DIDN'T FAZE ME BECAUSE, I THOUGHT I MUST HAVE BEEN GOING CRAZY BUT, NOW THAT IT'S THE SECOND TIME IT'S HAPPENED, I NOW KNOW THAT I WASN'T GOING CRAZY THE FIRST TIME! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE Y/N! I REALLY CAN'T! ARE WE REALLY CERTAIN WE'RE RIGHT FOR EACH OTHER?" Zach screams as his sobs become louder and the boys, who had been sitting behind us, watching this whole thing unfurl right in front of them, become more concerned as I widen my eyes, suddenly remembering what Zach was talking about, I was laughing and brushing off those hurtful words that my sister said about Zach because, I thought she was being sarcastic, she's always sarcastic with things like that so, I didn't think she was being serious so, because she started laughing, I also started to laugh - oblivious to the fact that Zach was right around the corner, hearing this and, felt offense to it. 

However, there was no way I could get myself out of this mess and try to convince Zach what really happened. Only because I know he would be in too much pain to hear me talk about it and try to explain so, I just stayed silent before he spoke back up, his voice hoarse, broken to scream again. His voice a low raspy mess as he tried to contain his tears for the hundredth time. 

"I don't even know if you love me anymore Y/N. Like, what happened to us? We were great a month ago and now, we're screaming each other, crying, and wondering whether we are actually meant together! I'm just a kid Y/N, I should be in school right now yet, I'm living the life I've dreamed of living, I had the girl of my dreams and then, suddenly, everything went downhill," Zach said, his voice a low raspy mess, wiping away his tears as I stayed silent, not sure how to respond as I just let him vent and speak his mind as both of us knew he was right and that it was all totally my fault as to this even happening and being a conversation 

"I don't even think I trust you anymore *sob* I-I really want to trust you Y/N but, I just, I don't think I can anymore. Can you please leave, I can't deal with this anymore, we need to end it before I seriously hurt myself again, Daniel's grabbed a bag of stuff and in a weeks time, you can return back for the rest of your stuff but pl-please, get out and get out now! I really don't want to have to yell again, especially considering I have a show tonight with the boys, I don't want to destroy my voice even more than I already have," Zach shakily said with so much bravery as I smiled sadly, nodding my head, not wanting to fight with him or make him more upset 

"I love you Zach, I always will and, I am so sorry for how I've been treating you, you never deserved it and never will,"

As I leave, walking out of the house that I made so much memories in with the best group of friends I could have ever made and now, I just lost it and, the only person to blame was me, no one else, just me and, there was no way for me to fix it or go back in time to fix it. What was done had been done and, it was the worst thing I could have ever done. 


This so much fun to write and, I am so sorry that Jack's wasn't just a break up and it also had like, the make up as well, that is not how it was meant to go but, it did and, I just stuck with it lol. I love you all so much. 

a xx

{word count; 3171} 

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