Death Note X OC One Shots

Von ziakitty

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just a one shot story I made for a friend~ There is lemony goodness, smut... Mehr

New Teddy
Blood, Bath and Beyond
Moon God
Girls Night Out
New Roommate
Of Sick Days and Rebirth
Of Jams and Jellies
Love Hurts
Should I stay Or Should I go?
An eye for An eye
Gaming Buddy
The Truth Hurts
Lost and Found
New Friends
Disappearing and Reappearing.
Wammy's House
Oddly Appealing
Sing for me
Time to get up.
Chocolate Martini.
Missing A
Party Games.
My Lovely Moon.
Anything For You.


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Von ziakitty

The artwork is a commission I paid for, artist name is MUrasaki, they are awesome! This is my oc, the little girl, and my friend's oc, the shinigami. NO NOT TRY TO STEAL, CLAIM, OR TAKE CREDIT FOR THIS WORK OR THE CHARACTERS. Enjoy the story!

You will grow into such a beauty, my little one, and with the power of this book, I will keep you safe and protected." Cooed her father as he looked over their little bundle of joy. As an otherworldly creature stood behind him, towering over him. This thing stood over seven-foot-tall, two hundred and thirteen centimeters. Its face was nothing more than a skull, humanoid in appearance but this creature clearly was not human. Large whitish-grey wings that looked feathery, came from its bareback.

Its frame was lanky to the point that its rib cage could be seen from the front and back. Limbs long and bony, a patch of hair or fur, a sickly pale color, the same color as its skin, came out of its elbows, and along its long slightly curved neck. This humanlike thing had a curved posture, spine poking out, either from its height or old age. A small red gash could also be seen on the creature's neck and shoulder blades. Black, wiry-like hair came from its scalp, with one long braid in the front. The bottom half of this mystical thing was shrouded in darkness, like a flowing mane. Blood red eyes with black goat irises stared blankly at the new father and his offspring.

Yet it was that very book that will cause every misfortune in this child's life and at the same time, every fortunate thing that would befall upon her tiny shoulders. Thought an unseen force, at least unseen by the tiniest human. Tricolored eyes opened for the first time, they stared in wonder before closing again. "Did you see that, Maj! She opened her eyes, and they're beautiful, so unique!" Taking out a small scrap of paper, Mr. Lee touched their, his and his wife's newborn with it. "Now, she can see you too." Still staring down at the tiny human, who had opened its eyes once again, they stared at each other, pointing at the baby, Majora says, "all it does is sleep, eat, and poops. Reminds me of a cat," he paused for a second, "Koneko." A tiny hand grabbed the end of his finger, "I think she likes you, and her new nickname, Maj."

Majora remembered that day clearly, more so than other days. The day this particular little human was born, and his role in her upbringing.

~~~Majora's P.O.V~~~

Looking back on everything that has happened in my life, it amazes me just how little I've always cared about humans. They are nothing but livestock for us shinigami. Existing to keep us alive, even if we don't remember what we were originally made for or by who.

Every once in a while I did find myself looking down at the human world, taking delight in their suffering. Especially when a new plague or bomb was created. They're such foolish things, killing each other like there is no tomorrow. But they breed like rabbits or roaches, I'm not sure which is worse. That being said there is one human that I have watched from the day of her conception up to her birth. And I will continue to watch her, I know how many years she has, so I know for a fact that no harm should come to her before her eightieth birthday.

This human child is such a strange one, with her colorful hair and eyes that reminds me of a bloody battlefield. Deep crimson locks mixed with streaks of flaxen, pure snow, and the darkest of nights. Eyes that have seen more things in her short life span than that of most her age. Life and death, the complete circle of rebirth, and though she has never taken a life herself, this small child's very existence has caused the end of others. The first was her mother's but one could argue that mental illness was the real cause of that. Who would have known that shortly after giving birth that woman would snap and try to kill them both? Human females are supposed to be the more nurturing of their species, it seems not all of them can or want to fill that role.

"Majie..." Came the voice of the young woman I've been keeping tabs on. "What is it, Koneko?" She looked at me, tilting her head a bit and letting out a laugh. "Woah there, you're starting to sound like me. Is something wrong? You've been staring off into space for the past five minutes. First, you complain about being bored, bugging me to entertain you, until I cave. Then you turn into a space cadet and get all pissy when I try to bring you back down to Earth." A fine multicolored eyebrow arched with every word that came from the mainly redheaded girl's mouth. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I wouldn't be staring into space if you didn't bore me. Why are humans so boring?"

Hearing that, Zia 'Koneko' Lee, opened her mouth to sass me but stopped as there was a knock on the door. The soft-spoken teenager sighed and got up from her seat on the couch, we were just starting up a game too. Keeping my eyes on the screen, I could hear every word that was being exchanged between the humans but ignored it as my mind drifted once more.

~~~Fifteen Years Earlier, in a little town in Italy, normal P.O.V.~~~

"Your daughter doesn't seem to be very curious about the world, she does, however, like to play with the blocks. Building things and looking at letters. It's amazing that she can already tell which letter is which, though trying to say those letters we've had no luck with. Normally at this age, a toddler would be talking more or at least trying to. Despite that, your little Zia hasn't made a sound, not even when she was accidentally bumped into and fell onto the ground." Said the daycare worker, truth be told, another kid had pushed the tiny ginger then got upset when Lee didn't cry. Instead, the toddler waddled off to play with her learning blocks again.

The way the child stared off into the distance at times or smiled at nothing made some of the workers feel a bit uneasy. This often meant that she would be left alone, though none of the other kids seemed to notice or think her actions were odd. "Other than that, your daughter is doing great. You might have to enroll Zia into speech therapy if she doesn't start talking soon." Maj rolled his eyes as he was forced to listen to the lies that came from the caretaker's mouth, "this guy is full of shit, Brat." Majora said while looking at all the other tiny crotch goblins.

"Can't you parasites stop breeding long enough to let your planet heal itself. It's not like your damn species will die out." At that moment the shinigami started to glide away, his goat-like irises settling on the little girl they had come here to pick up. A soft giggle grabbed the adults' attention, small hands were reaching up for something but nothing was there, at least for one of them. Mixed colored eyes were bright and happy, their owner giggled again and kept going after Majora, who, only she and mister Lee could see.

"Stop following me you... little shit stain..." Growled out the god of death, this earned him more giggles and almost a hug, however, the pale humanoid faded causing Lee to fall through him. Shooting up, with a growl of his own, this overprotective father scooped up his child. "Perhaps she sees something we do not, like her poor mother." Checking his daughter over and over again, already knowing that his child wanted to play with the shinigami that always followed behind him. "It's okay, sweety. You're not hurt are you?" Pulling away, his own silver eyes looked into her mixed, gold, silver, and spotted midnight blue ones.

Zia did hear and understand her father, a simple nod was given to him, noticing the panic in his eyes, she smiled and hugged him. Behind the pair, a look of disgust was given to this young man and his child. Majora saw this look and gave a nice slap to the caretaker's wig, making it fly off his head. Little coos and laughter could be heard from the children, Koneko wiggled free of her father's embrace and rushed over to play with the blocks again. Smiling as he watched his little one play, Earl was a bit sad to see that his baby girl didn't seem to want to play with other children and none of them tried to play with her. Sighing, the tall muscular man went back to talking with the other adult in the room.

One of the bigger kids decided now would be a good time to pick on a certain tiny tot, pulling her ruby, onyx, white, and blonde tresses never seemed to work. Knowing this the bully went to do something else instead, the six-year-old decided to kick over Koneko's tower. This did get a reaction from the three-year-old, her little lip shivered, a tiny voice muttered out, "stop it. Majie beat you up." The bully laughed, and pointed "Majie isn't real." Then he went to grab a handful of colorful blocks and throw them but was stopped by an unseen force, "of course I am! You little piss on!" Kicking him, as if he was a ball, Majora growled, even if the other kids couldn't see or hear him, that wouldn't stop the shinigami from scaring the shit out of them for trying to hurt his little Koneko.

Who would have guessed at this age that misfortune was already back to lay more claim to this child?

~~~Six years later~~~

"Poor guy. What a way to go. Falling off a ladder while putting up his daughter's birthday banner, then landing face-first on a spike on the fence. Those wrought iron security fence spikes at that. Just what was he doing to need all that security anyways?"

"Yes, what a pity. I heard he didn't die right away but bled out. A neighbor found him right before his little girl got home from school. There's still pieces of skull and brain matter on the fence and in the yard. Just thinking about it makes me shiver. They went right through his left eye and temple."

"First his wife and now him. He was so young too. What's going to happen to their child? She's only nine years old."

"I heard the whole family was cursed the moment she was born. Just look at her, there is nothing normal about that child."

"I heard that too. Rumor has it that her mother tried to kill her when she was just an infant, but the baby didn't cry, even as she was being smothered. Mister Lee came home and found his wife trying to kill their child, she was screaming, 'it's a demon.' That their child was possessed by a dark shadow. They locked her up in the psych ward, she killed herself by biting off her tongue and bashing her skull in against the door that night. Seems that ward was being remodeled or something, so not all the rooms were fully padded. When a nurse came by to check on another patient, she slipped. Looking down at what she had slipped in, her pretty pale pink nursing outfit was crimson. Trying not to scream, that poor lady crawled through a small puddle of blood until she could get up and get help. It was too late, of course, when they found Mrs. Lee, her nose was broken, face beat to hell, body pushed up against the door face first. And on the wall, she had written, 'kill it', with her own blood."

"Be quiet! What if she hears you? Do you want to be cursed too?" Those whispers were ignored by the tiny child who had just lost the only parent she had ever known. Mrs. Lee had died long before Zia could get to know her mother but there were pictures of the vibrant woman. In all those pictures Renee looked overjoyed to be having a child, Earl was right by her side, smiling as well, and behind him, Majora.

Looking down at the casket, big haunted eyes were pure silver, just like his used to be. Not a tear fell, though little Lee wanted to cry. The words her father would often say keep coming to mind. "Be strong, don't cry, tears don't suit that pretty face of yours. Keep working hard, become stronger and nothing can stop you, you can do anything if you put your mind to it." I can't let them see me cry, can't show weakness...

While the tiny multicolored girl ignored the world around her, a certain shinigami listened to every word that had been said. "Don't they have anything else better to do than talk shit about the dead and grieving? The whole lot of them deserve to die." Taking out his notebook, the names of every last person that said anything hurtful in front of Lee had their lives shorten, greatly. Even from a few yards away he could still see and hear everything that went on.

"I'm finally free of that damn family after nearly one hundred years." Cheered the sadistic shinigami, something like a smile appeared on his skull-like face. "There's no way I am spending another second here," Majora said while flying at top speeds back to the shinigami realm. "Majie? Are you there? Please say something. Where are you?" Listening for any sign of the tall figure that has been by her side her whole life, after an hour of silence, hope was gone. That night in bed, still very silver eyes finally shed their first real tears as reality had settled in. Zia Lee was alone in the world, even God had left her behind, or so she had thought. "Why are you crying, Koneko?" Hearing that voice she perked up, "I thought you were gone."

"I'm haunting you for a little while longer." Since no human had his notebook there was no need for him to stick around but he could haunt any human he planned on taking life from.

The move to England had happened almost immediately after Earl's funeral. All alone in a foreign house, in a foreign land, with a family member, she had never even known about, things just didn't seem to be improving. No matter how hard the ginger worked, and it had been well over two months. Going to school, coming home, cleaning, studying, watching, sometimes helping her grandmother cook, and bake in the kitchen. That was her life now, it wasn't a bad one, just a very lonely one. Slowly over time, Zia learned about her mother's family, not that there was much to learn, Grandmother Franky had been adopted, which meant the older woman's real family was unknown. As for Earl's family, they had all died, he was the last male of the bloodline.

It was nighttime when Majora decided to descend from his homeworld. That place has really gone to hell since I've been away. Even the King is boring. The food there sucks too. While flying through the air, large white wings flopping, carrying his thin frame with ease, the God of death came to a familiar house. This house was known to him because of how often he peeked down at it and came for random visits. Within its walls housed two individuals, a child, and an elderly woman.

Curled up in bed, a pillow held close to a petite frame, mainly silver eyes flickered towards a bowl of grapes that were on its owner's nightstand. Every night for the last eighty days, a fresh mug of hot, rich, dark chocolate milk was left next to a bowl of fruit. Sometimes there was honey ham with pineapple, however, that didn't get left out overnight. Tonight was no different, little Lee knew that it was pretty much pointless to leave the food and drink out since shinigami didn't need to eat but her innocence wouldn't allow the fiery-haired girl to stop.

Just as the cocoa complected child was dozing off, a voice called out, it was one she had heard countless times growing up. Even more so in this current state of loneliness, it was comforting.

"Koneko...Koneko..." Majora called out before placing a hand on the girl's head, his long fingers semi gently gripping her tresses. "Wake up already. I'm bored..." Ruffling his young ward's hair with one hand while grabbing a handful of grapes with the other one, Majora smirked at how tasty they were. "Humans might be a real plague on this world but at least they have good food." The sound of someone talking, and the familiar feeling of a big hand on her head made a certain child get up. Sleepily a tiny hand rubbed at an eye, blinking once then twice before her vision started to focus more.

The shape of an unknown creature could be made out, for half a second the varicolored girl had been afraid but that voice pushed away those fears. "Majie? You're back..." She didn't ask where he had gone or how long he'd be staying. During the day he would go off to do whatever it is that gods of death do. "Yeah, and you're finally awake, you humans sleep too damn much." Finishing up his bowl of grapes, Majora looked to the tiny human he had grown fond of. "Come on, Koneko, we're going outside for a second." Yawning and rolling to the edge of the bed, little legs dangled for a second, rolling his blood red and black eyes, long bony appendages wrapped around her much smaller frame. "Hurry up..." then placed Lee onto the floor. Feeling a bit more awake now, Zia left her room, made a quick trip to the bathroom, then finally went through the kitchen to the backdoor. Immediately upon stepping outside a book fell at her feet, "pick it up."

Doing as she was told, Majora grinned, "as long as you hold onto that book, you're stuck with me, kiddo." Faking a frown, tricolored hues looked at the tall lanky god of death, "can I go back to bed now?" A deep and dark crackle of a laugh filled the night air.

~~~Three years later, in Winchester England.~~~

"That's her, the girl who doesn't have parents right? Why is she always sitting alone?"

"Don't you know?"

"Know what?"

"She killed her parents."

"That can't be true..."

"Oh, it's true! She killed her grandmother too. That girl has a curse on her."

"I heard she has powers, like that creepy girl from the movie Carrie."

"So freaky!" A group of girls said as they walked by the quiet introvert, not once did Lee look up or even pay attention to them. Her eyes seemed to be glued to a biology book, just one in a pile, that was slowly starting to look like a fort. "I'm bored. Why are preteens and teens like that? It doesn't matter what era I'm in, they're always bratty. Pathetic little things." The urge to kick another kid was starting to build up but Majora held back, for the time being.

Once the library was clear, Koneko whispered to Majora, "we just have to ignore them, Majie, they're not worth it. Besides, they don't know anything nor have they been through what we've been through." Finishing up the biology book, it was placed in the finished pile. Taking out her notebook, she crossed it off her list and added a few more that were interesting, "I'm sorry but the library is closing soon. Are there any books you'd like to check out?" Asked the friendly librarian, the much older man gave the twelve-year-old a kind smile. "You remind me of my grandson, he loved to read too."

"Yes, these five books here. I'll put away the others if you can take those up to the front for me."

"You're such a well-spoken and polite child." Added the elderly man, he looked a bit sad for a second but quickly put on his usual easygoing smile, "will you be able to handle putting them all away on your own?" Lee tilted her head upwards and a bit to the side, looking just above the male's head, not that the elder could tell. "Yes, I can, don't worry. I'll be careful and just fine, Sir." Zia smiled sweetly, "alright, since you're always here and such a good girl, I'll let you do it." Thanking her elder, polychromatic hues watched until he had disappeared.

"I don't trust him." Commented the otherworldly creature, already he was putting books away, the ones that his little lady couldn't reach. "You don't trust anyone that isn't me." It didn't take more than a few minutes for them to get everything put away, and since Lee had a habit of shying away from cameras and people, no one saw the books floating around her. "We can get something sweet on the way home and play games once we get there." Koneko's already soft voice was softer than before, Majora smirked, "good, I was getting tired of all that waiting around."

Gathering her new books, Zia soon left the library. While walking Majie would talk but knew no answers would be given to any question or comments, yet that never stopped him from his idle chatter. "Where are we going? You said we were getting dark chocolate on the way home." When crimson and obsidian optics saw that all too familiar florist sign, he knew what to expect and do. A chime went off letting the owners know a customer had entered, "hello, welcome, oh, it's you, Lee. Are you here to pick up your grandmother's order?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"So sweet! You're always doing errands for Mrs. Wade. How is she doing? I heard she's been sick! Poor thing. I'll get your order right now." Said the female owner before heading into the back, the shopkeeper, a man in his mid-forties, rolled his eyes, "do you even know how to take care of those flowers or what they mean?" Every time she came to this shop the owners were like this.

"I do." Stated the preteen while looking around the shop until her order was brought up to the register. "Highly doubtful that a kid like you would even know or care. But if you can humor me and manage to get their meaning and names right, I'll give you a discount."

This was a game the older gent often played, especially with younger customers, if you got it right, you got the discount, if you got it wrong, then it was a lecture on how to care for the plant and its meaning. More than once his wife had to stop her husband from going off on random customers. These plants were like their children, after all, so he never wanted to see them go into the wrong hands. "You better not be giving her a hard time, dear."

"I'm not, we're just playing a little game." Brown eyes narrowed as they looked at their owner's partner, "he's not, ma'am. I promise." Giving a firm nod to their youngest patreon, the flowers were soon set on the counter, "oh, so you'll just take the word of a child before your own husband, how rude." Though his words sounded angry, he was not, a playful and loving glint shone in his deep green eyes. "Of course! This little one doesn't lie." Smiling brightly, the older woman started to ring up Zia's purchase. "Hold on, I said I'd give her a discount if she knew the names and meaning of these flowers, so, let's hear her out. The discount will be..." there was a slight pause, "forty percent."

"That sounds very fair, dear. Go on, get it a try." The names weren't on the flowers, so there was no way for people to cheat. "From left to right there is Heather Lavender, that symbolizes admiration, solitude, and beauty, next is White Heather, protection, it indicates that wishes will come true, that is their meanings and names." Getting those right caused the shopkeeper to grunt and take off ten percent for each flower. "Hospitality, along with happiness and abundance, that flower is called Anthurium." An eyebrow arched while another discount was added, "lastly we have Bouvardia Double, a zest for life, enthusiasm."

"You got them all right, good job, kid." Ringing up the new total, Lee paid and thanked the couple, on her way out, the girl, with hair the color of rich wines, asked, "would it be okay if I came here to learn more about plant care in the future?" To this the older gent huffed and nodded, another chime went off the exit one, "she's a really good kid, you like her don't you, dear." Their eyes met for a moment, "she's not bad, it's just too bad we can't adopt her."

"Granny, I'm home." No reply came, the house was dimly lit and semi-cold. A small figure moved effortlessly throughout the house until it reached the family room. Once there a long bony finger turned on the light. "Thanks, Majie."

"No problem, Runt. I reach everything you can't, you keep thinking about using the death note, that's our deal." Looking up at the giant creature, a gentle knowing smile adorned those soft feminine features. "Yeah, yeah, I'm not using the book, Majie." Chuckling darkly as he already knew that would be her answer, the god of death shrugged, "it was worth a shot." Sprinkles of sodalite, golden zircon and pure silver looked over the memorial that was made in the family room, rich red Anthuriums, Bouvardia Double, White, and Heather Lavender flowers were soon placed around three photos, each flower was the favorite of the photo owners in life. Majora stayed quiet during this time, even if he was usually cruel to everyone, especially humans, he wouldn't dare disturb this moment, it meant so much to the lone survivor of the Lee clan.

Ruby, flaxen, aragonite white, and schorl tourmaline tresses swayed gently with every movement of their owner's head. While Koneko talked to the dead, telling her grandmother, father, and mum about her day, Maj floated off to the kitchen for one of his favorite snacks.

I wonder how long it will be before people notice that the old bat is actually dead. Since we live a bit out of the way, and Franky rarely came out or had visitors, no one questions it when they see Koneko doing all the errands. It only makes sense for her to do them anyhow, she's younger, stronger, faster. It's been about six months since we found the old woman dead in the garden. It took forever to dig that damn grave too. Roughly twenty feet deep. I thought Koneko would have been more upset or saddened but she wasn't. That girl is mentally strong, very strong.

Maj soon rejoined his ward, just as she was finishing up her daily routine. "I'm making your famous beef stew for the potluck tomorrow and having chicken and rice tonight. I've mimicked your cooking style and recipes that you taught me, Granny. No one can tell the difference, so no one suspects you're gone. Besides a few kids in school. They're always starting trouble though so no one really pays them attention. In eighteen months I can sign up for the student exchange program. The youngest you can be is fourteen to join, it's normally fifteen to eighteen but sometimes they allow younger students in, it all depends on where you're going. I plan on going to Japan for two years if I can. That's everything, I have to go, for now, I love you all."

"Why do you talk to them? Didn't you tell them everything you wanted to say before they died? It's not like you didn't know when they would expire. You know they can't hear you. There is no heaven or hell, nothing but Mu, I've already explained all of this to you. Along with the death note rules." A glare and a pout made the chatterbox shut up quickly. "Because I can. There's nothing wrong with it..." I've always been able to see everyone's life spans. A curse or a gift, Majie says it was my father's gift to me but I can tell he sees it as a curse from himself. Sighing as she went into the adjoining room, through it to the bathroom, Koneko washed away the trail that her tears left behind, and stared at her own eyes.

Another six months came and went with little to no trouble. People were a bit suspicious about Mrs. Wade's sickness, her being unavailable or out whenever they came by, it wasn't too often. However, the house was always in great shape, her beloved garden looked wonderful, and all the bills were paid on time. As for Zia Lee, the short, cocoa-complexioned girl was a model student, often seen studying or doing volunteer work.

When she was accepted into the foreign exchange student program, at the age of fourteen, the varicolored eyed teenager planned to go back to Italy. Before that Koneko cleaned up the house, removed the memorial, and had a maid service set up to clean the house once every month, Zia picked a day when her granny would be out all day.

For ten months Lee studied abroad but was called back toward the middle of her eleventh month. When she called her grandmother's lawyer to ask him to check on the elderly woman since Mrs. Wade hadn't been answering her calls or returning them. Upon arriving at the house, he found the backdoor ajar, the house was full of dust like no one had been there for a few weeks. Alarmed he called the police and they put out a missing person's report. With the teenager studying elsewhere they knew she had nothing to do with the disappearance, foul play was suspected until they looked up Franky's health records, seeing she was in the early stages of Alzheimer's, meaning she was a wandering risk, and judging from the state of her home, it had been a very long time since she had wandered off.

Lee had finished off her studies abroad and had shown to be capable of taking care of herself, so at the age of fifteen with no more living family members to care for her, she was allowed to live alone. This didn't change anything for the fiery young lady, since she had been living alone far before the courts said it was okay. Speaking to her grandmother's lawyer, they came up with the idea of renting out the house, a new family would be living there and Koneko could keep up her studies while making a bit of revenue.

"It's amazing that you had this all planned out but what would you have done if someone had found out sooner than you planned?" Asked the shinigami as he sat in her hotel room, eating honey ham and pineapple. "Then I would have told the truth, they would have put me into an orphanage or a psych ward, where I couldn't interact with you at all." Black goat irises on a bloody red back-drop shifted, "good thing they never figured anything out."

~~~Present times, Zia's P.O.V~~~

While the pale complected figure sat in my room playing a solo game, Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage, I talked to my current host family, they aren't the best of people if one can call them people at all. Sometimes I wonder just how carefully they pick families to be hosts for foreign exchange students, it is clear this couple slipped through the cracks. But if it wasn't for them I might not have made it to Japan, so I am somewhat thankful. The woman is Japanese but her husband, boyfriend, whatever he is, is clearly not, seems American to me.

Sighing as I walked into the dining room, looking at the mess that was left behind for me to clean. My host family enjoyed another grand meal at my expense. No sharing or caring, not even a thank you. I don't mind the cooking and cleaning, I actually enjoy cooking and baking but being manhandled into giving up every dim I have to feed them wagyu beef, pricey sushi, or going out on the town, shopping trips, etc. This annoys me greatly, I've put in more than one complaint about it to the exchange program but nothing has happened. They might show up but it is never really, and since I keep this damn house spotless they don't see what the problem is. There's always someone coming and going, and on more than one occasion I have found the man of the house or one of his friends peeking at me in the bath. If I don't get out of this house something bad will happen soon.

Lost in my thoughts I failed to notice that I was being watched by some random friend of theirs, it wasn't until I heard a grunt that I turned around to see the drunkard staring at me. His glare, low and lustful. "Is it true that all foreigners fuck like rabbits? I wouldn't mind if you were my personal bunny girl." Majora came downstairs via the ceiling and growled at the human, even if he couldn't be seen. "Tell me, are you a virgin?" Pretending I didn't understand what he meant, I gave him a confused look before finishing up my chore.

"Hey, Koneko, let's write his name in the book. You can see it, I can see it. This guy doesn't deserve to live out a full life." My locks swayed as I shook my head and stated no, the drunkard thought I was talking to him, as he offered his services to me. He shrugged and staggered away. "Be careful when you go to bed tonight." Warned my guardian, unable to reply I only hummed then went about my business. When I did finish and went back up to my room, I found the hostess going through my things, looking for more money or items she could sell.

I said nothing, just cleared my throat to get her attention, she turned to look at me, those dark brown eyes daring me to say something. A challenge I would never back down from. "Something you want to say?"

"Why are you in my room going through my things?"

"This is my house and I won't have you bring drugs or boys over. I can check your things if I want to! Whenever I want to!"

"I have no money, drugs, or boys, as you can clearly see. Not that any of those last two things would be something I'm interested in." The hostess muttered to herself and dropped my bags before storming off. "None of them deserve to live..." This time I was the one muttering. "Does that mean you'll finally use the book?" Going through my own things to make sure nothing else was missing, I took out a small box, immediately noticing that it was smashed, and the lock was gone. "Seems they found your stash and took the last bit of your money, right. Guess that means no more dark chocolate milk huh."

"Majora...I'm going to bed." He placed a hand on the top of my head and gave it a gentle pat. "But you haven't been eating lately at all. You can't keep losing weight like this, you have to eat more..."

"I can't, no money. And I am not allowed to eat the food here, remember." Growling darkly, he watched as I got ready for the night, slipping into a blissful state of sleep.

A cry of pain woke me up, my eyes darted around the room, as I shot up from the floor. It took a moment but I noticed a figure huddled in the corner. It was the drunkard from earlier. His eyes were the size of saucers. Incoherent words came from his mouth, he was holding his nose, I could see the blood oozing between his fingers. Looking towards Majie, I wanted for him to explain while the frightened man crawled away then ran off.

"He was trying to assault you in your sleep. That bastard came in here, removed the sheet from your sleeping frame, got all pissy since you were still wearing your clothes from earlier." I nodded while looking down at my clothes, jeans, hoodie, shoes. There was no way in hell I would sleep in anything less than this around these people, good thing too. "Then that disgusting prick went through your dirty clothes, took a pair of panties..." If I could puke, I probably would. "Whipped out his pathetic reproductive organ and started jerking off while looking down at you. And when it looked like that wasn't going to be enough for him, I kicked him in the face."

"He was going to molest me..." The wiry-haired, bony creature nodded. A shudder went through my frame as my door was violently opened. "How dare you strike my guest, you little bitch!"

"How dare your guest try to rape me. I'm calling the police and the exchange program." My voice was calm, though that calmness probably didn't reach my eyes. "I recorded what he tried to do on your phone, you'll have proof for the police." Majie, you are truly the best. "They'll never believe you, you're just a foreigner, lazy, good for nothing." I blocked out her words while picking up the few things I owned. A list of everything that was taken from me had been made months ago, along with more evidence of wrongdoings. As I tried to leave, a hand struck my face, giving me a nice bruise and bloody lip. Just more fuel to the fire huh.

I didn't move or say a word, there was no need to, a certain god of death was already in a rage. Things started to fly as Majora through them, a table was flipped, this freaked out my host family. They ran away screaming demon but not before throwing me out of their home. That night was spent at the police station.

~~~Normal P.O.V~~~

Zia Lee had been up half the night explaining everything to the police and making calls. While she didn't want to go back to that house, the colorful eyed teenager knew she had to find another place to stay. The host program promised to look into the issue, as they often said, and look for another host family. They did have a house for people to stay in if they were having problems but the cases had to be extreme, this was one of them. Thankful to have a hot shower and a bit of food, the program's caretaker did notice the bruises and weight loss. "I'll call your school and let them know you won't be going in tomorrow."

"Please don't, I don't want to miss a day. Besides, I think that time would be better spent on finding a new home." This was a bit shocking, when students had bad experiences they often wanted to leave immediately, choosing to go home. "Are you sure?" Koneko nodded, "I take my education seriously, please find a new placement for me." Said the soft-spoken teen while bowing respectfully. "Alright, we'll find a great home for you! Get some rest, we'll talk more in the morning." Lee agreed and said goodnight but knew she wouldn't sleep.

"They should have done that from the beginning. What a bunch of dumb asshats." Glancing at his tiny human, the giant creature huffed, "true but it's okay now. Hopefully, things will improve from here." For the next few hours, they chatted softly while Zia went through the few items she had taken with her. Just a backpack full of clothes, a white notebook, and her information, and school books, the phone was taken by the police.

The sun came out, giving warmth to the damp, cold world, signaling the start of a new day. Already the darkly pigmented individual was getting ready. Taking a quick but very nice shower, and eating a real meal. Before long Koneko was leaving, when the multi streaked female arrived at school, she went about the day as normal. No one asked about her bruise but they did whisper about it as if the ginger wasn't there to hear them. "Annoying little shits...Every last one of them." Majora said while looking around the room. A pair of brown eyes did take notice of the introvert, and all her bruises.

When the final class ended, and clean up was all done, an all too known male was waiting at the gate. "Koneko-san, can we talk for a moment?"

"Tell him yes but only if we can go to a cafe. I want some hot dark chocolate."

"I don't see why not, Yagami-san."

"Great, we can go to this cafe I know of. It will be my treat." Upon hearing that the skull-faced god cheered, "alright then, but let's make it quick, I don't want any of your fangirls coming after me." Light laughed at that as he often did, the pair had become friends rather quickly. The brown skin individual's reclusive nature, quick wit, and sharp tongue, when it was needed, had grabbed the brunet's attention. The way she had introduced herself and insisted that was her name given at birth, also made him take an interest in her.

About a week after school had started, the slightly tan teenager had ran into the exotic-looking person in the library. Quietly Lee was tucked away in the back, in her own little world, with a lot of books, ranging from how to make origami to college entry exams, on top of her head was a pair of black headphones. A small gentle smile rested on her soft feminine features, that's when Light introduced him, and the rest is history.

"What's going on with you? You're not looking well these days, and don't tell me it's nothing. I noticed a while back that you've dropped some weight. I didn't speak up because I figured you were still getting used to things but after getting to know you, I think it's safe to say you're used to things now. It's not like you don't know the language." They were in the cafe now, their orders already placed, Yagami insisted on paying, like usual. "Fine, you got me. It's something." Light gave a very unamused look at the slightly younger teen. "If I have to guess this has something to do with that host family you're staying with right," Koneko said nothing.

"It is them then. They're taking your money again, and treating you like a maid." Just then their waiter showed up and placed their orders on the table. A certain shinigami was overjoyed at having his favorite drink again. "Yes, they were still doing that." Confessed the scarlet, onyx, moonstone, and blonde mane teen. "There's more than that isn't there." Stated the five-foot-eight male, knowing this was pointless, Zia went over everything again, while pretending to drink her beverage. "What!?" stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders, those deep russet orbs stared into hers, "yeah, so I am staying at the program's house until a new family is found." Light shook his head visibly upset, "I talked to my dad about this last night, he said that if anything else happened we can take you in."

"Wait, you what? Yagami-san, I" Zia was cut off, "no, it's not right. You were almost sexually assaulted while under their care and they blamed you for it. I'm glad you called the police, my father can look into the case if need be." While the brunet went on and on about right and wrong, his companion kept trying to get his attention "Yagami-san....Ya...Light Yagami..." Still she was having no luck, huffing she said, a bit louder not that it made much difference, no one around them could hear, "Moon-Kun!" That seemed to get his attention, "did you just call me Moon-Kun?"

"Yes, you weren't replying to anything else."

"Why Moon-Kun." A red eyebrow arced, "because of the way your name is written in kanji" taking a pen out of her backpack, she used a napkin to write out his name, 夜神月. "I remember you telling me this when we first met, and I think it's a very fitting name for you. Something a close friend might give you as a nickname."

"I can understand your logic but we're not close."

"Says the person trying to get me to move in with him." Giving a cheeky smile, she wiggled her eyebrow suggestively, "that's not how it is and you know it."

"Whatever you say, Moon-Kun."

"You're not going to stop calling me that, are you?"

"Nope, better get used to it, Moon-Kun." The pair glared at each other before laughing a bit. "Alright, let's finish up here and go to my place. I'm sure my mother and sister will be overjoyed at having another girl in the house."

"Alright, that's fine but there is no guarantee that I'll stay." Light smirked at that comment, already knowing the outcome of this problem, he had talked to his parents years ago about joining the host family program. Explaining how it could be a great learning expression for Sayu and himself, they agreed but only under special conditions. They would have to be the last resort for the exchange student, and Light just knew that with Koneko's story, intellect, and personality that his mother and father would agree.

Standing outside of the Yagami household, two brunettes stood in the doorway, both of them looked pretty happy. The youngest one was more than a bit excited. Light walked up to his mother and sister while calling out to their newest family member, offering a hand to her, and a kind smile.

"Looks like this is the beginning of a new story, Mjaie." She whispered, mouth barely even moving. The ghostly figure looked at the new humans he would have to get used to and chuckled.

"No, not a new story, just a continuation of your story."

An Origins Story.

Almost 8k words, I had a lot of fun writing this story. This is for Majora! I know you like it as you told me before, haha. I hope the one or two others that might read this enjoys it as well. 


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