Until We Meet (GxG)

By JoBlackheart

59.4K 1.9K 447

This is a Girl loves Girl stories Don't read my books if you're allergic to grammar issues. Peace out. Serie... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Until We Meet ... Her

Chapter Seven

2.2K 85 15
By JoBlackheart

Keira's POV

I felt a wave of pressure kicking in my head as I wrinkled up my face. It was horrible after too much wine.

Even though we had so much wine but I would still be sober yet tiring. It was enjoyable spending time with Ophelia like that. Also, this made me miss sleepover time at Cassy's place for our movies marathon and cooking the crazy idea of sinful food at her home during the weekend. Gratefully, her parents never kicked us out of their house.

We seldom met each other since we graduated from college. I was getting busy on my job while she was engaging in her diner which was her family business.

That made sense we cook a lot back in our teen time because she loved to cook but her idea was terrified. After we had given her constructive feedback on the menu her family and I was glad about her final menu recipe. Not saying she was a bad cook, but the idea of her recipe was ridiculous.

Somehow, we never get old of bickering whenever we chat or have phone calls. Our hearts were strong for each other as sisters.

Aside from the pressure and irritating ache in my head, I felt a weight and warmth were on top of my body. I smiled down when I found out the adorable blonde sleeping beauty was still in her sweet slumber.

Ophelia's head nestled in the crook of my neck, a leg wrap on my waist, and a hand on my right breast. I chuckled knowing she didn't mean it. I gingerly brushed the strand of her blond hair aside for me to look at her sleeping side profile, her natural cherry color lips were pouting and soft breathing was fanning my neck.

She was a likable girl, I couldn't take my eyes away from her and I softly put my hand on her head trying not to interrupt her sleep, and gradually reached down the nape of her neck. When I tried to move my left arm, I just realize my hand was resting on her butt and the rest of my arm was beneath the side of her body.

I really enjoyed laying in the bed with an adorable guest on a nice Saturday morning. Unfortunately, the uncomfortable numbness crawled around to my entire arms and I had to do something which was too soon for my liking.

"Ophelia," I called softly near her ear to wake her up. The corner of her beautiful lips lifted upward as she sighed softly, "Good morning, pretty lady."

Even though my arm was calling for help, but I was more entertained by her good call. I chuckled and asked close to whisper, "Mind if you lift your hips a little?"

"Oh, it's good for asking. I thought you'll never ask," Ophelia said dreamily with a smirk. Somehow, she never move but her hand gently grasped my breast as her head snuggle closer to me and sighed comfortably, "So comfy. Don't wake me up."

I couldn't stand it anymore as I groaned softly, "O-Ophelia, I don't like to do this, but can you let my arm free?"

"Did we play handcuff thing?" Ophelia asked groggily.

"N-No, My arm. My arm is stuck beneath you. I'm sorry to wake you up like that," I said and tried to pry my arm away.

"Holy shit!" Ophelia abruptly flipped her back on the mattress to free my arm and she quickly sat on her feet. She seemed to feel bad and worried. Before she took my arm to check I quickly used my other hand to stop her, "It's okay. Give me a second."

"Shit! I'm so so sorry," she said as embarrassment washed over her face, she ran her hands on her blonde hair and looked at me, "Why didn't you wake me up? I'm killing your arm."

"It's fine, really. I'm glad you have a nice sleep," I assured her and gently used a hand to pat her head as she pursed her lips looking adorable. I gently massage my sore arm with my right hand and suggested, "I'll get us breakfast before sending you home, okay?"

"Are you eagerly want me to leave?" Ophelia's face slightly fell.

"No, I'd happy you to stay. But, I can't keep you here instead you have your weekend plan with your father," I said with a smile.

"Nah, he will be busy meeting his friends, and I'll spend my boring weekend alone," Ophelia sighed as her green eyes gaze at mine and asked with a hopeful face, "So, is that a fair point for you to keep this poor boring young adult at your home in this weekend?"

"Of course, and stay as long as you're happy with it," I assured her as her face eventually brightened up. Perhaps she was still hyper for her age, she squealed and practically bounced off the bed before I could react to watch over her.

I was relieved she landed on the floor perfectly as she turned to me and said sheepishly, "Sorry, I'm just too thrilled for our awesome weekend. After you," she indicated the bathroom door.

"Me either," I smiled in return and indicated the bathroom, "You first, I'll go and make coffee for us."

"That's great, but," she bit her lips and seemed to hesitate to ask as I chuckled, "I have cream and sugar, no worries."

"Perfect! I'll be quick. Thank you, Keira," she grinned and happily disappeared into the bathroom and gently shut the door.


I was lucky I still have eggs and milk in the fridge enough for us to fill our hungry empty stomachs before going to the diner for our decent and delicious breakfast.  

We had so much fun joking around while having our breakfast. Ophelia even played the conversation in between the grumpy couple across the street. Of course, this enjoyable sharing would get the attention of the people from the other tables.

Some of them seemed annoyed by our laughter but we wouldn't care much since this place was crowded and 80s music played out loud from the old-school jukebox.

The coffee and the big breakfast were heavenly great here, and we seemed like never want to leave since the funny couple conversation was the high point of our jokes. But, we couldn't keep the others lining up for waiting in cold weather. So, we took our final sip of coffee and left after we finished our breakfast.

"What about mixed sauce pasta for our dinner? So, we can taste both!" Ophelia suggested excitedly while holding the bottle of carbonara sauce in her hand and a bottle of tomato sauce in her other hand.

"I'm happy with anything you pick," I assured her and mirrored her delighted smile.

"Great!" she happily put the bottles in the full trolley and wandered around to take more food. We had a long debate about getting the food while we were on the way to my home, I was the one who surrendered after her adorable pleading face. We eventually parked my car in my apartment parking lot before coming to this supermarket which was right opposite it.

When she was ready to take a gallon of chocolate ice cream from the fridge, I quickly held her forearm as her eyes were twinkling and grinning at the ice cream, "This is the last one, I promise!"

I couldn't help but let her put the gallon of ice cream on the trolley, but before she wanted to turn back I arched an eyebrow at her with a smile, "I don't think we can carry all of these later."

Ophelia didn't respond, but turned and took a gallon of vanilla ice cream in the trolly and quickly said, "You like chocolate and vanilla flavor. Let's go and pay."

The adorable blonde eventually stepped next to me and chuckled sheepishly, "Let me."

I shook my head and asked her to walk before me but she insisted as I chuckled and let her to do it. Before I could pay for the groceries, Ophelia already fished out her credit card for the cashier to pay the bill and she insisted to buy for us because she stayed in my place and that was a nice return.

I was a persistent person, but Ophelia Kendrick won hands down.

"Are you gonna spend another weekend with me?" I jested while watching Ophelia filling the full fridge.

"That's my plan," she turned to shoot me a peace sign before continuing to put the groceries into the fridge and she wondered, "What do you usually eat for your dinner?"

"Green garden and oats for my dinner," I replied while drinking the glass of water in my hand.

Ophelia shut the fridge door and she shook her head and whined, "No way, you should eat more."

"I prefer to keep this shape," I shrugged lightly before putting the glass on the counter and I took another glass of the water I already filled and passed it to her.

"I know you keep in good shape, but you need more protein," she argued before taking the glass from me as she down in instant and put the empty glass on the counter and grinned, "I'll feed you full for our dinner."

The first movie we watched after our dinner was The Half Of It. Even though Ophelia's mixed sauce pasta was filling our happy stomachs, but we would never say no to a delicious dessert. Each of us was holding a bowl of ice cream to eat, sitting side to side with our legs crossed on the couch comfortably while watching the movie.

"Do you think Ellie and Aster look cute together?" Ophelia asked while taking a spoonful of ice cream to her mouth and eating.

"They look happy, I like to see them together," I commented as she turned to me and grinned before exclaiming, "Oh my god! Aster looks hot here."

"Yes, she is," I agreed and smiled at Ophelia who was focusing on the TV.

"Do you have any favorite girl celebrities?" Ophelia asked while she turned to look at me.

I took a spoon of ice cream to eat as I hummed a while and said, "I have a lot, but Blake Lively is my top favorite."

"No way! She's too hot! You got great taste," Ophelia beamed.

"Well, she has her charm. Every woman and man have their own charm," I stated truthfully.

"I wouldn't high expect they get together, but they ended with a kiss was fantastic! That told everything about them," Ophelia said in awe.

"So, this is a good ending out of many same-gender films or series," I commented.

"You're right," Ophelia said with a burp as she chuckled, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Just make here like your home," I assured her.

"I did," Ophelia's face perk up, and asked, "What's next?"

"Pitch Perfect 3?"

"Yes, please! I can't wait to see Bechloe!"

"I love Amy, she's so hilarious!" Ophelia laughed out loud and I joined her because her adorable giggle took over Amy's witty conversation.

"That's bullshit! my Bechloe," Ophelia said dejectedly after finished the movie.

"What's wrong with the ending?" I chuckled and pointed out, "They're best friends and they found their love. It's a happy ending, isn't it?

"No, this is not the ending I'm looking for. Chloe is so gay! I thought they'll end up together," Ophelia pursed her lips as she hugged a small pillow on her chest with her chin hook on it. She made a long sigh and propped her feet on my lap.

I tried to cheer her up as switch to other tv show playing Gordon Ramsey's cooking show and I suggest, "Let's get us soda. What do you think?"

"Can I have popcorn too, please?" Ophelia grinned from ear to ear.

"Sure, you need them to cheer you up," I smiled at her and gently lift her feet for me to leave the seat.

"What do you think if I join this contest?" Ophelia asked while watching the tv with a bowl of popcorn on her laps and her feet comfortably put on my laps with a pair of my red thick socks printed big bird icons on it. She was wearing my new Sesame Street PJ which I prefer gave it to her since she looks better than me, and she happily suggested keep it here whenever she came for a sleepover.

I gently played her feet while I looking at her and said, "You might deal with his witty comments."

She bit her lips while wiggling her toes to play along with me, I chuckled and tugged her toes as she laughed, "I hope you don't mean it."

"I'm serious. He's high standard in cooking, mind you. You're a great cook, but I guess his standard is too ridiculous. We just want tasty food, not a fine dining food," I stated and I know if only the chef would try this. For people who is home cooking they didn't need the judgement.

"So, you liked my mix sauce pasta?" Ophelia asked with a hopeful smile.

"I liked it. It's delicious. I'll no complains since I'm not a good cook, and I only good is scramble eggs or omelette," I admitted.

"That's good enough, both are my favourite all the time," Ophelia beamed and added, "I think shouldn't stress out when I cook for you since you are not picky."


"How often do you cook? I can tell you cook quite often with your skill," I asked as I shifted my body from the bed and faced Ophelia.

We decided ready to sleep after an hour of Ramsey shouting and insulting show. Ophelia snuggled on the soft pillow as her lovely green eyes looks tender, and small smile lingered on her face whenever she was looking at me.

"I didn't cook much, but I did it occasionally whenever I was boring. I only can cook for my parents, but they're picky. They only said Oh, that's okay," she sighed softly before smiled at me again, "I only want to cook for the people I love especially the one I've been waiting for. I don't even know I can meet that person again. I'm so glad we meet again and this time I'm gonna take it serious to learn better for cooking!"

I smiled at her determined face, and I'm getting admire the way she can wait the person she like for so long. I was curious how long she had waited for the person, but I think that was too personal for asking. So, I took it back.

"The person will be grateful to meet a girl like you," I said truthfully.

"I hope so," Ophelia grinned dreamily.

"I don't mind if you cook more for me to be a food taster before you official cook the decent food for the one you love," I chuckled when I saw her eyes snapped wide and gasped like she get offended.

"So, you think my food will poisoned you?" Ophelia pressed as I laughed and she whined, "It's not funny!"

I raised a hand and laughed louder after seeing her adorable reaction, "Stop, I can't."

Ophelia gently pushed me as my back laid on the bed and she straddled on me as she smirked at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked with arched an brow at her.

"You enjoy laughing so much, huh?" She asked in a joking manner.

"It's good to laugh, right?" I smirked at her.

"Then I'll show you what can make you laugh more," she said smugly and I startled a little when her cold fingers slipped in beneath the hem of my PJ shirt and touched the side of my waist.

"You're not gonna do that!" I warned as I giggled when her fingers started tickling my waist.

"Stop it, Ophelia!" I laughed out of my lung as I tried to avert my body from her fingers. I held her wrist to stop her, but she was too fast in action and continue tickling my waist and I shrieked with laughter.

I finally could grasp both of her hands to stop her as I panted, "I got you!"

Ophelia tried to pry her hands from me but she had no luck because I was holding her hands firmly. She gave up and shot me a grin, "So, you're enjoying having me with this sexy position on you?" She bounced with laughter and I huffed, "You're heavy!"

She gasped and tried to bounce a little harder as I smirked, "Don't try me, Ophelia." She stuck her tongue at me as she giggled and continue to have her fun to attack me.

I tugged her as her eyes flew wide and her body laid atop of me with her face next to me, and I flipped us back in one shifted easily since she was lighter than I expected.

"I told ya," I smirked at her with my hands pinned hers over her head. She seemed shocked and remained still.

Her eyes were gazing mine as her fresh toothpaste breath fanning my lips. The colour of her face turn into light pink as her breathing was getting deep and slow.

In the meantime, I felt a churn in my stomach when my eyes trailed from her eyes to her kissable lips. The only air supply was from the blonde but air, we exchanged our breathing, fast heart beating loud enough for us to hear.

I looked at her eyes and then lips once again before cradling her face with my hands. My thumbs caressing her cheek as she still didn't move or say anything, but her eyes still on me.

I had no idea what I was trying to do, I gradually leaned closer to her. Eventually, a wave of realities hit my gut and I felt a bucket of cold water down on my body mentally. I quickly turned myself and laid back on the mattress of my bed.

"I'm sorry!" I tried to said it loud to calm my nerves, I didn't even dare to see Ophelia, and my heart was racing. I quietly took a few deep breath and tried to wait if she say anything, but nothing.

Perhaps I went too far for our gameplay. I was a moron.

"I think we're getting tired, let's sleep," I said softly but loud enough for her to hear and bid, "Good night, Ophelia."

"Good night and sweet dream, Keira," Ophelia eventually returned in her small voice.

I let my eyes close and tried to sleep. Deep down, I know I might take one or two hours to think before I slept.

What had I done? I might shocked the poor girl. I didn't know why I did that to her.

I didn't think I was able to think much for tonight, I felt my head was tired to think, the familiar heat radiated my face and my body once again, and the weird feeling in my stomach is disturbing. Perhaps, I had eaten too much for today.

What the hell were these all about?

A/N: Do you think Keira is a boring type of girl to Ophelia?

Happy Reading!

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