Mew suppasit I surrender

By lunamoon895

139K 8K 450

Gulf needed a job and fast he apply for a job at the bar only know as darkness but would he be able to pay th... More

Gulf - first day
Mew- teasing
Gulf -working
Mew - mind games
Gulf - forbidden door
Mew- gaining souls
Gulf - nightmare or moring glory
Mew- losing control
Gulf -distance
Mew - mix signals
Gulf - lush
Mew- addicted
Gulf -top to bottom
Mew- lush
Gulf- home
Mew- the past
Gulf - unexpected
Gulf - questions
Mew - a soul
Gulf - standing by he's side
Mew- bearing it all
Gulf - i surrender
Mew- my angle
Gulf- answers
Mew - the past 
Gulf - bound together
Mew- he's back
Gulf- ready
Mew- raising hell
Gulf - finding mew
Mew- heaven
Gulf - home
Mew- family
Gulf- support 
Mew- nine
Gulf - morning call
Mew -sulking
Gulf - Communication 
Thank you
Gulf - marry me
Mew - next chaper
Gulf - stag do
Mew- i do
🦋Thank you 🦋

Mew - i choose you

1.9K 116 9
By lunamoon895

After waking up in gulf arms life was perfect we was learning together about one another. time would be the only thing to stop our love and that would be the day when gulf heart stop beating I was sure this was all we needed in life .

2 Months had past us by. we got into a routine gulf still work at my bar he's played football with he's Care Bears after the darkness fall I would always stay over at gulf house and we fall asleep in each other arms . We still had the hot tempers within us and didn't alway see eye to eye but the hot make up sex was clearly winning us both over we still couldn't keep our hands to our self . I wanted to always court gulf no matter how much I loved him I wanted to loved him more.

We still planning on our Christmas together it was this weekend that we do Christmas with my family at the club. everyone was so excited I pay no attention to this mae wanted it be a surprise why I don't know but seeing how they was trying to sneak around me and not let me hear or know what was happen was laughable but there happiness meant the world to me so I try to not hear or see anything boom and singto spent more time on earth with me it was first time we all acted like there was no in between we all live on earth and spend our time together. Standing in my office looking over at the ocean it was truly beautiful seeing the waves tell me a story each crash had it purpose yet it every ripple seem to calm the moment.

Warmth arms wrapped around my waist listening to gulf heart beat get faster every time we was together I never get bored of hearing how excited he's was to be near me

" mmm baby why are you hear . I thought I was getting you from football later "

" I missed you can't I come here and see you my boyfriend "

Turning around to face gulf seeing every star lite up behind he's eyes was Captivating. Kissing he's nose holding gulf tightly

" baby I miss you too "

" boo what was you thinking about why are you looking at the ocean like this . Anything I can help you with "

I wasn't going to tell gulf what I had planned so many time I had nearly slip up and told him that I nearly complete our first family home I was so excited to see he's face when I took him there but i didn't want to ruin the surprise. Lord only knows how I haven't told him yet it was eating me alive not sharing this with gulf . I felt guilty for lying where I was on the days I was at our home seeing the plan , adding all the furniture. Making each room had it own meaning to it. I put my heart and soul in to give this to gulf I pray he's only say yes and move in with me our family would bring a new journey . Even to the door number I had thought of . I smile at how I could see us in years to come still living on our home made me so happy

" boo hello are you even listening to me , what are you thinking . Just lately you been zooning out on me what are you thinking "

" oh nothing baby just excited to see what all you guys had done for our first Christmas together I'm sure it's going to be one to remember "

Winking at gulf we become more flirtatious gulf was more bold in the last few weeks and will own my body in any way he's want of course I won't deny my baby of anything he's wants . P'rose tells me I need to stop spoiling him he's being more like a baby each day.

" well I think you will be shocked to see just want we have planned .I can't wait I mean I can't wait to see what you think "

" you better not do something outrageous gulf . I mean I know you like to joke but I hope you all taken this seriously "

" oh we have p'mew we most certainly have "

I still worried they got some wired planned to make it a joke or some crazy show,

" come on I have to leave here p'mae had made it clear I can't come back till Saturday I'm sure there going to turn this place into a circus. Who know what This place will end up like in 2 days time "

" so will my boyfriend be staying at mine for this time or do you have another place to stay "

I did have another place but I didn't want to stay there until we spend the first night together.

" mmm is my baby telling me or asking me if I'm staying "

Yep I still had my playful side from time to time it would cause gulf stress but we couldn't stay mad at each other for too long it pained us both to not sort it out.

Gulf pulled my head down to he's, our lips Crash together. Every time we got this close my body was Turn into electric bolts running through my core.

Gulf pushed me back with a wicked smile .

"I was telling you p'mew you are staying at mine for the next 2 days 48 hours we have together I don't have any classes so I'm all your boo "

Picking gulf up he's wrapped he's legs around my waist I carry him through the club gulf started to blush as always boom shouted

" get a room mew seriously I can't keep seeing this everyday "

" I'm trying boom don't you worry we be out of here before you know it I have an important appointment with my sweet kana ass it's need to be punished "

" oh for the lord of me Mew Suppasit this is way to much information. I don't need to hear or see just why would you even say that "

P'mae come over laughing at how we all just so Comfortable with each other .

" boom you did ask for that I mean what did you expect mew was doing with gulf not like there going to water the flower "

Singto had to add he's extra touch to this conversation

" no p'mae he's doesn't know how flowers grow he's only know how to suck the seeds "

Gulf covered he's hands with he's face why gulf still got shy and embarrassed by this surly he's would get use to this one day

" please take me home I can't hear any more p'mew why do you alway lower the tone "

" Excuse me baby I didn't lower the tone but you already said I did so.... let me tell you what I'm about to do you your sweet kana ..... "

Gulf covered the mouth with he's hand and give me a glare like

" don't you even finish that sentence everyone can hear you "

Laughing while still carrying gulf out the door I really would never miss seeing my baby blush then getting mad like this

Licking gulf hand so he's would move it away from my lips

" why did you lick me p'mew "

Raising my eyebrows up staring at gulf

" I want to lick something else but you won't let me "

The colour drained from he's face . Just smiling at my baby I put him in the car make sure the seatbelt was on tight we about to have 48 hours together I for once was more excited then gulf .

" where are we going p'mew this isn't the way home "

" I know baby I'm taken you on a date . I promise not to use Inappropriate words in pubic "

" P'mew this is getting obsessive why are you alway so horny all the time . I can't keep up one day you will break my dick and not just the furniture remember how we had to explain what happen to the kitchen table to my mother this is not happen again you need to learn some self control "

" oh really baby if I remember correctly you were the one who pushed me through the table . I didn't know a pissed off gulf had that much strength "

" you deserve it p'mew you wouldn't tell me where you were that day and I knew you was lying to me I was pissed off I still am to this day I don't believe you was with p'boom for 12 hours "

" hay we not having this argument again gulf I was with boom all day we ... "

" we what "

" I will do a deal with you gulf if I can keep self control for 2 days with you please drop this it's been 5 weeks already and I haven't left your Side any longer then you being at school "

" oh let's make the bet more interesting boo .
If you can keep your hands to yourself for the next 48 hours I will never bring it up again ever . But if you surrender to me . You will tell me where the hell you was . Deal "

" was my baby making a deal with the devil . I must say I never lost a bet . But what if you surrender first gulf what will happen then baby .. I don't see you lasting 3 more hours without sex it's not just me who wants it needs it feel it's gulf it's also you too "

If the car could of stream up any more it was be on fire . Just what game was gulf playing now not a chance he's would last that long . I would make him crack first I want him to be begging for me .

" let's the games begin gulf, I wish you all the best of luck because your going to need it "

" one condition tho we can still kiss each other that isn't losing self control but it's a must in our relationship p'mew "

Laughing just how easy this really was going to be one kiss gulf would be mine "

" what ever baby says it's a done deal "

Both of us was stubborn and this was the first time in month we haven't had passionate wild sex . Being with gulf wasn't about the sex if this was what he's wanted me to prove then so be it I would make sure I wouldn't give in first .

Finding this quite location at the top of a mountain I learn gulf loves to feel like he's was on top of the world he wanted to see everything below him to feel the cold air to feel like he's was in the sky to reach the stars.

Parking the car up I let gulf out I had a table under a tree I covered then in fairy lights to makes it feel like the stars, I made him he's favourite meal seeing how beautiful it turned out to be seeing all the city light down below shining. This was what gulf needed to see right now this would be another perfect date to add to all our future ones .

" oh my what all this p'mew it's ... its ... beautiful. You did all this for me ... I'm speechless "

" yes baby I did this all for you I had this planned the whole time see I notice things you like and don't like . I learn you love to be on mountain without using my power this was the best I could give you ."

The lights twinkle in the moonlight hearing the music start to play I pulled gulf into my arms we started to dance to the music . Where I have live for so long it's wasn't like this Old days we use to date and Dance with the one we loved it was they way we sharing there love . I wanted gulf to see my past I had and to bring it to he's life now.

" gulf this was how I was brought up when I come to earth this was the way human used to show there loved ones who they wanted we choose a dance partner letting the music guild our body to show us the love we shared . I know it's not what they do now but I want to give you every part of me including my past . I never had the opportunity to dance with someone I'm happy to say your my first "

Gulf just looked at me . How this man told me he's didn't know how to express he's feeling yet I could see behind he's eyes every word he wanted to tell me . Closing my eyes I didn't want gulf to speak.

The music stop we sat down and eat our meal together. Small conversation from today we shared everyday we were like this. We had no barriers our love was strong enough to overcome anything if we wanted it enough.

" baby I hope you enjoy your meal I cook all this myself I have one more gift for you stay here and close your eyes "

Making sure gulf eyes was closed I open the car and got out the guitar I started to sing my song I wrote for him

🎶 Season of you 🎶

🎵you are the love song that I always listen to every night 🎵

🎵you are the sweet dream on my longest night 🎵

🎵 you are my today tomorrow my everyday 🎵

🎵you are the last one that stop my heart 🎵

Seeing gulf sitting at the table seeing all the thousand lights behind him this was a dream of mine to play to the one I loved . Gulf tears streamed down he's face . I stop playing and went over to pick my baby up

" don't cry baby I write this song for you . I meant every word gulf you are all my season my love for you will never go not in the summer not in the winter it will remain in the autumn and spring every season is you baby I love you so much I hope one day I can show you just how much you mean to me "

Gulf was sobbing he's heart out now I felt bad

"Baby are you ok "

" P'mew thank you so much I don't even know what to say but thank you . I loved the song I will try and sing it for you to hear how beautiful it is . I can feel the emotion you speak every lyrics you sang come from your heart . Let's stay together for a long time boo "

We both just hugged each other this is what gulf needed to see tonight he's needed to know I would always be there for him.
Sitting down on the blanket watching the city life past us by there was just us this was what heaven was like I wanted gulf to have this feeling every single day .

" p'mew can I ask you something please "

" of course baby what would you like to know "

" why did you choose me , I mean you lived a long time and can have any women or man that walks this world yet we here together. I'm just curious "

" now let me stop you there gulf don't you doubt your self . I don't want to hear this from you . I have a million reason why I want to be with you and the only one you need to know is because I choose you . I will always choose you . Today tomorrow in the future it will always be you "

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