Beauty From Ashes

By IsaacFogle

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Cheyenne Mitchell grew up as an average Christian girl, in a strict Seventh Day Adventist family. But she ALS... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Part 1
Chapter 18 Part 2
Chapter 19 Part 1
Chapter 19 Part 2
Chapter 20 Part 1
Chapter 20 Part 2
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 Part 1
Chapter 22 Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 Part 1
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 24 Part 3
Chapter 24: Part 4
Chapter 25: Saved Part 1
Chapter 25: Saved Part 2
Chapter 25: Saved Part 3
Chapter 26: Surprises Part 1
Chapter 26: Surprises Part 2
Chapter 27: Conflict Part 1, Spiritual
Chapter 27: Conflict Part 2, Mental
Chapter 27: Conflict Part 3, Physical
Chapter 28: Wedges
Chapter 29: Unity Part 1
Chapter 29: Unity Part 3
Chapter 30: Mercy Part 1
Chapter 30: Mercy, Part 2
Chapter 30, Mercy Part 3
Chapter 31 Part 1: Farewell
Chapter 31 Part 2, The Next Step
Chapter 32: A New Beginning

Chapter 29: Unity Part 2

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By IsaacFogle

Albert has just brought Elijah and Venus upstairs into his music room to talk qith them in private. Meanwhile, Downstairs…

Johnathan sighs. "I'm not sure how I feel about this.."

"Yeah me neither."

"Well take it from me, he's much safer being alone with Venus than any other Conquerors," Bianca said. 

Cheyenne turns to her and folds her arms. "What are you saying about me then…?" she spoke softly and sternly with a glint in her eye. Bianca grows frozen, staring at Cheyenne awkwardly.  Then Cheyenne grins. "I had you there."

Bianca's eyes widened. "You did not!"

"I Did!" Cheyenne said with a goofy smile.

Stephanie and Trenton snicker. "What the heck? You're so tough and mouthy, yet you're intimidated by Cheyenne?"

"She was always intimidating whenever I worked with her."

"Yeah well now she's as harmless as a dove," Vinnie said, patting Cheyenne on the back with a chuckle. "C'mon, let's have a seat."

They all gather around the couch. 

"So, we finally meet the friends from back home. This is….interesting."

"How do you think this is for us?"

"Or for me? Like, Elijah's a pastor now, you're out here in California, one of the girls I worked with is serving the youth and dating one of the youth members? I mean, what the heck has been going on?"

"Oh boy, a LOT has been going on with LionHeart the past few years," Stephanie said.

"LionHeart? What's that?" I asked. 

"That's our group name."

"And our band name."

"Your Band?!" I asked again, loudly with wide eyes.

"OHHH!! What, YOU'RE the guys who stole the show from Forty Lashes in Vegas?!" Vinnie asked. 
Cheyenne's eyes widened even further. With a facial expression that spells 'EXPLAIN NOW.'

The three kids all grin at each other and chuckle. "We've got a lot to catch you up on."

'So, pretty much, a year after your.....disappearing act, Eli had been serving as our youth leader, and.....a bunch of things led to another and, we started our own band called LionHeart."

"And you premiered it by crashing a Forty Lashes show?" she asked.

"Haha. Yeah!"

"Why would you do that?"

"Well because, Angela and the other PC's were supposed to perform at the very end," Bianca said. Cheyenne's eyes fully widen.

"And after some of the stuff they did, and learning anout....your involvement with them, we decided that we were DONE taking any of their crap."

"And it was like, the greatest thing ever! Here, lemme show you," Trenton said pulling out his phone.
He shows Cheyenne footage of their performance. With video of them attacking their karate friends dressed up as ninjas while two of them sing the words to a song.
Then it shows them all doing karate choreography to another song, doing flips and kicks and everything.

"Wait a second who's that guy in the mohawk?"

"Oh that's Eli," Stephanie said.

Cheyenne's eyes widen again. "What the Fuck?!" When they widen even more when she remembers who she's even in the room with! "Oh, I'm sorry I-"

"Haha don't worry."

"That's what we thought when we first saw it," Bianca said.

Then it shows Elijah and Stephanie singing different songs while Trenton and a few other kids are wailing it out on the Lasher guitars and drums with flames and lasers going off in the background, which the Lashers don't really do anymore.

They can tell Cheyenne is shocked by this. "Quite a surprise, I'm sure."

"I mean....this is- how the heck did you manage all of this? Did the church support and handle all of this stuff in the back?"

"No, we all did it ourselves. With Bianca's help. She gave us a big check of money from Angela that we used for that specific night and for recreating a new youth center for the church."

"Bianca did that? But- but I thought you were saving and waiting to pay for your father's treatment?" Cheyenne asked.

Stephanie and Trenton suddenly look worried and turn over to Bianca. She closes her eyes. "Yeah...  I.....I was..."
She begins to tear up.

Cheyenne's eyes fill with horror. "Oh my god. I......I'm so sorry..."

Trenton rubs her back before she groans out. "She...She kept me waiting for over a year before she paid me back. And she only did it out of pity because, she found out before I did...! Everything I did for her.....all for nothing...! All so she could use me..."

Vinnie then sighs and gazes at Cheyenne. "Well it sounds like you two are floating in the same boat.."

"Yeah.....'re with these people now?"

"She's with me, Drew and his mother the past three years. And....overtime she just....grew out of working with them, so she quit."

"And while they didn't take the news very well....we've been more than happy to support her, and have her on our team.," Stephanie said.

"And, you were all Willing to let her in? know?" Cheyenne asked.

"I mean not at first but, Trenton put in a good word for her to Elijah."

Bianca scoffs. "More like a monologue."

Cheyenne squints. "And why would you do that?"

Trenton sighs. "Well.....there was a moment where, I was playing guitar for the group and, out of nowhere, Brock leads a bunch of Conquerors into the building. Including her. And, Brock asked to borrow my guitar for a moment and, when he gave it back to me he drew a giant dick on the back in permanent marker."

"Ooooh!" Johnathan reacted.
"Oof...."Wes added, closing his eyes.

Cheyenne rolls her eyes. "Goodness sakes. I knew Brock could be juvenile gosh."

"I don't know, he seemed like the guy who would do that when I saw him," Johnathan said. Then everyone looks ocer at him and his eyes widen. "Onnn the sheets that Albert showed us. His face, he seemed mean but also mischievous like me."

"Oh boy is he ever."

"So what about you?" Wes asked Bianca.

"Well I had just found out about my dad and, all these thoughts were in my head, own pain and sorrow let me see the harassment they were doing to these guys and....I just felt bad for them. And, he was singing words that, we're making me wonder."

"So she found me sitting alone trying to wash it off and I could. Then she shows up, writes something like...."your heart is bigger than his dick" or something like that-?"
Upon hearing this, Vinnie, Wes and Johnathan burst out laughing, while Cheyenne's eyes broaden and she has a blank expression with her lips.
"And, we just sat down and, we started talking a lot after that."

Stephanie giggles. "Oh my, I never heard THAT part of the story before! Really puts my relationship with Elijah in a new perspective."

Cheyenne's eyes widen even more. "Wait. YOU and Elijah...are together?!"

Stephanie blushes to herself. Trenton smirks. "Like I said, a LOT to catch up on."

"Well this outta be fun to listen to," Johnathan said.

Cheyenne chuckles. "I agree."

A while later, upstairs....
Albert's POV:
I had just finished sharing unto Elijah and Venus, the full details about my plan with the Conquerors for Friday night, as they had asked me.

Venus shoots up to her feet. "And that…. That's it? That's your whole plan?"

I shrug. "Pretty much. Nothing too complicated other than that."

Elijah is walking in a circle. slowly trying to process everything he just heard. 
"This is....I'm stumped. I literally can't decide if this is the best idea I've ever heard or the worst idea I've ever heard."

"You're not the first person who's said that, you know."

"Yeah but....your overall plan is to bait Angela and her group, into your own church, while it's full of people. And....take them all down, while exposing them to the web…" Venus said. 

Elijah squints and points over to Venus. "And you're not even worried that she just heard your plan, and might tattle you out to her boss?" 

"If it wasn't her who just heard me, I would be worried," I said. "And if I recall, you said you wanted to explain my goal to both of you. So clearly you weren't worried about it earlier."

"Maybe you should really think about since I'm the one saying it," he said. "Listen, I know what it's like being part of a church that has had to deal with Angela's crap better than anyone in the ministry of Jesus's legacy. Period! What you're doing is bold, badass even. But after what she's told me on the way here, I just know that Angela isn't going to undermine your group after the stunts you've pulled on her the other day, and especially if she figures out that Cheyenne's been with you this whole time-"

I shake my head and stammer out. "I don't care if Angela's leading the Conquerors- or the PC's or, whatever you guys wanna call yourselves. She's wicked, and she's a hypocrite, even by her own standards. She's just a woman, and I am not afraid of her," I said. "Am I saying I think my plan is foolproof and flawless? No, of course not. But God's shown me that He wants me to do this. So it's not gonna matter what Angela's gonna try. What she's gonna do. God will be watching over me and my friends. And if it's His will, then His favor will see to it that my plan will work out."

Elijah then stares at me with a blank face. "Still, you guys against her whole group? You do know how it's going to turn out before that, right?"

I shrug. "I used to get beat up and bullied all the time. I'm pretty sure I've got an idea."

"I don't think you do." Elijah then sighs. "I'm not trying to come off as a guy who's talking down to you, or as ungrateful but, I've seen what these guys are capable of, what they're willing to do. If Angela is as tipped off as what Venus was telling me, then, I don't know if-"

"Eli?" I spoke up. "I appreciate you looking out for us. And I'm sure that Cheyenne would too. But if Angela's gonna allow that anger to fuel her motivation when she comes, she'll be as functional as a baseball player going up to swing a tree twig when he's up to bat." Elijah snorts and snickers in response and Venus even smirks at that as well. 

"She really doesn't know about this? Even that you're doing it?" Elijah asked.

"Not as far as I'm aware. But even if she was, she has no interest in going back to that lifestyle."

"And how do you know that?" Venus asked. 

"Well if she was, wouldn't she have already left and found a way back to your group?" I asked.

"And I'm pretty sure Kevin would be back with us too," Elijah refuted. Then he shakes his head and blows out a blubber. "But still. Why are you doing all of this? And…I admire your faith and optimism but….how can you be so sure that He's gonna make this all work out to your benefit?" 

I smirk and chuckle. "You really want to know how I know that?"

"Yes because it's strange to be this confident about it!"

"It's because He told me that He would make it all work out, right at the very beginning." As soon as Elijah and Venus hear this, their eyes just narrow down and squint in deep confusion. Then I glance over behind him. "Take a look at that frame over there."

Elijah turns around and steps over to the wall where he sees a framed paper with what seems like 5 paragraphs. He squints. "What is this?"

"The first time I ever met Pastor Curtis, he looked me in the eye, and told me all of this. He said it was a word that the Lord had for me. It's actually what, led me straight to Him...." I said softly.

"And you have this on a wall, because…?"

"To remind myself of what saved me. But also because the words had boggled my mind for months and I wanted to try and figure it out. My memory is usually super sharp so I was able to remember it for that, but I thought I would never know what the heck Curtis was talking about….until I noticed a few things recently." Elijah gazes at me curiously. "Take a look at the middle. After the first paragraph."

Elijah glances down and starts reading aloud. 
"Then one day you will meet a fox who will bring with a feared army to crush you, one that has destroyed the loving fires of revival, fires that rise back from the ashes like the way of the Phoenix. You will stand before the fox who will go ABSOLUTELY RABID over your Powerful Heart, that she will want to devour it and destroy it, because she will realize that your heart is not my house. It is one of my Holy Temples. And Before she Does, she will command her army to strike you down. An army led by Snakes and Ram. Piranhas and Rhinos. Hyenas and Deer, and several mindless vultures. But do not be afraid, for I will be more than ready to fight by your side, when you face this fox's army, because they will come from a Kingdom that finally begins to crumble after ruling the land for 7 years. Running rapidly out from the first, but you will have the mind to outshine, and the heart to inspire others to send them out to the forest."

"You see all of that?" I asked. They both look to me. "The animal names of the Conquerors. The indication of their wild anger. The fact that this is their 7th year as a working studio and they call themselves a Kingdom. I'm not even kidding when I started connecting these pieces together, it was scary just how much it was lining up."

Venus looks to the floor. "It does seem oddly specific."

Elijah looks to Venus and then to me. "So…you're actually committed to this."

I then smirk and step towards Elijah. "I might not know the Conquerors as well as you kids, but I know enough. I've seen enough to know how they think. Hide from these guys? We'd only be adding fuel for them to scorn us with. Show fear against them, they'll use it to mock our faith and feel as though they're important and powerful. And in some of their minds, it's all just a show, a game. So am I supposed to play to their script?"

I stand before Elijah and stare into his eyes. "No. If they wanna make a show out of us. I'll give them their show. So we can all watch it fall apart, to the ground, like the walls of Anarchanal Kingdom. And then I wanna watch, as her little pack mules and vultures scuttle their way back to their nests, with the evidence and proof from a story that they won't be able to twist around- wont be able to glorify when they try to share it to the next applicants, and do you know why?"

Elijah looks astonished by what he's hearing. "Why….?"

"Because we were better than them, at playing their own game. At exposing the truth. Because the truth… God. They've had their fun, showing the whole world who the hypocrites are. Now it'll be their turn, to show the world who they've really been this whole time. Storm brought you guys out here, so thay you can tell them about the reality of these guys. For anyone who needs to see it in order to believe it....that's where I'll come in. You give the world the answers, I'll give them the proof."

Upon hearing this, Elijah is just amazed. And he closes his eyes and smiles in amusement. "Well..... Maybe you should be a military tactician."

"Now what fun would that be?"

"Well I'm starting to see how good your plan is, except for the part where you're still gonna have to figure out how you're gonna get so many people on board, for as many people as Angela's got working for her."

"I've already got an idea for that. I'm....still working it out, but I think I might have something that will get most of my friends on board."

Elijah narrows his eyes, looking as though he's thought of something. He looks up and then turns to Venus. "Would you excuse us for a moment?"


"No it's….fine. I've….actually been holding something in for a while," she said standing up. She turns to me. "Uh, do you, have a-?"

"Yeah, go down the hall, next door on this wall, turn right when you step inside."

"Okay. Thanks…" 

She meekly walks past us and leaves the room, and before the door closes we can already hear hollering and laughing downstairs from everyone else. Elijah and I smirk when we hear this commotion. 

Elijah continues. "So your friends? And you think they'll be able to stand up against them."

"I've known a lot of tough people in my life. Some of whom have already faced those guys."

"Well, I'll be the judge of that when I see them."

I widen my eyes. "Wait, what?" 

Elijah snickers. "You don't think I'm actually gonna let you and all these random kids and teens challenge the PC's all on your own without some backup, did you?' 

I grimace and sigh. "That's kind of you to offer, but it really isn't necessary. Besides I went out of my way to hold this party while your Conference with Storm is going on at the same time. I won't ask you to compromise it just for us-"

"The Conference's footage will be going live during your party. But we're filming the press and the talks much earlier in the afternoon."

I broaden my eyebrows. "What?" 

"That's the thing with business now. Everyone's choosing to do it ahead of time." I look to the floor and Elijah takes a deep breath. "Albert, when I started working officially as the Youth Pastor, one of the things I told myself, is if I'm able to, I'm gonna make sure Angela doesn't succeed at targeting another youth or church while I'm around her to do anything about it. And….I still stand by that."

"But I'm sure you guys have been struggling and dealing with enough of their crap. And I'm sure Cheyenne doesn't wanna see you guys get hurt, when she already feels enough guilt over what she's done to you guys before."

"Even without her, theyve been giving us chaos. The last time we encountered them. They snuck up on us, and put me and the other 3 downstairs in hospital after they almost beat us to death. Angela had nine men do that. She had sent all of her current male Conquerors to break Into the church during youth hours and try to send a farewell gift on Kevin's behalf and badly hurt a lot of us. I know for a fact that they have so many more men with them now, and all together they can do far worse. And like I said, even Cheyenne may not be able to help if she's this peeved. So if you're counting on strength and numbers, you should include the numbers who have experience with these guys." We both stare at each other for a moment. "It's like you said, it only adds fuel if we try to hide from them now. And my church especially wants to see justice be brought to those people. And we wanna help if we can."

"Listen, I-!" However I stop myself, and then, an idea comes to me. "Well....if that were to be a possibility, I'll definitely let you know. But, if you guys are open to it, there is one way that you could come to the party."

"How so?"

"The main thing of this party is gonna be a giant jam session with me and my youth groups worship team but I actually need another band to perform for the reunion section of my party."

"And, you're telling me this, because....?"

"Oh drop the act. You guys might have been on the down-low as far as music charts go, but I've been following LionHeart since the news first let out about the Forty Lashes break in! Your style is so explosive and unique, but it's still lesser known enough to where I think it could actually work out. To where it's not a group most of my class knows about and it'll be a surprise." 

"Ahhhh, so you'd rather have us entertain your little party guests rather than sharing the glory with us," Elijah said with a grin   

"The glory is going to God, not us. Anyway, I only have three days to find a replacement so would you guys be willing to help us out or not?" I asked. 

Elijah then puckers his lips. 
"How many people are you expecting." 

"At least seven, maybe eight……hundred."

"EIGHT?!! Eight hundred are coming to this little party?!"

"Give or take." I shrug. "It's a class reunion combined with a church party. Our youth is pretty big and I had a big senior class too. Plus, I have a lot more other invited friends that I wanna say goodbye to."

Elijah chuckles. "I bet you do….! And all of these people are gonna be witnesses to the Conquerors?"

"It might be a stretch for a small of less than a hundred, but I just figured, the more witnesses and testimonies we can get out of this, the better. Start spreading the word on these guys. It's not just about how good of a fight we put up. It's also about how many eyes we can get on whatever Angela does."

"Hmmm…now that's pretty smart!" Elijah said. "But many of these people are actually from the church?"

"At least a third, maybe half, old and new members. We're a large kingdom of Heaven. And the ones who come from this church, when they step up to the call, they might as well fight with the heart and strength of twenty."

Elijah scoffs and snickers. "Well, if they're half as bold and optimistic about this whole thing as you are, then I'd say the Conquerors are screwed." I smirk in response to this. Elijah then looks off to the side and squints in deep thought. He sighs before speaking again. "Well...I can't promise you anything for the moment, but I'll have a talk with the rest of the Lions. I'll need to have my circle staff on board before i can give you a definite yes. Mind adding me real quick?" he asked while gesturing his hand.

"Oh, definitely man!" I pull out my phone and give it to Elijah who starts adding himself as a new contact. 

Elijah talks while he types in his digits. "Yeah so, we're pretty much just goofing off until the conference, which is actually gonna be at 2 PM on Friday. We'll have to sit through all of that, but if we can slip out before the following 'afterparty' then, I can probably bring some of the Lions back out here by saayyy, 6-ish?"

"Alright, sounds good! And we'll have instruments provided for you. Since, you're known for improvising with what's around you."

"Very funny. And uh, just a heads up, we prefer to make our appearances a surprise. So you better not post it online where Angela will see it."

I sigh again. "Listen, Eli? If anything, having you guys fight with us would be more of a Plan B scenario. My whole reasoning for scheduling it for Friday was so I could prevent Angela from going after you guys. You've dealt with this for long enough…."

"I appreciate that man. We all do. Still, whether we're performing for you guys or standing by your sides, after everything I just want us to be there when this happens."

I look into his eyes. "Even if Kevin is going to be there?"

Elijah shakes his head. "Especially, if Kevin is going to be there. Kevin's my friend....but a word of advice, being a pastor involves making difficult decisions as a leader. And if the choice is either fight my friend or hide while he attacks everyone else because or upw much I care for him…..then that's just a no brainer."

I hears this and nod for a moment. Then I smirk with amusement. "Funny. You don't sound anything like the carefree knucklehead that Cheyenne made you out to be."

"Hmph, Yeah?! Well you don't sound like the stereotypical cowardly nerd that your appearance makes you out to be!"

I laugh out loud briefly.
"Trust me, I was worse than that. But....I've had some growing over the years."

Elijah nods. "Yeah, me too." Then he turns his head and notices a paper with fresh ink writing on it, sitting on a music stand. "Hmm? What's this?"

"Oh that? Haha. I, uh….I've been trying to write a song since I graduated college. I've had a feeling that God wanted me to write a special word but, I've been struggling to find the words for a while."

Elijah smirks. "Yeah, writing songs is not an easy job."

"Oh yeah. But, ever since I've heard Cheyenne's…testimony, it was like, all of the words came right to my head."

Elijah's eyebrow perks up and he looks down and skims through some of the words. His eyes widen at them. "Dang man. This is….quite something. A little intense, even."

"Well it's not just my words, you know. Not just my work."

Elijah scoffs and shakes his head before looking back to me. "You're awfully modest, you know that?"

"Ehhh. I've been told here and there."

Again, we stare at each other for a moment. Then Elijah glances down and steps aside. "Well, I better head downstairs before somethings get broken. Trenton tends to be clumsy and, Bianca had a bad habit of touching household items she probably shouldn't, so…"

I chuckle. "Yeah. I can't have either of those going on. I'm lucky nothing got broken Teo days ago. Other than a chair and some of our older plates."

Elijah smirks and snickers. "How did those get broken?"

I then lower my head and chuckle to myself. "Umm…..? That's- a story for another time I think."

As soon as Elijah steps out of the room, it grows quiet. And I wait for a couple minutes before Venus enters the room, and we begin to face each other. I sigh softly, thinking about her possible thoughts. "I know this is a lot to take in-"

"Does she really not know what you're doing…?" She asked. I stare at her, amd shake my head sideways. "Then why would you risk telling me everything that you're planning, when I know everything that Angela is planning against you, and I could easily tell her all of it?"

I close my eyes for a moment. "For the same reason I let you go yesterday. Before we got started with Angela."


I step towards her. "I could see it in your eyes. You're not like these people, and you didn't wanna get involved in these messes. So I gave you a chance to go, before you could share anymore of the regret, that Cheyenne feels deep inside." I stand before her. "And I believe I can trust you."

Venus shifts her head, squinting at me. "How? You don't even know me."

"That didn't stop you from trusting me the other day." I smile with a small chuckle. "But....I know enough, to recognize that you've been searching for a way out of this group. For answers." She then stares at me. "Listen, Venus? that your real name?"

Venus looks down for a moment and gazes back up at me, stammering softly. "It…..It's Keneisha...."

I shake my head. "Well Keneisha....this is all I'm trying to do. What I've been hoping to do ever since I found out what Cheyenne had to go through."

"I....I dont understand…."

"I'm not here to condemn you, or judge you for things you've done, or what you've allowed to happen. And the reason I asked you to come and see not because I wanna hurt you. Or I wanna use you. Or I wanna acquire any information about what they're doing… I don't want anything from you right now....except one answer." Venus gazes into my eyes. "You don't belong with a group like the Pussy Conquerors. It isn't the job you wanted in the first place, and you're not comfortable with the things they've been doing, or what she plans to do. I know these to be true....and you do too...." Then i sigh softly. "But you're still with them. Why…?"

Venus lowers her head. "Be...Because, some of the others in the group....need a person like me.... I- I know this won't mean much but....I've seen who some of these people really are.... And what's going on right now? They don't deserve this, and I'm worried that they're not gonna get out....!"

I shut my eyes and smile as I snap my fingers before pointing to her. "That's all I want."Venus looks at me and squints. 
"Im not planning to do all of this, just so I can get payback for Cheyenne, and all.of the people they've ever hurt. I'm also doing this....because I believe there are others who are damaged just as much as her or Angela's other victims. I could see it in their eyes. The pain and conflicting confusion that some of them have. And the reality is, what Angela wants, is exactly what God wants: Justice."

"Justice for who?"

"For allowing those who have been harmed by Angela. Physically. Mentally. Or sexually. For somebody who is hungry to destroy people's lives and their faith and face no consequences, it's time to let those consequences meet up with her."

Venus smiles softly. "That much….i can most definitely agree on…!" I nod. Venus then sighs. "Which is why….it's important that you know….that Angela is going overboard in preparing how to take you down. So, so desperate to try and get back at you that she's even willing-!"

"Exactly." I shake my head and stick up my hand. "Which is why, I don't want you to tell me anything about what she's planning to do."

Venus just squints with confusion. "What?"

"I already said I didn't invite you here to acquire information."I stand tall. "Keneisha? I haven't asked for any of those details. And I dont need to know anything i haven't asked out of you. I will need some help, but not by prying information out of you."

Venus is even more confused by this. 
"But, if that's really the case, then....why do you need me to help you."

I smile and buckle. "I don't need it. I want you to help. For them. And it wasnt my idea to invite you. It wss His."

"It was…..God?" 

"All of this? I'm just following God's instructions, and believe that I already have everything I need. And if I dont, then it's fine, because God will provide, since it's His will that we will succeed." I smile gently. "I have everything I need. But what I wanted, was you fo be here with us. To offer what im gonna offer the others. A way out."

She squints in deep thought. "A way out…?" I nod again. "Wha…..Why…? Surely it's not like I didn't have any other escape routes besides this one. Why do you want me here?"

"If you would be willing....I'd like for you to stay with us for a few days. Get to know us personally. Us, my pastors, and my church friends, and come to my party before I go. I know that....if you do, your friends with Angela will be on their own, and they'll be in bad hands....but after what we do, and they see that you're with us, much more safer would you feel about staying with you, knowing I was able to understand their conflicts. If they can see that....I gave you a chance….maybe they can have one too."

"I....I'm not sure if they'd feel comfortable staying at a church. After everything that's happened to some of them…"

"I know.... but after whay happened to Cheyenne, I want to set an example for my friends and my church, before I go. An example of how we are supposed to treat others."

"Why does that matter?"

"Because I know how easy it is to forget the words of Jesus, to pray for those who persecute you and love your enemies, not just the ones who love you. But it doesn't mean I'm okay with how people like you have been treated. Much less her…" I wipe my misty eye. "If you can help us show, that we can be at peace together despite the history between us…I believe it'll be good for all of us."

"That will not be an easy thing for everyone else to do."

"I…..I'm fine that it won't. But, it's what I believe in my heart that we're supposed to do."

"So why are you insistent on continuing a fight with them?"

"Because the only reason they'll continue to listen to her….is if they're still motivated to stand beside her and fight on her behalf," I said. "So what'll happen if they're unable to fight? If her confidence that they will succeed…crumbles if they're lying on the floor, with no other choice but to listen?" Venus hears this and her eyes grow wide. And she looks down with narrow eyes. "I was serious. I don't want to do this anymore than them, especially if it means we have to fight each other. But they won't listen and learn if they dont learn that they can't always win whatever fight they run into."

Venus looks like a million more thoughts are going through her head. "It frightens me with how much these words are true."

"And truth alone, is my greatest weapon against her. People will be hurt I'm sure….but the pain will open our eyes to something amazing. A change….is on its way…." Albert then lays his hand on her shoulder, to which she looks over with a squint. "And I hope you'll be there to help them see it…"

Venus and Albert stare at each other for a moment. 
But then Colton opens the door. "Albert?!"

"Hmm? What is it?" 

"Oh man you will not believe the stuff we're hearing down here. You've gotta come down and join!" He then walks away. 

Venus softly chuckles. "They do have interesting tales to share these days, i can tell you that."

I smirk at Venus. "Just think about it, before the kids have to go. See if you'll feel comfortable around us downstairs. Come on…." We both slowly walk towards the door. "Oh and....please. Feel free to talk to her." Venus squints hard after hearing this. "You've heard a lot about her from Angela and the others....but it might be good for you to get to know her yourself." 

"See if she's just as grand as I've heard?" Venus teased. 

"Or just as lovely…"

Venus perks up an eyebrow. "What did you just say?"

I flinch over. "Oh uh….nothing! Nothing. Just…let's go."

Then they get downstairs, and the Lions continue to share Cheyenne and the guys their stories. 

Cheyenne's POV:

"No way! You actually got to perform with all those people?!" 

"Heck yeah we did!"

"And they were so much fun to tour around with for the winter!"

"What happens in Vegas stays there except for what happened to us with all those people contacting us!" Trenton boasted. 

"Wait wait wait. So, how did my mom and dad react to you taking everyone down to Vegas?" I asked.

"Reverend Mitchell was reluctant, but he trusted me enough," Elijah said.

"Your mother on the other hand?" Stephanie added. "My folks said she ssked all minfs of questions of whether or not we and tattoos, or had sex or gotten arrested while we there, asking so frantically she could barely breathe."

The guys all laugh at this. 
"Oh my goodness."

"Is it SAD that I think Cheyenne would act like that?" Wes asked. 

"I was about to say Cheyenne's had a fair amount of anxiety episodes. She just doesn't like to admit it," Albert said. 

"I'm not anxious, I'm cautious," I replied, snarkingly.

"That's exactly what your mother likes to say. Inherited much?" Elijah teased. 

They all laugh again as I sigh. Then I chuckle. "Rock music, game parties, karate classes, Mohawks and California vacations…! I can't believe you're able to do all of this now. Knowing everything from before."

"I mean we were doing wacky stuff before. Kevin and Elijah were just keeping it under wraps from your parents," Trenton said. 

"And it was a long process but….they've loosened up a lot more since then," Bianca said. "And, their parents are just proud to see them so actively participating around their church."

"Hey, I'm sure your parents would be too," Vinnie said, patting Bianca on the back. 

"Yeah…." Then I begin to look down. "And….I'm sure that….." she trails off. 

Albert looks over and notices. "Cheyenne? Hey. Whats wrong?"

I look up. And then look around to see the others looking at me. 
"Eli. Guys. Can....can I say something?"

"Of course."

I lean forward and join my trembling hands together. I take a deep shaky breath. "I don't know if this will mean anything. But I wanna say it while I still can." Sigh. 

Albert then looks over to Colton and then speaks out. "Guys. Why don't we leave them alone for a moment?"

"Uhh….yeah. Sure." 

Wes and Johnathan pat me on the back for a moment before they join Albert, Colton and Vinnie to step out on the porch. 

I curl myself into a ball on the couch and breathe out. "I....I know this is probably a lot to take in. Me being alive all the time....while some of you were doing this namesake more or less. And, honestly....I'm really proud to hear of all you've been doing and that, my mom and dad are supportive of this. But.....I'd just like to say something, before you guys leave today. all deserve to hear."

Elijah looks to the other three and they gaze at each other. "We're listening.."

I take a deep breathe. "I....I've had a lot of time over the years to think about.....what I did. As Cece Phoenix and....what i did to you guys and my family. And I know that, I havent done much to make up for….a lot of the crap I was doing with Angela. And what I put you guys through, my parents....and especially Kevin. I cant even imagine what that must've been like for all of you to find out, and I have no excuse for anything." The four of them are stare at her conflicted....but also, attentive. Venus is also hearing this from the kitchen. "But....I'm sorry. Truly, I'm so, so sorry, and I promise, that's not the person I wanna be anymore. And....I'm trying to do better now. I want to be better and different than what I was before. Both as a person....and in terms of....where I'm at with God..."

Then she takes a deep breath. "But that's why I'm not coming home yet. And that's why I'm not coming back with you guys to reunite with my family. Because....I'm still trying to find some answers that I've been looking for years, and I'm still trying to figure out some stuff. Where God is....actually calling me, and why He allowed me to go through all of these things. And I can't do that if I go back to Reno now, because there are too many reminders of who I used to be, not just with Angela, but with my family as well. And I don't wanna go back where the past can ensnare me back into its claws again. I've been through too much to let myself fall bafk into it again. I just can't go back where the past can hurt me with who I used to be....and I cant grow into whoever I'm being called to be, if I go back to mom and dad. After they've sheltered me for so long, and will want to shelter me even more, never wanting to let me go. As much as I may want to go back home….and be back with you guys..…..I just can't do it right now."

Elijah hears this....and he closes his eyes and nods gently. "No. We understand. I'm….glad you decided to be honest about that."

I sniffle. "I can't make you guys any promises. I can't clarify what I believe. And I can't do anything to….make up for all of the things I did before…. So I just hope you'll be okay, that my honesty and apology are all I have to give you guys after what I forced you all to go through...." After that....I just close my eyes and tuck my head down and Crying softly. "I just......I wish I could...." But I can't finish. I just cry from my repentance toward them.

They stare at her. Taken aback by my emotions.
Elijah then smiles. "Cheyenne? The things you forced us to go through....wasn't all bad. Things were always rough between them and us."

"Yes but, I chose to work with them. My popularity in their media helped them with resources and status. And through that, I made things harder for you than things already were. I did it with everyone. And I cant even imagine the sheer pain I've brought upon all of you."

Elijah sighs. "Well that much is true. It did cause a lot of pain. In more ways than one." Heyenne tucks her head down. "But so much more was able to come out of it. Cheyenne, the lord gives and takes away. We had been taken a friend…a family member….but we were given so much as you have just heard."

"And the truth is....we have you to thank. For most of it," Stephanie said. 

"The time we all had to grieve over your loss, was a hard time for several of us. also helped some of us to look deep inside ourselves, and what we found....Have since made things for the church even better," Bianca said. 

"And inside we all made a promise….thag we were gonna let any other churches be harassed like ours again. Or allow any of our friends to be manipulated and used….in the way that you surely were."

"I wish you wouldn't have to do that though."

"We aren't scared. And no matter what, God's gonna keep us safe from them. And you.

"But we do understand. And, one day we do hope that we'll all be able to be together again."

I look up with tears in my eyes. "I do too…. I just….I just wanted you all to know that I'm sorry for….all of it before. And….I hope you can forgive me…."

Elijah then smirks and sits beside her holding his arm over her shoulder. "You think a pastor and his partners are finna deny that?"
I look up, wiping my eyes.
"Cheyenne? You were always one of us. Even when you weren't. And that's not gonna change no matter where we are."

"And whoever God is calling you to be….i already know your parents are gonna love that person so much."

"We can only hope that Mrs. Sylvia doesn't die from a heart attack when she sees you,' Trenton joked. 

Bianca and Stephanie slap his arms. "Trent!"

I smile and chuckle at this. 

The guys are all outside able to hear most of this through the windows. And they're all smiling. 

"Man, how awesome is this?" Wes asked. 

"Pretty Greatly."

"And to think, all of this wouldn't be possible had we not found her."

Albert Chuckles. "Once again. All of this has happened the way he had planned. But, it does feel great that…we pages a way for this…"

Colton raises his hand. "Heybwhat about me? I sacrificed a room for her, where's my credit?!"

"Shut up!"
Colton chuckles. "Hey, I'm just kidding!"

Then Drew pulls back up to Albert's house, honking the bus horn. 

"Alright guys! Let's pack it up and go, I'm bored here!" HONK! HONK!!

Albert calls off. "Hey quit your honking!" 

"There's people sleeping around here you know?!"

"Yeah, not all people are day bringers, you know!?"

Drew peeks out his door. "You, the tall one. Are you the kid named Albert?"

He nods. "Yes I am. And you are?" 

"Surprised. At how a guy like you could make such a name for himself."

"We've been wondering the same thing," Wes said wirh a cackle.


Elijah then bursts out the door and screams out. "ALRIGHT!! BE PATIENT DREW!!"

"Then ome on, load your bodies up in here! We might be lucky enough to make it back to the mansion before sunset, so move it!" 

"We're coming, we're coming Drew!"

I stand up and shake my head, giggling. "Yup. He's still the same."
Venus walks out of the dining room, seemingly to leave the house while the other three stand up. 

Trenton chuckles. "I beg to differ. I'm sure he's even more of a handful than when you dated him."

I blow out a raspberry. "You're probably right."

"You're both handfuls dude," Bianca said behind him. 


"I mean I live with you two, and I've seen what your step mom has to deal with. You act more like bio brothers than step brothers."

"Okay that's too much, bee…!"

Bianca eyes widen. "Dude I'm only joking." Teenton looks at her and chuckles.

"Okay you two better get a room right now," Vinnie teased, peeking from outside.

"I was about to say!"

They chuckle and then they each give her a wuick hug. "Gosh it was great seeing you again."

"Keep staying safe C," Bianca said as they walk off. 

"You two guys."

Stephanie steps down next and I sigh when I see her standing so tall. "God, I can't believe you're that knee high little girl who zoomed around the sanctuary like a cheetah."

Stephanie chuckles. "I'm still growing. And I'd prove that I'm faster now but there's no space really." We both chuckle and smile. "I had always hoped you had survived that crash. And it's so great to know you're alive.. c

I hear this and…..grow fearful. "Uh….Steph?"


I lower my head with sadness. "Steph….you were always one of the sweetest, and most well-behaved kids I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, and working with back at the church. And, you've blossomed so much more than I could've ever expected, beautifully so…."

Stephanie blushes. "Thanks…. That means a lot, coming from you…! And I could wausky say, you were one of my favorite co-labs in the SC group."

Then I look to the ground ashamed. "I don't think it should, or thst i should be. Considering that I…..uh…..tried to molest you….."

Stephanie broadens her eyes with confusion. "What do you mean?"

Sighs. "I did.... The last time I saw you. You were so young, but being with Angela had messed up my head for so long, that I was more focused on how much your body had matured rather than who I knew you as…" Stephanie glances at me, surprised to hear this. "And just the fact that I even tried to do that to you-?"

Stephanie abruptly embraces me, warmly. "It's okay…. It's like you said before. You're not that person anymore and you've already shown us how sorry you are. You've already been forgiven so….it's okay…"

Venus sees this from behind the door, and she's deeply moved by these words. 

I sniffle, feeling relieved and flabbergasted. "How are all of you able to do this so easily? I figured more people would be furious like my parents…"

Stephanie releases me and holds onto my shoulders as she tenderly gazes into my misty eyes. 
"They were sad, not furious. It's so easy for them to get emotional through love. Worried that you were going somewhere bad."

"Well…..I most certainly did…"

Then Stephanie smiles softly. "But you're here now…'ve grown and found your way back. And who you are now….is all that matters to us… Especially to me."

I smile. "I did. But I had a little help along the way."

She nods. "Exactly. We're always gonna be in this….together."

Elijah then stands next to us. "Ah, Steph. Always looking to force the We aspect into everything."

"Hey, you've never complained about it for a while."

"Yeah? Well how about you get on the bus so we can get back quicker."

She giggles. "Alright." She kisses Elijah before waving everyone off. "Bye Cheyenne! Twas nice meeting you Albert!"

I turn to Elijah and I'm surprised. "So she wasn't joking about that earlier? You two actually are…?"

Elijah shrugs. "Yeah, it wouldn't have been my preferred choice back then. Dating a high schooler when I was in my twenties. But....that's just one of those feelings that, you Couldn't fight against no matter how hard you try. And….she was, someone I feel like, I needed beside me to help me get through some stuff."

I nod my head. "I know what that's like. Still, I'm happy you're together and you made it work out. Even before I quit the church, she always talked about how cute you were."

Elijah's face grows flustered. "So she did?" 

"Yeah. Though, the fact that you're the youth pastor now is even MORE shocking than you're age-group relationship with her!"

Elijah chuckled. "Yeah?! Well, there was a lot going on. And, I've had a lot of time to grow myself."

"But I've been meaning to ask. How did you end up becoming youth pastor when my brother was so advent about becoming one. 

"It's….not what I would've wanted to do especially after Kevin dragged me into serving alongside him!"

"And now they serve beside you."

"It's a long story but, Kevin stepped down, and on a gut decision he told the Reverends that I was his choice for the job. And, it wasn't easy. And being in charge of our youth ministry, was terrifying, and anxious as all crap." He sighed. But then he smiles. "But now....I've grown to love it, more than anything else in the world. Cause....once I found the heart to devote myself to the youth....not once have i ever regretted it. I used to be scared of, devoting myself to something, only to fail in the end and to have gone through changes and hardships that were for nothing. And....bring able to watch how, all of the kids have changed over time, and....come to me for help on their hardships, as it kept happening....doing the job just got so much easier because, I took the job for them. Coming into the church without….an actual family…now it feels like I actually have one through the church."

I smile softly. "Yeah. That sounds like…someone else I've met along the way…"

Elijah then sighs. "Hey…? I really needed this today. For a short time, I actually blamed myself for the crash you went through."

Now my eyes soften. "What….? No, no Eli, you didn't have anything to do with that."

"No I did. I was the one who brought Kevin to that concert. Had I just ignored those tickets and just stayed at our motel, maybe....maybe we would never have found out that you were a PC? Maybe you never would ran away, never would've ceashes, your family never would've had to go through as much....pain and grief as they did, I dont know…." I stare at him surprised by his burden. 

Elijah sighs. "Or maybe not…. Maybe you wouldn't be here right now…."

"I'd probably still be with them if that didn't happen." Elijah scoffs in amusement. But he still looks the same. I gaze at him until I step forward and lay a hand on his shoulder. 

"Eli...." Elijah looks to her. "We never know what might have happened, back then.... But what DID happen, is another matter entirely. And the most important matter, is what WILL happen after all of it…."  

"I'm sure it must've been hard for you too. But, whatever is in store for you....just know that now, I'm cheering you on." He cups my cheek and grins as he stares into her eyes. "God changed me. And I know, he's got a change in store for you too. I know it can be hard….but it's worth the struggle."

"Oh I have struggled. Harder than anything else.... But after going through all of that, to be at the place I'm at now....I've never felt better. It hasn't been easy, but I've realized that, they're not always supposed to be. God's path isnt the easiest one to follow, but it's the ine that has the most promise. In the end, I have Him to thank for where I've come so far," I said. Then, she smiles warmly at Elijah. "And I have you to Thank for today too…."

Elijah raises his head and glances at me, bewildered by that statement. "What….?"

"Eli…? Bringing my brother to the concert….was one of the best things you could've done, because even though it put me in a difficult also put me on the right path…" she said. "For so many years I was moving around without seeing where I was going or what I was doing. And like you just heard, I- I can't even begin to explain how many things I regret now."

Elijah nods his head. "I'm sure a lot of us can testify to that."

"But still, so many things wouldn't have happened if you hadn't shown up and saw me with all of them. I wish some of the outcomes had turned out differently. Especially with my parents. But….I wouldn't be where I am without it. And, right now I couldn't be happier for it. So…..if its still wearing you down then, just know that. I forgive you."

Elijah's eyes glisten and he quivers his lip. "Thanks. Cheyenne…." Cheyenne nods and smiles softly in approval. "And now, you're moving to New York. Which i distinctly remember you saying you always wanted to live there." 

I scoff and shake my head laughing. "Yeah, I did! I did, didn't I?"

Elijah's snickers. "Word to the wise, traffic is lowest at the middle of the day. I did a little show with the kids there and, it was easy travels up until the evening," he said as he turns around. 

Then as he prepares to walk off….

I follow him put the door.

"And could you….be sure to tell Kevin that?"

Elijah freezes in his tracks. "I'd appreciate it if you could share that with Kevin. I know it, might not be as meaningful coming from you but....anything will do. He's....probably the one I'm the most scared to come clean to…."

Elijah then slowly looks back to me. "How do you expect me to get that word to him, where he is now?" I gazed at the him confused. When she doesn't respond Elijah's eyes grow worried. 

" don't know, do you?" 

I squint mh eyes. "K- know what? Kevin.... is….Is he still… know…?"

Elijah's eyes widened. "Oh yeah yeah yeah! I'm sure we both know he'd sooner rather break his own arm before he decides to take himself down." He smirks expecting for me to laugh, but I don't. 

"B-But….he- he's okay, right?" 

Elijah then closes his eyes and sighs softly. "Kevin's still Kevin. Maybe....a bit more closed minded than before, but....he's still him…deep down."

I hear this and shake my head with a soft smile. "He loves you like a brother. And if there's one thing I know about him, it's that family means everything."

"That much is still accurate. He just….has a different way of showing that now." Once again my eyes squint in confusion. Then they start honking again. 

"C'mon Eli let's go! We've got a long ride back to Monica!"

K chuckle. "Seems like Andrew hasn't gotten over his impatience."

Elijah scoffs. "Like you wouldn't believe."

My face starts beaming and I quickly embrace Elijah for a moment. "I'm really glad I got to see you guys. And I pray this won't be the last time….."

Elijah smiles very compassionately and pats me on the back. "Trust me it won't. But for now, the kids and I have got things to prepare for."

"Haha, right." I let him go. "Well? Bye for now."

"See you around….Shy-Annie."

As Cheyenne hears this, tears shimmered in her eyes. Years ago Elijah would use this as a teasing nickname for Cheyenne due to her shyness and it always annoyed her whenever she heard it. But this time, he says it with a More loving and sincere approach, and for Cheyenne who had been missing the people from her old life, feeling as though she had lost those connections, from today's interactions and that nickname, feels as though she has some of it back. 

As Elijah hops on board the bus, Drew is staring out the door behind him, holding his hand on the lever. 

"Dude. Am I seeing things, or is that-?"

"Mm-hmm." He helps Drew close the door and Pat's him on the shoulder. "I'll drive the rest of the way."

"You sure dude?"

"Absolutely. Tell the others that we're on our way. And that when we get back....we've got a lot to go over."

We wave them off as they drive away. 

Colton sighs. "Well, that was interesting."

"They seem like pretty good kids."

"Yeah and you made me think they were all gonna be strict sticks in the mud," Johnathan said. 

"Well, Elijah was always the loose one."

"Yeah but, even with that, he wasn't as bad as you described."

"Besides the fact that he has the voice of a siren."

Johnathan snorts. "Yeah, plus his voice cracks just as highly as yours, AJ."

Albert turns his head. "Hey!"

The guys all share a quick chuckle. "I mean your one scream this weekend. You made it loud enough to only destroy your voice with those two words."

"And whose fault was it for making me so loud?" Albert asked with a stink eye. 



"Alright boys calm down, I don't wanna see a new fight break out," I teased. 

"I agree," someone said behind us. 


They turn around and see Venus standing in front of the door. They all look surprised and she perks up an eyebrow. "What? Is there something on my face?"

"How- When did you-?" Vinnie stammered. "I thought you just left with them."

"I didn't see her leave."

"Well we saw you walk away from us when the bus pulled in."

"I just went to another room in the house," Venus said. Me and the others look at her. "Listen…I've had a lot going on and I've been having some hard times. I don't really have anywhere to be right now so…..since I got his invite I thought….maybe I could sing around the town for a while?"

They glance at each other. 

Johnathan squints. "You sure you'd be up for that? Staying In a small, odorish landfill like our town here."

"What are you saying?"


"I lived in a village for a year and I grew up in Pittsburgh. It may actually….be nice to return to my, humble living."

"So…..she gonna be sleeping with us too?"

"That won't be necessary. We know someone in real estate who might be able to arrange something for you," Albert said. Vinnie immediately turns over to atare at me, knowing I could be talking about Miranda or Kim, his sister. 

Venus gently smiles and nods. "Okay…"

However, Vinnie taps Albert on the shoulder. "Psst, Albert. Maybe the Amigos need to speak for a moment?"

"I mean, if you think we have time to spare-"

"Oh we have time alright," Vinnie says before he and Johnathan begin pushing me into the house by the back. Colton and Wes meekly follow after us. 

Colton holds a thumbs up to me. And wes awkwardly looks at Venus before going. "Uhh, welcome to Bakersfield, Venus. Tell Mercury we said hello."

Venus confusingly stares at Wes as he walks away, and turns to me with a squint. I shrugs with a blank face. 

Later before the guys all prepare to go set up Vinnie's bachelor party, the Amigos all gather into Albert's bedroom to talk about Venus's decision. 

"But, why her?" 

"You saw how she was behaving. She's clearly not under the Fox'sinfluence."

"Doesn't mean she's someone we can drop our guard to," Johnathan said. 

"He has a point man," Wes said. 

"But if she's truly worried about thr others and believing what I'm saying then we're on a good streak."

"Believing what?" Colton asked. 

"What exactly did you two talk about upstairs?" Vinnie asked. 

"I'll share it later. But we're working to share the truth about them. With Cheyenne and Venus. We could strengthen our position by having two direct sources. And make things better at reminding our group that we're supposed to love."


"With all of the torment and harassment she's gone through, I'd feel better knowing they'll be willing to accept people next time."

"But, having Venus here when they come?" Wes asked. 

"If they're opposing objectors, Angela will deem anything from Venus as worthless," Vinnie said. 

"NOT if she helps some of the others to get away from her," Albert said. 

Then Johnathan speaks out. "Wi-With all due respect, AJ? I thought we were doing this to get payback and justice for what they did to Cheyenne and others. Not to invite people to live with us by figuring out who's naughty and who's nice, no pun intended."

Albert shrugs. "This is gonna lead to the same results in the end."

"And what happens if Venus comes to the party with Cheyenne and they run into someone else you invited. Like what if they run into Lacey?" Colton asked. 

The guys all gaze at each other. Understanding that that situation could be disastrous ….or maybe, miraculous. 

Colton however doesn't understand the expressions and asks out. "Big bro? I hope you'll be less silent about what intend and decide to do next. Especially when it comes to working with strangers like her? Both me and Vinnie are about to get married to our girlfriends and I'd like it if both of us can finally get more time of peace and quiet until then."

Albert nods. "I know you would, Colton. Which is why I'm gonna tell you now, there is one more person I need to speak with," I said. 

They all squint at him. "Who?"

Much later, Venus comes into the kitchen. 

Venus looks over at me when I'm washing dishes and putting them away, and sneaks over to me. 

Venus clears her throat, and I turn my head. "This- This is so hard to believe."

I shake my head. "What about it, exactly?" I asked almost teasingly. 

"You…You were right here this whole time, during the whole…" Venus trails off for a moment. I turn my head, confused when she suddenly goes silent. "During, the time I was working in your place."

"And apparently while you people have been here the past week or so?"

"Yes we arrived at the start of the month."

"Which reminds me. So you and some of the others were here in town just a few days ago according to Curtid and Albert. Curtis said you saw him, then Albert and Vincent told me you were all leaving yesterday. And now today you show up here all by yourself. Why is that?"

Venus sighed. "Well, we were supposed to go home together. But….apparently Angela just wanted to pull a trick and leave me behind out here. She's done things like this before so I figured. Might as well take a mini vacation. Stay out of anywhere big and I bumped into them on the way."

"So that's how she treats the girl who filled in my spot for her and her dirty mouth?"

"The way I recall things, Angela has never been directly fond of me. I've had something to say to her about nearly everything. And she hated having to experience someone criticizing and talking back to her all the time."

I snicker in cynicism. "Yeah that sounds like her."

"Yeah…" Venus then shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath. "You know……after hearing a few things here and there, I was curious. And……I asked Angela if, you really did rape you and force you."

I sigh with disgression. "Whatever she covered it with…'s not true…."

Venus shakes her head. "I wish that she did deny it…" 

My eyes slowly widen. "Wait. She…..she admitted it?" 

"In a way that….I just couldn't believe. It's bad enough for her to do that…. But to be smiling the whole time, as though it was her proudest accomplishment…"

I fold my arms. "So that settles it then. She never did care about me. Not if she was feeling proud of assaulting me while we had sex and made out all the other times after."

Venus looks down with grief. She shakes her head, almost with tears in her eyes. "I know I didn't have any part in that…….but I am sorry. For all of the things they put you through…." I stare directly at her. As Venus sighs. "The truth is there's a lot of stuff I did with those guys that I wish……..and wish, and WISH that I could take back. How many churches and people I watched them hurt, how many promises I had to break. None of it really made any of the PC fame worth it. And honestly, I….I got tired of all.the sex really quickly."

"Then why did you stick around? For as long as you did?"

"Because I cared about…..a lot of the people I was working with. I got to know them, and I knew that I was somebody that they needed around. And……..when they first hired me, they told me about all of the greatness that you brought to their teM, and said I had to live up to it."

"So called greatness, huh?"

Venus shakes her head. "But Angela never cared about me. I was just a placeholder, if even that little. And the place I was upholding, was apparently nothing more than another assault victim." Venus folds her arms. "The nerve of that bitch, trying to compare everyone to you, making you up to be some kind of god."

I snort. "There's only one god……and it'd be insulting to compare me to Him." I look up to her, fully facing her. "I wish I could say I didn't know what I was doing but……in some ways, I did. And I just…..adapted to let myself be numb to it after a while. Now I just hope I can make up for some of it."

Venus then smiles, and lays a hand on my shoulder. "Seems to me like you're doing just fine so far."

I smile. "Thanks." Then I suddenly get a text and check my phone. "Oh, they're here."

"Who is?"

"My friend Phoebe. She and her husband are picking me up so we can go to our friends Bachelorette night."


"Yeah. She's, honestly one of the sweetest people ever. Nayve you could come out and I'll introduce-"

"No no No! Uh I, I mean, it might not be a good time. You did say to us that you were reading sheets about us. Has she seen them?"

My eyes widen. "Oh yeah, good point. Well, maybe some other time this week."


"Trust me, I know how intimidating it is to be around these people after….everything. But, you don't wanna wait too long. I did, and now I'm leaving in a few days, right when I started truly becoming friends with everybody." I smiles. "Give it a chance. You'll like them."

"Only question is, will they like me as they do with you right now."

"From what I've been seeing. You'll probably make a much better impression than I did." 

Ae both laugh and then we hear a honk outside. "Oh shoot. Well, I'll be back later and, so will the guys. Later!"


When Cheyenne leaves the room. Venus looks around thinking of what she's seen and heard today. Then, she sighs, and pulls out her phone. She opens up a chat thread between her and the other Conquerors….and starts typing.  "My friends….my partners….my loves….I've done everything I can to support you all, and many of you will always be in my heart and my thoughts. But this is foolish, what Angela is wanting to do in a few days, and I won't pretend that it isn't. And I will not follow her just to watch you all suffer and be punished. I'm sorry, but I'm not doing this anymore. I quit.

Shortly after she starts getting messages from the whole group chat, as her message to them was suddenly forwarded to the bigger group Chat. 

Donnie: Dude, what are you doing?
Veronica: No, please tell me you're with Angela…!
Brock: Are you FUCKING kidding me?!
Antoine: You can't be serious. 
Chelsi: I thought you loved us?! How could you do this?!
Tabitha: I KNEW you were slipping.
Jamie: You FUCKING bitch!
Lexi: Where are you?! Please tell me it's not true!!! 😭😭

Venus sniffles after seeing Lexi's text, and when she notices that Angela is about to start typing, she switches to the settings and signs herself out of the group. 

A few moments later, she tries to message Lexi and a few others individually, but she's already been restricted in their messages. 

Venus growls softly. "Damnit Angela…!"

"You okay?" Albert asked. 

Venus sighs. "It's just typical. The moment I decide to leave the group, Angela's already got her hackers to block me out of all contact with the others. And knowing her, she's probably smiling, thinking she has all control over them again."

Albert smirks. "We'll see." Venus nods and starts to step away. "And don't worry. You'll see them again, soon."

Venus sighs. "Only this time, they're gonna be enraged when they see me. And Angela will be able to persuade some of them to tear me apart the way she's always wanted to."

"Sure sounds tough when she's eager to make people do something she couldn't do herself." Venus then smiles and wheezws out, and the two of them share a quick chuckle. 

"I guess so."

Albert then smirks again. "But even if they do…you won't have to face them alone. You have our backs….well we'll have yours." He then stretched out his hand. 

Venus stares at him for a moment. "Staying faithful?" She says before locking hands with him. 

"All my life…"

Later in the evening, Elijah and his friends return to Storm's mansion and Elijah begins to explain everything that he heard from Albert and Venus. Well….almost everything.

"WHAT?!!" Devon shouted out. "And she's hiring even more people to do this too?!"

"A LOT from the sounds of it," Elijah said. 

"I don't understand. Angela's never taken this much of an effort with us before. How is this new guy getting all of her attention?!" Billy said. 

"Why is that your main concern?" Gracie asked. 

"Because it's frustrating. We were preparing for a moment to face them when they came for us, and it feels like we're being ignored because of some strangers!" Billy said. 

"Yeah, join the club," Drew said. 

"But why wouldn't they do this?" Nathan asked. "What else would we expect if we hear she got in trouble because someone swindled her out of her money."

"Still for this one guy to say all of that to Angela, with or without any sort of plan, how does he even have the balls?" Freddie asked.

"He must be out of his mind," Dave said. 

"He seemed pretty sure when I saw him myself," Elijah said. 

"And these guys all made it out unscathed?" Zoey asked. "How did they manage that, as tough as they are?"

"Well to be fair, these guys are adults. One of them seemed fairly strong, and apparently they used my notes as research for their weak points," Trenton said. 

"Oh well that's a relief. They got support out of something you wasted hours of your life into making!" Skyler jabbed. 

"Uh, we all wasted hours of our lives practicing instruments and writing and look where we are now."

Skyler sighs. "Fair Enough."

"And, you just left Venus there?"

"Last we saw her…she looked, contemptuous. She was probably asked to stay and she allowed it," Stephanie said. 

"That's as good of an idea as drinking oil," Freddie said. 

"It's Venus. I'm sure she'll be fine with them." 

"Well at least we won't have to worry about that Venus girl no more. Not that she was worth waiting for anyway."

"Drew? We all love you, but please don't talk like that again," Elijah sternly said.

"Uh besides Dave over there, I'm older than all of you, dude!" Drew said. 

"And I'm still in charge of all of you. And I'm here to teach you how to behave still."

Oh c'mon guys knock it off. It sounds crazy, we know. But it turns out it's the truth."

"But even so, how could this guy know so much if neither of us have even seen or heard of this guy up until now?"

"Well that's the BIG thing! You see, he and his friends-!" Stephanie said before Elijah covers a hand over her mouth. "Hmm?!"

"Shhh. Not yet…."

Elijah turns to them. "If you're really curious about that, then you can see it for yourselves the next time we see him."

"What are you talking about?" 

"The little party he's hosting, the one that he invited Venus for? He said he needed to find an extra band to.perform for the class and the youth before he and his youth band performed. A position I said that LionHeart would be happy to help out with."

"Wait a minute. What?!"

"What? You never told us about this," Trenton said. 

"I said on the way back that I had a surprise. Didn't I?"

"But Eli? We came all this way to help Storm on Friday!"

"And we just got a call saying it's okay for all to come out and assist in whatever we can."

"Well we're in luck. Remember, he told us we're gonna prerecord the conference earlier in the day, and we'll probably be done around 2 or 3 in the afternoon."


"And thanks to Dave and his dojo, and….good to see you again, my friend."

Dave salutes with hus fingers. "You too Eli."

"Thanks to him we have two buses to transport all of us and the shows we usually put on don't require all of us to be on stage anyway. So after the conference, one of us could take half of the Lions back here to the mainland and the other, takes the rest of the pride out to meet everyone at the party."

"Let me guess," Bianca said. "That last part would be up to you."

"I am the one who decided it after all."

"But why are we doing this when we know who else is gonna show up, and we're here to speak out about the fact that they do stuff like this all the time?" Devon asked. 

Elijah grins. "Exactly." Everyone stares at him in confusion, then he stands up and looks around. "When I first took this up, I was doing it for you guys. Because I wasn't willing to let us give up when we lost the first youth center. And I thought that we could all start something and show Angela and her boys that we weren't gonna let them mess around with us anymore. We did start something. And now, we're here, with the potential to see that everything she's been doing to churches like ours, to Christians like us, could officially end after this week."

Elijah then walks around. "I'll admit. After what happened to us the first time they attacked our group? When Kevin left? At first I didn't want house guys involved. And after they beat the four of us last time….I was willing to do whatever I could to make sure we wouldn't have to fight them again. Risk any of us getting hurt worse." Then he closes his eyes for a moment. "But I had to look at myself today, and hear what these people were willing to do. And continuing to hide from them, not only adds fuel for them, but it allows them to do what I promised I wouldn't let them do to other churches."

"As a pastor, it's not my job to lead you all into a fjght. But if there's one thing I've learned in my time as your youth's the simple fact that there's no point in delaying the inevitable. Whether it's a prophetic promise from God....or accepting the fact that some things aren't going to be easy. And To beat the enemies who are coming after you and your brothers, sometimes you gotta play them at their own games, or catch them when and where they least expect it." Elijah shakes his head and gazes at everybody. "Which is why we're gonna skip the afterparty with Storm after the conference, so we can come to the Divinity party instead. So we can help our brothers, to finally take down those Conquerots! We told them at the start of LionHeart, that enough....was enough. Are we thinking differently now?"


I squint my eyes and gaze at EVERYONE.
"Don't tell me you're already tired. We told the people who bust into our churches, and assault us, that Enough was ENOUGH! And I said, Are we thinking any DIFFERENTLY TODAY?!!"

"NO!!!" They shouted with more conviction!

"So this week we're gonna repeat it, by sharing our testimonies with them to their target audience….and we join our brothers and sisters to BEAT the Conquerors! So let all of our voices speak as one! And let 100 arms, swing with ONE strike!"

"Yeah for we are one!"

"We ARE! And we're in God's hands. We speak truth, and stand for justice. We stand for one another. We…..are LionHeart."


"Alright, then get ready. Because in three days we're gonna rise above the Conquerors and finally take them down!"

They all cheer out and holler in agreement. 

Three days later

Friday, July. 

Albert's POV
Here it is. My final day. Tomorrow, I'm leaving and hitting the road, first thing in the morning and everything is finished packing. 

Last things I packed up today were the last of my clothes. Then most of my musical gear and instruments. Then my accessories. Then my entertainment pieces (books, portable game devices, iPad, cameras, sketchpad and crossword books). 

I've checked all my notifications for today, including seeing two very important messages on Facebook, I'm feeling confident after doing a rehearsal with the worship team on my newest original song, and….I'm ready for tonight. 

I look out the window of my room, thinking of the time I've spent here. All the people I've connected with. And today and tomorrow, I say goodbye to all of them. For now. 

Mom and dad are at the hospital for dad's treatment so I'll probably be saying goodbye to them tomorrow. SiNce they're coming back home during our church event.  

Venus, we've properly introduced her to Mark, Phoebe and Mjranda and we've helped move her into an apartment and it seems like she's doing well. 

My brother Colton, who has become a married man on the same night as my best male friend Vinnie. Is coming back here in a few minutes to take me for a stroll around the town one last time. 


"Whoa!!" I freak out and turn around in shock. Only to find Cheyenne chuckling. I groan. "What the heck?!"

"Haha. Sorry, it seemed only fair after thr countless times you've done that to me."

I sigh and shrug. "Well you're lucky that you didn't send me falling out the window."

"Then it's a good thing Hell isn't open to swallow you."

I cock my head and then I scoff. "Wow. That's dark." She chuckles. "Sooo dark…."

"Yeah." Then she whistles out and prepares to turn around. "Well, I'll see you at the party tonight."

"Hmm, wait what? Where are you going?" 

Cheyenne grins. "Oh nowhere major. You see, Venus invited me to go out for some shopping today. And after that, Phoebe and Miranda said they're gonna meet us and do a special……'assignment' with me, for lack of a better word." She giggles. "It's a surprise. You'll see."

"Oooh. Well, we're gonna be in store for a lot of those tonight." 

She smiles again. "I hope so." 

I smile, and I slowly approach her until I stand a few inches apart from her. I take a deep breathe and lay my hand on her shoulder. "Just be careful. Now more than ever…..I don't want you to miss out on tonight. This night…….isn't just my night. It's gonna be dedicated to you as well."

She squints. "Why is that?"

"Well it's like I said before…..all old this is happening, because of your help."

Scoff. "You're too modest-"

"I'm not. And I'm serious." We stare at each other for a moment. "I spent well over 2 years, working various jobs all over town, trying to save up enough money for the college I decided, and every time I felt like I had saved enough, something kept getting in the way, whether it were tuition price increasements, emergencies, or…..special deals came up," I said glancing at my guitars. Cheyenne chuckles softly. "I worked hard and I prayed every day, but I thought I was never gonna make my goals and college plans become a reality. And then there you came. Here to give me a, donation to go out and pursue it. To be honest I….still wonder what possessed you to do something like that."

"I already told you before silly."

"Yes. But I didnt know the details then that I do now."

Cheyenne gently smiles. "Its all the same. And you…..needed all of that money far more than I did, and more than the people I worked with. I earned it from my sins and tearing down pastors. So….what's the harm in using it to build one up and using it against sin?"

I shake my head. "You said before, that you wanted to do something to make up for the crap you, 'put us through.' In return for letting you stay here." And I smile. "You already have. You made all of this possible. Whatever impact I make after today….its gonna be because of you. Because of.your heart…..and your faith."

She then lays her hand on my cheek and smiles. "I promise…….I won't miss this for the world. I'm ready." 

We both smile…...until we both realize that our own hands are still on each other, and we step away, flinching our arms away. "Oh, uh, sorry."

"It- it's okay. Haha." It seems to me…..that we're both blushing. 

Then she speaks out. "Albert….? Could I tell you something real quick? I- I know this might not be the best time but-"

"Hmm? What is it….?" I asked. 

She looks down nervously. "Umm…….its just…….for a while, I- I've actually-"

"ALRIGHT!!! WHO'S READY FOR THE MANO-EL-MANO AFTERNOON ON THE TOWN!!!" Colton hollered after he sneaks uo behind me and runs his hand through his hair. 

I scoff and snicker. "I'm ready when you are, little bro. My last day with my family, I definitely wanna make some memories with you, buddy." We fist bump and chuckle. I then stammer and turn back around. "Oh I'm sorry. You were saying something?" 

"Uhh? Uh, how about I just, tell you later?" She awkwardly said with a smirk..

I glance around. "Um, okay. Sure."


Colton's eyes then widened. "Was I interrupting something?" I snort and walk away. He then looks to Cheyenne. 

Cheyenne shrugs. "Apparently it's the other way around. Where I interrupted something." 

"Oh nonsense. Haha. We'll see you tonight."

We step out of the room. 

As we're walking down the stairs, Colton starts to grin. And he taps me on the arm saying, "Hey bro? You're not seeing or talking to any special ladies lately, are you?"

I squint my eyes intently. "Hmm? What are you talking about?"

"Oh nothing. Just curious. And it seems like, I'm not the only one who is…" He whispered. 

Cheyenne overhears this and blushes flustered to herself. 

"And you say I sound mysterious at times," I said on our way out. Colton cackles. 

Later throughout the afternoon, everyone prepares for the party. 

Wes leaves his house and prepares to go on a jog, ready to meet some friends before tonight. 

Johnathan signs out from his first week at work at Jillian's hospital, before he gives a reminder to her and they pray briefly over tonight. 

Vinnie and Miranda, the freshly established newly-weds, step out of their house together, and they hold onto each other and walk over to their cars after they orya over tonight.  

Venus. who has moved into an apartment and steps outside where she texted Cheyenne that she's coming over to pick her up to get her ready for tonight. 

Mark and Phoebe have prayed together and are laughing as they reflect on past memories, both proud and sad that they're gonna say goodbye to a psrt of their lives tonight. 

Samuel and Felicia arrive at CJ's house. CJ is briefly embracing his sister Theresa goodbye for the afternoon. He'll see them later tonight. 

As he steps back inside to finish his drum practice, Theresa steps out to the sidewalk, where Madison and her are picking her Lacey from an appointment over her arm, before she brings them to the church tonight. 

Mason is picking up Isaac as he leaves his dad goodbye for the dad as they embark to hang out and prepare for tonight. 

Curtis and his family come over to the church, ready to unlock it, ready to pray and bless the gatherings and celebrations coming into it tonight. Curtis hugs his wife and child, slightly misty eyed, after having lost his mother and father due to his differing beliefs, having gained a whole new family both with the two of them, and the youth people he has come to know and love. 

Meanwhile, a woman and her toddler are stepping out of a gas station. When she sees two men arguing about directions. 

"No I'm pretty sure we should go northwest."

"And I'm saying we should go straight up!"

"Whoa whoa whoa. Whats going on here?"

"Oh sorry ma'am. See, we're getting ready to head out to a little party-"

"Church service, with some friends. But we're not sure which way we wanna go to get there from here."

"Where is this at?"


"Oh! Okay well, I'm actually heading over there myself. And, according to my brother. It's, actually a smoother drive if you go just northwest."

"Ha, told you!"

"Don't brag, at least we have a tiebreaker. Yh, what's your name?"

"I'm Amelia."

"Well thanks Amelia. And hey, maybe we'll see you there."

"Ss long as you're less quiet and show-offish."

"No promises. Cmon JT let's go." 

"Yessir Tyler!" JT and Tyler head over to their car where their siblings are waiting in the back. "Alright. Now we're off to Bakersfield," JT encouraged. 

"Wha-? Bakersfield? That little village?"

"It's not that small," Tyler said. 

"Okay but, if we're vacationing here in Los Angeles, why are we taking a trip to Bakersfield of all places?"

"Oh nothing. But we did get invited to a church event. And we can't leave our younger sisters all on their own."

"Yeah. And we're just gonna say hello to some old friends before the show," JT said. 

"Pfft. It's not a show Justin."

JT guffaws. "It was a show when Cheyenne got involved!" 

"Well let's hope the show we get isn't so crazy and hostile," Tyler said, and their sisters follow them into the car. 

At the main Brazzoms studio, Elijah and hisblions are exiting out of it, having just finished speaking for Storm's press conference. 

"WOO! Yeahhh!!"

"There we go!"

Storm follows.them out the door. "Well done guys, you all did really good. Very outspoken on each of your parts."

"Thank you so much, Storm."

"We really appreciate this once again."

"Are you sure you don't wanna stick around for the aftermath?"

"No. I'm trusting of you but, I don't think I can risk having us hang out at a party of adult stars," Elijah said. 

"Yeah and, we owe somebody a favor for tonight so, we gotta get going," Trenton added. 

"Very well. Take it easy."

"We'll see," Drew said. 

Storm steps back inside and Elijah rubs his hands together. "Okay. In 5 minutes, we're hitting the road, so everyone. Get into your groups and get ready!"


So they all scatter around and each move into one of the two buses. One is going to ride out to Bakersfield and the other going to the mansion where they are staying. 

Trenton steps over to Bianca. "So how do you feel? After……all of that?"

Bianca smiles softly, misty eyed. "Quite elated. You know, after being taken advantage of, and ignored for so long… feels strange to have, people who actually wanna hear what I have to say…"

"You spoke like a true warrior. Even had me and Drew teary eyed." Trenton smiles proudly at her. "You are so loved now. I really hope you know that by now."

Bianca gazes at him and sighs. "Are you sure you wanna do this? I know you were nervous enough doing the speaking, you don't have to go over-"

"No I don't. But I want to. What's the problem?"

Bianca shrugs. "I'm just….nervous. We both remember what happened to you the last time you saw those guys."

"You mean the day you finally confessed that you liked me and wanted me to be your boyfriend?"

Scoff. "You know what I mean."

Trenton shakes his head. "Yeah. And they got me by surprise. But it's time to return the favor. Plus you know i've been practicing and training hard."

"Because of me?"

Trenton chuckles softly. Then smirks. "I'll be alright. And if not, I'll have the others to back me up."

"They better bring you back in one piece."

"Oh, bee."

"I mean it!" Bianca sternly said, which surprises Trenton. Then….she quivers a little bit. "Please…"

Trenton is taken aback by the look in her eyes. "Hey…?"

Sighs. "I'm sorry I just….. You know that I've already lost eno-"

Then Trenton leans in and kisses her. "I said hey. You're not gonna lose anyone else today. I promise." Bianca sniffles, then smiles as she kisses him again. 

Elijah hands a pair of keys over to Stephanie. "I know it's not as easy as driving a bug but, xont move too harshly and you'll be fine."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?"

"Certain. I've got enough things to worry abou4 with everyone else."

"Well yeah but… and I are always the best leaders on stage together. You know what I mean? Us killing the lead vocals and all the jazz?"

They chuckle. "Yeah. But, I need you to be here with then because, you're the responsible one."

"I had a pretty good teacher."

"Oof, well I shouldn't say that." Stephnaie stares at him. "I'm counting on you."

"And I'm counting on you to be safe."

"Hey you know me, babe." Elijah snickers as Stephanie rolls her eyes. "We'll be back as soon as we can."

Drew then pulls Elijah away. "Then we bette4 get going now, man!"

Stephanie chuckles while Elijah scoffs. "You have GOT to learn patience dude."

Then Drew approaches Trenton from behind. "Dude…? All of the girls flock over to me while you isolate yourself to the books and television. And I've been single all year whole you're with her?" he asked. "What happened to the world?" 

Trenton snickers. "We made a difference in it. And I believe theres more of those yet to come out of us."

Drew shrugs and sighs. "Guess we'll find out."

"....then Shaun. And…..Drew and Trenton. Okay that's everybody."

"Okay. So…you're sure they're gonna be fine with us using their instruments?" Trenton asked. 

Elijah chuckles. "Yeah. As long as we done do sny flips that could risk breaking the guitars. So I'll be looking out for you and Billy in your movements."

Trenton and Billy chuckle. "Well, we'll do our best."

"And Devon, I'll you sneak in so we can set up all of our lights and whatnot before we go on stage."

"Okay, I think we can figure it out from there," Devon said. 

"They say that the groups tonight are gonna be the biggest it's ever been, both with the youth and the Conquerors. So whatever happens over there, KNOW who your friends are, dont leave each other's sight or side, and let's give our all on the others' behalf," he encouraged. But then he puts on a big smile and SLAPS the car door. "But most importantly, let's HAVE FUN!!!" 

"Can do. Let's go guys!"

And thus Elijah drives off with one of his buses with a few dozen of his other Lions. 

Meanwhile, in Phoebe's room, she, Venus and Miranda are all starting to work with Cheyenne's hair. 

"Okay. I think that's wet enough," Venus said after tipping cheyennes head into a bowl of water. 

Miranda then steps beside her with a bottle of bleach and hair color. "Are you sure you wanna do this? This stuff is very strong, so it'll last long. But it'll also take half of a day just to get rid of it if you ever decide to."

"No looking back after this. You sure you're ready," Phoebe asked. 

Cheyenne nods her head. "I'm positive." She rests head back and closes her eyes. "Show me what you got."

Phoebe and Miranda look to each other and grin. "Okay. Here we go." She said grabbing onto a bottle, and a pair of scissors. 

So if you guys don't remember, the POV bits I've shown for Cheyenne in the future, have ahd Cheyenne with a different look in appearance than what she has now. And well, this is where it's all gonna start.

Alright so, the next part of this chapter we're coming to the church party that's been hyped up for a while. Cheyenne and Albert's last night in Bakersfield, last night with their friends here and their last night with the Divinity Youth. And as you all should know by now, before this night ends, it's gonna lead to ONE BIG SURPRISE, for everyone involved. Which is why, it was important for me to include all these montages pieces of people saying goodbye and getting ready "for tonight." Because…..when we get to chapter 30, stakes are gonna high, tensions are gonna be at their highest, and, it's not gonna be a complete happy ending for everybody involved. But we'll get there later. For now, hopefully part 3 will come out soon.
And I promise, after this and chapter 30, there aren't gonna be anymore 3 part chapters for a while. At least I'm hoping for that.

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