
By impalaAngel

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Anaxiphillia- the act of falling in love with the wrong person Obiwan Kenobi x reader Set during the prequels More

Photo section part 1
photo section part two


60 3 0
By impalaAngel

Arriving back at the temple, Valda hopped out of the shuttle and saw Quartz look over.

Valda put her arm up and put her thumb at him before getting onto her speeder bike and leaving the temple.

At the hanger doors stood Yoda and Windu.

"is she completing the task?" Windu asked

"contacted Master Lennox she has, on her path to the jedi way she is" Yoda hummed as he watched the bike leave.

"what about her and Kenobi?" Windu asked again "he is on the council now."

"tell them to end it i will" Yoda lied before going back to his meditation room.

Arriving at the apartment, Valda quietly opened the door and saw Pheonix meditating by the window again.

"thought you were beng deployed?" he asked looking at her.

"uh. somthing came up. im not being deployed again for a while" she hummed before making her way to the stair case.

"how is it with Cressida?" he asked before seeing her stop and look at him.

"the council took her off me and Obiwan, saying I was putting her in danger and that she is at the age where she is to start her training" Valda recalled painfully.

"what are you here for then?" Phoenix asked standing up.

"im building a new lightsaber" Valda hummed before showing him the crystals.

"ah, purple, the coulor of the grey Jedi. uses both the light and dark side of the force" he hummed before sensing Master Lennox.

looking up to the balcony he saw the ghost stood there.

"he has a tendency to just pop up and dissapear" she hummed.

"its good to see you my old frind" Phoenix said bowing.

"like wise. Valdas learning quickly" he smiled before floating away to her room and retriving his old weapon.

tossing it down to her, Valda caught it and took the one out of her arm.

sitting down by the window she began taking the weapons apart and putting the old crystas aside.

"now what?" Valda asked looking at the two Jedi.

"mediate and let the force do its work" Phoenix said sitting with her.

"what if i do it wrong and it explodes?" Valda asked.

"That's why I'll check it over once your done, besides. I have alot if faith in you" Phoenix smiled.

"So, how do I exactly, do this then?" She asked looking ag then.

"Get into your little safe world in your head, focus in the peace, then focus on the bad, come to an understanding with it, you'll know when it's working, you'll feel the force" Lennox said making her nod.

"Come on, you need to go to the healers" Obiwan said watching as she dig her nails into her shoulders again.

"No I don't" she huffed before putting her head on the table and gritting her teeth.

"Valda, love come on. You're in pain" he said sitting beside her.

"I'm fine"she hissed through gritted teeth.

"When was the last time you washed your hair?" He asked looking at the top of her head and seeing it layered in grease.

"Yesterday" she lied.

"Bullshit. You're slipping again aren't you?" He asked before seeing her nod slightly "look, the healers will help you."

"They just patronize me and faff about, I hate it in the medical ward" she hissed again.

"Okay, well I'll go get the bacta stuff and we will clean your scars here, sound good?" He asked.

"I know I'm not getting out off this" she huffed.

"Exactly. Go get a shower or something, then when I come back you tell me which ones itch or hurt okay?" He asked earning a nod.

Going into the bathroom, Valda shut the door and began running herself a bath.

Opening a cabinet she took out soaps and other thing before swishing her hand around in the warm water and feeling goosebumps run over her body.

Taking her clothes of she folded them and placed them neatly by the door before getting into the bath and shutting the water off.

Sitting in the white tub she kept her back to the door while bringing her knees up to her chest and shutting her eyes as the warmth engulfed her body.

"Val?" Obiwan said knocking on the door "you alive?" He asked.

Using the force he focused on her and felt how calm she was for once.

It was strange.

She was always so tense or confused, but for once she was calm and some what relaxed.

"Say something?" She mumbled.

"You okay in there?" He asked earning a hum "just don't fall asleep okay?"

"Have you got the stuff?" She asked as she began to wash her hair.

"Yeah. Want me to wait here or in the shared quaters?" He asked.

"What? Dont stand right outside the door that's wierd. Just sit on my bed or summat" she shrugged washing her hair.

After she cleaned herself up she rubbed her face "the hell we gone do now?" She huffed thinking about the next bit.

"How did the healers do it before?" Obwian asked thinking the same thing.

"Sedated me. First time they touched me I knocked about three of them out" she chuckled nervously "in my dresser there should be some shorts and a baggy tunic, can you put them through the door please?" She asked cracking the door open.

Once the clothes were passed through she put them on and wrung her hair out in the sink before slicking it back.

"This is gonna make shit weird for a while" Valda sighed pushing a hand over her hair as she walked into the room.

"Its only weird if you make it weird. Which ones hurt the most?" He asked.

"I don't know" she huffed "they all hurt, all the time."

"The ones on your shoulders were pissing you off earlier weren't they?" He asked earning a hum. "Start with them ones then. Sound good?"

"Guess so yeah" she sighed before sitting in the edge of the bed and pulling the tunic over her head.

Down her shoulder blades sat long claw like scars with diagonal ones that ran around to her rib cage.

Carefully putting some on her scars he watched as all her muscles instantly tensed and how she hid her head in her hands while shaking slightly.

As he began to rub the bacta into her skin he watched as she took a deep breath and held it before exhaling sharply.

"You okay?" He asked earning another deep breath "I can stop if-"

"Just get it over with" she croaked.

Hearing her voice like that he stopped what he was doing and wrapped his arms around her and just felt her shudder slightly before hearing a muffled sob.

"I'm never going to hurt you Valda" he said before feeling her body shudder slightly.

"No but I might hurt you, and you don't deserve that" she muttered with a hoarse voice.

The two looked at her and noticed how the parts began to levitate and make their way infront of her.

Keeping their eyes trained on her they watched as the parts began to shakily come together.

"The west entrance is heavily guarded, we need to get in through the underground system" Valda said before passing the viewfinders to Obiwan who lay beside her on a hill.

"That's three miles back the way we came" he huffed.

"Yeah, three miles that might save our lives" Valda sighed "snare"she breathed before pulling Obiwan down the hill.

"The hell was that for?" He exclaimed.

"There was a sniper glare, they know were here" she explained.

"And, now we can get in quicker" he said throwing his arms out.

"No we can't, they will send patrols out. We need to go now" she snapped pointing back the way they came.

"Why?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Because they will take us hostage and put us up for arena-"

"That we will" a man spoke.

Huffing, Valda put her hands behind her head before watching a spot light illuminate the two of them.

"Claimed" the man chuckled looking at Valda.

"Claimed my arse" Valda exclaimed before having cuffs put around her wrists and watching the same for Obiwan "next time I give you orders you listen to them."

"Why?" He snapped.

"Do you really wanna do this now?" Valda snapped.

"Both of you shut up and get in the cage" the man huffed "oh, and your weapons. Hand them over."

Shutting her eyes and letting a deep breath out Valda removed her weapon and tossed it to the man before getting in the cage.

"This is stupid"Obiwan huffed as he got into the cage.

"Not gonna comment"Valda huffed back "so the arena then. When do I begin?" She asked the driver.

"Tonight. You two will be fine additions" the driver chuckled.

"Oh I plan on it" Valda huffed.

"We haven't ever had Jedi in the pit before."

"I am no Jedi" Valda chuckled.

"Wow, she does have some sense then" Obiwan chuckled.

"Shut up you braid wearing, sword swining, meditating prick"Valda spat at him before they began squaring up to each other "oh no I'm sorry, you can't get close to anyone because attachments are forbidden and force help is it's a girl oh lord."

"Wanna repeat that?" He snarled.

"Braid, wearing. Sword, swinging. Meditating, prick" she said with a smirk looking up at him "what you gon do ey? You won't hit me, you won't even square up to me properly."

"Nah wouldn't waste my energy on a rat like you, circus freak little rat, running around with a tail between her legs" he spat at her.

"You aren't worth the energy or brain power to put down" Valda spat.

Getting into the area the two were taken out of the cage and dragged in separate directions.

Being walked through dark corridors, Valda was stopped outside of a metal door.

When it opened she was pushed inside.

It must have been a few hours of her just pacing the cell.

"Hey" she heard a voice quickly whisper from beside her "hey, you're new here. They take you aswell?"

Looking through a small metal grid in the wall she saw a young female Zabrak who had an ear missing "yeah, why?" Valda answered.

"Get out of here as quick as you can before you make a name for yourself" she said stepping closer to the grid while Valda did the same "as soon as you have a name you go up for auction, then you get a Master, they do what ever they like. You need to get out of here. You came here with that boy didn't you?"

"Yeah, why, what will happen to him?" Valda asked.

"Is he strong?" The girl asked.

"Yeah. Quite a good fighter why?" Valda asked in worry.

"Get him out of here, some of the boys get it worse than the girls" the Zabrak nodded quickly before a loud gong was hit making her jump "listen to me. When we are out there you kill me. Just do it, I cant stay here any longer."

"Then you're leaving with us. Everyone in this pit is and I'll kill the host" Valda threatened.

"You can't, his guards won't even let you close" the girl cried.

"Who says they will let me?" Valda chuffed.

"Tonight we have two new fighters. A pretty young female and a gallant Male. Who are also Jedi, currently up for sale. Bidding starts as soon as they enter the ring" the host yelled from his booth.

"You Jedi?" The Zabrak asked.

"He is. I'm just a major fuck up" Valda shrugged "what's your name?"

"They call me Corvette" she said "and you?"

"V141" Valda said emotionlessly before the metal gates flew open.

Dust flew up into the air and she watched as her gate flew open.

"Go" Corvette said "it's a one on one, go" she said.

Stepping into the ring Valda looked around at the crowd before having a spot light shone onto her.

Across the ring another gate opened.

A large monstrous Devaronian with horns like barrels and arms like tree truck stepped out into the light making his deep red skin look like hellfire.

In the centre of the ring sat a single Bowie knife.

"To the death" the host yelled.

Taking a deep breath Valda readied her stance and shook her hands as the crowd began chanting.

Inside his cell Obiwan gripped onto the gate with anxiety rushing through him as she watched Valda standing there while the Devaronian began charging at her like a raging bull.

As the large booted feet stomped across the arena making bomb like booms Valda began bouncing on her feet before running at the creature.

When she was close enough, Valda jumped over the Devaronian and grabbed ahold of its horns while wrapping her legs tightly around its neck.

As she held onto its horns the Devaronian began to shake its head violently before using its gigantic arms, grabbing her and throwing her across the arena.

As she landed, Valda grabbed her hand harshly in the ground, ripping it up as she went before grabbing the knife and twirling it.

"New highest bid at 23,000 credits" an announcement declared.

"Puny human" the Devaronian spat as the teo began circling each other.

"Wow. I feel hurt" Valda chuckled before launching the knife at him.

As it landed in his abdominal region she ran forwards and launched herself knee first, pushing the knife further in.

As the giants stumbled back slightly, Valda ripped the knife out and saw it covered in ink like blood that was blacker than her eyes.

"Poxy knife" he chuckled grabbing her arm and ripping the knife from it.

Crushing it in one hand he looked down at her and harshly snapped her arm.

As she screamed out Obiwan began kicking at the gate.

Looking at her arm Valda chuckled nervously before taking a deep breath.

Standing on her hand she harshly hit it back into a natural position before clearing her mind and going into attack mode.

The crowd watched in horror as she seemingly small and dainty girl ran at the Devaronian, body slammed him into the ground and plunged her hand into the knife wound before ripping him from the inside out.

"New highest bid 66,000 credits."

"Is that the best you can do" Valda yelled throwing her arms out "are you not entertained?"

"Round two. Winner stays on" the host yelled before two gates opened.

From one cage a Abyssin ran out like a rabid dog.

Lanky green arms and a blood shot eye, claw like nails on a spindly hand came inches from her face as he swung at her.

Grabbing the arm, Valda snapped it in half before wrapping the broken limb around the creatures neck and choking him to death.

From the other cage came a Shistavanen.

"Come on puppy boy" Valda chuckled before kissing the air at him as if he were a dog.

As she went to punch the dog like creature the cyclops resembling competitor got back up and held her in a choke hole while the Shistavanen began attacking Valda.

Bringing her feet up, Valda put her leather boots to the dog like creature chest and tried to keep him as far away as possible while reaching back with her one good arm attempting to claw at the Abyssians eye.

As she scraped at it once another gate opened.

"Will you let me kill these pair of bastards before you send another pair out" Valda yelled before taking a deep breath and feeling a tingling in her finger tips.

Shutting her eyes she clawed at the Abyssian again before spinning in the hold and flooring the creature.

Wrapping a hand around its neck she let the Shistavanen fall forward.

As it did she put a booted foot against its neck letting it claw visiosuly at her leg.

Beneath her the Abyssin began clawing at Valdas arm and even grabbing onto her hair and yanking it down.

As her head bolted down the Abyssian grabbed ahold her neck and began choking her with both hands.

Flipping over the Abyssian began pushing down in her neck.

Then another gate opened.

As it did, Obiwan ran our faster than he had ever ran before and bodied the Abyssin like Valda did.

"How do I kill it?" He yelled while she got in a scrap with the Shistavanen.

"How should I know. Kick its head in or summat" she yelled as a clawed hand swept at her face slicing it open "bastard, you made me bleed my own blood" she chuckled before grabbing the dog like creature arm, spinning it violently then stamping down on it making him howl in agony.

As it began to run away Valda caught up with it.

As she jumped on its back she wrapped her good arm around its neck and pulled it backwards as if she were riding a wild bull.

As they fell in their backs she held the animal in a choke hold.

Laying there she got her arm cut up to shit while watching Obiwan fight the Abyssian.

"Kick its fuckin head in" she yelled taking a deep breath before pulling harshly one way and hearing a nasty snap.

"Highest new bid at 1.1 million credits for the female. 22,000 for the male" the host yelled.

Standing up Valda gently patted her wounds and looked at the blood.

She didn't know what was hers and what was from the arena.

Looking over she watched as Obiwan finished kicking the Abyssians head in.

Then they looked at the Zabrak.

"Please. Just do it" she said putting her arms out sideways.

"Is she serious?" Obiwan asked.

"Yeah. Just wait here. If it's a trap you'll know before me" she nodded before carefully walking over.

"Please I've been here since I was a kid. I've birthed thirteen children and watched as they got killed in the arena" she cried.

"I will get you out of here, I promise" Valda said carefully stepping closer "one way or another all three of us-"

"Only one leaves this ring with their life. And you will, I know you will V141" the Zabrak cried.

"My name is Valda Lorcan Nova and I will get you out of here" Valda said softly with a kind expression before carefully putting her hands on each side of the Zabraks face.

The Zabrak snifflef once more before grabbing Valdas arms and harshly twisting them before kicking her knees out from beneath her.

As Valda sat in her knees with an arm around her neck she shut her eyes and let a heavy sigh  before smashing her head backwards into the Zabrak.

As the girl held her face Valda saw the opportunity and ripped a horn from Corvettes head and stabbed her violently in the eye before swiftly snapping her neck.

"Have I ever told you that you look oddly... good all rilled up?" Obiwam asked as he looked at her.

She had sweat running down the side of her face which had claw Mark's across it with blood trickling down her face while dressed in shredded robes.

Panting heavily her hair fell from its pony tail and  framed her face with shaggy locks.

"Final round" the host yelled before tossing their lightsabers into the middle of the arena "winner keeps their life. Place you last bets now."

Looking at each other they nodded.

In her boot Valda kicked one of her heels against the side of her other foot.

In the heel sat a small button which activated a location tracker in her boot.

"Were gonna get outta here" Valda said before they both ran forwards for their weapons.

"Just like training then?" Obiwan asked as he swung his weapon and watched as she dodged it. Kicking up a bunch if sand as she went.

"Could call it that yeah" she chuckled keeping her deactivated and just dodging his swings.

"You are going to the healers after this" he said as she dodged another swing.

"No. I'm not. I'll sort my own wounds out"she said before activating her weapon and clashing it against his.

As they stood with their weapons in an X he smiled at her with a smirk in his face.

"What?" Valda asked before he kicked her legs out from underneath "bide your time well cause i aint gonna go easy" she chuckled.

"I hope you dont" he said.

Smirking she kicking him harder than she ever had before and ripped his weapon from his and stood with both the lightsabers.

Standing in a defensive position she watched as he went into a meditative state.

Pacing infront of him she twirled the weapons  before javelin throwing one at him.

As he sensed it, Obiwan quickly rolled out of the way and let it stab into the ground.

Letting her run for the weapon he waited before grabbing her ankles as she ran past.

Catching ahold of her she fell down and watched as her weapon rolled from her hand and across the arena.

The two scrambled to their feet and stood in attacking positions.

Bringing her hands up into a defensive manner she watched as Obiwan discarded his cloak, tossing it aside before copying how she stood.

The two must have circled each other for five minutes before one last gate was opened.

"The hell is that" Obiwan exclaimed loosening his stance.

"A Kryt dragon" Valda sighed before grabbing her weapon and tossing Obiwans over to him "you do as I tell you now" she ordered.

"Why?" He chuckled.

"Wanna fight the bastard on your own?" She asked as it charged into the arena.

"How do we kill it?" He asked in a panic "can we just wear it out?" He asked.

"I might be able to. But you. Not a lothcat in siths chance" Valda chuffed before the creature let out a loud scream like roar "do not and I mean do not let it get any of its bodily fluids in you. Its poison and it will kill you."

"How do you know this?" Obiwan yelled as it charges the two.

"Had to fight one once" she huffed.

"And?" He yelled.

"It killed me" she chuckled before running at it.

As she got close enough she dropped to her knees and slid across the ground with her weapon activated slicing it's under bellie before quickly running out from underneath it and it dropped down and began rolling in it's back.

"How is it not dead" Obiwan yelled again.

"Cause its fuckin huge that's why and its skin is thicker than you, you dumb fuck" Valda yelled "it's a Kryt dragon Obiwan not a fuckin puppy"she yelled again.

"I can tell" he yelled back "how do we kill it" he yelled.

"I dont know it killed me" Valda yelled back before it swung its tail.

As it did the creature went through with its swing and slammed its tail down.

As it did Valda moved her lightsaber up quickly, severing the tail and watching as it flapped around while the creature wailed and began to get rilled up.

"Where is Quigon and Lennox" Valda yelled.

"How should I know" Obiwan yelled back before swinging his weapon and the creatures leg and making nothing more than a gash a few inches deep which looked like nothing more than a small cut on it.

"Come here quickly" Valda yelled while the dragon chased its shadow.

"What?" Obiwan said in a shaky voice.

"See on its head where its nostrils are then there is that little hole" she said making him nod "some how, we get up there, stab that little hole and drag it up through its skull" she panted "I swear it gets hotter here at night."

"No you're just worked up its actually kinda cold" he said watching as she took a deep breath and checked one of her deepest wounds"how we getting up there?" He asked.

"We will figure that out when we get there. You can force jump cant you?" She asked.

"Not that well" he said nodding his head slightly.

"Well I cant, so you get up there. Stab it or summat, just stay on it until I get up there then we both kill it, I dont know how strong its bones are" she breathed before it looked at them both.

"How about, we let it charge at us, let it hit he wall, we get in its head and kill it"he suggested.

"Yeah, sounds good" Valda nodded before reading herself "you ready?"

"More than ever" he smiled before copying how she stood and waited.

As it charges over the ground seemed to move and bounce beneath them.

As it got within range, Obiwan force jumped while Valda ran up the wall and pushed herself off it and ran over its head.

As the two stood there they used each other as balance before activating their weapons and stabbing the blades down as hard as they could.

Looking at each other they smiled as the creature fell down.

"If you don't sleep after this I'll personally knock you out" Obiwan chuckled as he wiped a thin layer of swet from his face.

"I'll ask you too" she chuckled back before they saw a ship heading towards them "they have the best timing dont they" she chuckled as they saw Quigon standing on the lowering ramp before tossing down a large rope "hope you can climb."

"Same for you" he chuckled before he handed the rope to her.

As she began climbing up she watched as the host began to fire shots at them.

"Obi. Try and kill him, try and deflect a shot at him" Valda yelled.

"I'll try"he yelled back as he began to climb the rope while deflecting shots.

As a final shot rang out he deflected it and it went straight through the man's head.

Of course it had nothing to do with Valda testing her force skills and helping it curve towards the man.

"That's it, let's get going" she yelled as she pulled herself up into the ramp.

"You look terrible" Quigon said making her chuckle.

"I look great"she  chuffed giving Obiwan a hand up.

"You look like you've gone four rounds with a pack of rabid razor blades" Lennox chuckled as the ramp came up.

"She called me a dumb fuck"Obiwan said pointing at her.

"Is that all you got out of that?" She chuckled putting her hands on her hips "not the fact we killed a Kryt dragon, but the fact I called you a dumb fuck?"

"What did I even do" he exclaimed.

"Nothing, just a heat of the moment thing" she chuckled again "and this is the what'th cloak this week?" Valda asked.

"Another one?" Quigon asked "is he picking up on your dramatic flare?"

"Me? You raised him" Valda exclaimed.

"I didn't actually, master yoda did. I've just trained him for a few years now" Quigon said walking to the pilots seat.

"So its my fault then" Valda said throwing her arms out.

"Got to put the blame on someone" Lennox chuckled "how are your wounds?"

"She got her arms snapped in half and just put it like that" Obiwan said as she sat down and rested her head against a post.

"And you punched an Abyssin like twice" she chuckled shutting her eyes.

"Going to sleep?" Lennox asked but not getting a  reply "I suggest you do the same, I doubt either of you will be awake by the time we get back" he said looking at Obiwan who just nodded.

When Valda woke up she was in her room, glancing over at the clock she saw it had gone half two in the morning.

Sitting up she saw she was still in her clothes from the fight.

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed she went into her bathroom and took a quick shower.

Hissing as the hot water hit her fresh and open wounds.

Looking down at herself she noticed how she had tensed more or less every muscle in her body.

Turning the water back off she quickly dried herself with a towel before grabbing a set of new black clothes that didn't have holes and slashes all over them.

Going across the living quaters she carefully opened the door to Obiwans room and slid inside the room, silently closing the door before gently nudging him.

Painfully opening his eyes he saw Valda and just nodded.

Giving a little smile she moved the bed sheets before sliding into the bed next to him and curling up, feeling safe again.

Knowing he was safe was all that mattered, she didn't care if they got caught, she just wanted to look after him the same way he had looked after her.

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