Mew suppasit I surrender

By lunamoon895

139K 8K 450

Gulf needed a job and fast he apply for a job at the bar only know as darkness but would he be able to pay th... More

Gulf - first day
Mew- teasing
Gulf -working
Mew - mind games
Gulf - forbidden door
Mew- gaining souls
Gulf - nightmare or moring glory
Mew- losing control
Gulf -distance
Mew - mix signals
Gulf - lush
Mew- addicted
Gulf -top to bottom
Mew- lush
Gulf- home
Mew- the past
Gulf - unexpected
Gulf - questions
Mew - a soul
Gulf - standing by he's side
Mew- bearing it all
Gulf - i surrender
Mew- my angle
Gulf- answers
Mew - the past 
Gulf - bound together
Mew- he's back
Gulf- ready
Mew- raising hell
Gulf - finding mew
Gulf - home
Mew- family
Gulf- support 
Mew- nine
Gulf - morning call
Mew -sulking
Gulf - Communication 
Thank you
Mew - i choose you
Gulf - marry me
Mew - next chaper
Gulf - stag do
Mew- i do
🦋Thank you 🦋

Mew- heaven

1.7K 138 9
By lunamoon895

The last thing I could see was gulf standing on tho stairs the pain ripped through my body , screaming for gulf was all I could do before darkness over took my body. I knew I lost my soul at this very moment but I didn't care I just wanted gulf to survive and live he's life.

Bright white lights covered my eyes feeling the heat against my body was I dreaming why could I feel this.

opening my eyes I was back in heaven I could see all the colours there bright flowers the warm clouds the sun beaming down looking at my hand I was glowing again like I did before I was on earth.

Standing up and walking around how was I back here.
did I die was this where I was going to be.

" my child your awake how do you feel "

Who was speaking to me turning around and seeing my own mother I was happy to see her again running over to her and given her a deep embrace I miss her warmth.
Just see long how beautiful her grace was . Only  her present was enough to make anyone feel better

" why am I here what happen "

" 300 years ago after what your father had done , we found you guilty of sins you didn't do . The punishment you received wasn't fair but as we already made the Choice we had to do what was right at the time . We didn't send you to hell to be punished you was send there to complete a job and that was to put your father where he's belong sons. "

" but why am I still here why can't I be on earth "
" you made a sacrifice to a pure soul, you saved other lives. Even tho you don't have a beating heart your souls still remind like ours. I watch from above mew. I'm so proud of everything you had achieved in life . I was worried that the pain your father gave you would turn you evil but it never did . Your more powerful then all of us combine. As you have made the balance on earth as it should be you are back home with all us "

I couldn't believe what I was hearing they want to me to stay here. I didn't want to be back here , I wanted to be with gulf and with p'mae

"Why isn't p'mae back up here with me where p'mae she my angle she should be here I want to speak with her please "

" my son mae is still on earth she had others she need to watch even tho she was send to watch and protect you she also had others to watch and must remain on earth to fellow her duty son "

My head was spinning how was all this happen.  Could I go back to gulf would I seen him again was he still alive.

" I see your concerns for gulf son he's fine p'mae did her duty and protected him . He's back with he's family and friends he's life will carry on as normal nothing will change he's only human"

Only human how can my own mother now say this to me . If she been watching me then why didn't she know how much this hurt me and know how much I loved gulf.

" are you not happy to be home son "

This wasn't my home and hadn't been for over 300,years.

" I'm happy to see you again mother but this isn't my home please forgive me for my rudeness but gulf  is where my home is . I love him dearly I want to be with him I know I shouldn't love a human but I will  not harm him "

" love will fade  it won't last he's will die and not live like us , this will be for the better son I don't want to see you in any more  pain  then what you already gone through "

Why was my own mother telling me this she should know how I feel .

" even tho we won't have an eternity together just the small amount of years together will be enough for me I will treasure each moment I spend with him . I have made the choice already to love him no matter what the outcome please aloud me to be back with him"

Bowing down to my mother I wanted her to give me this opportunity to be back with gulf I couldn't leave here unless they send me  to earth how did I get back here.
was I still the devil why was this all to much for me to take in.

" mew is this really what you want . It's a rare miracle that your back home where you belong happiness love is all here your safe here why is one so important that your willing to give up being an angle to be with one boy "

" I know it's doing to sound insane as I just met  him but I can't explain in words how gulf complete me , I don't need to change for him I never wanted to protect love and cherish another so much. He's smile it like heaven I feel he's warmth. He's my everything I need to carry on . I believe fate was what cross our path please send me home I will stand before the gods for this what do I need to do "

My mother smiled wrapped her arms tightly around me this was how I felt when gulf hugged me I started to cry I missed him so much we was both alive yet none of us was living we were apart and the pain was scolded me.

" you will have to stand before the gods please tell them everything you told me I can't promise you what fate they will give you mew but just know I just wanted to know that my son had found love and seeing how you speak so dearly about gulf is just precious my son you deserve this love and I willing to let you leave heaven now to find what is your destiny. "

Spending time with my mother before I could stand trial I knew this would be the last time I see my own mother if I was send back but for gulf I was willing to trade this life for him . I would always choose gulf over everything in life

Standing in front of the god letting them hear and feel every word I meant it was now time to see if they was willing to give me my prays

" Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat I hear by have given you two choices we have never heard of anyone willing to trade heaven for earth but we can't deny what greatness you have done over time . We will offer you life on earth but as a human you can live as one of them but the past will be wiped

" no no no ... this isn't want I ask I want to be with  gulf please "

" silences please hear us first. We can't just send you to earth without a meaning if we send you back we have to balance out the  portal realms as you know so on future decisions we have come to the only other option we think is acceptable you will be send back like you was the first time and will still run he'll , your life will be like you had before no change will be needed p'mae will guild you and for the human you choose to be with that is your decision however the pain you will give your life when this is all over you will need to carry on and remind the devil you still have a souls but a duty to protect earth and keep the balance "

I couldn't believe it they was offering me my wish they was willing to let me leave here and be with gulf

" thank you so much for taken this into consideration I will remain the devil I will stand by my duty and protect the ones who needed ,  I will keep the gate of hell closed and will be gracious for the time i get to spend with  the one I love "

Bowing down and staying on my knees I could feel the air around me tighten my core what was happen why could I feel pressure lifting my head up I could feel the warmth again my chest .
As I  open my eyes I was home .
Gulf was crying over my body lifting my hand to stroke he's hair . God had I miss him

" baby I'm right here ."

Was the first words I said knowing I was where I finally belonged.

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